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Setting up for dial-in


I'm trying to set up my NetBSD system to accept a dial-in using a modem.  The 
trouble is, I must get it right in the first few attempts as I have to dial-in 
from outside - and there's nobody to shut the computer down --properly-- if it 
goes mad.

I've added two lines to my "/etc/ttys" file (I know that I have to choose 
between one or the other :-)

   tty00  "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   on secure       # int. serial.


   tty00  "/usr/libexec/getty d1200"      vt220   on insecure   # no root 

Note that I have used some of the presets from gettytab; I have chosen slow 
ones for now.

When I start up NetBSD with the second line above, the modem seems to be ready 
for calls (although I could be completely wrong).  However, I need to send my 
modem the command to AutoAnswer any incoming calls and this is my main problem. 
 Is it possible to send an initialization string to "/dev/tty00" on startup?

I'm not sure if I'm on the right track, so any help would be great.



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