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Re: IP translator

On Mon, 11 Aug 1997, I wrote:
> I infer from this that there is no IP address translation or port
> mapping occurring.

This was indeed correct.  While it is probably obvious to many others, the
documented instructions that I was following didn't mention the fact that
IP filtering had to be running and enabled for IP NAT to function.  In
retrospect, this would seem to be obvious.  However, when you are trying
to implement the minimal changes required to implement a new feature,
something may get missed.  I don't believe that the IP NAT documentation
makes any direct reference to the fact that it depends on IP filtering.
This would probably help other new-bees to this subject make progress.

The good news is that it I've got IP NAT up and functional.

Thanks to everybody that provided pointers and suggestions. 

  Don Phillips         bsd%blkhole.resun.com@localhost
  Research Unlimited
  Escondido, Calif.    My opinions are just that, and no more.

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