Subject: Re: Memory problems
To: Kevin P. Neal <>
From: David Hopper <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/12/1996 23:41:17
> I thought I heard that the Warp Engine doesn't like onboard A3000 zips?

Whoever told you this was almost certainly smoking model glue.

> I think I remember hearing something like that, then I decided to not
> get a WE for my A3000 (12mb of zips, don't feel like taking a loss).

Hm.  Haven't had a problem with 16 megs of zips + Warp 40/040 for, well,
let's see, 17,472 hours (approximately :^).  No onboard Warp memory; you 
just have to add one wait state for latency.  It's in the manual.

> XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore, Comp. Sci. \

David Hopper ( : 
Anthropology Department, Stanford University
NetBSD 1.1 Amiga ( : NetBSD 1.1 x86 (
"Two pale drops of fire guttering in the vast consuming darkness" -V. Price