Subject: Re: Rebuilding the X server
To: David Meiklejohn <>
From: Eric Delcamp <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/05/1998 20:17:05
> I understand that, since I have a 68060, I should rebuild the X server, with
> -m68060, to speed things up.
> I have downloaded the X source distribution.  Now to compile...
> I could go in and modify site.def and, then do a top level Imake,
> but,
> does anyone know of an easy way to compile just the X server (Xamiga)?

You should not touch site.def and netbsd.def. Here is how I make :


#define BuildServersOnly	YES

#define	XamigaCCmono			NO
#define XamigaCCcolor			YES
#define	XamigaGfxCardSupport	NO
#define XamigaRetinaZ3Support	NO
#define XamigaCl5426Server		NO
#define XamigaCV64Support		NO

I think you could modify an option like for my i386 box:

#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -m486 (in your case, -m68060)

Try to find it in the cf files (and say it to us !).

And you could create (or modify) your /etc/mk.conf to include

COPTS= -m68060

But beware, after that, you couldn't share binary with your friends !!