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Re: NetBSD 1.1 & Fastlane - it works (sort of)


In article <57330%sandra.owl.de@localhost>, tron%sandra.owl.de@localhost 
(Matthias Scheler) wrote:

>Not true. On my friends A4000 we were able to use both harddisks (Quantum
>LPS 105S and 525S). And his and mine CD-ROM (both Toshibas) always worked

Does your friend have a Cybervision CV64 (or any other Z3 card)?
Maybe that is the difference?

>Not true. It just checks a field in the RDB which may be set incorrectly
>(HDToolBox: sometimes, SCSIConfig2: always). Just ignore those messages.

Well, I couldn't get HDToolBox to set that field correctly even *one* time.
I would *like* to to ignore the messages, but newfs refused to work with the
disk no matter what I tried.

>This can be archived much easier by using "loadbsd -i FF".

I believed that was the option for disabling sync. transfers, not reselect?
Anyway, one of the first things I tried was 'loadbsd -I ff' but it didn't
work. Obviously there is a difference between binpatching _sfas_inhibit_disc
and -I ff.
 Torfinn - Thor 2.22 No:#1015 (msg. written 18-Aug-96 23:19:42)
Email (work): torfinn%anon.hfk.mil.no@localhost
Email (home): tingo%icenet.no@localhost

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