Subject: NetBSD1.1 newbie - PLEASE help!
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Manfred Matzinger <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/07/1997 14:21:00
I recently installed NetBSD 1.1 from the CD "Gateway Vol. 2" on my Amiga and I
hope, you can help me with the following problems:
1) Where can I find Xdaniver.readme, which is mentioned in the
HTML-documentation of the Gateway CD?
2) How can I turn on filename completion and the command history for sh? I can't
find instructions with "man sh".
3) What do I have to insert for ff in the printcap for my HP5MP? It always
prints lines like that:
instead of
4) If I have a script, which I can start with e.g. "sh <scriptname>", how can I
turn it into an pseudo-executable, which can be started with "<scriptname>"
5) What is "xdm" and where can I find instructions for it? I carefully read the
docs on the Gateway CD, but I found nothing!?
6) How can I access my floppy drives (df0:, df1: and df2: under AmigaDOS) with
NetBSD? Is it possible to read floppies with Amiga, HFS (Apple) and PC
format (how)? Why does NetBSD tell me that fd1 and fd2 is not configured at
7) The supplied lha can generate lha archives, but unpacking seems buggy. I
always get the error: "bad table (5); segmentation fault (core dumped)".
Where can I get a working version of lha?
Best regards
Herzliche Grüße
Manfred Matzinger
"Committees have become so important nowadays that subcommittees have to be
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