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Help building my own kernel...

        Hello NetBSD peoples...

        I recently installed NetBSD 1.2.1 onto my Amiga 3000. And to be 
honest I am impressed with how well it works. It was pretty straight 
forward to get installed and it no longer crashes to the point of needing 
a power-cycle to get it to reboot once I am leaving NetBSD or rebooting 
the machine. (A very nice change! :)

        But I have wanted to build my own version of the kernel. And I am 
having troubles in figuring out how to do it.

        So my question. Can anyone walk me through the basics of 
compiling the kernel? i.e. what steps I need to perform?

        I tried the following:

        1- Configure A3000
        2- make depend
        3- make

        And it did build a small section of stuff. But only the 
/arch/amiga/stand/... stuff. I.e. none of the kernel stuff was built at all.

        I would really appriciate any and all help with getting this working.

        Joshua "The Lost One"

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