Subject: Installations etc.
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arto Huusko <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/13/1997 21:20:31
I wonder why the installation scripts that come with
NetBSD distributions (miniroots etc.) do not work. I
have been able to do everything manually in the end but
it still bothers me.
I installed 1.1 from Gateway! 2 and I recall it failed
preparing usr partition or creating the fstab.
I installed (or attempted, NetScape had corrupted every
archive I had, gotta get them again :(((( 1.2D and install script failed
/mnt (mount complained that device is busy). I then did
everything manually but still: are those scripts tested
or what the hell is wrong there??
"Although light was one of the fastest things in the multiverse, where
ever it went it always found out that darkness was there before it"
Arto Huusko | Amiga programmer from Finland
E-Mail : | With Commodore A4000&WarpEngine4033
WWW URL: | AmigaOS 3.1 / NetBSD