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Re: Help me installing X11R6...

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>From root%mr.tuwien.ac.at@localhost Mon Feb 26 17:22:51 1996
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From: Arthur Hoffmann <hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
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Subject: Re: Help me installing X11R6...
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Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 17:22:15 +0930 (CST)
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>            "gzcat filename | (cd / ; tar --unlink -xvfp -)"
> fails. The output is:
>     "tar: can't open p: No such file or directory."
> Is there anybody out there to to tell me what I am doing wrong? I know there 
> is
> somebody. Please help me...
Yes, me :) just turn around the fp in the tar options:

 "gzcat filename | (cd / ; tar --unlink -xvpf -)"

Just in case that doesn't work, then the archives may be compressed, so the
command should be changed again to look like:

 "gzcat filename | (cd / ; tar --unlink -xvpzf -)"

That'll do the job.
> Thanx in advance & greetings from Vienna

Ach aus Oesterreich isser, da haette ich ja auch Deutsch schreiben
koennen :-)

Viel Spass


Arthur Hoffmann                                 hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost
========I need a Quantum LPS240 SCSI Hard disk: Dead or Alive=======
++++++++I need a SCSI Scanner - TWAIN compliant              +++++++

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 From billc  Mon Feb 26 10:13:17 1996
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Date: Mon, 26 Feb 96 15:46:10 +0100
From: Per Bojsen <pb%delta.dk@localhost>
Message-Id: <9602261446.AA03273%sparc2.delta.dk@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Changing USRSTACK
X-Attribution: Per
Reply-To: pb%delta.dk@localhost

I have been working on reconfiguring my kernel to allow larger data
segments than the default 32MB.  This can be done by changing the
value of MAXDSIZ (see <machine/vmparam.h>).  The value of USRSTACK,
which defines the address of the top of the user stack limits the
value of MAXDSIZ in the sense that MAXDSIZ should be small enough to
accomodate a hole in the address space between the top of the largest
data segment (top of text + MAXDSIZ) and the bottom of the largest
stack segment (USRSTACK - MAXSSIZ) of sufficient size.  This hole is
used to map in ld.so and any shared libraries as well as other mmap'ed
files.  I found that if the hole was too small or non-existent,
dynamically linked programs will fail with `Cannot map ld.so' and the
kernel will crash during boot at around the point where savecore is
run with `vm_fault failed'.

I have tried to change USRSTACK to a very large value (VM_MAX_ADDRESS,
I think).  This produces a kernel that works, but since the stack
moved ps does not work properly (it cannot find the `ps strings' at
the top of the stacks, which causes it to print `(command)' for all
commands rather than the actual command lines); also, I noticed that
`sendmail -q' coredumped.  So this me to the conclusion that I have to
recompile at least ps and sendmail with the new value of USRSTACK.
There may be many other commands that need recompiling.  My question
is now: are there any problems besides this tied to redefining
USRSTACK?  I realize it probably breaks Sun3 compatibility, but I
don't care about that.

Per Bojsen                                   Email: pb%delta.dk@localhost
DELTA IC Design                                     
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark

 From billc  Mon Feb 26 13:31:43 1996
Return-Path: k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost
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Subject: Problem with gcc2.7.2
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 20:20:43 +0200 (EET)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-Type: text


as gcc2.7.2 now comes as the default compiler (in -current) I thought
it would work nicely... but for some reason it dies when I compile
usr.bin/xinstall/xinstall.c (I hope the path is correct, I'm not
under NetBSD right now).  The message I get is "internal compiler error"
and then it tells it has received signal 6 and dumps core (although
this core file is not recognized by gdb).

Many other files seem to compile (at least libraries, gnu stuff, kernel).
I was just hoping that someone else might have a solution for this
problem before I start to guess where it could be (perhaps vfork
is the cause, xinstall seems to use it).  I didn't check if other,
already compiled, programs use that, thou (I was too tired but I'll
check this soon).

Oh, I have compiled the compiler several times, first with gcc2.4.5
and then again with 2.7.2 (and probably I did this 'build 2.7.2 using
2.7.2' at least twice, make cleaning all the stuff in gnu directory).

If someone happens to remember my earlier message concerning the latest
assembler in binutils, I'm _not_ using that as (nor ld) now.

Thanks for any help!

        Mika Kortelainen

P.S. now that I remember I changed the compiler's config (netbsd.h
in gnu/usr.bin/gcc/arch/m68k) to use 68040 instead of the default 68020,
but could this be the problem?  I do have 040... ;-)

P.P.S. if it matters, I suped the sources on Sunday so they are quite

 From billc  Mon Feb 26 13:52:03 1996
Return-Path: netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost
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NAA06787 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Mon, 26 Feb 1996 13:43:28 -0500 
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Mon, 26 Feb 1996 19:38:49 +0100 (MET)
From: Bernd Ernesti <netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <199602261838.TAA00518%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Subject: Re: Changing USRSTACK
To: pb%delta.dk@localhost
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 19:38:48 +0100 (MET)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <9602261446.AA03273%sparc2.delta.dk@localhost> from "Per Bojsen" 
at Feb 26, 96 03:46:10 pm
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On Mon Feb 26 15:46:10 1996, Per Bojsen wrote:

I had the same expierence if I increased the size of MAXDSIZ to 128MB
and got the same error. Now I am using it with 96MB for MAXDSIZ and
MAXSSIZ, but I think it should be enough to use 32MB for MAXSSIZ
and 128MB for MAXDSIZ.

Now I can use more then 32MB in an mfs'ed /tmp.

> There may be many other commands that need recompiling.  My question
> is now: are there any problems besides this tied to redefining
> USRSTACK?  I realize it probably breaks Sun3 compatibility, but I
> don't care about that.

You don't care about it but I do that and I think others do it also.
So keep the USRSTACK and make the stack size indepenend from the
data size as some other ports do that now: alpha, arm32, i386 and vax.


 From billc  Mon Feb 26 15:33:20 1996
Return-Path: leo%wau.mis.ah.nl@localhost
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From: leo%wau.mis.ah.nl@localhost (Leo Weppelman)
Subject: Re: Problem with gcc2.7.2
To: k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost (Kortelainen Mika)
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 21:24:38 +0000 (WIN)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199602261820.UAA01733%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost> from 
"Kortelainen Mika" at Feb 26, 96 08:20:43 pm
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X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL0]
Content-Type: text

> Hey,
> as gcc2.7.2 now comes as the default compiler (in -current) I thought
> it would work nicely... but for some reason it dies when I compile
> usr.bin/xinstall/xinstall.c (I hope the path is correct, I'm not
> under NetBSD right now).  The message I get is "internal compiler error"
> and then it tells it has received signal 6 and dumps core (although
> this core file is not recognized by gdb).
I can't help you with the internal compiler error, but the reason your
core file wasn't recognized as such by gdb is probably be caused by the
fact that the kernel was compiled with the 2.7.2 compiler. There was a
bug in the quad handling. It has been fixed about a week ago. I think
the only new file you need is the md.m68k (or something like that).

[ ..... ]


 From billc  Mon Feb 26 16:11:46 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
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15:53:19 -0500 (EST)
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From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 13:50:16 -0700
In-Reply-To: Kortelainen Mika's message of Feb 26,  8:20pm
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>, 
Subject: Re: Problem with gcc2.7.2

On Feb 26,  8:20pm, Kortelainen Mika wrote:
> it would work nicely... but for some reason it dies when I compile
> usr.bin/xinstall/xinstall.c (I hope the path is correct, I'm not
> under NetBSD right now).  The message I get is "internal compiler error"
> and then it tells it has received signal 6 and dumps core (although
> this core file is not recognized by gdb).

  Ah, I am not alone!

> I was just hoping that someone else might have a solution for this
> problem before I start to guess where it could be (perhaps vfork
> is the cause, xinstall seems to use it).  I didn't check if other,

  I don't have a solution, but I have worked on tracking down the problem.
The error seems to be related to the statement:
in the copy() routine in xinstall.  If I remove that statement, it will
compile.  If I move the unlink() to after the errx(), it will also compile
(but wouldn't work correctly in that case).

  I located the call to abort() in cc1, in the routine find_reloads().
I don't know enough about the internals of gcc to go any farther though.


Michael L. Hitch                        INTERNET:  osymh%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

 From billc  Mon Feb 26 17:53:23 1996
Return-Path: netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost
Received: from arresum.inka.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
RAA08824 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Mon, 26 Feb 1996 17:35:19 -0500 
Received: (from netbsd@localhost) by arresum.inka.de (8.7.3/8.7.3) id XAA00543; 
Mon, 26 Feb 1996 23:34:37 +0100 (MET)
From: Bernd Ernesti <netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <199602262234.XAA00543%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Subject: Re: Problem with gcc2.7.2
To: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch),
         k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost (Kortelainen Mika)
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 23:34:36 +0100 (MET)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <9602262050.AA21027%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost> from 
"Michael L. Hitch" at Feb 26, 96 01:50:16 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.5 PL0a6]
Content-Type: text

On Mon Feb 26 21:50:16 1996, Michael L. Hitch wrote:
> On Feb 26,  8:20pm, Kortelainen Mika wrote:
> > it would work nicely... but for some reason it dies when I compile
> > usr.bin/xinstall/xinstall.c (I hope the path is correct, I'm not
> > under NetBSD right now).  The message I get is "internal compiler error"
> > and then it tells it has received signal 6 and dumps core (although
> > this core file is not recognized by gdb).
>   Ah, I am not alone!

Strage, I don't have that problem here:

[bernd@arresum]/src/usr.bin/xinstall> make clean
rm -f a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core  xinstall stat_flags.o xinstall.o  
stat_flags.ln xinstall.ln 
[bernd@arresum]/src/usr.bin/xinstall> make
cc -O  -Werror  -c /src/usr.bin/xinstall/../../bin/ls/stat_flags.c
cc -O  -Werror  -c /src/usr.bin/xinstall/xinstall.c
cc   -o xinstall stat_flags.o xinstall.o 


 From billc  Tue Feb 27 00:52:24 1996
Return-Path: root@rhiannon
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AAA05361; Tue, 27 Feb 1996 00:46:18 -0500 (EST)
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(8.7.1/8.6.9) with ESMTP id AAA23016; Tue, 27 Feb 1996 00:45:50 -0500
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Feb 1996 00:38:49 -0500
From: "Donald J. Maddox"  <root@rhiannon>
Message-Id: <199602270538.AAA00248@rhiannon>
Subject: LKMs not working...
To: netbsd-help%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 1996 00:38:48 -0500 (EST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
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    I haven't tried to use any LKMs in quite a while (since before the 
1.1 upgrade), but I decided to play around the Amiga audio LKM yesterday, 
and, in the process, discovered that LKMs simply don't work on my machine 
anymore, and I cannot figure out what the problem is...  Any attempt to 
load an LKM with modload fails with 'operation not permitted'.

    This doesn't just apply to the audio LKM hack...  I also tried the 
example LKMs in /usr/share/lkm with the same results.  I completely 
reinstalled the 1.1 distribution, booted the 1.1 install kernel, and 
STILL got the same results.  What am I doing wrong?

BTW...  options LKM *is* defined in my kernel (and in the INSTALL kernel, I 

rhiannon# ls -l /dev/lkm
crw-r----- 1 root kmem 24, 0 Feb 26 20:45 /dev/lkm

rhiannon# ls -l /sbin/modload
-r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 40960 Nov 24 14:52 /sbin/modload

rhiannon# ktrace -d modload -o lkm_audio -e lkm_audio audio.o
modload: can't reserve memory: Operation not permitted

rhiannon# kdump | more

   288 ktrace   RET   ktrace 0
   288 ktrace   CALL  __sysctl(0xdfff3bc,0x2,0xb116,0xdfff3c4,0,0)
   288 ktrace   RET   __sysctl 4
   288 ktrace   CALL  break(0xb150)
   288 ktrace   RET   break 0
   288 ktrace   CALL  break(0xbffc)
   288 ktrace   RET   break 0
   288 ktrace   CALL  break(0xdffc)
   288 ktrace   RET   break 0
   288 ktrace   CALL  execve(0xdfff434,0xdfff89c,0xdfff8b8)
   288 ktrace   NAMI  "/sbin/modload"
   288 modload  EMUL  "netbsd"
   288 modload  RET   execve 0
   288 modload  CALL  open(0x226f,0x2,0)
   288 modload  NAMI  "/dev/lkm"
   288 modload  RET   open 3
   288 modload  CALL  sigprocmask(0x1,0x80000)
   288 modload  RET   sigprocmask 0
   288 modload  CALL  vfork
   288 modload  RET   vfork 289/0x121
   288 modload  CALL  sigaction(0x2,0xdfff104,0xdfff0f8)
   288 modload  RET   sigaction 0
   288 modload  CALL  sigaction(0x3,0xdfff0fc,0xdfff0f0)
   288 modload  RET   sigaction 0
   288 modload  CALL  wait4(0x121,0xdfff134,0,0)
   288 modload  RET   wait4 289/0x121
   288 modload  CALL  sigprocmask(0x3,0)
   288 modload  RET   sigprocmask 524288/0x80000
   288 modload  CALL  sigaction(0x2,0xdfff104,0xdfff0f8)
   288 modload  RET   sigaction 0
   288 modload  CALL  sigaction(0x3,0xdfff0fc,0xdfff0f0)
   288 modload  RET   sigaction 0
   288 modload  CALL  open(0xdfff947,0,0)
   288 modload  NAMI  "lkm_audio"
   288 modload  RET   open 4
   288 modload  CALL  read(0x4,0xdfff80c,0x20)
   288 modload  GIO   fd 4 read 32 bytes
       "\0\M^G\^A\v\0\0 \0\0\0 \0\0\0\0\0\0\0\M-#\M-$\0\0\^N\M-r\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\
   288 modload  RET   read 32/0x20
   288 modload  CALL  close(0x4)
   288 modload  RET   close 0
   288 modload  CALL  ioctl(0x3,0xc0104b00 ,0xb14c)
   288 modload  RET   ioctl -1 errno 1 Operation not permitted
   288 modload  CALL  write(0x2,0xdffee98,0x9)
   288 modload  GIO   fd 2 wrote 9 bytes
       "modload: "
   288 modload  RET   write 9
   288 modload  CALL  write(0x2,0xdffeeac,0x14)
   288 modload  GIO   fd 2 wrote 20 bytes
       "can't reserve memory"
   288 modload  RET   write 20/0x14
   288 modload  CALL  write(0x2,0xdffee90,0x2)
   288 modload  GIO   fd 2 wrote 2 bytes

<Rest deleted for the sake of brevity>

 From billc  Tue Feb 27 05:52:17 1996
Return-Path: pb%delta.dk@localhost
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Date: Tue, 27 Feb 96 11:08:13 +0100
From: Per Bojsen <pb%delta.dk@localhost>
Message-Id: <9602271008.AA04103%sparc2.delta.dk@localhost>
To: netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199602261838.TAA00518%arresum.inka.de@localhost> 
Subject: Re: Changing USRSTACK
X-Attribution: Per
Reply-To: pb%delta.dk@localhost

*** Regarding Re: Changing USRSTACK; Bernd Ernesti
*** <netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost> adds:

Bernd> I had the same expierence if I increased the size of MAXDSIZ to
Bernd> 128MB and got the same error. Now I am using it with 96MB for
Bernd> MAXDSIZ and MAXSSIZ, but I think it should be enough to use
Bernd> 32MB for MAXSSIZ and 128MB for MAXDSIZ.

Yes, I chose these values myself yesterday.  These leave a gap of up
to 64MB between top of the data segment and bottom of the stack.

Bernd> You don't care about it but I do that and I think others do it
Bernd> also.  So keep the USRSTACK and make the stack size indepenend
Bernd> from the data size as some other ports do that now: alpha,
Bernd> arm32, i386 and vax.

I realize that some people care about Sun3 compatibility, but that
shouldn't prevent me from changing the value.  After all, I have the
source :-) I'd just like to know whether there are any known problems
(besides having to recompile some system utilities, such as ps) with
changing USRSTACK to VM_MAX_ADDRESS, say.  The relatively low value of
USRSTACK limits the address space you can use for mmap'ed files, at
least between the data and stack segments, if you also want higher
than standard values of MAXDSIZ and/or MAXSSIZ.  I noticed that ld.so
did not like to be mapped above USRSTACK, although mmap() has no
problem with mapping above USRSTACK.

I wonder if there are any (other) problems with mmap'ing above
USRSTACK?  If malloc() was changed to exploit the VM system better,
one could work around the barrier that USRSTACK represents.  *If*
exploiting the space above USRSTACK is safe, that is.

Per Bojsen                                   Email: pb%delta.dk@localhost
DELTA IC Design                                     
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark

 From billc  Wed Feb 28 15:51:59 1996
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From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
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Subject: color AGA X server for NetBSD?
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        I'm very seriously considering installing NetBSD on my 
accelerated Amiga 1200 (as opposed to Linux), but one thing that I 
noticed in the FAQ is that the X server for ECS/AGA Amigas is black and 
white only.  Is this still true?  If this is the case, that would 
probably be enough to convince me to go with Linux since it has a 
dedicated AGA X server supporting color, although Linux has other serious 
disadvantages for my settup.  What kind of fun would it be running a UNIX 
flavor on an Amiga if you can't do color? :-)

Matt Harrell

 From billc  Wed Feb 28 17:48:50 1996
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Date: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 17:41:04 -0500 (EST)
From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: high resolution color screens
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OK.  I found the readme file for Xdaniver.  Unfortunately, I've only 
found it for NetBSD-1.0/amiga.  However, it states that the Xdaniver 
server only supports Dbl-NTSC (and maybe Dbl-PAL) mode (but with as much 
as 8 for the depth).  Anyone know if the 1.1 kernel has added higher 
resolutions (specifically, Super72-interlaced, or 800x600)?  Thanks.

Matt Harrell

 From billc  Wed Feb 28 18:32:32 1996
Return-Path: forge%netbsd.warped.com@localhost
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PAA28103 for port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost; Wed, 28 Feb 1996 15:26:01 -0800 
From: Joshua Dinerstein <forge%netbsd.warped.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199602282326.PAA28103%netbsd.warped.com@localhost>
Subject: Using the AdSCSI+ under NetBSd.D.
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
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        Hello All.

        Does anyone here know if there are any plans to support to the 
AdSCSI+ controller add-on for the A1200? I have an accelerated A1200 
that i would like to run NetBSD on. But the cost of the little IDE 
drives is prohibitive enough that I have been using external SCSI 
devices as the main storage on the machine.

        Anyone know if there are plans to support this device? Or other 
options for lower cost storage?


 From billc  Wed Feb 28 23:33:04 1996
Return-Path: jose%smartec.com@localhost
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28 Feb 1996 23:33:53 -0500
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 23:33:52 -0500 (EST)
From: Jose Alburquerque <jose%smartec.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Multiface III & pppd
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Hi.  I just got a Multiface III serial card for my Amiga 2000 running 
NetBSD1.1 in hopes of getting a faster PPP connection.  I've plugged in 
the card, and connected my modem to it, but now my modem does not start.  
I've tried reffering to the card as the man pages say: `/dev/ttyA[01]' 
but this does not work for me.  Does anyone have any idea.  Just in case, 
here's my /ect/ppp/options files:

/dev/ttym0 19200
+ua /etc/ppp/auth
connect "chat -v -f /etc/ppp/conn.chat"
disconnect "chat -v -f /etc/ppp/disconn.chat"

Does anyone have any idea what I should do?  Thanks.


  * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+
 *        *   |                   Jose A. Alburquerque                   |
*  O    O  *  |                     jose%smartec.com@localhost                  
*    ()    *  |             csjaa%csfaculty.engr.ccny.cuny.edu@localhost        
*  \----/  *  |                                                          |
 *        *   |         "In God we trust" - From face of US penny        |
  * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+

 From billc  Wed Feb 28 23:53:26 1996
Return-Path: jose%smartec.com@localhost
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XAA11455 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Wed, 28 Feb 1996 23:42:02 -0500 
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28 Feb 1996 23:47:01 -0500
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 23:47:00 -0500 (EST)
From: Jose Alburquerque <jose%smartec.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: xconsole
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960228234120.1733D-100000%smartec.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Can anyone tell me how I could get xconsole to run upon startup for all 
users?  I can get it to run as root, as anyone the xconsole window opens 
with "Couldn't open console" error.  I sort of want it in system.fvwm or 
somewhere general so that it executes for everyone even if they have 
their own .xinitrc.  Thanks so much.


  * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+
 *        *   |                   Jose A. Alburquerque                   |
*  O    O  *  |                     jose%smartec.com@localhost                  
*    ()    *  |             csjaa%csfaculty.engr.ccny.cuny.edu@localhost        
*  \----/  *  |                                                          |
 *        *   |         "In God we trust" - From face of US penny        |
  * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+

 From billc  Thu Feb 29 00:33:37 1996
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00:26:46 -0500 (EST)
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XAA03894 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Wed, 28 Feb 1996 23:26:37 -0600 
From: Jeff Thieleke <thieleke%icaen.uiowa.edu@localhost>
Message-Id: <199602290526.XAA03894%picabo.icaen.uiowa.edu@localhost>
Subject: Kernel config problems
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 23:26:33 -0600 (CST)
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I'm not certain if this is a NetBSD/amiga specific problem, but I have 
been unable to config(8) any NetBSD-current kernels recently.  

I am using the same configuration that I have been using for a couple of 
months, but a modified GENERIC kernel has the same problem.  When config 
get to the root dev/swap dev part, it fails.

Here is my drive specification part:
  config netbsd root on sd1a swap on sd0b dumps on sd1a

Which gives the errors:
  PICABO:132: netbsd: can't make root device from d1a'
  PICABO:132: netbsd: can't make swap device from d0b'
  PICABO:132: netbsd: can't make dumps device from d1e'
  PICABO has no configurations!
  *** Stop.

Does anyone know how to fix this?  The problem first appeared sometime 
after Feb 22, and I think it might have something to do with a change to 
files.amiga, since that is one of the files that changed around that time 
I first noticed that config problem.

Jeff Thieleke

 From billc  Thu Feb 29 02:12:34 1996
Return-Path: drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost
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28 Feb 1996 23:10:55 -0800 (PST)
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 23:10:51 -0800 (PST)
From: "G. Baldwin" <drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost>
To: Jose Alburquerque <jose%smartec.com@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Multiface III & pppd
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MIME-Version: 1.0
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On Wed, 28 Feb 1996, Jose Alburquerque wrote:

> Hi.  I just got a Multiface III serial card for my Amiga 2000 running 
> NetBSD1.1 in hopes of getting a faster PPP connection.  I've plugged in 
> the card, and connected my modem to it, but now my modem does not start.  
> I've tried reffering to the card as the man pages say: `/dev/ttyA[01]' 
> but this does not work for me.  Does anyone have any idea.  Just in case, 
> here's my /ect/ppp/options files:
> /dev/ttym0 19200
> crtscts
> defaultroute
> -vj
> +ua /etc/ppp/auth
> connect "chat -v -f /etc/ppp/conn.chat"
> disconnect "chat -v -f /etc/ppp/disconn.chat"
> persist
> Does anyone have any idea what I should do?  Thanks.

I have a MultiFace 3 in my A3000, and I have not a problem with it.

I use the options from the shell:
 /dev/ttyA0 115200 crtscts

I can't remember what I have in my ppp options file... 8)

If I am correct, /dev/ttym0 is the built in Amiga serial port.  So, pppd 
is probably looking in the worng place for you.

BTW: Since I am guessing that you have at least an 030 or 040, you might 
want to boost your speed from 19200 up to either 57600 or 115200, that 
is, unless you always have your CPU maxxed out doing jobs under BSD.

                ---Greg Baldwin (drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost)---
                   *Amiga fan and junkie since 1987*
                *Tyranical EFNet Channel OP  'Drizzit'*
> Sincerely
> Jose
>   * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+
>  *        *   |                   Jose A. Alburquerque                   |
> *  O    O  *  |                     jose%smartec.com@localhost                
>      |
> *    ()    *  |             csjaa%csfaculty.engr.ccny.cuny.edu@localhost      
>      |
> *  \----/  *  |                                                          |
>  *        *   |         "In God we trust" - From face of US penny        |
>   * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+

 From billc  Thu Feb 29 04:52:01 1996
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(8.7.3/8.7.3) with ESMTP id DAA24400; Thu, 29 Feb 1996 03:45:12 -0600
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Feb 1996 01:38:14 -0600 (CST)
From: Stephen Champion <steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199602290738.BAA18295@betty>
Subject: Re: xconsole
To: jose%smartec.com@localhost (Jose Alburquerque)
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 01:37:13 -0600 (CST)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960228234120.1733D-100000%smartec.com@localhost> 
from "Jose Alburquerque" at Feb 28, 96 11:47:00 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

Jose Alburquerque said:
> Can anyone tell me how I could get xconsole to run upon startup for all 
> users?  I can get it to run as root, as anyone the xconsole window opens 
> with "Couldn't open console" error.  I sort of want it in system.fvwm or 
> somewhere general so that it executes for everyone even if they have 
> their own .xinitrc.  Thanks so much.

        This isn't exactly a NetBSD or amiga question, but anyway:

        What if a user has his own .fvwmrc and .xinitrc?  All of my users
(well, the ones that actually use console) do this.
        The only way to _force_ everyone to run xconsole is to force them
to use X - by running xdm, with xconsole running as soon as the system 
starts the xserver.
        Other than that, don't worry about it - if someone wants to deviate
from your "recommended" setting in the system files, let them pay for any
bad choices.  If this is actually a real problem (ie bugs in certain 
xservers), just configure syslogd to not log to console (see syslog.conf).
If you want to see the messages yourself, you can just have xterm or rxvt
execute a "tail -f" of whatever file(s) you want to see.

Stephen Champion                 Workstation and Network Consultant
steve%onshore.com@localhost                Onshore, Inc.

 From billc  Thu Feb 29 05:52:14 1996
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 11:39:36 +0100
Subject: Re: Kernel config problems
Message-ID: <36402%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Jeff,

you wrote in <199602290526.XAA03894%picabo.icaen.uiowa.edu@localhost>:
> Here is my drive specification part:
>   config netbsd root on sd1a swap on sd0b dumps on sd1a
You are sure that you want that? IMHO a system crash would cause your
root partition to be overwritten.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Thu Feb 29 06:56:02 1996
Return-Path: thieleke%icaen.uiowa.edu@localhost
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06:47:18 -0500 (EST)
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Subject: Re: Kernel config problems
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 05:47:15 -0600 (CST)
In-Reply-To: <36402%lyssa.owl.de@localhost> from Matthias Scheler at "Feb 29, 
96 11:39:36 am"
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> > Here is my drive specification part:
> >   config netbsd root on sd1a swap on sd0b dumps on sd1a
>                                                      ^^^^
> You are sure that you want that? IMHO a system crash would cause your
> root partition to be overwritten.

No, that definitely isn't what I want.  The real dump drive is sd1e...I 
made a typo.  

Jeff Thieleke

 From billc  Thu Feb 29 10:11:54 1996
Return-Path: jcox%usaferam.af.mil@localhost
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KAA21243 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 29 Feb 1996 10:05:19 -0500 
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        id AA00644; Thu, 29 Feb 96 16:48:54 GMT
Message-Id: <9602291648.AA00644%usaferam.af.mil@localhost>
Date: Thu Feb 29 16:48:51 1996
From: jcox%usaferam.af.mil@localhost (MSgt Joseph N. Cox;USAFE 
CSS/SXQ;480-6171;DEROS )
Subject: Re: color AGA X server for NetBSD?
To: mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
X-Orig-Date: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 15:43:50 -0500 (EST)
X-Orig-From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
Status:  N 

The Xdaniver X server does AGA in color.  The one problem is you can't get full
screen dimensions.  The version of Xdaniver I use came out last summer.  In 
the installation the author cautions that in DBLNTSC mode anything more than 
702 pixels wide or 430 pixels deep won't sync.  That is true on my machine.

The author suspects the problem is a problem in NetBSD's AGA support.  The 
problem still exists with NetBSD 1.1.

Joe Cox

 From billc  Thu Feb 29 10:55:22 1996
Return-Path: isthesin%TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE@localhost
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Thu, 29 Feb 1996 10:47:43 -0500 (EST)
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From: isthesin%TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE@localhost (Stephan Thesing)
Message-Id: <9602291646.ZM24656%moos.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE@localhost>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 16:46:44 +0100
In-Reply-To: jcox%usaferam.af.mil@localhost (MSgt Joseph N. Cox;USAFE 
CSS/SXQ;480-6171;DEROS )
        "Re: color AGA X server for NetBSD?" (Feb 29, 16:48)
References: <9602291648.AA00644%usaferam.af.mil@localhost>
X-Mailer: Z-Mail (2.1.5 09aug93)
To: jcox%usaferam.af.mil@localhost (MSgt Joseph N. Cox;USAFE 
CSS/SXQ;480-6171;DEROS )
Subject: Re: color AGA X server for NetBSD?
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost

On Feb 29, 16:48, MSgt Joseph N. Cox;USAFE CSS/SXQ;480-6171;DEROS wrote:
> Subject: Re: color AGA X server for NetBSD?
> The Xdaniver X server does AGA in color.  The one problem is you can't get 
> full
> screen dimensions.  The version of Xdaniver I use came out last summer.  In 
> the installation the author cautions that in DBLNTSC mode anything more than 
> 702 pixels wide or 430 pixels deep won't sync.  That is true on my machine.
> The author suspects the problem is a problem in NetBSD's AGA support.  The 
> problem still exists with NetBSD 1.1.

This is true. The X server only opens another view (/dev/view??) and
sets its dimensions to the requested size (e.g. 704x430).
The view simply maps any request to the underlying graphics hardware
(AGA chip set in this case).
The graphics driver looks at the dimensions requested and chooses an
appropriate graphics mode (hires, DBLNTSC...)
There are only a limited set of different graphics mode in the
NetBSD1.1 has a new PAL_AGA mode with dimensions up to 704x500 (\approx...).
But for this to work, your kernel must be configured to include
AGA and PAL support.
If this is not the case, reconfig and recompile.

I use Xdaniver with 1.1 and the following dimensions:
startx --  -W 704 -H 500 -X -8 -depth 8
(or was it -width 704 -height 500 ??? Don't have my Amiga handy)

This works fine and the picture is (well) aligned on my monitor.

I tried to write an additional gfx mode for 800x600 but with no success
up to now. Anyhow my knowledge of the interna of the driver and the correct
handling of all the Sync registers is quite limited.....
> Joe Cox
>-- End of excerpt from MSgt Joseph N. Cox;USAFE CSS/SXQ;480-6171;DEROS

=             Stephan Thesing                 =
=        AG Praktische Informatik             =
=          Technische Fakult"at               =
=         Universit"at Bielefeld              =

 From billc  Thu Feb 29 12:32:02 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
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SMTP id MAA21862 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 29 Feb 1996 
12:25:26 -0500 (EST)
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        id AA16774; Thu, 29 Feb 1996 10:25:07 -0700
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From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 10:25:07 -0700
In-Reply-To: Jeff Thieleke's message of Feb 28, 11:26pm
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: Jeff Thieleke <thieleke%icaen.uiowa.edu@localhost>, 
Subject: Re: Kernel config problems

On Feb 28, 11:26pm, Jeff Thieleke wrote:
> Does anyone know how to fix this?  The problem first appeared sometime 
> after Feb 22, and I think it might have something to do with a change to 
> files.amiga, since that is one of the files that changed around that time 
> I first noticed that config problem.

  Something was removed from files.amiga that shouldn't have been:

*** /1e/sys/arch/amiga/conf/files.amiga Sat Feb 24 05:31:59 1996
--- files.amiga Mon Feb 26 10:54:40 1996
*** 199,204 ****
--- 199,208 ----
  device        idesc at mainbus: scsi
  file  arch/amiga/dev/idesc.c          idesc needs-flag
+ major {sd = 4}
+ major {st = 5}
+ major {cd = 6}
  # list of standard files...
  file  dev/cons.c                      ite ser
  file  dev/cninit.c                    ite ser


 From billc  Thu Feb 29 19:11:59 1996
Return-Path: jose%smartec.com@localhost
Received: from smartec.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
SAA00877 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 29 Feb 1996 18:58:37 -0500 
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29 Feb 1996 19:03:45 -0500
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 19:03:45 -0500 (EST)
From: Jose Alburquerque <jose%smartec.com@localhost>
To: "G. Baldwin" <drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: Multiface III & pppd
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Thanks so much for replying.  I checked my cable connections and did what 
you told me, and it turns out that my connections were wrong. Once I made 
the changes that you suggested, things worked fine.  My connection is now 
"crusing" thanks to your suggestions.  Thanks again! Bye.


  * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+
 *        *   |                   Jose A. Alburquerque                   |
*  O    O  *  |                     jose%smartec.com@localhost                  
*    ()    *  |             csjaa%csfaculty.engr.ccny.cuny.edu@localhost        
*  \----/  *  |                                                          |
 *        *   |         "In God we trust" - From face of US penny        |
  * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+

 From billc  Fri Mar  1 02:51:54 1996
Return-Path: netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost
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Fri, 1 Mar 1996 08:38:43 +0100 (MET)
From: Bernd Ernesti <netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603010738.IAA01142%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Subject: Re: Kernel config problems
To: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 08:38:41 +0100 (MET)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
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On Thu Feb 29 18:25:07 1996, Michael L. Hitch wrote:
>   Something was removed from files.amiga that shouldn't have been:
> *** /1e/sys/arch/amiga/conf/files.amiga       Sat Feb 24 05:31:59 1996
> --- files.amiga       Mon Feb 26 10:54:40 1996
> ***************
> *** 199,204 ****
> --- 199,208 ----
>   device      idesc at mainbus: scsi
>   file        arch/amiga/dev/idesc.c          idesc needs-flag
> + major       {sd = 4}
> + major       {st = 5}
> + major       {cd = 6}

Thats right, but cd should be 7 and not 6. Ezy corrected me after I gave him
the same lines, see sys/arch/amiga/amiga/conf.c for the correct numbers.


 From billc  Fri Mar  1 03:32:14 1996
Return-Path: thieleke%icaen.uiowa.edu@localhost
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ESMTP id DAA05465 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Fri, 1 Mar 1996 
03:29:34 -0500 (EST)
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CAA00176; Thu, 29 Feb 1996 02:04:27 -0600 (CST)
From: Jeff Thieleke <thieleke%icaen.uiowa.edu@localhost>
Message-Id: <199602290804.CAA00176%picabo.icaen.uiowa.edu@localhost>
Subject: Re: Kernel config problems
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 02:04:25 -0600 (CST)
Cc: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
In-Reply-To: <9602291725.AA16774%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost> from 
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>   Something was removed from files.amiga that shouldn't have been:
>   file        arch/amiga/dev/idesc.c          idesc needs-flag
> + major       {sd = 4}
> + major       {st = 5}
> + major       {cd = 6}
> + 
>   # list of standard files...

Yep, that did the trick!  Thanks a lot!

Jeff Thieleke

 From billc  Fri Mar  1 10:00:12 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
Received: from gemini.oscs.montana.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id JAA10283 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Fri, 1 Mar 1996 
09:49:33 -0500 (EST)
Received: by gemini.oscs.montana.edu (5.65/DEC-Ultrix/4.3)
        id AA15264; Fri, 1 Mar 1996 07:49:26 -0700
Message-Id: <9603011449.AA15264%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost>
From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 07:49:26 -0700
In-Reply-To: Bernd Ernesti's message of Mar  1,  8:38am
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Kernel config problems

On Mar  1,  8:38am, Bernd Ernesti wrote:
> On Thu Feb 29 18:25:07 1996, Michael L. Hitch wrote:
> >   
> > + major     {sd = 4}
> > + major     {st = 5}
> > + major     {cd = 6}
> Thats right, but cd should be 7 and not 6. Ezy corrected me after I gave him
> the same lines, see sys/arch/amiga/amiga/conf.c for the correct numbers.

  That's correct - I had just copied what was currently in the file, so
it's been incorrect (probably since it was first added).  It shouldn't
have caused any problems unless someone had a configuration that
explicitly specified a CDROM in the config file - which is probably
very unlikely and probably wouldn't work anyway.


Michael L. Hitch                        INTERNET:  osymh%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

 From billc  Mon Mar  4 18:15:14 1996
Return-Path: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost
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Date: Mon, 4 Mar 1996 23:51:54 +0100 (MET)
From: Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>
To: current-users%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
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Subject: Driver documentation
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I just wanted to announce that I wrote a short doc on how to write 
framebuffer device drivers for NetBSD-Amiga (this is the only part of the 
kernel I know of;-).

It can be found on ftp.uni-regensburg.de in 

I hope it will make it easier for people who want to contribute such a 
driver (e.g. for the Merlin or piccoloSD64).

Since it didn't take long (2 1/2 hours), perhaps other people (you?) want to 
write some little documentation, too? 
If everyone writes a little bit about the things he knows best, we could get
a whole bunch of docs:-) 
It would be really nice to have it, since very few people know about the 
_whole_ kernel...

What do you think?

If you find errors or have some other remarks, drop me a mail :-)


Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

 From billc  Mon Mar  4 22:52:49 1996
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From: David Gilbert <dgilbert%jaywon.pci.on.ca@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Hello, a report, a problem.

        Having figured out the majordomo complexities, I can finally
say hello again, and contribute something, finally.  Recently a 300
meg disk came free (when I put a new 1 gig one in my Sun4), so I
decided that it was time to put NetBSD on my Amiga.

        The install is not enitrely obvious.  In particular, the bit
about the various environment variables was tedious --- unlike the
documentation (which I no longer have in front of me), the tmp_dir (or
whatever it was) didn't point to a writable temp directory, but to
where the src11 et. al. where.  To make matters worse, the way I got
them by ftp put them all in different directories... which meant
quite a bit extra typing.

        Anyways... no real quibble.  This isn't Linux, and I'm glad.

