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SCSI CDROM Problem, cannot mount...


I recently bought a Media-Vision portable SCSI-2 ReNo CD-ROM, and
tried it on my NetBSD-1.1-Amiga 2000. It failed :-(.

First of all this is one of these SCSI devices that doesn't handle
non-zero LUN queries, but I don't think that is related to the other
problem. At boot-time NetBSD recognizes the CD-player correctly, and
boots ok when the cd-drive is empty (well, I get some error-messages
due to the LUN-problem, but I think I can ignore those for now). With
a CD in the drive NetBSD `hangs' while trying to identify/read the
disk. Only until I remove the cd-disk, NetBSD continues with its

After booting without a cd inserted in the drive, I tried to mount a
cd-disk. This fails. I used (among others):

mount_cd9660 -o rdonly /dev/cd0a ./cdrom
mount_cd9660 -r -o rdonly /dev/cd0a ./cdrom

The result is a spinning CD-ROM drive, apparently trying to
read/identify the disk repeatedly without success. The mount command
does not finish and it doesn't give error-messages. I generally have
to reboot in order to try again.

The CD works perfectly under Amiga-Dos (3.1). I haven't tested the
CD-rom at other architectures. I tried to test it under NetBSD-386,
but could not get my hands on the necessary SCSI-cables in order to do
this. I therefore cannot say whether this is NetBSD-Amiga specific or


A2000 with GVP-Combo 68030
2 SCSI Quantum Harddisks
Media-Vision portable SCSI-2 ReNo CD-ROM
InfoMagic TeX CD-Rom disks, ISO-9660 with Rock Ridge.

Hope you can help me, or help me find and correct the problem.


{ Feico Dillema,                                                        }
{ Faculty of Computer Science / TIOS, Phone UT: +31.53.894099           }
{ University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands }
{ ........ Look! Windows'95. Kids, don't try this at home ............. }

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