Subject: Caliper 150...
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ruben van Staveren <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 11/22/1997 16:55:55
> I think you can savely ignore this messages, they are only logged to the 
> console, the tape should rewind anyway.
Ok, I paniced a bit here (the tape was already rewinded)
But anyway, something goes wrong when I use a big tape (525MB).

To get any activity from that tape, I issued a 'mt retension' and used
the 1.3 alpha miniroot for the sake of /dev (should not make any difference
with the /dev from 1.2x )

the tape hums fine, but after a long time, mt freezes somewhere in kernel mode
and the following is printed:

st0(bzivsc0:4:0): bzivsc0: timed out [ecb 0x66f09e (flags 0x103, dleft 0,  stat 0)], <state 1, nexus 0x0, phase(c 100, p7), resid 0, msg(q 0, o 0)>
bzivsc0: reselect from target 4 lun 0 with no nexus: sending ABORT
bzivsc0: indentify failed

> 	-is

Using the 'normal' 150MB tapes goes just fine.


| Ruben van Staveren - - A1260@50/48   _|_o
| Luna Internet - Systems & Software Engineer - NetBSD - AmigaOS_ //| #>
| - Invasion Of Our Piracy - PGP 2.6.3ia    \X/ | 4