        First, a question, then:

How to I tell fvwm to back off on the colour allocation _or_ how to I
get xscreensaver to be more agressive?  More colour is needed here or
people visiting are going to laugh --- this is a A500 w/ 50Mhz 030 and
8 meg of RAM --- so a video card is out of the question.

        Next a little buglet:

I've noticed that the xscreensaver module 'maze' will fail to draw the
last little bit when it goes around a corner to a dead end.  This
seems to be some kind of drawing error.  I havn't seen it affect
anything else, though.

        Something I noticed:

Both my Amiga and my SGI (4D/35 at work) are way slower at the one
that draws lots of rectangles when the rectangles are dithered than my
sun4/260.  It seems that something in the video acceleration is
defeated here.  Any ideas?

        And... thanks!

ppp is up and running.  I've tried load av's of 15 or so.  Run the
heck out of it for a few days.  I'm going to build my own kernel next,
but will have to wait until I trip over another disk for a full build
of the world.

I'm wondering which will be faster:

Sun3/260 w/ 8,16,24 or 32 meg of memory (possible) (this is 16Mhz 020,
        I think...)


Amiga500 w/25Mhz 030 and 8 meg 32 bit RAM.

The faster one will end up building the world all the time, I think.
Now to figure out how to get the sparc to gateway.


|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario.  | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:      dgilbert%jaywon.pci.on.ca@localhost         |  equal if and only if 
they |
|http://www.pci.on.ca/~dgilbert               |   are precisely opposite.  |

 From billc  Tue Mar  5 15:13:47 1996
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Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 20:50:40 +0000 (+0100)
From: Ruben van Staveren <staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost>
Subject: Problems with NetBSD1.1: X11R6, diskquotas
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
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Weird, weird problems with NetBSD...

As I'm fairly new with NetBSD installation I have experienced a few weird
1.  problems with quotas
    When using quotas on the home partition, enabled the quota options
    in the fstab, and edited some quotas with edquota  I'll get something
    like this:

    $ quota -v
    No quotas for user test (gid 205)

    When logging in as test and copy the kernal several times in ~test I'll
    get the message that I'm exceeding the quota limit. however I'll get
    the same result when using quota -v. no quotas set.
    when using the repquota utility it lets me clearly see the quotas for
    user 'test', but with a blank field as grace period.

    Well, what's wrong here.

2.  problems with X11R6 from the Gateway I: user administration
    Just grabbed the entire /usr/local/X11R6 dir and tarred & copied onto my

    When I run Xdaniver, or X ( which is a softlink to Xdaniver ) the mouse
    pointer moves just fine, but when run from startx (xinit) it just hangs
    just like the keyboard.

    The needed devices are present, the window manager also starts fine, but
    input is blocked! permissions of X are amongst others  setuid to root.

    however, xdm starts up fine.

    when inside a xterm I isued the who command. I get only the headerline
    of who and *no* users at all... seems to me that I am a sort of ghost.
    when using rxvt I get the right information.

    In both cases, however it is not possible to issue the command passwd
    I'll get Permission denied:
    when closing that xterm and do a telnet localhost (So I'll get the same
    tty) passwd works fine.

    I think these problems are related. are the X11R6 binaries too old ?

3.  problems with X11R6 from the Gateway I: XLib authorisation.

    when using su or telnet localhost the Xserver denies all X clients from
    within that session. Whats the right format of the Xaccess file ?

    can anyone please help me with these nasty problems ?

    -- Appendices --

A.  installation

    complete NetBSD/Amiga 1.1 distribution
    the main shell is a self compiled tcsh 6.05
    the X11R6 tree from the Gateway CD is used

B.  fstab


C.  X configuration stuff

# Xaccess - XDMCP access control file

# Direct/Broadcast query entries

*# allow access from ALL hosts !!!!!!!

#!xtra.lcs.mit.edu   # disallow direct/broadcast service for xtra
#bambi.ogi.edu       # allow access from this particular display
#*.lcs.mit.edu       # allow access from any display in LCS

# Indirect query entries

#%HOSTSexpo.lcs.mit.edu xenon.lcs.mit.edu \
#excess.lcs.mit.edu kanga.lcs.mit.edu

#*                    dummy               #disallow indirect access for ALL
#extract.lcs.mit.edu xenon.lcs.mit.edu   #force extract to contact xenon
#!xtra.lcs.mit.edu   dummy               #disallow indirect access
#*.lcs.mit.edu       %HOSTS              #all others get to choose

-- contents of the xdm-errors file

AUDIT: Mon Mar  4 00:15:23 1996: 100 X: client 11 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1

AUDIT: Mon Mar  4 00:32:19 1996: 100 X: client 13 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1

AUDIT: Mon Mar  4 00:40:34 1996: 100 X: client 11 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1

-- contents of Xservers ( X is a softlink to Xdaniver )

:0 Local local /usr/local/X11R6/bin/X :0 -2 -logo -p 1 -s 10 -terminate

-- and finally, the xdm-config file

DisplayManager.servers:            /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers
DisplayManager.errorLogFile:       /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-errors
DisplayManager.accessFile:         /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xaccess
DisplayManager*resources:          /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xresources
DisplayManager*startup:            /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xstartup
DisplayManager*session:            /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession
DisplayManager*setup:              /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsetup
DisplayManager.pidFile:            /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-pid
DisplayManager._0.authorize:       true
DisplayManager*authorize:          false
DisplayManager.accessFile:         /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xaccess

/___________________________ //_____________________________/| PGP Public
|  _             _        |\X/ Amiga is it, the rest is ... ||_  @ / Key on
| /_)     | /   /_'       |Email: staveren%ronix.ptf.hro.nl@localhost || \/##\ 
|/  \uben |/an __/taveren |(A1230-882@50/14/500) tO tHE eND!||   ##/
|-----------------------------------------------------------||   ||`
|      "Quantum Physics:The Dreams Stuff Are Made Of.."     ||  _|\
| Mail me with Subject "Gimme PGP Key" to get my public key!|'    /

 From billc  Wed Mar  6 05:15:10 1996
Return-Path: tab%lysator.liu.se@localhost
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From: Tomas Abrahamsson <tab%lysator.liu.se@localhost>
To: staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost
CC: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-reply-to: <19960305.DFCC7D8.12D00%enterprise.cpz.nl@localhost> (message from 
        van Staveren on Tue, 05 Mar 1996 20:50:40 +0000 (+0100))
Subject: Re: Problems with NetBSD1.1: X11R6, diskquotas

> When I run Xdaniver, or X ( which is a softlink to Xdaniver ) the mouse
> pointer moves just fine, but when run from startx (xinit) it just hangs
> just like the keyboard.

I have experienced the same problems. I run Xdaniver on an
A3000. Using NetBSD 1.0 everything worked fine, but not under 1.1.
This is what happens for me:

  o starting X with "xinit" blocks the mouse and keyboard.

  o starting X with "startx" works fine, but arguments that should be
    passed to the X server (such as screen width, height and depth)
    do not seem make their way to the X server (i.e. the X server
    starts as if no arguments were entered.

  o creating a file called ".xserverrc" im ny home directory with the
    contents "X <server arguments>" and starting X with "xinit" works
    all right (nothing blocks, the arguments make their way to the X

I have upgraded all in /usr/local/X11R6/lib and /usr/local/X11R6/lib
as well as the X server (Xdaniver) to the 1.1 distribution.

Tomas Abrahamsson               Lysator Academic Computer Association
tab%lysator.liu.se@localhost            Linkoping University, Sweden

 From billc  Wed Mar  6 05:52:15 1996
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 01:23:32 +0100
Subject: Re: Problems with NetBSD1.1: X11R6, diskquotas
Message-ID: <37153%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Ruben,

you wrote in <19960305.DFCC7D8.12D00%enterprise.cpz.nl@localhost>:
[quota story deleted]

>     Well, what's wrong here.

Well known bug in NetBSD-1.1.

> When I run Xdaniver, or X ( which is a softlink to Xdaniver ) the mouse
> pointer moves just fine, but when run from startx (xinit) it just hangs
> just like the keyboard.

You need the september release of X11R6 for NetBSD-current.

> are the X11R6 binaries too old ?

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Wed Mar  6 20:52:04 1996
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From: bn%okcforum.osrhe.edu@localhost (Bo Najdrovsky)
Subject: increasing performance?
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1996 19:46:07 -0600 (CST)
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Could anyone suggest some things to tune to increase the performance under
NetBSD 1.1 ?   I'm running on a  25MHz A3000/040 but compared to a FreeBSD 
machine on a 25MHz 486 at work, my system seems much more sluggish.  If 
anything, I would expect it to be a bit faster than the Intel box,  however
it just isn't so.  My hardware is: A3640, GVP Spectrum, 12 MB FAST RAM,
Quantum Fireball 1080S (the rotational delay is already at 0).

I also tried recompiling the kernel with -m68040 flag instead of -m68020
but it was acting kind of flakey,  I even had some SCSI lockups so I went
back to '020 code which is noticably slower on some other things I compiled.
(like xlander, which runs significantly faster, when compiled for '040)

Bo Najdrovsky       // AmigaOS 3.1/Mac Sys7.1/BSD 4.4 - Courtesy of my A3000
bn%gnu.ai.mit.edu@localhost \X/  => join the EGS list: 
listproc%okcforum.osrhe.edu@localhost <=
bn%okcforum.osrhe.edu@localhost  "Who are you, who's so wise in the ways of 

 From billc  Fri Mar  8 01:33:17 1996
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From: Jeff Thieleke <thieleke%icaen.uiowa.edu@localhost>
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Subject: Re: Help on installation & starting
To: saausa%wurley.apana.org.au@localhost (Salvatore Salamone)
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 1996 00:24:14 -0600 (CST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
<Pine.LNX.3.91.960308104055.19881D-100000%wurley.apana.org.au@localhost> from 
Salvatore Salamone at "Mar 8, 96 10:41:59 am"
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>                               A1200
>                               68030 + MMU

Do you have a FPU also?  AFAIK, a FPU is required for NetBSD 1.1, but may or
may not be necessary in NetBSD 1.1A (-current) because of the floating point

> Next I issued the command 'loadbsd -b netbsd' on my shell, all the sudden
> I get a black screen nothing was working, so I tried the other
> 'loadbsd -I ff -b netbsd' and still I got a black screen. So it made me
> think I just though some of the programs (from WBStartup & MCP) &
> patches (newicons,patchwpa8, ipatch, etc) I was running in the background
> was causing the problem so I didn't want to disable the patches & boot up
> prgs so I stop (Ctrl-D) startup-sequence half way giving a shell prompt

In my experience, starting up NetBSD from Workbench rarely works.  A 
nifty solution is to get a utility like 'mousek' that can start different 
sections of your s:startup-sequence.  With mousek, you could configure it 
so that NetBSD starts up when you boot pressing a mouse button.  This 
also saves time by not loading up any unnecessary AmigaDOS stuff.

> only. I tried here 'loadbsd -b netbsd' finally it worked it gave me a
> welcome msg (doesn't look like a welcome msg just bunch of garbage I
> couldn't understand).

Is it really garbage (unreadable) or just information you don't understand

> Strange but shouldn't I get a pathname of a shell like 'INSTALL' doc say?
> Well it didn't ask me so it kept on going until it ask me about
> installation so I put 'y'. Next it asked me which device to use for root
> so I put 'sd0' like the doc said. Suddenly things happen I noticed in a
> quick glance errors such as 'unknowed dostype 0x4d534800 marking used'
>                             'cannot mount root'

It sounds like you entered the wrong dostype with HDToolbox, hence the 
"unknown dostype" error.  Make sure your root partition is dostype 

Or maybe you need to enter sd0*, instead of sd0?  It has been so long 
since I did it myself, but according to INSTALL:

     Then you will be prompted for a root device.  At this time type

> and then it was counting "4 3 2 1 succeded" and suddenly
> BOOM CRASH RESET  (It didn't say that really), my machine resets.
> I tried again the same thing happens, I tried also the other way
> 'loadbsd -I ff -b netbsd' and still the same problem.
> Thats it this where I got stuck now I don't know what to do next.

Don't worry too much about the crash...NetBSD just doesn't like not having a 
root partition.  Also, you don't have to bother with the loadbsd -I ff 
either, since you have an IDE drive, and the -I ff argument is for SCSI 
drives only.

The most important thing is to just keep going through the INSTALL notes 
and don't give up.  I know it took me a few tries to get going, and then 
a few startovers, but the end result to well worth the effort!

Jeff Thieleke

 From billc  Fri Mar  8 08:12:08 1996
Return-Path: saausa%wurley.apana.org.au@localhost
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Date: Fri, 8 Mar 1996 22:58:27 +0000 (GMT)
From: Salvatore Salamone <saausa%wurley.apana.org.au@localhost>
To: Jeff Thieleke <thieleke%icaen.uiowa.edu@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: Help on installation & starting
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On Fri, 8 Mar 1996, Jeff Thieleke wrote:

> >                               A1200
> >                               68030 + MMU
> Do you have a FPU also?  AFAIK, a FPU is required for NetBSD 1.1, but may or
> may not be necessary in NetBSD 1.1A (-current) because of the floating point
> emulator.

Yep I have.
> > Next I issued the command 'loadbsd -b netbsd' on my shell, all the sudden
> > I get a black screen nothing was working, so I tried the other
> > 'loadbsd -I ff -b netbsd' and still I got a black screen. So it made me
> > think I just though some of the programs (from WBStartup & MCP) &
> > patches (newicons,patchwpa8, ipatch, etc) I was running in the background
> > was causing the problem so I didn't want to disable the patches & boot up
> > prgs so I stop (Ctrl-D) startup-sequence half way giving a shell prompt
> In my experience, starting up NetBSD from Workbench rarely works.  A 
> nifty solution is to get a utility like 'mousek' that can start different 
> sections of your s:startup-sequence.  With mousek, you could configure it 
> so that NetBSD starts up when you boot pressing a mouse button.  This 
> also saves time by not loading up any unnecessary AmigaDOS stuff.
> > only. I tried here 'loadbsd -b netbsd' finally it worked it gave me a
> > welcome msg (doesn't look like a welcome msg just bunch of garbage I
> > couldn't understand).
> Is it really garbage (unreadable) or just information you don't understand
> yet?

Yep its readable I not too sure what's going on.

> > Strange but shouldn't I get a pathname of a shell like 'INSTALL' doc say?
> > 
> > Well it didn't ask me so it kept on going until it ask me about
> > installation so I put 'y'. Next it asked me which device to use for root
> > so I put 'sd0' like the doc said. Suddenly things happen I noticed in a
> > quick glance errors such as 'unknowed dostype 0x4d534800 marking used'
> >                             'cannot mount root'
> It sounds like you entered the wrong dostype with HDToolbox, hence the 
> "unknown dostype" error.  Make sure your root partition is dostype 
> 0x4e425207.

I set dostype to these settings on HDToolbox:
                         root = 0x4e425207
                         swap = 0x4e425301
                  usr & local = 0x4e425507

> Or maybe you need to enter sd0*, instead of sd0?  It has been so long 
> since I did it myself, but according to INSTALL:
>      Then you will be prompted for a root device.  At this time type
>     'sd0*'

I try this time and see what happens.

> > and then it was counting "4 3 2 1 succeded" and suddenly
> > BOOM CRASH RESET  (It didn't say that really), my machine resets.
> > I tried again the same thing happens, I tried also the other way
> > 'loadbsd -I ff -b netbsd' and still the same problem.
> > Thats it this where I got stuck now I don't know what to do next.
> Don't worry too much about the crash...NetBSD just doesn't like not having a 
> root partition.  Also, you don't have to bother with the loadbsd -I ff 
> either, since you have an IDE drive, and the -I ff argument is for SCSI 
> drives only.
> The most important thing is to just keep going through the INSTALL notes 
> and don't give up.  I know it took me a few tries to get going, and then 
> a few startovers, but the end result to well worth the effort!
> Jeff Thieleke

Ok I let u know about 'sd0*'.


 From billc  Fri Mar  8 20:12:49 1996
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        Sat, 09 Mar 1996 02:07:54 +0100
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 1996 02:07:16 +0100
Reply-To: "NetBSD List" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: Re: Help on instalation
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Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Grzegorz,

you wrote in 
> How can i install and then boot BSD-1.1 ...

This list is called "current-users" because it's used to discuss about
NetBSD-current, and 1.1 is not current. Better use "port-amiga" next time.

> i must boot it in mode > 30.kHz  Any idea ?????

No change, get a decent monitor

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Sat Mar  9 04:32:17 1996
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Date: Sat, 9 Mar 1996 03:21:32 -0600
From: Peter Seebach <seebs%solon.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603090921.DAA07978%solutions.solon.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: -msoft-float, kernel...

Is -msoft-float necessary for kernels that will never run on machines
without fpu's?


 From billc  Mon Mar 11 02:12:48 1996
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From: Stephen Champion <steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
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Subject: Re: Print
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Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 01:01:55 -0600 (CST)
In-Reply-To: <9603110039.ZM4149@rrzc1a> from "Hubert Feyrer" at Mar 11, 96 
00:39:16 am
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Hubert Feyrer said:
> > Could somebody tell me how to make NetBSD print? Is the node par0 or ttyp0?
> Get the ghostscript available on ftp.uni-regensburg.de (and MIRRORS) from
> /pub/NetBSD-Amiga/contrib, it shows how to set up some printer (PS, even).
> The device for the parallel port is par0, ttyp0 is some pseudo-tty (hence the
> 'p' ;-). Also, try 'man printcap'.
> > Is there any document about netbsd? I am lack of information.
> see /usr/share/man and /usr/share/doc.
> then: http://www.netbsd.org and
> http://rfhs1012.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~feyrer/NetBSD/ and
> ftp://ftp.uni-regensburg.de/pub/NetBSD-Amiga/docs and of course
> ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/.

        For printing, you might also want to consult the Linux Printing-HOWTO.
It has useful information on how to do all sorts of printing with a Berkeley
lpd.  The Linux documentation in general is often helpful, if you know what
applies and what doesn't for each OS you use.

        Oh - more man pages to look at - lpd(8), and lpr(1).

Stephen Champion                 Workstation and Network Consultant
steve%onshore.com@localhost                Onshore, Inc.

 From billc  Tue Mar 12 14:55:14 1996
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From: Lynn Winebarger <owinebar%nickel.ucs.indiana.edu@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603121936.OAA20176%nickel.ucs.indiana.edu@localhost>
Subject: Install kernel for A4000T +CV64
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Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 14:36:35 -0500 (EST)
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Hi!  I was wondering if someone would compile an install kernel that
supports both the A4000T scsi device and the Cybervision 64 graphics card.
There are separate ones on ftp.uni-regensburg.de, but I unfortunately use
both devices.

 From billc  Tue Mar 12 17:34:40 1996
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Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 23:17:51 +0100 (MET)
From: Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>
To: Lynn Winebarger <owinebar%nickel.ucs.indiana.edu@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Install kernel for A4000T +CV64
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On Tue, 12 Mar 1996, Lynn Winebarger wrote:

> Hi!  I was wondering if someone would compile an install kernel that
> supports both the A4000T scsi device and the Cybervision 64 graphics card.
> There are separate ones on ftp.uni-regensburg.de, but I unfortunately use
> both devices.

