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[no subject]

On Tue, 24 Sep 1996 20:35:06 +0100 
 Patryk Logiewa <silverdr%inet.com.pl@localhost> wrote:

 > On the AmiWin I just added them into rgb.txt file.
 > NetBSD doesn't seem to mind the rgb.txt. Perhaps it uses the rgb.db
 > that stands next to rgb.txt in the same directory?
 > Any help available?

You should be able to use the rgb command (I think that's the name) to
compile the rgb.db from your modified rgb.txt

 -- save the ancient forests - http://www.bayarea.net/~thorpej/forest/ -- 
Jason R. Thorpe                                       
NASA Ames Research Center                               Home: 408.866.1912
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