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Re: atapi cd-rom drive

On Jul  4, 12:49pm, Grzegorz Wojtowicz wrote:
> Anyone knows how to make atapi cd-rom drive (TOSHIBA 4x) works with
> netbsd1.1 kernel (running on a1200)

  Write an atapi driver :-)

  The IDE interface support currently doesn't know anything about atapi
drives (even in -current as far as I know).  I haven't even looked at
existing atapi drivers to know how easy or difficult it would be to add
to the Amiga idesc driver.

> > mount_cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd?a /mnt 
> complains about : device not configured.

  /dev/cd* are SCSI CDROM devices, so there won't be any /dev/cd* devices
configured unless you have a SCSI CDROM drive.


Michael L. Hitch                        osymh%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

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