Where can one get the source-changes for the A4000T-SCSI and NetBSD 1.1?
Perhaps someone who has them could put them to regensburg?
The cybervision-sources are there in incoming, if somebody needs them...

Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

 From billc  Tue Mar 12 20:52:24 1996
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From: Michele_Lucini%locebbs.aare.ch@localhost (Loce)
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Building kernel problems


I recently tried to build a new kernel. When I try to restart netbsd with
the new kernel I get the following error from loadbsd:

loadbsd: newer loadbsd required: 65535

What's the problem? BTW, if I tried to reload the kernel by copying it to
/dev/reload, but it doesn't work. I get some kind of dump and then the
machine halts itself.

I tried to rebuild the kernel with the generic configuration. I get some
warnings during the compilation (I removed the -Werror option from the

Any suggestion is welcome!

Ok, bye!


UseNet: loce%locebbs.chnet.ch@localhost     FidoNet: Michele Lucini@2:301/231
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 From billc  Wed Mar 13 18:54:44 1996
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From: the Riz <riz%boogers.sf.ca.us@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603132337.PAA06544%boogers.sf.ca.us@localhost>
Subject: X11R6 problems...
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I'm trying to get my old 2000/040 up for a friend to use under 1.1, and
having some problems with X:  when I start X, the keyboard and mouse
don't work.  Now, I ran into this problem when I used to run 1.0 on this
machine, and upgraded to 1.1, but this is a fresh install.

The X11R6 is the *1.1* compiled version from ftp.netbsd.org, and it's
a clean, fresh install of everything...  Anyone got any ideas what I
screwed up?

Thanks in advance...


Jeff Rizzo                                         http://boogers.sf.ca.us/~riz

 From billc  Thu Mar 14 20:14:09 1996
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Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 14:22:51 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3a (7.9.95)
Subject: Re: X11R6 problems...
Message-ID: <73901204%hamburg.netsurf.de@localhost>

the Riz wrote in mailinglist.NetBSD-port-amiga about "X11R6 problems...":

> having some problems with X:  when I start X, the keyboard and mouse
> don't work.


Login in as root or su

cd /dev
chmod +rw kbd
chmod +rw mouse0

Sould work then.

So long..


 From billc  Fri Mar 15 05:52:54 1996
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From: Per Bojsen <pb%delta.dk@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: NetBSD/Amiga 1.1 SCSI Tape Problems (Long!)
X-Attribution: Per
Reply-To: pb%delta.dk@localhost


I'm running NetBSD 1.1 on an A3000 with an A3070 external tape drive
attached to it.  I experience reproducible lock-ups when reading from
the tape drive.  My guess is the lock-ups are either SCSI bus lock-ups
or deadlocks in the SCSI subsystem of the kernel.  The symptoms are
that the tape drive stops and from that point on no SCSI devices can
be accessed and the system freezes shortly after that.  Interestingly,
the tape drive always stops just after it has reversed its direction,
i.e., when changing tracks (not the end of tape or the end of the file
being read).  Is this a known problem?

Here's some details on my system:

NetBSD 1.1 (MORIA) #15: Sun Mar 10 19:15:18 MET 1996
Amiga 3000 (m68030 CPU/MMU m68882 FPU)
real  mem = 16777216 (2048 pages)
avail mem = 14704640 (1795 pages)
grf3 at grfcl0: width 640 height 480 colors 16
ite3 at grf3: rows 60 cols 80 repeat at (30/100)s next at (10/100)s has keyboard
grfcl: 2MB Piccolo being used
grfcl1 at zbus0 rom 0xea0000 man/pro 2195/6
ite at grfcl1:  not configured
ahsc0 at mainbus0
scsibus0 at ahsc0
ahsc0: target 0 now synchronous, period=208ns, offset=12.
ahsc0 targ 0 lun 0: <IBM, DPES-31080, S31Q> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd0 at scsibus0: 1034MB, 4903 cyl, 4 head, 108 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ahsc0 targ 1 lun 0: <QUANTUM, LP240S GM240S01X, 4.6> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd1 at scsibus0: 234MB, 1818 cyl, 4 head, 65 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ahsc0: target 2 now synchronous, period=208ns, offset=12.
ahsc0 targ 2 lun 0: <IBM, DPES-31080, S31Q> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd2 at scsibus0: 1034MB, 4903 cyl, 4 head, 108 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ahsc0 targ 4 lun 0: <CALIPER, CP150, A> SCSI1 1/sequential removable
st0 at scsibus0: drive empty
ahsc0 targ 4 lun 1: <CALIPER, CP150, A> SCSI1 1/sequential removable
st1 at scsibus0: st1(ahsc0:4:1): illegal request, data = 40 00 00 00 00 00
drive empty
ahsc0 targ 4 lun 2: <CALIPER, CP150, A> SCSI1 1/sequential removable
st2 at scsibus0: st2(ahsc0:4:2): illegal request, data = 40 00 00 00 00 00
drive empty
ahsc0 targ 4 lun 3: <CALIPER, CP150, A> SCSI1 1/sequential removable
st3 at scsibus0: st3(ahsc0:4:3): illegal request, data = 40 00 00 00 00 00
drive empty
ahsc0 targ 4 lun 4: <CALIPER, CP150, A> SCSI1 1/sequential removable
st4 at scsibus0: st4(ahsc0:4:4): illegal request, data = 40 00 00 00 00 00
drive empty
ahsc0 targ 4 lun 5: <CALIPER, CP150, A> SCSI1 1/sequential removable
st5 at scsibus0: st5(ahsc0:4:5): illegal request, data = 40 00 00 00 00 00
drive empty
ahsc0 targ 4 lun 6: <CALIPER, CP150, A> SCSI1 1/sequential removable
st6 at scsibus0: st6(ahsc0:4:6): illegal request, data = 40 00 00 00 00 00
drive empty
ahsc0 targ 4 lun 7: <CALIPER, CP150, A> SCSI1 1/sequential removable
st7 at scsibus0: st7(ahsc0:4:7): illegal request, data = 40 00 00 00 00 00
drive empty

The Caliper drive is the A3070, of course.  Apparently, it doesn't
handle LUNs correctly, by the way.

I tried a number of different commands and came up with the following
set of commands that reproducibly cause the tape drive to lock up the

        1) tar -xvf /dev/rst0
        2) dd if=/dev/rst0 of=file bs=256b
        3) dd if=/dev/rst0 of=file bs=16b
        4) dd if=/dev/rst0 bs=256b | cat > file
        5) dd if=/dev/rst0 of=file bs=256b skip=333

(1) fails after having read about 70MB; (2,4,5) fails after having
read about 43MB; and (3) fails after having read about 20MB.  The tape
I used was a DC6250 250MB tape.  As I mentioned above, the point of
failure is always just after the tape drive reversed direction.

Here are a number of commands which did not lock up the system:

        a) dd if=/dev/rst0 of=/dev/null bs=256b
        b) tar -tvf /dev/rst0 > file
        c) dd if=/dev/rst0 of=file bs=2048b

(c) was my last attempt and what I used to finally get the tar archive
off the tape.

Has anybody experienced problems similar or identical to this?  What
is the suggested fix, if any?  Perhaps a newer kernel will help?

Thanks in advance for any answers!  Apologies for the lengthy message.

Per Bojsen                                   Email: pb%delta.dk@localhost
DELTA IC Design                                     
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark

 From billc  Fri Mar 15 12:34:02 1996
Return-Path: seebs%solon.com@localhost
Received: from solutions.solon.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id MAA24917 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Fri, 15 Mar 1996 12:21:47 
-0500 (EST)
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LAA00349 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Fri, 15 Mar 1996 11:23:39 -0600
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 11:23:39 -0600
From: Peter Seebach <seebs%solon.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603151723.LAA00349%solutions.solon.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Help!  c11 binary...

I need a cc1 (or whatever else) binary so I can rebuild cc1, which is
horribly hosed.


 From billc  Fri Mar 15 15:13:43 1996
Return-Path: aoe%swttools.fc.hp.com@localhost
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From: Alexander Elkins <aoe%swttools.fc.hp.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603151942.AA012998974%pyramus.fc.hp.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: NetBSD/Amiga 1.1 SCSI Tape Problems (Long!)
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 96 12:42:54 MST
Cc: pb%delta.dk@localhost
In-Reply-To: <9603151020.AA02079%sparc2.delta.dk@localhost>; from "Per Bojsen" 
at Mar 15, 96 11:20 am
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Per Bojsen at pb%delta.dk@localhost wrote:

>I'm running NetBSD 1.1 on an A3000 with an A3070 external tape drive
>attached to it.  I experience reproducible lock-ups when reading from
>the tape drive.  My guess is the lock-ups are either SCSI bus lock-ups
>or deadlocks in the SCSI subsystem of the kernel.  The symptoms are
>that the tape drive stops and from that point on no SCSI devices can
>be accessed and the system freezes shortly after that.  Interestingly,
>the tape drive always stops just after it has reversed its direction,
>i.e., when changing tracks (not the end of tape or the end of the file
>being read).  Is this a known problem?
. . .
>Has anybody experienced problems similar or identical to this?  What
>is the suggested fix, if any?  Perhaps a newer kernel will help?

Yes, I have experienced the identical behavior.  It happened to me as
I attempted to install NetBSD-1.1 from tape.  The system always seamed
to lock up when the tape reversed.  I ended up coping the files to
disk under NetBSD-1.0 BETA and installing from there.  After installing
I tried again reading from tape running NetBSD-1.1 using just "tar tv"
and still had the system lock up.  I'm still running NetBSD-1.0 BETA :-(

>ahsc0 targ 4 lun 0: <CALIPER, CP150, A> SCSI1 1/sequential removable
>The Caliper drive is the A3070, of course.  Apparently, it doesn't
>handle LUNs correctly, by the way.

I also see this behavior.  I have a similar setup, A3000 25Mhz,
A3070 Caliper tape drive, 425Mb Quantum disk and 2048Mb Seagate disk.
Alexander Elkins in Fort Collins, Colorado USA; e-mail: aoe%fc.hp.com@localhost

 From billc  Fri Mar 15 18:04:44 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
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17:50:22 -0500 (EST)
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From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 15:49:41 -0700
In-Reply-To: Michael Teske's message of Mar 12, 11:17pm
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Install kernel for A4000T +CV64

On Mar 12, 11:17pm, Michael Teske wrote:
> Where can one get the source-changes for the A4000T-SCSI and NetBSD 1.1?
> Perhaps someone who has them could put them to regensburg?

  Perhaps I'm just waiting for someone to donate an A4000T to me? :-) :-)

  The A4000T changes should be in -current soon.

  I just noticed that my patch for 1.1 doesn't seem to have everything it's
supposed to.  I don't think the missing diffs should cause any problem -
they just initialize a byte in a data structure that should be zero anyway.
I'll upload the 1.1 diffs to regensburg shortly.


Michael L. Hitch                        INTERNET:  osymh%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

 From billc  Mon Mar 18 02:14:19 1996
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<port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 17 Mar 1996 23:00:32 -0800 (PST)
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 1996 23:00:27 -0800 (PST)
From: "G. Baldwin" <drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: I'm stuck
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I have come accorss a few problems that I can't seem to solve and I was 
wondering if anyone could be of help.

*Problem One: SCSI lockups.

My Proto WD chip in my A3000/030-16 is giving me problems with my Quantum 
730S SCSI-2 drive and my DEC DSP 1GB SCSI-2 drive.  I have tried sending 
LoadBSD the "-I ff" option, but it does not seem to help.  I have been 
forced to use my old (and slow) Trumpcard2000 to use NetBSD.

I am using the NetBSD 1.1 distribution, so the 'sbic_inhibit_sync=1' is 
already in my sbic.c file.

*Problem Two: MultiFace-III Fifo overflows.

If I lock my MFC3 serial port to 112,500 baud, I get large numbers of 
overflows.  The problem is almost gone at 57,600, and totally gone when 
the port is locked at 19,200.  It makes little difference if I have a 
2400 connect or a 28,800 connect, only with the serial port speed.

I am still using the Generic Kernal (see problem 3), so could it be that 
there is a 'LEV6_DEFER' option placed somewhere?  I heard that this interrupt
causes a lot of conflicts with the MFC3.

*Problem Three: Kernal Problems

I went and took the GENERIC Kernal configuration and removed the extra 
cards that I did not have (SCSI, Network, Video, ect..) so that my Kernal 
would be smaller.

The Kernal compiled fine.  No warnings, no errors.

It actually boots up fine, and shows my drives, and then gets to the 
point where it says '2 mice configured' and then just stops where it 
should start the Automatic bootup.  Then it just sits there and does nothing.

*Problem Four: Pico

This seems to be a problem just with NetBSD.  Whenever Pico is done, the 
prompt for that user/window is botched.  It ends up looking like this:


It occurs with both my own binary that I compiled from source, and from 
the binary that I picked up in the Contrib section at ftp.netbsd.org.

I use a VT220 terminal.  I have tried VT100, and it does the same thing.  
It even does it using the GNU Screen program.

*Problem Five: Dataflyer SCSI + Memory Card

I'd like to be able to use the memory off my Dataflyer SCSI card.  The 
card is in neither the supported devices in the 'INSTALL' file, nor in 
the list of "you are outta luck" devices in the NetBSD faq (sec 3.6), but 
is there a way to just configure the memory?

LoadBSD sees the RAM, but as soon as NetBSD comes on, it freezes.  Any 
suggestions?  (Again, this is with the Generic Kernal on the A3000/030-16)

                       Greg Baldwin (drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost)
     Amiga junkie and user since 1987    Computer Science & DTV Student
     Commodore64 fan since about 1983    http://www.eskimo.com/~drizzit
               Tyranical EFNet #Amiga Channel Operator "Drizzit"

 From billc  Mon Mar 18 10:53:48 1996
Return-Path: pb%delta.dk@localhost
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KAA08908 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 18 Mar 1996 10:33:02 -0500 
Received: from delta (uucp@localhost) by ns.dknet.dk (8.6.12/8.6.12) with UUCP 
id QAA09653 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Mon, 18 Mar 1996 16:32:57 +0100
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( id AA01609; Mon, 18 Mar 96 16:18:42 +0100
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16:16:40 +0100
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 96 16:16:40 +0100
Message-Id: <9603181516.AA01250%sparc2.delta.dk@localhost>
From: Per Bojsen <pb%delta.dk@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199603151942.AA012998974%pyramus.fc.hp.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: NetBSD/Amiga 1.1 SCSI Tape Problems (Long!)
X-Attribution: Per
Reply-To: pb%delta.dk@localhost

*** Regarding Re: NetBSD/Amiga 1.1 SCSI Tape Problems (Long!);
*** Alexander Elkins <aoe%swttools.fc.hp.com@localhost> adds:

Alexander> Yes, I have experienced the identical behavior.  It
Alexander> happened to me as I attempted to install NetBSD-1.1 from
Alexander> tape.  The system always seamed to lock up when the tape
Alexander> reversed.  I ended up coping the files to disk under
Alexander> NetBSD-1.0 BETA and installing from there.  After
Alexander> installing I tried again reading from tape running
Alexander> NetBSD-1.1 using just "tar tv" and still had the system
Alexander> lock up.  I'm still running NetBSD-1.0 BETA :-(

If you have the disk space you could try dd'ing with a really large
block size (bs=2048 for example).  This was how I finally got the
archive off the tape.  Perhaps you could even pipe the result of the
dd into tar directly.

Alexander> I also see this behavior.  I have a similar setup, A3000
Alexander> 25Mhz, A3070 Caliper tape drive, 425Mb Quantum disk and
Alexander> 2048Mb Seagate disk.

I wonder if this is related to the Caliper drive or if it is a more
generic problem on the Amiga.

Per Bojsen                                   Email: pb%delta.dk@localhost
DELTA IC Design                                     
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark

 From billc  Mon Mar 18 10:56:56 1996
Return-Path: pb%delta.dk@localhost
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KAA08913; Mon, 18 Mar 1996 10:33:06 -0500 (EST)
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16:13:31 +0100
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 96 16:13:31 +0100
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From: Per Bojsen <pb%delta.dk@localhost>
To: current-users%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: mmap() bug when mapping files on ccd's?
X-Attribution: Per
Reply-To: pb%delta.dk@localhost


Yesterday I experienced very strange behavior from mmap().  I'm
running NetBSD/Amiga 1.1 and the problem showed up when mmap()'ing
files on FFS filesystems created on ccd partitions (but not on normal
disk partitions).  The bug can be demonstrated and reproduced by doing
the following:

        % echo foo > bar
        % vi bar
        % echo error > bar
        % vi bar

If the file `bar' is created on a ccd partition, the second invocation
of vi will show bar as containing the previous contents padded to the
new size of `bar' with NULs!  But cat'ing `bar' shows that it does
contain what was echo'ed to it.

Another way to demonstrate the problem is the following (which was how
I discovered the bug) (again, the x.c file should be created on a ccd

        % echo 1.1 > x.c
        % ci -tx.c -mm x.c
        % co -l x.c
        % echo 1.2 > x.c
        % ci -l -mm x.c
        % echo error > x.c
        % ci -mm x.c
        % co x.c
        % cat x.c

The x.c file actually includes two NULs at the end.

That the problem is related to mmap() may be verified by running the
enclosed program:

        moria% echo foo > bar  
        moria% mmaptest bar
        mmap(): 0x08022000, 4
        mmap(): foo

        moria% echo error > bar
        moria% mmaptest bar
        mmap(): 0x08022000, 6
        mmap():   foo

        moria% od -cx bar
        0000000   e   r   r   o   r  \n
                6572 726f 720a

Is this a known problem?  Does anybody else see this?

begin 644 mmaptest.c.gz

Per Bojsen                                   Email: pb%delta.dk@localhost
DELTA IC Design                                     
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark

 From billc  Mon Mar 18 14:53:01 1996
Return-Path: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost
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Newsgroups: comp.unix.amiga
Subject: Mosaic for NetBSD-Amiga
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <gdivg2mbea.fsf%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost>
From: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost (Bruce Albrecht)
Date: 18 Mar 1996 13:47:26 -0600
Organization: Fingerhut Companies
Lines: 7
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.0.13

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted as well.

I'm running Mosaic (2.7b3) on NetBSD-Amiga 1.1 (A2024, XDaniver), and
it always displays inline images as two identical images, half the
width of the image it should be displaying.  This is true for Mosaic
2.6 and all versions of 2.7 beta.  Does this happen for anyone else?
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, and what I can do to
get it to display images correctly?  Thanks.

