Subject: Re: crashes with A3000/040/25 running 1.3
To: NetBSD/amiga mailing list <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/25/1998 03:38:56
on 24-Jan-98 Miloslaw Smyk wrote about "crashes with A3000/040/25 running
Hi Milek,
> Hello,
> Yesterday I've installed 1.3 on our trusty A3000, with 3640 (040/25), 12MB
> RAM, Ariadna and 128MB swap file. The kernel was custom compiled to exclude
> almost everything not found on this machine. It works perfectly, but for
> 0.5-2h. By then everything goes down and after reboot a following entry is
> present in the log:
I've been running an A3000 with A3640 for quite some time, and the main
problem I had was that the Super-DMAC was getting too hot. This resulted in
corrupt SCSI transfers. I had random crashes and Real3D rendering errors under
AmigaOS and also crashes under NetBSD.
My solution was to install a CPU-cooler fan on top of the DMAC, since the
latest revision (-04 I think), which is not that heat-sensitive, is very hard
to get by.
If you experience weird behaviour with AmigaOS and with a generic (install-)
kernel, too, the above might help.
> Milek
Bernd Sieker