Subject: ppp with chat (was: printing)
To: Nick Ellson <>
From: Joern Clausen <joern@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/21/1996 09:43:52
Hi Nick!

> Would anyone like to give me a hint on how to connect using CHAT?

Ok, this works for me:

make a file "/etc/ppp/options", containing about this stuff:

connect 'chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat.script'
netmask <netmask>
domain <domain>

Fill in your netmask and your domain, provided by your ISP. Look at the
manpage, maybe other options are important for you, maybe not. The cited
script "/etc/ppp/chat.script" (or whatever you like to call it) looks
somewhat like this (this works at least for me):

'' ATZ OK ATM0 OK ATDT<phonenumber> ogin: <account> assword: <passwd> scend ppp

First, I reset my modem (ATZ), then I turn off the sound (ATM0). Feel free
to do any other preliminary actions you want. After that, I dial the
phonenumber of my ISP. His machine answers with "login:", so I wait for that
string and respond with my login. Then I answer the question "password:".
Then the remote machine shows its prompt "%Ascend", so that I can say "ppp"
and the connection is up. Have a look at the chat manpage for more options,
e.g. on how to react on errors.

!! The really Bad Thing is, that this script contains your login and password
!! to your ISP, so make this chat script owned by root and only readable by
!! him.

After this, you can start the connection with

   /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/<tty> <baud>

giving your serial device and desired baud rate. You can stop the connection
by killing the pppd with

   kill -TERM `cat /var/run/`

That's probably it. Please let me know if and how it works.

     Joern Clausen                  email: joern@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE