Subject: Re: Silo overflow..
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 06/12/1997 16:16:07
In message <>, you write:
> Hi.. I've got a small problem with pppd.. When I'm connected, I keep
> getting "silo overflow"-messages.. What is a silo overflow?
> A guy said that it probably had something to do with the modem-buffer
> overflowing.. Is 57600 too fast for an 030/25MHz?
> Also, does silo overflows affect the connection?

The SILO buffer is the serial line buffer.  The 030-25 should be able
to keep up, you just have to have a properly configured kernel.

Set these options and recompile:

# These options improve performance with the built-in serial port
# on slower Amigas.  Try the larger buffers first then lev6_defer.
options         "SERIBUF_SIZE=8192"
options         "SEROBUF_SIZE=64"
options LEV6_DEFER      # defers l6 to l4 (below serial l5)

Michael Parson
SMART Technologies