Subject: Re: Installations etc.
To: None <>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/15/1997 23:03:31
> Not a matter of support or anything. As I said I could do it by hand.

 Sure is - I assembled the Gateway! Series :-)

> Well  I am a rather newbie to Unixes and I am sure you can imagine how
> well  I can do sh scripts (I can not yet).  But still I know enough to
> do  the  necessary stuff by hand (if I only had the archives but since
> connections  at my school do not seem to be working properly all I get
> is just crap :((

 Dont worry, it's fairly easy to write shell-scripts. A minimum of
knowledge of any programming language such as Forth, Basic, Cobol, C
or even Pascal is a good start.

 You are lucky anyway: NetBSD 1.3 has completely new installation scripts.

> BTW,  I  just tried the script again it worked fine?  (Though it might
> have  been  the  script  on  the  upgrade  fs that did not work) 

 It my be that after doing it by hand, newfs that is, the script might
be able to recognize the partitions automatically.

> Where can I get the 1.2G from.  I have been trying to get the 1.2D but
> as I said the archives get corrupted while getting them at school.

 Dont get 1.2G (I probably made a mistake by naming it 1.2G anyway).
Please wait for 1.3 due to 1st December. Ugh :-) New Gateway! Series
due to January.

Markus Illenseer