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section 9 manpage install problem?

I'm in the process of building 1.2 from yesterday's sources on a 1.1
machine.  I'm plugging through all the usual problems (installing
/usr/share/mk stuff first, rebuilding yacc, tsort, gcc, etc), but when
installing the section 9 manpages, a strange thing occurs when trying to
install the shutdownhook_establish manpage:

install -c -o bin -g bin -m 444 shutdownhook_establish.cat9 
 No such file or directory
*** Error code 1


Notice the screwy path.  Now, I tried doing the same thing on my
NetBSD/sparc machine, and it gets the correct path, and installs
correctly.   (Even using the same -m argument to make)  I'm using the
newly-built 1.2 make, in case that matters.

Has anyone else seen this?

Jeff Rizzo                                         http://boogers.sf.ca.us/~riz

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