Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
To: Olaf Seibert <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/09/1996 09:45:13
On May 9, 12:14pm, Olaf Seibert wrote:
> Ty Sarna <> wrote:
> > PS, if you want another good project, how about writing a newfs_msdos?
> > You must already have formatting support in MSH, so all you'd need is to
> > reorganize it and add optional W95 support to it too. newfs_ados would
> Well, I haven't had a working NetBSD/Amiga system since before 1.0.
> If somebody would swap my A4000/040 with one in which my Z3 Fastlane
> actually *works*, I would be most grateful, and I could work on such
> projects...
I've been using the Fastlane on my A4000/040 with current kernels. It
seems to work quite well if I disable reselect. Someday I may get
ambitious and try to figure out the driver and see if I can determine
what it's doing.
> > also be nice (and if you're really ambitious, fsck_msdos and fsck_ados :->)
> For fsck_ados I would recommend an AmigaOS emulator + DiskSalv :)
I've written an fsck_ados-like program. It only verifies the integrity
of the filesystem and reports things it finds wrong. [After an early
experience with DiskDoctor, I do my disk repairs manually with a sector
editor :-).]
Michael L. Hitch INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA