Subject: Re: More PPP questions
To: None <, port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bruce Albrecht <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/30/1996 23:51:30
Bruce Albrecht writes:
 > I've upgraded(?) from NetBSD-1.1 to NetBSD-1.2 alpha, running on an
 > Amiga A3000 with 12 MB fast RAM, A2024 monitor, using the built-in
 > serial port and a USR sportster 33K modem.  When I switched from
 > NetBSD-1.1 to NetBSD1.2, my PPP performance was seriously degraded.
 > I'm now losing packets (ping shows 5%-25% losses), rlogin sessions
 > lock up for minutes at a time, I get VJERRS every couple of seconds
 > and silo overflows every couple minutes.

I've even tried downgrading my serial port from 57600 to 38400, drop
the MTU/MRU from 1500 to 296, and I still get dropped packets, silo
overflows, and VJ packet errors.  Unfortunately, I have not been
running netbsd-current until the last week, so I don't know when
serial I/O performance degraded.  Any ideas on where to go from here?
Should I try building a new kernel with the PPP_BSDCOMP and
PPP_DEFLATE options removed, and/or removing some of the new
pseudo-devices, as these are the major changes to my configuration?

Here's my netbsd-1.1 conf file:

include "std.amiga"
maxusers	16
options		TIMEZONE=-360, DST=0
options		FPSP		# MC68040 floating point support
options		"M68030"	# support for 030
options		FPCOPROC	# Support for MC6888[12] (Required)
options		SWAPPAGER	# Pager for processes (Required)
options		VNODEPAGER	# Pager for vnodes (Required)
options		DEVPAGER	# Pager for devices (Required)
options		INET		# IP networking support (Required)
options		QUOTA		# Disk quotas for local disks
options		NFSSERVER	# Network File System server side code
options		NFSCLIENT	# Network File System client side code
options		FFS		# Berkeley fast file system
options		MFS		# Memory based filesystem
options		PROCFS		# Process filesystem
options		KERNFS		# Kernel parameter filesystem (Recommended)
options		FDESC		# /dev/fd filesystem
options		NULLFS		# Loopback filesystem
options		FIFO		# FIFO operations on vnodes (Recommended)
options		ADOSFS		# AmigaDOS file system
options		"CD9660"	# ISO 9660 file system, with Rock Ridge
options	MSDOSFS		# MS-DOS filesystem
options		"COMPAT_10"	# compatability with older NetBSD release
options		"COMPAT_09"	# compatability with older NetBSD release
options		"COMPAT_43"	# 4.3 BSD compatible system calls
options		COMPAT_SUNOS	# Support to run Sun (m68k) executables
options		"TCP_COMPAT_42"	# Use 4.2 BSD style TCP
options		"COMPAT_NOMID"	# allow nonvalid machine id executables
options		SYSVSHM		# System V-like shared memory
options		SYSVMSG		# System V-like messages
options		SYSVSEM		# System V-like semaphores
options		LKM		# Loadable kernel modules
options		KTRACE		# Add kernel tracing system call
options		DIAGNOSTIC	# Add additional error checking code
options		"NKMEMCLUSTERS=256"	# Size of kernel malloc area
options		PANICWAIT	# Require keystroke to dump/reboot
options		DDB		# Kernel debugger
options		MACHINE_NONCONTIG # Non-contiguous memory support
options		GRF_ECS		# Enhanced Chip Set
options		GRF_NTSC	# NTSC
options		GRF_PAL		# PAL
options		"GRF_A2024"	# Support for the A2024
grfcc0		at mainbus0		# custom chips
grf0		at grfcc0
ite0		at grf0			# terminal emulators for grf's
msc0		at zbus0		# A2232 MSC multiport serial.
ahsc0		at mainbus0		# A3000 scsi
scsibus*	at ahsc0
sd*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# scsi disks
st*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# scsi tapes
cd*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# scsi cd's
pseudo-device	sl			# slip
pseudo-device	ppp			# ppp
pseudo-device	view 10			# views
pseudo-device	pty 16			# pseudo terminals
pseudo-device	loop			# network loopback
config	netbsd root on sd2 swap on sd0 and sd1
options         "SERIBUF_SIZE=16738"    # use a much larger serial input buffer
options         LEV6_DEFER              # use level6 interrupt remapper

