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Re: Lobby for Motif Development for NetBSD

> If you think there is a chance of getting these software people to change
> their minds about NetBSD I would certainly be interested in buying a
> CDE/Motif pack from them (I would also be interested in an NetBSD-Amiga   
> vesion, but maybe this is too much to ask fo now! :-). But if not, I will
> probably end up just using some other free OS (you know, like l*nux :-( . 
> I hope things work out.

 I have been thinking about to create a CD-ROM which would include Motif
licences for all "imortant" architectures supported by NetBSD. (Motif
wants to be licensed "by CPU")

 There are several issues though:

 - which platforms are imortant?
 - which applications are available at all which require Motif?

 The last issue is of main importance and a search yielded into the 
conclusion that a Motif-Distribution is just too expensive and does not
rectify the price of the CD-ROM (About 70 to 150$US).

 A good alternative would be to have a common place where Motif is installed
and where statically linked binaries could be compiled and then be 
distributed. But who...?

Markus Illenseer

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