Subject: Re: 060 problem with NetBSD (1.2 upwards)
To: Matthias Scheler <>
From: Miloslaw Smyk <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/15/1998 11:00:22
On 15-Sty-98, Matthias Scheler wrote:

>This is very likely not a 68060 problem. It sounds more like a overload
>caused by a lack of main memory or by Mosaic downloading lots of fonts
>from the X11 server.

Certainly this isn't a lack of memory - I have 64 megs and have you to see
my Amiga swapping. Downloading fonts - perhaps, if it is possible on a
stand-alone machine.

>You'll probably experience the same effect if you launch Mosaic on a
>remote machine.

Mosaic is one thing, but what about say, SSH? During key generation the only
thing I can do is to watch the screen. :(

--   |  "Man in the Moon and other weird things" -  |  see it at