Subject: 1.3_ALPHA silo overflows
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris McCarthy <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 11/23/1997 12:46:40
I have just upgraded to 1.3_ALPHA, the installation process was 
supprisingly painless (thanks!!). One problem I had is that the
kernel doesnt recognise the swap partition automatically anymore,
this was solved by putting an entry in /etc/fstab, but I thought
it's something that should have been highlighted in the install
guide (the machine was hanging when i started X).

Another problem I have is with silo overflows coming from the
serial port. I have a supra33.6 connecting at 28.8k. It worked
fine before, but now I get silo overflows. I read the FAQ and
it said to recompile the kernel with options "LEV6_DEFER" and
"SERIBUF_SIZE=8192". Are these options that were removed from
the amiga kernel in 1.3 ? If so, why ?


Chris McCarthy                  _         Logica Aldiscon
Software Engineer              __)_       Telecommunications
Direct: +353-1-6181511        (_/__)      Software Systems
Fax:    +353-1-6053228         (_
Mobile: +353-86-8209078