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Have 2000! Will UNIX?


I have an Amiga 2000 with a 40 MByte SyQuest removeable drive, a GVP SCSI
card w/ 6 M memory installed (total 7 M).  Otherwise, the system is plain.
Can NetBSD be used on this system?  Where can I find out more information?
I've installed FreeBSD on a PC and am familiar with variuos flavors of
UNIX.  I would like to have some compatibility with FreeBSD if possible.
Thanks for any help!

| Brent.Hipp%msfc.nasa.gov@localhost | Marshall Space Flight Center |
| (205) 544-5183 (voice)   | EL73                         |
| KE4YNY                   | Huntsville, AL 35812         |

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