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RE: Bootblocks...

>I have a similar configuration, but I have some problems with memory
>I have a 16MB module and 2 x 4MB on my A2632. Add to this the initial 4MB
>from the A2630 board, and 2MB from an A2091 (forget about the 1MB chip RAM
>That's why I get a memory map with lots of holes !!

I found that if I had the 2M from my A2091 enabled, NetBSD crashed
horribly.  So I set the DIP switch on the card and don't use the 16bit
memory for anything.

Since my A2632 has 4x16M on it, I get 64M straight up, and NetBSD doesn't
use the 4M directly on the A2630.  When I upgrade to 1.3 I might try using
the multiple memory blocks option, but I've recently seen some messages on
this list suggesting that there are problems if you have more than 64M RAM.


   _-_|\   Phil Kernick                      E-Mail: 
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