Subject: Re: CyberSCSI
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Miloslaw Smyk <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 04/29/1997 00:28:47
On 27-Kwi-97, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:

>Apart from technical differences in the kernel-driver interface, there
>are legal issues.

>GPL'd code can't be linked to the mostly BSD copyright kernel, because
>else the GPL would force us to put the BSD code under GPL, which would
>make us violate the University of California at Berkeley's licensing

>GPL is designed that way.

Oh well. I always though that all these licenses are here to help us have
better software for free. It's a shame we can't use some great, free code
just because its license is brain-dead.

                                   I will live forever, or die trying.