Subject: Re: "reboot" on A3000 ?
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 12/06/1996 16:03:24
   From: Darren Reed <>
   Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 00:30:38 +1100 (EST)

   It was mentioned that once synchronous SCSI is negoitiated on, it stays
   set until turned off.  Is it worth renegoiating drives back to async
   after reboot and drives have been flushed ?


The RESET instruction happens anyway, which should have done this much
more reliably than you can do this in software.

   What is the default for SCSI HD's when they're powered on ?  Do any of
   the amiga ROM's successfully negoiate and turn on synchronous SCSI ?

Power-On is equivalent to SCSI bus reset. Any device will act
asynchronously until it successfully negotiates sync with some other
device, at which point it will act sync when talking to said device
till negotiated otherwise or til a scsi bus reset happens.