Here's my netbsd-1.1 PPP options file:

connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/ -r /etc/ppp/chat.log"

Here's my netbsd-current kernel config file:

include "std.amiga"
maxusers	16
options		TIMEZONE=360, DST=1
options		"M68030"	# support for 030
options		"M68020"	# support for 020/851
options		FPCOPROC	# Support for MC6888[12] (Required)
options		SWAPPAGER	# Pager for processes (Required)
options		VNODEPAGER	# Pager for vnodes (Required)
options		DEVPAGER	# Pager for devices (Required)
options		INET		# IP networking support (Required)
options		PPP_BSDCOMP,PPP_DEFLATE	# BSD compression for PPP
options		FFS		# Berkeley fast file system
options		QUOTA		# UFS quotas
options		MFS		# Memory based filesystem
options		NFSSERVER	# Network File System server side code
options		NFSCLIENT	# Network File System client side code
options		ADOSFS		# AmigaDOS file system
options		CD9660		# ISO 9660 + Rock Ridge file system
options		MSDOSFS		# MS-DOS file system
options		FDESC		# /dev/fd
options		KERNFS		# /kern
options		NULLFS		# loopback file system
options		PROCFS		# /proc
options		UMAPFS		# NULLFS + uid and gid remapping
options		UNION		# union file system
options		"COMPAT_10"	# compatability with older NetBSD release
options		"COMPAT_09"	# compatability with older NetBSD release
options		"COMPAT_43"	# 4.3 BSD compatible system calls
options		COMPAT_SUNOS	# Support to run Sun (m68k) executables
options		"TCP_COMPAT_42"	# Use 4.2 BSD style TCP
options		"COMPAT_NOMID"	# allow nonvalid machine id executables
options		SYSVSHM		# System V-like shared memory
options		SYSVMSG		# System V-like messages
options		SYSVSEM		# System V-like semaphores
options		UCONSOLE	# anyone can redirect a virtual console
options		LKM		# Loadable kernel modules
options		"NKMEMCLUSTERS=256"	# Size of kernel malloc area
options		DDB		# Kernel debugger
options		DIAGNOSTIC	# Add additional error checking code
options		KTRACE		# Add kernel tracing system call
options		MACHINE_NONCONTIG # Non-contiguous memory support
options		KBDRESET	# sync on Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga
options		"SERIBUF_SIZE=16380"
options		"SEROBUF_SIZE=32"
options		LEV6_DEFER	# defers l6 to l4 (below serial l5)
options		GRF_ECS		# Enhanced Chip Set
options		GRF_NTSC	# NTSC
options		GRF_PAL		# PAL
options		"GRF_A2024"	# Support for the A2024
grfcc0		at mainbus0		# custom chips
grf0		at grfcc0
ite0		at grf0			# terminal emulators for grf's
msc0		at zbus0		# A2232 MSC multiport serial.
ahsc0		at mainbus0		# A3000 scsi
scsibus*	at ahsc0
sd*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# scsi disks
st*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# scsi tapes
cd*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# scsi cd's
pseudo-device	loop	1		# network loopback
pseudo-device	sl	1		# slip
pseudo-device	ppp	1		# ppp
pseudo-device	tun	1		# network tunnel line discipline
pseudo-device	bpfilter	4	# berkeley packet filters
pseudo-device	view	10		# views
pseudo-device	pty	16		# pseudo terminals
pseudo-device	vnd	4		# paging to files
config	netbsd root on sd2 swap on sd0 and sd1

My PPP options for netbsd-current:

mru 296
mtu 296
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/ -r /etc/ppp/chat.log"