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DKB Rapidfire SCSI-II supported?

   Well, the question should be obvious from the subject.
   I searched the kernel build config file but no mention. No mention could I
find in INSTALL as well. I only found A4091 support, which I think is very
similar to DKB Rapidfire controller.
   Looking at the card I found that what I think is the SCSI controller chip,
is a FAS246 2405013.
So is there any chance that this card is recognised? I haven't tested loading
netbsd to see what it says -using dmesg right?
   Thanks for any help.

Konstantinos Margaritis
Under-graduate student at Physics Dept. of Athens University
e-mail: markos%acropolis.net@localhost, talk: root%markos.dyn.ml.org@localhost

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