Subject: Re: GVP SCSI controller and Blizzard 2060 side by syde?
To: Werther 'Mircko' Pirani <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 12/18/1996 20:36:43
Hi Werther,

>    Hello, fellow NetBSD'ers!
> I've actually managed to get my hands on a Blizzard 2060 board (it's
> just a couple of hours away) and, since I know the on-board SCSI
> controller isn't supported by 1.2, it's de-lurking time for me. <g>
> I also have an old-ish GVP SCSI controller (the model with up to 8MB
> 16bit RAM and Quantum hard disk, mind you) and I'd like to know if
> there's any chance to use this controller instead.  That is, disable
> the Blizzard 2060 one and tell NetBSD to use GVP's one.
> Is this possible?  Do I need to build a different kernel?

Yes. No. GENERIC should work.
> I'm asking because so far I've been using a GVP-030 combo along the
> GVP SCSI controller (RAM-wise), but any attempt to use the other
> controller (i.e., the one NOT on the accelerator board) has been
> fruitless.  Still, this was with 1.0 and 1.1 -- never tried anything
> like that with 1.2, though.

This should have worked... can you send us please the output of
"showconfig" (on the AmigaOS side) and "dmesg" (from NetBSD)?

	Ignatios Souvatzis
	Ignatios Souvatzis