Subject: Re: parse error
To: YU SONG <>
From: Kortelainen Mika <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/13/1996 01:41:25
> I have some problems here. When I compile some programs, sometimes it 
> appears parse error message in some definitely correct codes and when I 
> try again, it compiles fine and appears somewhere else. What is the problem?
> cpp, bison? Please help me.
I'd guess a memory problem.  I have seen a lot of this on my machine
(A3000 with Warp Engine, memory on motherboard and turbo)... at the
moment I'm almost ready to dump those zips on motherboard because
they seem to be the problem (or perhaps it's the old ramsey or another
chip).  I said in my last post to have solved the problem but it seems
to be still there: I started NetBSD and got panic and kernel dump before
I was able to log in.  A new try, and I was able to compile something
but after several 'internal bug in gcc', 'cc got fatal signal 11' etc
(which all disappeard after a retry) I decided to stop and come back
to ADOS.

	Mika Kortelainen