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Re: your mail

Greetings Markus
On 12-Óåð-97, you wrote:

>  You might want to try the Arena-successor Amaya. See www.w3.org 

Yes, I remember, it. It is really a pain to install it, though. I didn't even
figure out what it needed.

>  What has PPP in common with X11? What do you want? A Window with two
> "Connect" and "Disconnect"? You could achieve this with every Window

hmm, not really. have you seen TkNet or XIsp for Linux? something like that.
For more info, check

TkNet:  http://public.logica.com/~kempsonc/tknet.htm
XIsp:   http://bragg.phys.uwm.edu/xforms (somewhere in the apps link)

I haven't been able to run either of those. TkNet seems to be the better
of the two, but I think it needs Tcl7.6/Tk4.0 (I have 8.0b1 for both).

Konstantinos Margaritis
Under-graduate student at Physics Dept. of Athens University
e-mail: markos%acropolis.net@localhost, talk: root%markos.dyn.ml.org@localhost

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