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Re: IPFilter addition to 1.2.1?

Yes, I had IPFilter working on 1.2, after severe hand-patching the kernel
source. the i386 patches were not designed for the amiga side
but hey, it worked!

Unless you are in a hurry and need IPFilter desperately, I should not
waste any effort and wait for 1.3. (You can also try 1.3_BETA)
it's release should be really soon now.

p.s. I'm talking NetBSD version numbers here, not IPFilter ones.

p.s.2: best wishes for '98!

- Ruben

| Ruben van Staveren - http://kip.sateh.com/~ruben - A1260@50/48   _|_o
| Luna Internet - Systems & Software Engineer - NetBSD - AmigaOS_ //| #>
| ruben%luna.net.spam@localhost - Invasion Of Our Piracy - PGP 2.6.3ia    \X/ | 

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