Subject: 1.3 + Picasso-II = no console output
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: George Harvey <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/12/1998 23:16:18
I have upgraded my NetBSD 1.2 system to 1.3 (release version) and 
now have a problem with the Picasso-II console when going directly 
to multi-user mode (loadbsd -a). I get all the kernel startup 
messages to the point where it would be mounting the filesystems 
and then the console switches to "invisible writing". The cursor 
moves horizontally but no text appears and there are no linefeeds. 
I can still login and run commands but no output is displayed.

However, if I boot in single user mode, the console works normally
and if I boot in single user mode and then use Ctrl-D to go multi-
user, the console continues to work normally! The problem only
happens when I boot directly into multi-user mode.

My system is A3000T with CyberStorm-II/040, CyberSCSI, Picasso-II, 
Ariadne and MFC-III. All the cards are being recognised correctly 
according the startup messages.

Any ideas?

    George Harvey                  | Amiga A3000T, CyberStorm-II 040,
    email:     | Picasso-II, MFC-III, Ariadne