 From billc  Mon Mar 18 14:53:32 1996
Return-Path: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost
Received: from dn800e0.fingerhut.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id OAA11852 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 18 Mar 1996 
14:48:11 -0500 (EST)
Received: from dn800e0.fingerhut.com (daemon@localhost) by 
dn800e0.fingerhut.com (8.7.2/8.7.2) with ESMTP id NAA22194 for 
<port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 18 Mar 1996 13:15:18 -0600 (CST)
Received: from seag.fingerhut.com (GF007E0.SEAG.fingerhut.com []) 
by dn800e0.fingerhut.com (8.7.2/8.7.2) with SMTP id NAA22190 for 
<port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 18 Mar 1996 13:15:17 -0600 (CST)
Received: from g0084.fingerhut.com. by seag.fingerhut.com (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4)
        id NAA22009; Mon, 18 Mar 1996 13:47:40 -0600
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        id NAA07580; Mon, 18 Mar 1996 13:47:33 -0600
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 13:47:33 -0600
From: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost (Bruce Albrecht)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.amiga
Subject: Mosaic for NetBSD-Amiga
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <gdivg2mbea.fsf%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost>

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted as well.

I'm running Mosaic (2.7b3) on NetBSD-Amiga 1.1 (A2024, XDaniver), and
it always displays inline images as two identical images, half the
width of the image it should be displaying.  This is true for Mosaic
2.6 and all versions of 2.7 beta.  Does this happen for anyone else?
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, and what I can do to
get it to display images correctly?  Thanks.

 From billc  Mon Mar 18 17:52:45 1996
Return-Path: mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost
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17:34:01 -0500 (EST)
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        id m0tynUy-000bpuC; Mon, 18 Mar 96 17:33 EST
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 17:33:55 -0500 (EST)
From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
To: Amiga NetBSD <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Subject: A device driver for the I-Card?
MIME-Version: 1.0
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        I plan on installing NetBSD on my Amiga soon.  I am also possibly 
going to be moving into a small town where I will no longer have a local 
number for my internet provider (or an other).  I am considering 
purchasing the I-Card PCMCIA ethernet card for the A1200.  Does anyone 
know if someone is working on PCMCIA support for NetBSD/Amiga, and if so, 
a driver for this ethernet card?  Thanks.

 Matt Harrell                   Amiga 1200 running AmigaOS3.0
 Lansing, MI U.S.A.             CSA 12 Gauge 030/882RC@50MHz/SCSI
 mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost         2MB chip/18MB fast RAM
                                240MB IDE hard disk

 From billc  Wed Mar 20 09:22:08 1996
Return-Path: pb%delta.dk@localhost
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JAA21910; Wed, 20 Mar 1996 09:04:22 -0500 (EST)
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Date: Wed, 20 Mar 96 14:01:21 +0100
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From: Per Bojsen <pb%delta.dk@localhost>
To: current-users%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <9603181513.AA01247%sparc2.delta.dk@localhost> 
Subject: Re: mmap() bug when mapping files on ccd's?
X-Attribution: Per
Reply-To: pb%delta.dk@localhost

*** Regarding mmap() bug when mapping files on ccd's?; Per Bojsen
*** <pb%delta.dk@localhost> adds:

Per> Is this a known problem?  Does anybody else see this?

I checked the PR database and found out this is a well-known problem:
it is reported in PRs kern/524, kern/786, kern/894, and kern/1309 at
least.  Kern/1265 mentions a similar problem.  I know think that the
ccd has nothing to do with the problem since I observed the problem on
nullfs filesystems (which incidentally happened to be mounted from FFS
filesystems on ccd partitions).  The first four PRs mentioned above
all relate the mmap() bug to nullfs.

I understand this bug is hard to fix :-(  Fortunately, I can avoid
using nullfs.

Per Bojsen                                   Email: pb%delta.dk@localhost
DELTA IC Design                                     
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark

 From billc  Wed Mar 20 11:46:24 1996
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Subject: Re: Merlin Driver (was: Re: None)
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> Stephan Q (wir95ccv%hppool.rz.uni-leipzig.de@localhost) wrote:
> : is anybody working on a Merlin-driver for NetBSD1.1 and X11R6???
> To my knowledge, nobody. Please do it.

Wait a minute! :-)

> Note, that a kernel driver will be sufficient for the start, and not

The kernel driver for the Merlin should be ready. I'm just waiting
to get a Merlin to test it...

> _that_ difficult... the Merlin is memory mapped, isn't it? So the normal
> Xamiga24 would work.

Hmm, then I did something wrong. I did not get a correct display with
Xamiga24 yet, but I'll test again.

> Regards,
>       Ignatios Souvatzis

Bye,                    \|/
  Tobias                @ @
| Tobias Abt                                           |
| email: tabt%studbox.uni-stuttgart.de@localhost                 |
|   irc: tabt@#AmigaGer                                |
|   www: http://wwwcip.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/~etk10317/ |

 From billc  Wed Mar 20 19:24:50 1996
Return-Path: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost
Received: from mail.desy.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
TAA10222 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Wed, 20 Mar 1996 19:11:13 -0500 
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(8.7.4/8.7.3) with ESMTP id BAA20551; Thu, 21 Mar 1996 01:11:05 +0100 (MET)
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Thu, 21 Mar 1996 01:11:03 +0100 (MET)
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 01:11:03 +0100 (MET)
From: Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>
To: tabt%studbox.uni-stuttgart.de@localhost
cc: NetBSD <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: Re: Merlin Driver (was: Re: None)
In-Reply-To: <9603201618.AA27918%rpool12.rus.uni-stuttgart.de@localhost>
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On Wed, 20 Mar 1996 tabt%studbox.uni-stuttgart.de@localhost wrote:

> > To my knowledge, nobody. Please do it.
> Wait a minute! :-)
> > Note, that a kernel driver will be sufficient for the start, and not
> The kernel driver for the Merlin should be ready. I'm just waiting
> to get a Merlin to test it...
> > _that_ difficult... the Merlin is memory mapped, isn't it? So the normal
> > Xamiga24 would work.
> Hmm, then I did something wrong. I did not get a correct display with
> Xamiga24 yet, but I'll test again.

Hmm. How did you test it without a Merlin?!?
Xamiga24 should work, if you have a linear (non-segmented) framebuffer.
Maybe some register is not properly set, I had similar problems in the 
beginning of the CV64 driver (eight mousepointers and so on:-)

Good luck,

Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

 From billc  Thu Mar 21 04:01:31 1996
Return-Path: etk10317%rpool1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de@localhost
Received: from hermes.rus.uni-stuttgart.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) 
with SMTP id DAA14683 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 21 Mar 1996 
03:42:05 -0500 (EST)
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09:41:51 +0100
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          id AA29731; Thu, 21 Mar 1996 09:41:33 +0100
From: tabt%studbox.uni-stuttgart.de@localhost
Message-Id: <9603210841.AA29731%rpool11.rus.uni-stuttgart.de@localhost>
Subject: Re: Merlin Driver (was: Re: None)
To: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost (Michael Teske)
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 09:40:41 +0100 (MEZ)
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960321010444.15418B-100000@y4me> from "Michael 
Teske" at Mar 21, 96 01:11:03 am
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Sender: tabt%studbox.uni-stuttgart.de@localhost

> Hmm. How did you test it without a Merlin?!?

I'm using a oMniBus with an ISA ET4000 board. I have built in support
for oMniBus, Domino and Merlin. I have already made support for these
boards on the Amiga side, so I know enough about the hardware. It's 
just that I have to test it before giving the code to poor users... :-)

> Xamiga24 should work, if you have a linear (non-segmented) framebuffer.
> Maybe some register is not properly set, I had similar problems in the 
> beginning of the CV64 driver (eight mousepointers and so on:-)

I had something like that, too. :-)
Do you remember, what was the Problem with your code?

> Good luck,
> -- 
> Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

Bye,                    \|/
  Tobias                @ @
| Tobias Abt                                           |
| email: tabt%studbox.uni-stuttgart.de@localhost                 |
|   irc: tabt@#AmigaGer                                |
|   www: http://wwwcip.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/~etk10317/ |

 From billc  Thu Mar 21 13:21:46 1996
Return-Path: garthc%compass-da.com@localhost
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(8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id NAA22698; Thu, 21 Mar 1996 13:05:10 -0500 (EST)
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Mar 1996 10:04:41 -0800 (PST)
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        ( id AA20843; Thu, 21 Mar 1996 09:55:08 -0800
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 09:55:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Garth Corral <garthc%compass-da.com@localhost>
X-Sender: garthc@gazelle
To: Jack Bucchannan <shadoe%scott.net@localhost>
Cc: amiga%netbsd.org@localhost, Port Amiga <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Subject: Re: Help! 040 in A3000?
In-Reply-To: <22443fb0.u8t20e.d3980-shadoe%scott.net@localhost>
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I have included the port-amiga list in this reply as I thought that the 
amiga list was going away.  No?

On Wed, 20 Mar 1996, Jack Bucchannan wrote:

> With the recent aquisition of an 040 card for my A3000, I find myself needing 
> to
> know the necessary upgrades I need to make to my machine in order to use this
> card. The card is a rev. 3.1 A3640. If I remember correctly, Buster, and 
> Ramsey
> need to be upgraded. What revisions are necessary? Any help appreciated, as
> I can't wait to see what this thing does for X !!
By coincidence, I am in a similar situation and have a few questions of 
my own.  I'll tell you what I have found out thus far.  Anyone, please 
feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or fill in the blanks as necessary.

        1.)  The A3640 will NOT work with V36 boot ROMs
             (i.e. softkicked).  You need 2.04 or 3.x ROMs.
        2.)  If you have V2.04 ROMs you need to have either:

             a.) Page mode RAM in (at least) Bank 0, OR
             b.) Upgraded Ramsey (to Rev. 7) and DMAC (to Rev. 4).
                 I am told that these chips are difficult to obtain
                 but I had no problem finding either.  Note that if you 
                 choose to upgrade the custom chips you MUST upgrade BOTH
                 of these chips for this to work.

        3.)  If you have 3.1 ROMs then no custom chip upgrades should be 
             necessary and static column RAM should work fine.

Now for my question.  I am about to install the A3640 in my A3000 
w/2.04 ROMs and WB2.1.  As I understand it, in addition to the hardware, 
a certain 68040.library is also necessary.  I have searched high and low 
but have not been able to locate such a library.  This box spends most 
(99%+) of its time running NetBSD so if not having this library simply 
means a performance hit on the AmigaOS side then that's fine.  If, on the 
other hand, it means I cannot run AmigaOS (and thus cannot boot NetBSD) 
then where do I get this library?

Also, could someone please verify the assertions in item 2 above.  I 
believe this to be correct but have heard unconfirmed info stating that 
static column RAM would not work with 2.04 ROM even with the chip upgrades.

Many thanks in advance,

 From billc  Fri Mar 22 08:41:46 1996
Return-Path: gxa114%psu.edu@localhost
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id IAA17479; Fri, 22 Mar 1996 08:40:30 -0500 (EST)
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r05n01.cac.psu.edu (8.7.5/8.6.12) with SMTP id IAA81138; Fri, 22 Mar 1996 
08:40:18 -0500
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996 08:40:18 -0500
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Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
To: amiga%netbsd.org@localhost, Port Amiga <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
From: Geof Abruzzi <gxa114%psu.edu@localhost>
Subject: Re: Help! 040 in A3000?

If you want info on putting a 3640 in a 3000 go here:


It is fairly complete.


At 09:55 AM 3/21/96 -0800, you wrote:
>I have included the port-amiga list in this reply as I thought that the 
>amiga list was going away.  No?
>On Wed, 20 Mar 1996, Jack Bucchannan wrote:
>> With the recent aquisition of an 040 card for my A3000, I find myself
needing to
>> know the necessary upgrades I need to make to my machine in order to use this
>> card. The card is a rev. 3.1 A3640. If I remember correctly, Buster, and
>> need to be upgraded. What revisions are necessary? Any help appreciated, as
>> I can't wait to see what this thing does for X !!
>By coincidence, I am in a similar situation and have a few questions of 
>my own.  I'll tell you what I have found out thus far.  Anyone, please 
>feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or fill in the blanks as necessary.
>       1.)  The A3640 will NOT work with V36 boot ROMs
>            (i.e. softkicked).  You need 2.04 or 3.x ROMs.
>       2.)  If you have V2.04 ROMs you need to have either:
>            a.) Page mode RAM in (at least) Bank 0, OR
>            b.) Upgraded Ramsey (to Rev. 7) and DMAC (to Rev. 4).
>                 I am told that these chips are difficult to obtain
>                but I had no problem finding either.  Note that if you 
>                choose to upgrade the custom chips you MUST upgrade BOTH
>                of these chips for this to work.
>       3.)  If you have 3.1 ROMs then no custom chip upgrades should be 
>            necessary and static column RAM should work fine.
>Now for my question.  I am about to install the A3640 in my A3000 
>w/2.04 ROMs and WB2.1.  As I understand it, in addition to the hardware, 
>a certain 68040.library is also necessary.  I have searched high and low 
>but have not been able to locate such a library.  This box spends most 
>(99%+) of its time running NetBSD so if not having this library simply 
>means a performance hit on the AmigaOS side then that's fine.  If, on the 
>other hand, it means I cannot run AmigaOS (and thus cannot boot NetBSD) 
>then where do I get this library?
>Also, could someone please verify the assertions in item 2 above.  I 
>believe this to be correct but have heard unconfirmed info stating that 
>static column RAM would not work with 2.04 ROM even with the chip upgrades.
>Many thanks in advance,
>   Garth.
Geof Abruzzi                                        You were born, 
Penn State University, Abington-Ogontz Campus       and so you are free.
Woodland Computer Center Coordinator                So happy birthday.
gxa114%psu.edu@localhost       (215)881-7460                    - Laurie 

 From billc  Fri Mar 22 12:45:26 1996
Return-Path: garthc%compass-da.com@localhost
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(8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id MAA18226; Fri, 22 Mar 1996 12:28:55 -0500 (EST)
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luminary.sanjose.compass-da.com (8.7.1/8.7.1) with SMTP id JAA22817; Fri, 22 
Mar 1996 09:28:40 -0800 (PST)
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        id AA05967; Fri, 22 Mar 96 09:27:44 PST
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        ( id AA22472; Fri, 22 Mar 1996 09:18:55 -0800
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996 09:18:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Garth Corral <garthc%compass-da.com@localhost>
X-Sender: garthc@gazelle
To: Geof Abruzzi <gxa114%psu.edu@localhost>
Cc: amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, Port Amiga <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: Re: Help! 040 in A3000?
In-Reply-To: <199603221340.IAA81138%r05n01.cac.psu.edu@localhost>
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On Fri, 22 Mar 1996, Geof Abruzzi wrote:

> If you want info on putting a 3640 in a 3000 go here:
> http://wwwcip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/user/orknorr/a3640.html
> It is fairly complete.
Yes I know.  I have been there and it is fairly complete but it does not 
address the question about the 68040.library or any other software issues.


 From billc  Sun Mar 24 20:14:41 1996
Return-Path: steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost
Received: from onshore.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
TAA10132 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 24 Mar 1996 19:47:10 -0500 
Received: from betty.onshore.com (betty.onShore.com []) by 
onshore.com (8.7.3/8.7.3) with ESMTP id SAA27230; Sun, 24 Mar 1996 18:47:18 
Received: (from steve@localhost) by betty.onshore.com (8.7.3/8.7.3) id 
SAA12344; Sun, 24 Mar 1996 18:49:26 -0600 (CST)
From: Stephen Champion <steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603250049.SAA12344%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: communication on BSD
To: cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost (YU SONG)
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 1996 18:49:16 -0600 (CST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <9603241707.AA21121%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost> from "YU SONG" at Mar 
24, 96 11:07:41 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

YU SONG said:
> I have been used a little telecommunication program called "minicom"
> on Linux for a long time. It is really nice. I wonder where the source is
> so that I can compile under BSD-Amiga. Frankly, kermit can not compete with
> it.

        I've compiled it with minor difficulties, and had success with it under
NetBSD-1.1 on my Amiga.  It seems to like most BSD derived systems other than 
SunOS 4.x (which supposedly has flow control problems - it's never done 
anything for me on my SunOS Sparc-1).

        Minicom doesn't even begin to compare to Term, but when you don't 
feel like rebooting, it'll do the job.  It's marginally better than Seyon, and
has the advantage of not requiring X.

        Just remember that it'll take away one line from your terminal for the 
little status line on the bottom.  I usually run it from an fvwm popup that 
runs an "rxvt [...] -e minicom" with 51 rows (instead of my normal 50).

        If I remember correctly, I made some changes to the makefile and one
or two to the source to get it compiled.  Also, the lsz/lrz makefiles were
completely unusable, and I compiled them manually (pretty easy).

        Any case, here's the lsm...  I think this is where you can get the 
source, although I may have grabbed it from gatekeeper.dec.com myself:

steve@betty:~ [658/158]$ more /usr/local/src/minicom-1.71/doc/minicom-1.71.lsm
Title:           minicom
Version:         1.71
Entered-Date:    25MAY95
Description:     Minicom is a serial communication program. It is a *nix
                 clone of the well-known SMDOS Telix program. It has ANSI
                 color, dialing directory, dial-a-list, script language etc.
                 This release has some bugfixes over 1.60 and 1.70 and
                 includes the "macro and color" patches, a complete termcap
                 and lrzsz-0.12a.
Keywords:        minicom comms serial telix
Author:          miquels%cistron.nl@localhost miquels%drinkel.ow.org@localhost
                 (Miquel van Smoorenburg)
Primary-Site:    sunsite.unc.edu /pub/Linux/apps/comm
Platforms:       Linux, Unix.
Copying-Policy:  GNU GPL

Stephen Champion                 Workstation and Network Consultant
steve%onshore.com@localhost                Onshore, Inc.

 From billc  Mon Mar 25 07:44:41 1996
Return-Path: wongj%rpi.edu@localhost
Received: from mail1.its.rpi.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id HAA22049 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 25 Mar 1996 07:44:06 
-0500 (EST)
Received: from alum01.its.rpi.edu (alum01.its.rpi.edu []) by 
mail1.its.rpi.edu (8.6.9/8.6.4) with ESMTP id HAA14729 for 
<port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 25 Mar 1996 07:43:58 -0500
From: "Jasper Y. Wong" <wongj%rpi.edu@localhost>
Received: (wongj@localhost) by alum01.its.rpi.edu (8.6.9/8.6.4) id HAA31423 for 
port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Mon, 25 Mar 1996 07:43:58 -0500
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 07:43:58 -0500
Message-Id: <199603251243.HAA31423%alum01.its.rpi.edu@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: gated???

Hi, where's gated located in the 1.1 distribution?  I'm trying to use
it instead of routed but I don't seem to be able to find it anywhere
in the binary tree.  Is it available on some FTP site?  I can't find
it on ftp.netbsd.org nor ftp.uni-regensburg.de.


 From billc  Mon Mar 25 13:06:03 1996
Return-Path: steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost
Received: from onshore.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
MAA25893 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 25 Mar 1996 12:50:57 -0500 
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onshore.com (8.7.3/8.7.3) with ESMTP id LAA20146; Mon, 25 Mar 1996 11:51:34 
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LAA13214; Mon, 25 Mar 1996 11:53:12 -0600 (CST)
From: Stephen Champion <steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603251753.LAA13214%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: gated???
To: wongj%rpi.edu@localhost (Jasper Y. Wong)
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 11:53:01 -0600 (CST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199603251243.HAA31423%alum01.its.rpi.edu@localhost> from "Jasper 
Y. Wong" at Mar 25, 96 07:43:58 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

Jasper Y. Wong said:
> Hi, where's gated located in the 1.1 distribution?  I'm trying to use
> it instead of routed but I don't seem to be able to find it anywhere
> in the binary tree.  Is it available on some FTP site?  I can't find
> it on ftp.netbsd.org nor ftp.uni-regensburg.de.

