Subject: NetBSD1.1 newbie II
To: NetBSD Liste <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Manfred Matzinger <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/13/1997 11:22:00
Thanx for your help with my first series of problems after installing NetBSD 1.1
from the CD "Gateway Vol. 2" on my Amiga, but there are some more questions:
1) When I leave my scanner (an Artec "ViewStation A6000C Plus") on during
boottime, NetBSD hangs after showing
"bzsc0 targ 3 lun 0: <ULTIMA A6000C PLUS 1.92> SCSI2 6/scanner fixed". What
can I do against this?
2) How can I use German umlauts with tcsh, bash and vi?
3) Where can I find "dvips" and "grolj4", which I need for magicfilter.
4) I don't get eMails if magicfilter rejects to print a file. My eMail system
seems to be set up correctly. What's going on? How can I trace the failure?
5) If I leave X by exiting ftwm (the only command without &) my system hangs at
the typical grey (black/white dithered) screen without leaving X completely.
I can't do nothing but quitting with ALT-CTRL-BACKSPACE. I don't use xdm.
What's going on?
Best regards
Herzliche Grüße
Manfred Matzinger
"A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular."
|Manfred Matzinger PGPKey:Servers or eMail-subj."PGPREQUEST" IRC-Nick: Matzi|
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