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Help with NetBsd 1.2 INSTALL

I've been trying to install the amiga netbsd 1.2 but just when it seems
I'm in the home strectch the install goes bad.  Here's my situation and

I have a standard A4000/040 at 25 Mhz with a 1.2 GB drive and a 144 MB
drive.  The system has 8 MB of fast ram.  I downloaded all of the amiga
binaries from ftp.iastate.edu.  Using HDToolBox I created a 16 MB root
partition, a 16 MB swap partition and a 113 MB user partition.  I used
xstreamtodev to transfer inst-12.fs to the swap partition and then I gave
the command load -A -b netbsd.  All appears to go well until it asks for
the root device.  Netbsd lables my 1.2 GB as sd0 and the 144 MB drive as
sd1.  All of the netbsd partitions are on the sd0, specifically partitions
4, 5 and 9.  I enter sd0 for the root device and netbsd goes and displays
that is is configuring 10 views and then it displays panic: cannot mount
root partion.  The next line drops me into some debugger, db and it says
that I'm stopped at 0xb1986 unlk a6.  

Has anyone else experienced this or know what might be wrong.

Wendell Beckwith

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