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printing, gvp i/o

ok, nevermind, I got my local network figured out, I hope. :)  Now I have a
couple other questions:

Is the gvp i/o unsupported?  Are there any plans to support it?  linux m68k
supports it, so it shouldn't be too hard to add that in (?).

At my startup, during the first check, when it's /dev/rsd3a, it says that it's
marking it clean, but then when it's just /dev/sd3a is says that it's not
clean, please use fsck, but then when I do fsck, it doesn't fix it.  What do I

At the last stages of the startup, right before the login prompt, it echos
something about several tty's not being configured, how do I configure ttys,
or is this something in my kernel that I need to comment out?

If these are in faq's, please point me in the right direction.


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