Subject: crashes with A3000/040/25 running 1.3
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Miloslaw Smyk <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/26/1998 20:04:26

Some days ago I said:

>Yesterday I've installed 1.3 on our trusty A3000, with 3640 (040/25), 12MB
>RAM, Ariadna and 128MB swap file. The kernel was custom compiled to exclude
>almost everything not found on this machine. It works perfectly, but for
>0.5-2h. By then everything goes down and after reboot a following entry is
>present in the log:
>Ps. I'm going to try GENERIC soon, but somehow I don't feel it will change
>anything... Am I wrong?

After testing it with GENERIC + smaller swap partition, and getting exactly
the same disappointing results, I reinstalled 1.2 and lo, it works perfectly

I also run NetBSD-1.3 on my home A4000/060/64MB RAM and have no problems at
all. I even tried torturing it with only 16MB and heavy X setup
(Enlightenment), but it behaved just right.

While trying to trace the problems with A3000, I wrote a short C program
that allocates a lot of mem and fills it with some random values. Even when
running a few copies at the same time (A LOT of swap activity) no crashes
occured. Then I made A3000 run thru the night at home - again, no probs. So,
I plugged it back to the net and 1.5h later got a spectacular crash...

Perhaps there is something wrong with new Ariadna driver? Anyone?

--   |  "Man in the Moon and other weird things" -  |  see it at