Subject: NetBSD-Amiga mirror closing down. :(
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Kolbj|rn Barmen <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/01/1997 19:34:08
Hi all!
Due to lack of diskspace, we have made the decided to close down the
NetBSD-Amiga mirror here at (ex
(The university changed name, therefor the unit => ntnu change)
I've left a note in our local .message about the situation
and I think l'll post a note on related news groups as well.
Kolbjørn Barmen /\¯\ "I met the Amiga and fell in love..." // T e a m \/_/ <> \XX/ A M I G A
Nettverksgruppa NVG Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU