Subject: Re: Floppies under NetBSD 1.2G?
To: None <>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 08/30/1997 08:45:23
> I've been able to mount (read only) floppies that I'd created under
> Unix SVR4.  I would like to format and mount floppies under NetBSD.  I
> looked for docs on the subject, but there didn't seem to be any.  Are
> floppies supported under NetBSD?

 NetBSD supports floppies read/write:  

 Insert an Amiga-DOS-formatatted floppy (!) and use it like this:

newfs /dev/fd0a  ; mount /dev/fd0a /mnt/floppy
tar cvfslp /dev/fd0a /my/dirctory
dd if=/dev/fd0a of=myfloppyfile bs=16K

 Using 1.4MB Floppy requires to insert a 1.4MB Floppy during kernel start.
Handle the Floppy-Support with care, it does work but is slow.

Markus Illenseer