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panic: MMU fault?

So my apartment was just hit by a power surge, and now I can't get my A3000
up and running again.

It runs fine under AmigaDOS.

When it boots NetBSD it probes all of the devices, mounts root and then
tries to run the rc scripts. 

It managed to make it to fsck_ffs _once_, now it doesn't even make it that
far. It just craps out. This is with the generic kernel from the 1.3 kit:

root file system type: ffs
vm_fault(0x236000, fd8000, 1, 0) -> 1
  type 8, code [mmu, ssw]: 402074d
trap type 8, code = 402074d, v = fd8000
pid = 1, pc = 000EC90C, ps = 2000, sfc = 1, dfc = 1

I can finish typing in the rest of the message if needed. The last is:

panic: MMU fault
Stopped at ...

Am I just hosed?
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Junior, Comp. Sci.     -   House of Retrocomputing
XCOMM  mailto:kpneal%pobox.com@localhost              -   
XCOMM  kpneal%eos.ncsu.edu@localhost              Spoken by Keir Finlow-Bates:
XCOMM "Good grief, I've just noticed I've typed in a rant. Sorry chaps!"

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