        Gated doesn't come with NetBSD - you'll have to dig up the sources
yourself.  gatekeeper.dec.com is a good place to look in the US.

Stephen Champion                 Workstation and Network Consultant
steve%onshore.com@localhost                Onshore, Inc.

 From billc  Mon Mar 25 16:49:45 1996
Return-Path: thomasc%tiberius.knipp.de@localhost
Received: from tiberius by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
QAA02372 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 25 Mar 1996 16:26:17 -0500 
Received: by tiberius.knipp.de (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 1994)
        id AA01; Mon, 25 Mar 96 22:24:19 
From: thomasc%tiberius.knipp.de@localhost (Thomas Corte)
Message-Id: <224ade10.u8t20e.d6d82-thomasc%tiberius.knipp.de@localhost>
Subject: NetBSD 1.1 on A3000/Picasso II?
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 96 22:24:19 
Organization: Private InterNet Node


I recently
tried to upgrade my well-working NetBSD 1.0
(with ECS console and Picasso-X-Display) to
Version 1.1.

Unfortunately, all kernels I tried fail
to create a working Picasso console... I
just get a blue Picasso screen with no
text on it, although the boot process
goes on in the background.

After disabling the Picasso using shutup,
I can boot 1.1 without any problems.
I also heard about NetBSD 1.1
running without problems with the same
hardware config (A3000/PicassoII).

Under NetBSD 1.0, I had similar problems
with the X display
later known (and fixed by inserting NOPs)
as the "White-Screen-Problem".

QUESTIONS: - Has anyone in this list encountered
             similar problems or any idea how to
             fix them?
           - Is is possible that the White-Screen-Problem
             already fixed in 1.0 returned in 1.1?

Thanx in advance!

Thomas Corte                  //
thomasc%tiberius.knipp.de@localhost \\ //
teecee on IRC (#amigager)  \\/

 From billc  Mon Mar 25 22:46:37 1996
Return-Path: jyw%jasper.hko.net@localhost
Received: from jasper.hko.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
WAA12038 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 25 Mar 1996 22:39:47 -0500 
Received: by jasper.hko.net (NX5.67e/NX3.0M)
        id AA01290; Tue, 26 Mar 96 11:37:16 +0800
From: Jasper Wong <jyw%jasper.hko.net@localhost>
Message-Id: <9603260337.AA01290%jasper.hko.net@localhost>
Subject: Re: gated???
To: steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost (Stephen Champion)
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 11:37:15 +0800 (GMT+0800)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199603251753.LAA13214%betty.onshore.com@localhost> from "Stephen 
Champion" at Mar 25, 96 11:53:01 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
Content-Type: text

> Jasper Y. Wong said:
> > 
> > Hi, where's gated located in the 1.1 distribution?  I'm trying to use
> > it instead of routed but I don't seem to be able to find it anywhere
> > in the binary tree.  Is it available on some FTP site?  I can't find
> > it on ftp.netbsd.org nor ftp.uni-regensburg.de.
>       Gated doesn't come with NetBSD - you'll have to dig up the sources
> yourself.  gatekeeper.dec.com is a good place to look in the US.
> -- 
> Stephen Champion                 Workstation and Network Consultant
> steve%onshore.com@localhost                Onshore, Inc.
Thanks :)


 From billc  Tue Mar 26 02:45:25 1996
Return-Path: steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost
Received: from onshore.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
CAA17080 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 02:42:29 -0500 
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onshore.com (8.7.3/8.7.3) with ESMTP id BAA10347; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 01:42:49 
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BAA14231; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 01:44:45 -0600 (CST)
From: Stephen Champion <steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603260744.BAA14231%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: cache
To: jms%tardis.Tymnet.COM@localhost (Joe Smith)
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 01:44:40 -0600 (CST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <9603252343.AA08692%tardis.tymnet.com@localhost> from "Joe Smith" 
at Mar 25, 96 03:43:31 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

Joe Smith said:
> > From: cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost (YU SONG)
> > To: amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
> > Subject: cache
> > 
> > However, as I was 
> > told before that the memory access in stock Amiga ( A4000 in my case )
> > is quite slow.
> You have been misinformed.  Memory access in the Amiga between the CPU and
> fast RAM is quite fast.  So fast, that adding an L2 cache will not make it
> any faster.

        Well, actually it's that the Amiga's CPU's (well, all 680x0 CPU's) are
clocked so slow (relative to other CPU's), and that the motherboard data paths 
are well designed - resulting in 80ns RAM being all that's needed without 
a significant bottleneck.

> Memory access between the Amiga CPU and the "chip" RAM (also known as the
> "graphics" RAM) is slow because the CPU has to go through the Amiga's custom
> graphics chips to get to the graphics RAM.  Adding an L2 cache there is not
> possible.

        Trua, but mostly irrelevant to NetBSD.

> You seem fixated on the idea that adding a Level-2 cache to the Amiga will
> fix all of your problems.  It doesn't work that way.  Please accept that
> fact and move on.

In the A3000 and A4000, a CPU in the "CPU Slot" will have pathetically slow -
in terms of MB/s, about 1.6 - access to motherboard memory..  While on L2 cache
on the CPU board would alleviate the effects of this bottleneck somewhat, the 
expense of cache RAM makes it more economical to put the memory itself on the 
board (It's probably better, too).  This is done on all of the "CPU slot" 
boards the I know of except the 3640 - the stock board in the A3000T/040 and 
        The problem is not that the motherboard datapaths are bad, but because 
the CPU and motherboard are on different clocks.  

        When Amiga's (finally!) get serious CPU's - with high external clock 
rates  and double, triple, and quadruple clocked internally - then we'll start
wanting L2 caches (beats the hell outta buying 16Megs of 40ns RAM!) to 
alleviate the bottlenecks created by fast CPU's and slower, cheaper memory.
The '060 comes close, being double clocked even with a decent external 
clock rate, but I think it had a pretty big onboard cache.  Don't worry about 
an 040. 

Stephen Champion                 Workstation and Network Consultant
steve%onshore.com@localhost                Onshore, Inc.

 From billc  Tue Mar 26 03:24:46 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id DAA17195 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 
03:13:07 -0500 (EST)
Received: from julie.teleport.com (grimm%julie.teleport.com@localhost 
[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id AAA05290 
for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 00:13:06 -0800
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Tue, 26 Mar 1996 00:13:06 -0800
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 00:13:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Nick Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Name Server?
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I have managed to get my NetBSD 1.1 system to connect to my PPP/IP 
account with my local ISP. How to I redirect the DNS to the one on my 
ISP? I tried this in the  /etc/resolve.conf

domain teleport.com


which is what my DNS should be, but it just doesn't pay any 
attention..??? Is there somewhere else that I should be looking?


|                        | Burke's Law of inanimate reproduction:             |
|      Nick Ellson       |                                                    |
|                        | "If you take something apart enough times,         |
|   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |  eventually you will have two of them."    
|                        |                                                    |
                         |  Home Page        http://www.teleport.com/~grimm/  |

 From billc  Tue Mar 26 07:45:41 1996
Return-Path: drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost
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mail.eskimo.com (8.7.5/8.6.12) with SMTP id EAA20877; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 04:31:35 
-0800 (PST)
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 04:31:16 -0800 (PST)
From: "G. Baldwin" <drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost>
To: Stephen Champion <steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
cc: Joe Smith <jms%tardis.Tymnet.COM@localhost>, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: cache
In-Reply-To: <199603260744.BAA14231%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Tue, 26 Mar 1996, Stephen Champion wrote:

> Joe Smith said:
>       Well, actually it's that the Amiga's CPU's (well, all 680x0 CPU's) are
> clocked so slow (relative to other CPU's), and that the motherboard data paths
> are well designed - resulting in 80ns RAM being all that's needed without
> a significant bottleneck.

Thats actually false.  High speed 68030s, 68040s, and 68060s all require
memory that is faster than 80ns unless you stuff wait states on them.  If
I remember right, many Amiga CPU cards need 70ns RAM with 25/33MHz 68040s,
and 40MHz 68040s and 68060s need 60ns mem.  This wait states can slow
things down anywhere from 15% on up.

>         However:
> In the A3000 and A4000, a CPU in the "CPU Slot" will have pathetically slow -
> in terms of MB/s, about 1.6 - access to motherboard memory..  While on L2 
> cache
> on the CPU board would alleviate the effects of this bottleneck somewhat, the
> expense of cache RAM makes it more economical to put the memory itself on the
> board (It's probably better, too).  This is done on all of the "CPU slot"
> boards the I know of except the 3640 - the stock board in the A3000T/040 and
> A4000/040.

Memory is put on these cards for several reasons.  The first being that
the Ramsey can only handle 16MB of memory being on the motherboard.  That
limit is far too imposing, so card manufacturers let you stuff 256MB on
their cards.  Next reason is because this memory can be clocked at the
same speeds as the CPU.  3rd reason is because you can now use burst data
transfers to memory - this is basically impossible with the MB memory.

>       The problem is not that the motherboard datapaths are bad, but because
> the CPU and motherboard are on different clocks.

Well, the above reasons are mainly why motherboard memory is so limited.
But there is another around.  Its what people call the "A4000 memory
bottleneck".  This bottleneck does not exist in the A4000, but rather,
with the C=3640 CPU card and the 040.  Supposedly, the 68040 can not talk
to 16-bit devices like an 020 or 030 can.  Thus, the C=3640 uses a kind of
"interpriter" that plays with the data.  Since the C=3640 is so old, the
chips that do this are very low quality, and very slow.  That is why
people with 030 based A3000/A4000s have DOUBLE the memory speed to MB RAM
than owners of the 3640 do.  This problem has been delt with better with
newer 040/060 cards, but that conversion still remains, and its still a

 From billc  Tue Mar 26 08:45:18 1996
Return-Path: tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost
Received: from golden-gate.owl.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id IAA22401 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 08:40:39 
-0500 (EST)
Received: by golden-gate.owl.de (Smail3.1.28.1)
          from lyssa.owl.de with smtp
          id <m0u1Z2Q-000JNZC>; Tue, 26 Mar 96 14:43 MET
Received: by lyssa.owl.de (UMSRFC 0.12);
        Tue, 26 Mar 1996 14:39:25 +0100
To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 13:13:10 +0100
Subject: Re: Name Server?
Message-ID: <40520%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Nick,

you wrote in 
> How to I redirect the DNS to the one on my
> ISP? I tried this in the  /etc/resolve.conf

The file is called "resolv.conf".
> domain teleport.com
> nameserver

Use this:

domain teleport.com
lookup file bind

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Tue Mar 26 08:45:37 1996
Return-Path: jyw%jasper.hko.net@localhost
Received: from jasper.hko.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
IAA22464 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 08:44:18 -0500 
Received: by jasper.hko.net (NX5.67e/NX3.0M)
        id AA01596; Tue, 26 Mar 96 21:42:20 +0800
From: Jasper Wong <jyw%jasper.hko.net@localhost>
Message-Id: <9603261342.AA01596%jasper.hko.net@localhost>
Subject: Re: Name Server?
To: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nick Ellson)
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 21:42:19 +0800 (GMT+0800)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
<Pine.SUN.3.91.960326001004.11445A-100000%julie.teleport.com@localhost> from 
"Nick Ellson" at Mar 26, 96 00:13:05 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
Content-Type: text

> I have managed to get my NetBSD 1.1 system to connect to my PPP/IP 
> account with my local ISP. How to I redirect the DNS to the one on my 
> ISP? I tried this in the  /etc/resolve.conf
> domain teleport.com
> nameserver
> which is what my DNS should be, but it just doesn't pay any 
> attention..??? Is there somewhere else that I should be looking?
> Nick
The file should be /etc/resolv.conf instead of /etc/resolve.conf
I usually put two nameserver entries in the file...but one probably
works as well.


 From billc  Tue Mar 26 14:08:03 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id NAA25914 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 
13:45:18 -0500 (EST)
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[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id 
KAA23398; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 10:45:15 -0800
Received: (grimm@localhost) by kelly.teleport.com (8.6.12/8.6.12) id KAA24983; 
Tue, 26 Mar 1996 10:45:15 -0800
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 10:45:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Nick Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
To: Matthias Scheler <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
cc: NetBSD Amiga <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: Re: Name Server?
In-Reply-To: <40520%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

> The file is called "resolv.conf".

Yes <sigh> I fixed that this morning <hang head low> It was late..

> Use this:
> domain teleport.com
> nameserver
> lookup file bind

Ahhh, haven't tried that last line yet.. I will tonight, thanks :)

Thanks for all the help! :)

|                        | Degree Absolute:                                   |
|      Nick Ellson       |            A.  Find Missing Link                   |
|                        |            B.  Put It Together                     |
|   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |            C.  Bang!                       
|                        |                - Number Two in "Once Upon a Time"  |
                         |  Home Page        http://www.teleport.com/~grimm/  |

 From billc  Tue Mar 26 22:25:11 1996
Return-Path: seebs%solon.com@localhost
Received: from solutions.solon.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id WAA07967 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 22:12:07 
-0500 (EST)
Received: (from seebs@localhost) by solutions.solon.com (8.6.12/8.6.12) id 
VAA27980 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 21:13:55 -0600
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 21:13:55 -0600
From: Peter Seebach <seebs%solon.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603270313.VAA27980%solutions.solon.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: A2065 ether driver dumb question...

Can anyone tell me if there's a problem trying to use a 2065 in thicknet
mode?  I believe I need to flip a jumper, but apart from that, I want to
know if there are driver problems, *before* I try to use this machine
to test out what is allegedly a box which can take up to 12 AUI cables
and let them talk to each other.

Any performange wins or losses to doing this?


 From billc  Tue Mar 26 23:06:06 1996
Return-Path: kpneal%eos.ncsu.edu@localhost
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with SMTP id XAA08342 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 
23:02:48 -0500 (EST)
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        id WAA14208; Tue, 26 Mar 1996 22:59:26 -0500
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Subject: Re: cache
To: steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost (Stephen Champion)
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 22:59:26 -0500 (EST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199603260744.BAA14231%betty.onshore.com@localhost> from "Stephen 
Champion" at Mar 26, 96 01:44:40 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24/POP]
MIME-Version: 1.0
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> Joe Smith said:
> > 
> > > From: cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost (YU SONG)
> > > To: amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
> > > Subject: cache
> > > 
> > > However, as I was 
> > > told before that the memory access in stock Amiga ( A4000 in my case )
> > > is quite slow.
> > 
> > You have been misinformed.  Memory access in the Amiga between the CPU and
> > fast RAM is quite fast.  So fast, that adding an L2 cache will not make it
> > any faster.

Um, almost. The A4000 has a shitty RAM interface. An A3000 with an A4000
CPU card will run MUCH faster than an A4000 with an A4000 CPU card.

The A4000 sucks. The A1200 can access chip memory faster than an A4000.

>       Well, actually it's that the Amiga's CPU's (well, all 680x0 CPU's) are
> clocked so slow (relative to other CPU's), and that the motherboard data 
> paths 
> are well designed - resulting in 80ns RAM being all that's needed without 
> a significant bottleneck.
The A3000 can take 70ns RAM, but you only get about 1ns of improvement.
This data came from an AmigaDOS writer who got it from Dave Haynie.

>         However:
> In the A3000 and A4000, a CPU in the "CPU Slot" will have pathetically slow -
> in terms of MB/s, about 1.6 - access to motherboard memory..  While on L2 
> cache

Double check this for the A3000, please.

>       The problem is not that the motherboard datapaths are bad, but because 
> the CPU and motherboard are on different clocks.  
The datapaths on the A4000 are bad.

XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore CSC/CPE     kpneal%eos.ncsu.edu@localhost 
XCOMM North Carolina State University      kevinneal%bix.com@localhost
XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------

 From billc  Wed Mar 27 15:13:36 1996
Return-Path: tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost
Received: from golden-gate.owl.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id OAA18037 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Wed, 27 Mar 1996 14:53:27 
-0500 (EST)
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          from lyssa.owl.de with smtp
          id <m0u20WM-000JP4C>; Wed, 27 Mar 96 20:04 MET
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        Wed, 27 Mar 1996 20:00:06 +0100
To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <199603270313.VAA27980%solutions.solon.com@localhost>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 10:02:03 +0100
Subject: Re: A2065 ether driver dumb question...
Message-ID: <40704%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Peter,

you wrote in <199603270313.VAA27980%solutions.solon.com@localhost>:
> Can anyone tell me if there's a problem trying to use a 2065 in thicknet
> mode?


> I believe I need to flip a jumper, ...

5 or 6 jumpers.

> Any performange wins or losses to doing this?


Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Wed Mar 27 15:19:11 1996
Return-Path: tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost
Received: from golden-gate.owl.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id OAA18044 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Wed, 27 Mar 1996 14:54:02 
-0500 (EST)
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          from lyssa.owl.de with smtp
          id <m0u20WN-000JP7C>; Wed, 27 Mar 96 20:04 MET
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        Wed, 27 Mar 1996 20:00:07 +0100
To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <199603270359.WAA14208%c00883-239rd.eos.ncsu.edu@localhost>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 10:03:05 +0100
Subject: Re: cache
Message-ID: <40705%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi kpneal,

you wrote in <199603270359.WAA14208%c00883-239rd.eos.ncsu.edu@localhost>:
> An A3000 with an A4000 CPU card will run MUCH faster than an A4000 with
> an A4000 CPU card.

> The A4000 sucks.

No, the A3640 sucks.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Wed Mar 27 20:10:03 1996
Return-Path: steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost
Received: from onshore.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
TAA24224 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 27 Mar 1996 19:55:33 -0500 
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onshore.com (8.7.3/8.7.3) with ESMTP id SAA10128; Wed, 27 Mar 1996 18:55:42 
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SAA28123; Wed, 27 Mar 1996 18:56:45 -0600 (CST)
From: Stephen Champion <steve%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199603280056.SAA28123%betty.onshore.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: A2065 ether driver dumb question...
To: tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost (Matthias Scheler)
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 18:56:36 -0600 (CST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <40704%lyssa.owl.de@localhost> from "Matthias Scheler" at Mar 27, 
96 10:02:03 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

Matthias Scheler said:
>     Hi Peter,
> you wrote in <199603270313.VAA27980%solutions.solon.com@localhost>:
> > Can anyone tell me if there's a problem trying to use a 2065 in thicknet
> > mode?
> No.
> > I believe I need to flip a jumper, ...
> 5 or 6 jumpers.

        One big jumper shunt.  Only fits in two places, and it's pretty obvious
when you look at it.  It's the big one :^)

> > Any performange wins or losses to doing this?
> No.

        Pretty fast, actually.

Stephen Champion                 Workstation and Network Consultant
steve%onshore.com@localhost                Onshore, Inc.

