Subject: Re: Name-Server / CV643D
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: amigabill <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/30/1997 19:34:55
>You'll have cv643d support in NetBSD-1.3 kernels, and there will be x11r6.3 
>for this.

X11r6.3, great! OK, gonna ask again, can anyone out there that has NetBSD and
working on a PicassoIV let me know how to set mine up? The only responses I
have got in the past are the "Yea, I have it working" type, but no help in how
to make mine go. I had one got the compiled 1.2.1 kernel working that
supported the PicassoIV, but never figured out X11 and toasted everything
because it wasn't any use in that state. I'd like to try out a PCB design
program I found for it... In the meantime, I'm also waiting for the "in
development" X-server for Linux, as I did get X11 working on it once but the
FBD screens were so small-res I could only open an x-term with 9 lines filling
the screen. :/ Not much more useful than no X at all. Thanks for any HELP
anyone can give, I'm a unix-newbie and don't really know much about getting it
all setup the first time.
