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RE: Bootblocks...

Phil Kernick <philk%rotfl.com.au@localhost> writes: 
> I have a couple of NetBSD bootblock questions...
> 1.  If I have my root partition set up with 0 blocks reserved for the
> bootblock
>     (as it had to be for 1.2 and before), I assume that I will have to dump
>     the filesystem, change the parameters in HDToolbox, then boot NetBSD,
> newfs
>     the partition again, the restore the filesystem.  Is that about it?

  You could do that if you wanted to, but it's a lot of trouble for nothing.
The reserved blocks are not used by NetBSD, so changing them will have
no effect.

  The NetBSD FFS filesystem already has 8K reserved for the bootloader.

> 2.  I have an A2632 that needs a specific addmem type command in
> s:user-startup
>     for the memory to be seen.  Since a bootblock started NetBSD doesn't do
> this
>     sort of thing, can I assume that I have to boot via AmigaOS?

  That's correct.  I suppose you could create a customized bootblock by
modifying the memory configuration code to specifically set your memory.
I'm not certain that there would be enough room in the bootblock to add
very much, but then since it's a custom bootblock, you could remove any
extraneous code not required by your system.

Michael L. Hitch                        mhitch%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant,  Information Technology Center
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT     USA

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