 From billc  Wed Mar 27 21:26:48 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id VAA25120 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 27 Mar 1996 
21:22:33 -0500 (EST)
Received: from Grimm (grimm%ip-pdx11-48.teleport.com@localhost 
[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.6.12/8.6.9) with SMTP id SAA01617 
for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 27 Mar 1996 18:22:31 -0800
Received: by Grimm.UUCP (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 1994)
        id AA01; Wed, 27 Mar 96 18:30:22 
Message-Id: <224d4a3b.u8t20e.249f4-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Subject: X11R6 with CyberVision 64???
From: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nickolas Ray Ellson)
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 96 18:30:22 


I have just set up NetBSD and wanted to use X windows with it.

I have a A3000 with 12 megs fast and 2 chip, with an 040 at 25Mhz
I am booting netbsd with the Cybervision 64 kernal (fix2) from the Amiga NetBSD
webpage and I downloaded the CyberVision Xserver binary. I have also downloaded
all the X11R6 files and untar'ed them onto my system.

I know I need help at this point as I don't know what file to replace with my
Cybervision Xserver binary, and just how to start X11. I executed the server
alone and it said my grf device was not configured and it loaded a screen that
was kinds grey and plain (like an empty workbench screen) and gave me a mouse
cursur but nothing else. I had to power off to get out. So I saw how to use
grfconfig to set my grf device and got the ReadCVMonitor-1.0 program to read my
cybervision monitor preferences to a file I can feed grfconfig but it didn't
like it.

% grfconfig /dev/grf0 monitor  (the name of the file I used)
and it coughed up an error that said it was wrong

The monitor file looks like this: (I only wanted the 800 x 600 for now so I cut
the file down)

1 54000000 800 600 8 800 832 976 1072 1088 600 610 620 0 653

Anyway, I am hoping another CyberVision NetBSD user is listening and can direct
me a little.

Thanks in advance for your help.


|                        | Degree Absolute:                                   |
|      Nick Ellson       |            A.  Find Missing Link                   |
|                        |            B.  Put It Together                     |
|   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |            C.  Bang!                       
|                        |                - Number Two in "Once Upon a Time"  |
|   PGP Key Available    |  Home Page        http://www.teleport.com/~grimm/  |

 From billc  Thu Mar 28 08:50:00 1996
Return-Path: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost
Received: from mail.desy.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
IAA01208 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 28 Mar 1996 08:42:18 -0500 
Received: from y4me.desy.de (y4me.desy.de []) by mail.desy.de 
(8.7.4/8.7.3) with ESMTP id NAA02504; Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:06:10 +0100 (MET)
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Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:06:07 +0100 (MET)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:06:06 +0100 (MET)
From: Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>
To: Nickolas Ray Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: X11R6 with CyberVision 64???
In-Reply-To: <224d4a3b.u8t20e.249f4-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Message-ID: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960328125745.21886A-100000@y4me>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Wed, 27 Mar 1996, Nickolas Ray Ellson wrote:

> I have a A3000 with 12 megs fast and 2 chip, with an 040 at 25Mhz
> I am booting netbsd with the Cybervision 64 kernal (fix2) from the 
> Amiga NetBSD
> webpage and I downloaded the CyberVision Xserver binary. 

Aehm, if you use Xcv64 you have to use the cv64-console-kernel from 
regensburg. The fix2-kernel only supports Xamiga24. But that's not the 
problem now, but it will be your next problem.

> I have also downloaded
> all the X11R6 files and untar'ed them onto my system.
> I know I need help at this point as I don't know what file to replace with my
> Cybervision Xserver binary, and just how to start X11. I executed the server
> alone and it said my grf device was not configured and it loaded a screen that
> was kinds grey and plain (like an empty workbench screen) and gave me a mouse
> cursur but nothing else. I had to power off to get out.

No, you don't have to power off. If anything goes wrong, you can use
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to quit the server. The screen was probably a AGA 
Screen, because without -dev switch the Xserver tries all available devices.

> So I saw how to use
> grfconfig to set my grf device and got the ReadCVMonitor-1.0 program to read 
> my
> cybervision monitor preferences to a file I can feed grfconfig but it didn't
> like it.
> % grfconfig /dev/grf0 monitor  (the name of the file I used)
> and it coughed up an error that said it was wrong

What, exactly was the error message?

> The monitor file looks like this: (I only wanted the 800 x 600 for now so I 
> cut
> the file down)
> 1 54000000 800 600 8 800 832 976 1072 1088 600 610 620 0 653

Seems to be ok, do you have empty lines in the file? grfconfig doesn't 
like this. Remove them!

Now you should put  Xamiga24 -dev /dev/grf5 -mode 1 in your .xserverrc
and it should run!
Same goes for Xcv64 if you have the new console-kernel from regensburg.

Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

 From billc  Thu Mar 28 10:08:59 1996
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Thu, 28 Mar 1996 16:50:54 +0200
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Subject: Re: X11R6 with CyberVision 64???
To: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost (Michael Teske)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 16:50:54 +0200 (EET)
Cc: grimm%teleport.com@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960328125745.21886A-100000@y4me> from "Michael 
Teske" at Mar 28, 96 01:06:06 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-Type: text

> > 
> > % grfconfig /dev/grf0 monitor  (the name of the file I used)
> > and it coughed up an error that said it was wrong
This should be /dev/grf5, grf0 is for native chipset (or was it
some other card?).  Anyway, I'm sure grf5 is for CV64.

Perhaps it explains why your CV64 is not used correctly ;-)

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Thu Mar 28 15:15:12 1996
Return-Path: kgray%netcom.com@localhost
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-0500 (EST)
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        id LAA08990; Thu, 28 Mar 1996 11:45:59 -0800
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 11:45:59 -0800 (PST)
From: Kerry Gray <kgray%netcom.com@localhost>
X-Sender: kgray@netcom13
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: DKB Rapidfire SCSI and NetBSD
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Does the DKB Rapidfire SCSI-2 controller have NetBSD support?

 From billc  Thu Mar 28 22:25:52 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
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Thu, 28 Mar 1996 19:13:06 -0800
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 19:13:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Nick Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: X11 Almost running!
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi all,

I have X11R6 almost there. After installing the CORRECT kernal for 
Cybervision and running grfconfig on my monitor file it now shows all 6 
modes! Now I try for giggle typing in

# Xcv64 -dev /dev/grf5 -mode 2 <- I tried all modes, they all work!

and I get a screen in a few seconds of the resolution I choose, even 
1280x1024. But no programs (I haven't a clue). I figure it is because I 
am starting X11 wrong (like starting WorkBench with no Icons/wbstartup) 
so I try adding /usr/local/X11R6/bin to my path and type 

# startx    

(Oh, and I copied the above starting line into a .xserverrc 
in my home directory)

and it said

/usr/libexec/ld.so: xinit: libXmu.so.6.0: No such file or directory

???? What did I do wrong, or not set up? I know I must be close. Help?

Thanks again

Nick :)

And for all those that helped me with my pppd set-up, thanks a bunch! I 
got it working automatically now with chat :)

Nick, budding NetBSD administrator ;)

|                        | Burke's Law of inanimate reproduction:             |
|      Nick Ellson       |                                                    |
|                        | "If you take something apart enough times,         |
|   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |  eventually you will have two of them."    
|                        |                                                    |
                         |  Home Page        http://www.teleport.com/~grimm/  |

 From billc  Thu Mar 28 23:25:39 1996
Return-Path: david%mono.org@localhost
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Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 05:16:10 +0100 (BST)
From: David Brownlee <david%mono.org@localhost>
X-Sender: david%ns.southern.net@localhost
To: Nick Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: X11 Almost running!
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 28 Mar 1996, Nick Ellson wrote:

> [...]
> /usr/libexec/ld.so: xinit: libXmu.so.6.0: No such file or directory
> ???? What did I do wrong, or not set up? I know I must be close. Help?
        This one should be easy - you need to 'ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib'.
        (have it at the end or rc.local :)

                   David/abs             (david%mono.org@localhost)

+44 181 888 8949 System Manager, Southern Studios Ltd, Box 59, London N22 1AR
 >=- OpenBSD http://www.openbsd.org. Free un*x for {sparc,i386,m68k,...} -=<
       <<< Monochrome - Largest UK Internet BBS - telnet mono.org >>>

 From billc  Fri Mar 29 06:39:14 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id GAA20820 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Fri, 29 Mar 1996 
06:08:52 -0500 (EST)
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[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.6.12/8.6.9) with SMTP id WAA09549 
for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 28 Mar 1996 22:07:36 -0800
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        id AA01; Thu, 28 Mar 96 22:19:48 
Message-Id: <224ed151.u8t20e.c3511-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: X11 Almost running!
             (from David Brownlee <david%mono.org@localhost>)
             (at Fri, 29 Mar 1996 05:16:10 +0100 (BST))
From: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nickolas Ray Ellson)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
To: david%mono.org@localhost, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 96 22:19:48 

Hi David,

And everyone else that piped in instantly to my rescue!!! You all said =
the same
thing in almost exactly the same way.. I am feeling a lot of kinship in=
room ;) But thank you all, that did the trick.. and silly me, I uncomme=
everything in the .xinitrc file and wound up with 6 Xterms and a ton of=
goodies on my screen ;) But it opened and runs in 1280 x 1024 just grea=
t.. Um,
the frvm set-up? That screen flipping? Whoa, what a trip on the eyes wh=
en you
get too close to the edge of the screen... <squinting hard> Took me a w=
hile to
notice what was going on..

The new thing I did was run EVERYTHING in the X11R6/bin directory :))) =
That was
fun :)

I ran Mosaic, it came up and was unable to locate the internet.. um, ok=
, so i
shut down X11 and booted the pppd that I just got running. Then ran X11=
tried mosaic. It finds the link, sends requests, but nothing comes back=
=2E I
suspect my domain is not set right for my return path. Anyone know how =
that is
set up? I named my machine "marvin" and I connect to my internet servic=
provider "teleport.com" with the pppd. I have the nameserver point to t=
so when I type "telnet kelly" I get logged onto the machine "kelly" at =
When I run pine and send a mail to an outside address it gets there wit=
h the
return address of "root@marvin" ;) So I know I am hooked up for out goi=
ng.. but
nothing is going to find me at "root@marvin"

Anyway, I thank you all for the help you have given, and anymore you fe=
el like
giving. I will be reading the Unix Administrators Guide I bought this w=
eekend to
try and absorb all the help I have gotten so far. Sendmail doesn't look=
=20to self
explainatory right now, it may take a while. At least I got my aliases =
to build

Nick :)

=2E                        .                                           =
=20        .
=2E      Nick Ellson       .    Buhr's programming axiom: "Any given pr=
ogram,   .
=2E                        .                                           =
=20        .
=2E   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   .            when running, is obsolete... 
" =
=20        .
=2E                        .                                           =
=20        .
=2E                        .                                           =
=20        .
=2E   PGP Key Available    .  Home Page        http://www.teleport.com/=
~grimm/  .

 From billc  Fri Mar 29 06:39:30 1996
Return-Path: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost@am061.du.pipex.com
Received: from vent.pipex.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
GAA20822 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Fri, 29 Mar 1996 06:09:32 -0500 
Received:  from am061 by vent.pipex.net (8.6.12/PIPEX simple 1.20)
        id JAA14502; Fri, 29 Mar 1996 09:53:02 GMT
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        id AA01; Fri, 29 Mar 96 09:48:49 GMT
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        id AA01; Fri, 29 Mar 96 09:43:08 GMT
Message-Id: <224f71a4.u7t150e.c8320-fr30%am058.du.pipex.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.1 on A3000/Picasso II? (fwd)
Reply-To: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost
From: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost@am061.du.pipex.com (George Harvey)
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 96 09:43:08 GMT
Organization: Not an Organization
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost

(I think I sent this to the wrong address first time, apologies if I didn't
and you see this twice)

Hi Thomas,

> Hi!
> I recently
> tried to upgrade my well-working NetBSD 1.0
> (with ECS console and Picasso-X-Display) to
> Version 1.1.
> Unfortunately, all kernels I tried fail
> to create a working Picasso console... I
> just get a blue Picasso screen with no
> text on it, although the boot process
> goes on in the background.
Yes, been there, seen that.

[ snip ]

> QUESTIONS: - Has anyone in this list encountered
>              similar problems or any idea how to
>              fix them?
>            - Is is possible that the White-Screen-Problem
>              already fixed in 1.0 returned in 1.1?
> Thomas Corte                  //

There are some patches available to fix it, the file I used was called
"ariadne_picasso-src11.tar.gz" and could be found on ftp.uni-regensburg.de
(I can't remember which directory, I think it may have been in 'incoming'
at the time but it has probably been moved since then).

I now get normal console operation and X-windows runs fine with the Xcl

Hope that helps,

    George Harvey                   | Amiga A3000T, Picasso-II,
    email: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost      | MFC-III, AmiTCP, NetBSD

 From billc  Fri Mar 29 08:53:59 1996
Return-Path: david%mono.org@localhost
Received: from ns.southern.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
IAA21597 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Fri, 29 Mar 1996 08:29:27 -0500 
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with SMTP id OAA09313; Fri, 29 Mar 1996 14:28:41 +0100 (BST)
X-Authentication-Warning: ns.southern.net: david owned process doing -bs
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 14:28:40 +0100 (BST)
From: David Brownlee <david%mono.org@localhost>
X-Sender: david%ns.southern.net@localhost
To: Nickolas Ray Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: X11 Almost running!
In-Reply-To: <224ed151.u8t20e.c3511-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 28 Mar 1996, Nickolas Ray Ellson wrote:

> Hi David,
> And everyone else that piped in instantly to my rescue!!! You all said the 
> same
> thing in almost exactly the same way.. I am feeling a lot of kinship in this
> room ;)

        Helping each other out - thats what we're here for! (Only dont
        find a problem due to the separate buffer & vm cache and expect
        a quick fix :)

> [...]
> I ran Mosaic, it came up and was unable to locate the internet.. um, ok, so i
> shut down X11 and booted the pppd that I just got running. Then ran X11 and
> tried mosaic. It finds the link, sends requests, but nothing comes back. I
> suspect my domain is not set right for my return path. Anyone know how that is

        Mosaic should only require a resolv.conf to look up its addresses,
        and for you to be on a routable IP address to work. Your machine
        hostname should be pretty much irrelevant to it.
        (If you can telnet out to an dns name then that should be good

> set up? I named my machine "marvin" and I connect to my internet service
> provider "teleport.com" with the pppd. I have the nameserver point to 
> teleport.
> so when I type "telnet kelly" I get logged onto the machine "kelly" at 
> teleport.

        looks good.

> When I run pine and send a mail to an outside address it gets there with the
> return address of "root@marvin" ;) So I know I am hooked up for out going.. 
> but
> nothing is going to find me at "root@marvin"
        You _should_ fix your hostname to be fully qualified
        ie 'marvin.teleport.com'. Just change the '/etc/myname' and
        '/etc/hosts' file entries.

        Then you should play around with your .pinerc
        (set 'use-only-domain-name=yes') and your /etc/sendmail.cf
        ('DM' changes to 'DMteleport.com').

        This _is_ assuming you have an account of the same name as you are
        sending mail from.. on telport.com!

> Anyway, I thank you all for the help you have given, and anymore you feel like
> giving. I will be reading the Unix Administrators Guide I bought this weekend 
> to
> try and absorb all the help I have gotten so far. Sendmail doesn't look to 
> self
> explainatory right now, it may take a while. At least I got my aliases to 
> build
> :)
        You have three levels of sendmail
        - fix the DM line, to masquerade as a given @xx (trivial)
        - use m4 & write your mc file                   (some work)
        - write in sendmail.cf                          (heavy!!!!)

        You should be able to do it with just the DM line, but otherwise
        all you should ever need can be done with the m4 style sendmail
        config files...

                   David/abs             (david%mono.org@localhost)

+44 181 888 8949 System Manager, Southern Studios Ltd, Box 59, London N22 1AR
 >=- OpenBSD http://www.openbsd.org. Free un*x for {sparc,i386,m68k,...} -=<
       <<< Monochrome - Largest UK Internet BBS - telnet mono.org >>>

 From billc  Fri Mar 29 15:15:35 1996
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-0500 (EST)
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        id m0u2kFm-000Mi8C; Fri, 29 Mar 96 13:54 CST
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 13:54:34 -0600 (CST)
From: llucius <llucius%millcomm.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Why doesn't iteconfig allow you to change keyboard repeat speeds?
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960329135145.29914A%mill2.MillComm.COM@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

The ioctls are there to do it in both the Amiga and Atari ports.  If it was 
just overlooked then I can send-pr some diffs to put it in.  Any ideas?


__ Y_ a_ m_ b_ o_ | The leanest, meanest, fightinest sweet tater on Earth!
   oo o  oo o  o  | 
    o       o   o | llucius%millcomm.com@localhost
 o oo    o     o  | 
-- -- -- -- -- -- | http://www.millcomm.com/~llucius       (maybe one day)

 From billc  Fri Mar 29 18:28:51 1996
Return-Path: Matthias.Bethke%sowi.uni-giessen.de@localhost
Received: from hermes.hrz.uni-giessen.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) 
with SMTP id SAA00638 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Fri, 29 Mar 1996 
18:18:37 -0500 (EST)
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Mar 96 00:18:33 +0100
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          id AA22760; Sat, 30 Mar 1996 00:18:17 +0100
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 00:18:17 +0100 (CET)
From: Matthias Bethke <Matthias.Bethke%sowi.uni-giessen.de@localhost>
X-Sender: s1089%smail.hrz.uni-giessen.de@localhost
To: Matthias Scheler <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Cc: NetBSD Amiga <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: Re: cache
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Mime-Version: 1.0
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On Wed, 27 Mar 1996, Matthias Scheler wrote:

> > The A4000 sucks.
> No, the A3640 sucks.

Well, the motherboard needs a 68030 bus protocol, so the 3640 can't be 
much better than it is. But it really sucks...I need to get a CS060 :-)
BTW, is there any documentation on 68040 MMU tables online or do I need 
to buy the Motorla 040 handbook?


Matthias Bethke   | Phone   : +49-6406-76572
Giessener Str. 31 | Fax/Data: +49-6406-76571
35457 Lollar      | Usenet  : postmaster%sweetdreams.lahn.de@localhost
Germany           | WWW     : http://wwwstud.uni-giessen.de/~s1089

 From billc  Fri Mar 29 19:05:24 1996
Return-Path: Matthias.Bethke%sowi.uni-giessen.de@localhost
Received: from hermes.hrz.uni-giessen.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) 
with SMTP id SAA01087 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Fri, 29 Mar 1996 
18:55:12 -0500 (EST)
Received: from smail.hrz.uni-giessen.de by hermes.hrz.uni-giessen.de; Sat, 30 
Mar 96 00:55:05 +0100
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          id AA14374; Sat, 30 Mar 1996 00:54:54 +0100
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 00:54:54 +0100 (CET)
From: Matthias Bethke <Matthias.Bethke%sowi.uni-giessen.de@localhost>
X-Sender: s1089%smail.hrz.uni-giessen.de@localhost
To: Nick Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: X11 Almost running!
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 28 Mar 1996, Nick Ellson wrote:
> (Oh, and I copied the above starting line into a .xserverrc 
> in my home directory)
> and it said
> /usr/libexec/ld.so: xinit: libXmu.so.6.0: No such file or directory
> ???? What did I do wrong, or not set up? I know I must be close. Help?

