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Re: 1.3 + Picasso-II = no console output

Hi Thorsten,

> Hello!
> > However, if I boot in single user mode, the console works normally
> > and if I boot in single user mode and then use Ctrl-D to go multi-
> > user, the console continues to work normally! The problem only
> > happens when I boot directly into multi-user mode.
> Just a guess, did you convert your /etc/grfconfig file? The format got
> changed, read INSTALL.X11 for some further hints, take a look at
> `man grfconfig` too.

That was my first thought, I commented it out of the rc file but it
didn't make any difference to the fault. I've since copied over the 
whole /etc distribution for 1.3 (having saved mine first!) but that
didn't help either.

I've still got the X11 install to do so I will watch out for the
grfconfig changes.


    George Harvey                  | Amiga A3000T, CyberStorm-II 040,
    email: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost     | Picasso-II, MFC-III, Ariadne

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