Subject: Re: NetBSD1.2 installation adventure
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/16/1996 12:31:33
   Date: Wed, 16 Oct 96 10:32:46 MET DST

   After reinstalling my amiga boot partition and changing the rdb-names
   of the unix partitions to ux0, ux1 and ux2 (before swap,local,etc.),
   I tried again to install NetBSD1.2. I had no problems until 
   extracting of the binaries. Here the extraction stopped with a panic
   and I ended in a debugger(?). I restartet the installation from the

Maybe like your IDE cabling is too long for the data rates used? IDE
is no real bus; it has no bus termination and would suffer from
reflections on the cable.

   scratch and this time I told tar to show the files while extracting.
   That worked! I havn't encountered any idewait errors anymore, as I
   reportet monday from my tries at the weekend.

   While booting there are errormessages: bad value (ok. I don't have a network)

Hm. put a line like this:

into your /etc/hosts file. This is the loopback address, which will
reach your own machine.

   unknown getty[90]: /dev/ttype1: Device not configured
   same messages for getty[95] ttype4, getty[91] ttype2, getty[94] ttype5

ttype4? nonononono.

Its either ttye4 or ttyp4, etc. Probably ttye4.

[With our current setup, grf0 / ttye0 are custom chips, grf1/ttey1
 Retina Z2, grf2/ttye2 Retina BLT Z3 / Altais, grf3/ttye3 Cirrus Logic
 boards like e.g. Picasso, grf4/ttye4 is A2410, grf5/ttye5 is Cybervision, 
 grf6/ttye6 are Tseng boards (Domino, Merlin, OmNiBuS).

Edit your /etc/ttys and set the lines corresponding to non-configured
devices to "off" instead of "on".

   The problem now is, that I can't use the cursor keys.(Yes, I know how
   to use the csh). It is really a pain, if you can't edit the history

Using cursor keys is a feature of tcsh, not normal csh. You can get
tcsh from, /pub/NetBSD-Amiga/contrib.

   and have to use backspace to correct a mistyping. In vi cursor keys work!
   I installed the german keymap, but this didn't help. I read the Installing
   notes, the NetBSD amiga FAQ and the NetBSD Amiga X FAQ, but I didn't found
   any hint. Are there other FAQs?

   Another small point came to my mind: Before starting X I have to set the
   DISPLAY manually. Where should I place the "setenv DISPLAy :0.0" to do
   this automatically? Or is this a problem of my wrong network config?

Basically, the right thing to do (in MY opinion) is to setup xdm so
that you get a X11 login window. Unfortunately (for you), I hate (from
past experience under SunOS) the startx approach and have no idea how
to set it up nicely. I guess your .login or .csh would be the right
place (but only if it wasn't set before... you don't want to change it
if it is already set right :-)

	Ignatios Souvatzis