Subject: Re: Installing the miniroot filesystem
To: Phil Smith <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/16/1998 19:49:20
> I have a problem... when I try to install the 1.3  miniroot filesystem using
> xstreamtodev --input=miniroot/miniroot.fs --rdb-name=swap
> I get:
> found partition: "swap" capacity: 32.9 Megs
> start block: 2576448  end block: 2643983 total blocks: 67536
> block Size: 512
> dumping to: start block: 2576448 to end block: 2643983 [size: 33767K]
> write from file "miniroot/miniroot.fs" to partition "swap"? [Ny]:
> Answering y gets me as far as 12% completed then it just stops with no error
> finishing on:
> reading: 02584640 -> 02584739  [ 12%]
> Ive set up the partitions according to the install doc.. using the custom
> filesystem with 
> 16 custom boot blocks for swap and root, none for local and usr, and
> automounted the
> swap and root partitions.
> Is there anything I am not doing? anythign I could try?

err... whats the problem? That 12% is "12% of the partition", anything else?
