Subject: Re: A2232 serial card
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Eric Delcamp <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 11/06/1996 22:37:46
Le 05-Nov-96   23:00:07, Eric Delcamp a ecrit :
 ED> How to acces the ports ? When I 'cat <file> >/dev/ttyA0 or ttyA1, system
 ED> say that 'device npot configured'. I have the A2232 option enable in my
 ED> kernel
 ED>  (identified on boot).

Oups, I've made an error between 'mfc' and 'msc'. Grrrrr.....
But I search no more than 5 hours to find the major of A2232 card (31).
Need rewrite for documentation, please.

 |\_/|  Eric Delcamp            | Revendeur de Jeux Video
 (ô ô)  Amiga User              | Neufs et Occasions
  \~/   Video Games Player      | Consoles et PC
   U                            |