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Re: dial on demand

Napisane 12-Sty-98 przez Ignatios Souvatzis:
>Hi Patryk,

>> Is there a way to configure NetBSD's pppd to dial out on demand?

>Yes. Its fully described in the pppd man page.

Yes. I am sorry for not being specific enough the first time. I simply
remembered that I had problems with that. Then I configured IRIX to do
the job and forgot what the problems were. Now i did the whole setup
again (as described in the man page) and found out that I can not dial
out when the 'demand' option is passed to the pppd. It says that 'demand
dialing requires remote IP...' The problem is that I know neither remote
nor local PPP IP before making connection. Local IP is being assigned
dynamically by one of the communication servers I dial to and remote is
one of those servers's.

Any clues?

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