Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.2 and RetinaZ2
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/15/1996 19:08:12
   Date: Tue, 15 Oct 96 11:48:28 +0200
   From: John Vrolijk <>

   will the Retina Z2 still work under NetBSD 1.2 or is it time to get a new
   graphics card ;^) 

Under NetBSD-1.2, yes. But the new X distribution's X server doesn't
support the Retina Z2. You need to keep your old Xserver (and probably
the needed shared libraries), as the new Xamiga doesn't have RZ2
support code (if you want to install the new X11R6.1 release).

You can find out which libraries are used by issuing the

ldd `which X` command... where X should be replaced by the appropriate
server name.

	Ignatios Souvatzis