Subject: Re: Gzip for AmigaDOS
To: She stares at the screen at the little words in green <>
From: Kolbj|rn Barmen <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 11/20/1996 13:47:50
On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, She stares at the screen at the little words in green wrote:

> I realise this, but as ".tgz" and ".tar.gz" are one and the same, I thought 
> I could gunzip a ".tgz" file and be left with a ".tar" file.

No.. hm.. perhaps it would actually be smart to first rename .tgz file to
tar.gz, since gzip will try to remove the .gz extension from the file.

> The other thing is, if this version of gzip uses the same compression 
> routine as the one I use under i386 Linux, then why do I get different 
> filesizes when I compress a file under each ?

They shouldnt.

> Thanks, I'll try that. Oh, how would I increase the stack size of a CLI 
> program, it's not something I've had to do before. 

easy.. just type "stack 20000" and your shell will have that stack.
To see what stacksize you currently have, just type "stack"

 Kolbjørn Barmen  /\¯\ "I met the Amiga and fell in love..."   // T e a m \/_/   <>   \XX/ A M I G A
Nettverksgruppa NVG    Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU