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AGA gfx modes


I am new in NetBSD(1.2.1) world and I have no "unix friends".
I`ve got a SVGA monitor and I want to use X Window (X11R6.1) in
Super72(800x600) or Multiscan Productivity modes.  Is it possible on AGA
chipset? When I am trying to set resolution to more then 640x400
(DblNTSC) NetBSD is switching to NTSC mode and screen is getting black on
my SVGA mon!
But I can see X in NTSC mode on my old 1084 monitor :(((
Of course I am starting NetBSD with -A option.

My configuration is: A1200T Blizzard1260 32MB Fast, AGA 2 MB Chip,
HDD 6.4 GB...

Best wishes,
Tomasz Michaluk

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