Sorry, I don't have a solution for this (well, maybe your ldconfig is 
wrong, do you have an "ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib" line in your rc or 
rc.local file?), but as I see this linker error I remember a similar 
problem that I haven't found a solution for:
When I try to start the "moxfm" file manager, I get the following error:
/usr/libexec/ld.so: moxfm: libXpm.so.so.4.5: No such file or directory
I have both libXpm.so.4.3 and 4.6, the latter apparently a newer version, 
but moxfm doesn't like it. The "xview" OpenLook window manager had similar 
problems, but in this case I could convince it to use the newer library 
by creating a link from the old name to my existing file. Xview runs fine 
now, but moxfm doesn't. Do I have to install an old version of libXpm?


Matthias Bethke   | Phone   : +49-6406-76572
Giessener Str. 31 | Fax/Data: +49-6406-76571
35457 Lollar      | Usenet  : postmaster%sweetdreams.lahn.de@localhost
Germany           | WWW     : http://wwwstud.uni-giessen.de/~s1089

 From billc  Fri Mar 29 19:49:32 1996
Return-Path: staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost
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 id AA01; Sat, 30 Mar 1996 01:30:11 +0000
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 01:30:11 +0000 (+0100)
From: Ruben van Staveren <staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost>
Subject: Re: X11 Almost running!
To: grimm%teleport.com@localhost, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Reply-to: staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost
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On Thu, 28 Mar 1996 19:13:06 -0800 (PST),
Nick Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost> wrote about X11 Almost running!:
> Hi all,


[Problem deleted]
> and it said
> /usr/libexec/ld.so: xinit: libXmu.so.6.0: No such file or directory
> ???? What did I do wrong, or not set up? I know I must be close. Help?
Seems you need to substitute the line /etc/rc.local which says:



ldconfig /usr/local/X11R6/lib

or if you have those *.so files in /usr/local/lib also:

ldconfig /usr/local/lib /usr/local/X11R6/lib

> Thanks again
X is so dynamicly linked, like the .library files in LIBS: but if you
put that library in DH2:special/libs, you can only load it with 
assign LIBS: DH2:special/libs ADD.
However we do not have such assigns under unix, and therefor ldconfig is 
> Nick :)
> And for all those that helped me with my pppd set-up, thanks a bunch! I 
> got it working automatically now with chat :)
> Nick, budding NetBSD administrator ;)
    Ruben, Mudding through NetBSD...

/___________________________ //_____________________________/| PGP Public
|  _             _        |\X/ Amiga is it, the rest is ... ||_  @ / Key on
| /_)     | /   /_'       |Email: staveren%ronix.ptf.hro.nl@localhost || \/##\ 
|/  \uben |/an __/taveren |(A1230-882@50/14/500) tO tHE eND!||   ##/
|-----------------------------------------------------------||   ||`
|      "Quantum Physics:The Dreams Stuff Are Made Of.."     ||  _|\
| URL: http://www.ptf.hro.nl/~staveren  BrintaBBS: The Guru |'    /

 From billc  Sat Mar 30 04:05:16 1996
Return-Path: fiction!lyssa.owl.de!tron%golden-gate.owl.de@localhost
Received: from golden-gate.owl.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id DAA07634 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Sat, 30 Mar 1996 03:59:01 
-0500 (EST)
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          from fiction with uucp
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         id m0u2wFi-000031C; Sat, 30 Mar 96 09:43 MET
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colwyn.owl.de (8.7.4/8.7.3) with ESMTP id UAA01844 for 
<port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Fri, 29 Mar 1996 20:26:53 +0100 (GMT+0100)
Received: by lyssa.owl.de (UMSRFC 0.12);
        Fri, 29 Mar 1996 20:26:28 +0100
To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 20:22:28 +0100
Subject: Re: X11 Almost running!
Message-ID: <41198%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi David,

you wrote in 
>  This one should be easy - you need to 'ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib'.

"/usr/local/X11R6/lib" of course. Unless he manually messed up the
structure of the X11R6 distribution for NetBSD-amiga.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Sun Mar 31 19:26:16 1996
Return-Path: henric%henric-ppp.zoom.com@localhost
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<port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 31 Mar 1996 16:25:32 -0800
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Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 16:24:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Henric Jungheim <henric%zoom.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: WE scsi startup
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I've had some problems booting NetBSD with my WarpEngine (it would just
hang when configuring my hard drives) so I recompiled my kernel with some
of the debugging options enabled (specifically, DDB, DIAGNOSTIC, KTRACE,
DEBUG, SYSCALL_DEBUG, and SCSIDEBUG).  This new kernel starts properly,
but since I did a 'sup' between my non-working kernel and this new one, I
don't know if it's the config or if it's something else.  Anyway, I get an
odd line in my startup (twice actually; once for each of my drives):
scsi_inqmatch: 2/0/0 <, , >

I think this is generated in /usr/src/sys/scsi/scsiconf.c.  From looking
at scsiconf.c, it seems that the stuff between the "<" and the ">" should
be vendor, product, and revision strings.  Am I missing something obvious

Here's the complete dmesg output:

NetBSD 1.1B (HENRIC) #70: Sat Mar 30 20:33:23 PST 1996
Amiga 4000 (m68040 CPU/MMU/FPU)
real  mem = 16777216 (2048 pages)
avail mem = 14426112 (1761 pages)
using 115 buffers containing 942080 bytes of memory
memory segment 0 at 08000000 size 01000000
memory segment 1 at 00000000 size 00200000
Physical memory segments:
Physical segment 0 at 080f8000 size 1923 pages 0
mainbus0 (root)
clock0 at mainbus0: system hz 100 hardware hz 715909
ser0 at mainbus0: input fifo 4096 output fifo 32
par0 at mainbus0
kbd0 at mainbus0
grfcc0 at mainbus0
grf0 at grfcc0: width 640 height 400 colors 4
ite0 at grf0: rows 50 cols 79 repeat at (30/100)s next at (10/100)s has keyboard
fdc0 at mainbus0: dmabuf pa 0x1e27e0
fd0 at fdc0: 3.5dd 80 cyl, 2 head, 11 sec [9 sec], 512 bytes/sec
idesc0 at mainbus0
scsibus0 at idesc0
zbus0 at mainbus0: i/o size 0x00080000
wesc0 at zbus0 rom 0x40000000 man/pro 2203/19
wesc0: siop id 7 reset V2
scsibus1 at wesc0
wesc0: target 0 now synchronous, period=100ns, offset=8
scsi_inqmatch: 2/0/0 <, , >
sd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0: <COMPAQ, C2490A, 3184> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd0: 2006MB, 2630 cyl, 18 head, 86 sec, 512 bytes/sec
wesc0: target 1 now synchronous, period=100ns, offset=8
scsi_inqmatch: 2/0/0 <, , >
sd1 at scsibus1 targ 1 lun 0: <COMPAQ, C2490A, 3184> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd1: 2006MB, 2630 cyl, 18 head, 86 sec, 512 bytes/sec

-------- Henric Jungheim  -------------------  henric%zoom.com@localhost 

 From billc  Sun Mar 31 21:25:09 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
Received: from gemini.oscs.montana.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id VAA20003 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 31 Mar 1996 
21:10:24 -0500 (EST)
Received: by gemini.oscs.montana.edu (5.65/DEC-Ultrix/4.3)
        id AA08954; Sun, 31 Mar 1996 19:09:54 -0700
Message-Id: <9604010209.AA08954%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost>
From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 19:09:54 -0700
In-Reply-To: Henric Jungheim's message of Mar 31,  4:24pm
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: Henric Jungheim <henric%zoom.com@localhost>, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: WE scsi startup

On Mar 31,  4:24pm, Henric Jungheim wrote:
> hang when configuring my hard drives) so I recompiled my kernel with some
> of the debugging options enabled (specifically, DDB, DIAGNOSTIC, KTRACE,
> DEBUG, SYSCALL_DEBUG, and SCSIDEBUG).  This new kernel starts properly,
> but since I did a 'sup' between my non-working kernel and this new one, I
> don't know if it's the config or if it's something else.  Anyway, I get an

  I did recently make some changes in the 53c710 driver (used on the
WarpEngine), but I don't think they would have fixed any hangs.  Besides
the A4000T fixes, I eliminated some possible NULL pointer references.
If these had been occuring previously, the kernel should have paniced
(although maybe it might act differently during the device configuration).

> odd line in my startup (twice actually; once for each of my drives):
> scsi_inqmatch: 2/0/0 <, , >
> I think this is generated in /usr/src/sys/scsi/scsiconf.c.  From looking
> at scsiconf.c, it seems that the stuff between the "<" and the ">" should
> be vendor, product, and revision strings.  Am I missing something obvious
> here? 

  Setting SCSIDEBUG enables a print on each match of the vendor, product,
and revision strings with entries in table that's being searched.  I
originally thought it was with the scsi_quirk table, but I finally
figured out it was with a table used to determine if the device is
valid for the sd driver.  That table has 0 length strings for the
vendor, product, and revision information.  These will match sucessfully,
and prints out the scsi_inqmatch message you are seeing.  (It's the
information in the matching table entry that's printed, not the information
from the device.)


Michael L. Hitch                        INTERNET:  osymh%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

 From billc  Tue Apr  2 01:29:57 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id BAA22053 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 2 Apr 1996 
01:17:56 -0500 (EST)
Received: from Grimm (grimm%ip-pdx02-43.teleport.com@localhost 
[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id WAA03490 
for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 1 Apr 1996 22:17:53 -0800 (PST)
Received: by Grimm.UUCP (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 1994)
        id AA01; Mon, 1 Apr 96 22:32:12 
Message-Id: <22541a68.u8t20e.c355-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: Mosaic not talking?
             (from David Brownlee <david%mono.org@localhost>)
             (at Mon, 1 Apr 1996 19:23:31 +0100 (BST))
From: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nickolas Ray Ellson)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
To: david%mono.org@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 96 22:32:12 

Hi David,

>       Also try 'telnet www.teleport.com 80'
>       then 'GET /'
>       If you get the html for a web page ending


>       then that indicates the link should be ok...
>       You might want to post this question to the list to see if anyo=
>       else has seen this problem (I dont use ppp :)

Ok, I tried that under the shell, then in an XTerm window. I also tried=
=20PING in

1. telnet to www.teleport.com 80 from the shell gave me the whole web p=
age in
small bursts.

2. telnet from and XTERM the exact same way got me logged in, and gave =
after typing GET /

3. Ping under shell to voicenet.com (a site on the other side of the US=
=20from me)
gave me 4% packet loss out of 22 packets sent.

4. The same thing under XTerm gave me 42% packet loss with 23 packets s=

I also tried the whole thing with AmiTCP on the Amiga side... Telnet wa=
s too
fast to read, and ping went 100 pings with no loss.

So does this mean I have the PPP interface configured wrong and I am sp=
illing my
data? Also do the slower X11 results mean that X-Windows is not somethi=
ng to run
across a 28.8 line?

Any advice would be great. For your information I am setting my serial =
line as
/dev/ttym0 and the speed at 57600 or 38400 (no difference). My MTU and =
MRU are
at 1500 as my ISP requested. and I am using CRTSCTS in my options file.

(For those not familiar with my original question, I was asking why Mos=
aic and
Arena were not getting web-pages)

Nick :)

x                        | "I have a question."                        =
=20      x
x      Nick Ellson       | "What is it?"                               =
=20      x
x                        | "It's an interogative statement designed to =
test   x
x   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |  knowledge, but that's not important right 
ow."   x
x                        |                A I R P L A N E !            =
=20      x
x   PGP Key Available    | Home Page         http://www.teleport.com/~g=
rimm/  x

 From billc  Tue Apr  2 03:45:15 1996
Return-Path: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost
Received: from linteuto.teuto.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id DAA25746 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 2 Apr 1996 03:28:15 
-0500 (EST)
Received: from tiger.teuto.de by linteuto.teuto.de with cbsmtp
        (Smail3.1.29.1 #5) id m0u41Rh-000k3EC; Tue, 2 Apr 96 10:28 MET DST
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        Tue, 02 Apr 1996 10:21:34 +0100
To: "port-amiga" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
From: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 10:21:26 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: SunOS Compat, Intuition compiled!
Message-ID: <68247360%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

 Something wonderful happened yesterday, I would like to tell you about.
(No, this is _not_ an April fools joke)

 Maybe some old Amiga hacker in this forum know that the Amiga Intuition
was compiled on a Sun3 using SunOS and the greenhill compiler.  As you
might guess this became important in the last weeks to port the AmigaOS to

 Recently an Amiga Technologies developer managed to compile intuition on
an Amiga running NetBSD 1.1 and the COMPAT_SUNOS flag in the Kernel.  It
was byte by byte identical to what Andy Finkel had as a result almost a
decade ago. Promising, no?

 Unfortunately it turned out, that the compatibility is not perfect, so he
had to hack around in the sunos_compat tree.  The problem was, that the
greenhill compiler seems to be dependend on a Sun2 architecture (what CPU
is that?  68010?  I remember that the first Sun had no MMU but two 68010),
and the SunOS-Compat routines only seem to check for Sun3 and Sparc.

 So here is his patch.  All I can do is to pass it and ask the core team
(Ignatios, Michael?) to re-integrate his patch in a better manner, as we
are not sure about the other #defines there.

   diff-output (diff /usr/src/sys/compat/sunos/sunos_exec.c.orig \

> /*
>               return (ENOEXEC);
> */
>       if(sunmag->a_machtype != 1 && sunmag->a_machtype != 2)

 I am going to find out the other issues he had (some SysCalls seem to be
incompatible as well).  Unfortunately I am away for some holiday, stay
tuned after Easter.

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Tue Apr  2 04:27:23 1996
Return-Path: david%mono.org@localhost
Received: from ns.southern.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
EAA26004 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 2 Apr 1996 04:22:10 -0500 
Received: from localhost (david@localhost) by ns.southern.net (8.7.3/8.7.3) 
with SMTP id KAA05431; Tue, 2 Apr 1996 10:19:33 +0100 (BST)
X-Authentication-Warning: ns.southern.net: david owned process doing -bs
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 10:19:33 +0100 (BST)
From: David Brownlee <david%mono.org@localhost>
X-Sender: david%ns.southern.net@localhost
To: Nickolas Ray Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Mosaic not talking?
In-Reply-To: <22541a68.u8t20e.c355-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

        Try dropping your serial speed down from 38400 to 9600 and see if
        that affects packet loss under X...

                   David/abs             (david%mono.org@localhost)

+44 181 888 8949 System Manager, Southern Studios Ltd, Box 59, London N22 1AR
 >=- OpenBSD http://www.openbsd.org. Free un*x for {sparc,i386,m68k,...} -=<
       <<< Monochrome - Largest UK Internet BBS - telnet mono.org >>>

On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Nickolas Ray Ellson wrote:

> Hi David,
> >       Also try 'telnet www.teleport.com 80'
> >       then 'GET /'
> >       If you get the html for a web page ending
> ....
> >       then that indicates the link should be ok...
> >
> >       You might want to post this question to the list to see if anyone
> >       else has seen this problem (I dont use ppp :)
> Ok, I tried that under the shell, then in an XTerm window. I also tried PING 
> in
> both.
> 1. telnet to www.teleport.com 80 from the shell gave me the whole web page in
> small bursts.
> 2. telnet from and XTERM the exact same way got me logged in, and gave nothing
> after typing GET /
> 3. Ping under shell to voicenet.com (a site on the other side of the US from 
> me)
> gave me 4% packet loss out of 22 packets sent.
> 4. The same thing under XTerm gave me 42% packet loss with 23 packets sent.
> I also tried the whole thing with AmiTCP on the Amiga side... Telnet was too
> fast to read, and ping went 100 pings with no loss.
> So does this mean I have the PPP interface configured wrong and I am spilling 
> my
> data? Also do the slower X11 results mean that X-Windows is not something to 
> run
> across a 28.8 line?
> Any advice would be great. For your information I am setting my serial line as
> /dev/ttym0 and the speed at 57600 or 38400 (no difference). My MTU and MRU are
> at 1500 as my ISP requested. and I am using CRTSCTS in my options file.
> (For those not familiar with my original question, I was asking why Mosaic and
> Arena were not getting web-pages)
> Nick :)
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> x                        | "I have a question."                               
> x
> x      Nick Ellson       | "What is it?"                                      
> x
> x                        | "It's an interogative statement designed to test   
> x
> x   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |  knowledge, but that's not important 
> right now."   x
> x                        |                A I R P L A N E !                   
> x
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> x   PGP Key Available    | Home Page         http://www.teleport.com/~grimm/  
> x
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 From billc  Tue Apr  2 15:27:36 1996
Return-Path: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost@am061.du.pipex.com
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ESMTP id PAA29033 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 2 Apr 1996 
15:17:58 -0500 (EST)
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        id VAA24141; Tue, 2 Apr 1996 21:18:32 +0100 (BST)
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        id AA01; Tue, 2 Apr 96 21:17:45 GMT
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        id AA01; Tue, 2 Apr 96 21:11:45 GMT
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Subject: Re: Cross-Platform Compatability
In-Reply-To: <199603292244.WAA191278%r05n01.cac.psu.edu@localhost>
             (from Geof Abruzzi <gxa114%psu.edu@localhost>)
             (at Fri, 29 Mar 1996 22:44:10 GMT)
Reply-To: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost
From: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost@am061.du.pipex.com (George Harvey)
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 96 21:11:45 GMT
Organization: Not an Organization
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost

Hi Geof,

> I have been messing around with  NetBSD on my Amiga 4000, at home for a few
> months, now my boss wants me to set up a web server using spare parts.  It
> seems the best option is a Mac IIx (030) 8meg we have here running NetBSD.
> The biggest problem is an available compiled httpd server.  Ive found CERN
> httpd for the amiga port but that is about it.  I seem to rember reading
> something about all 68k based versions are binary compatible (with the
> exception of direct hardware calls) is this true?  If so are any other httpd
> servers available anywhere, like Apache or NCSA??
> Thanks
> Geof

I am running NCSA httpd under NetBSD 1.1 on my Amiga 3000 (to let me carry out
some experiments for a project at work), the standard distribution sources 
compiled with no problems. I am using a PC running Netscape 2.0, connected
over a serial PPP link to the Amiga, to test some CGI programs and it all
works very well.

I have no experience of the MAC port of NetBSD but I would expect NCSA httpd
to compile and run just as well on the MAC as on the Amiga.

    George Harvey                   | Amiga A3000T, Picasso-II,
    email: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost      | MFC-III, AmiTCP, NetBSD

 From billc  Tue Apr  2 18:52:55 1996
Return-Path: ncc1701.aare.ch!tilink!news%mighty.limmat.net.ch@localhost
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SAA00104 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Tue, 2 Apr 1996 18:30:27 -0500 
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Date: 2 Apr 1996 15:31:41 GMT
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From: Michele_Lucini%tilink.ch@localhost (Loce)
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Options?


Is there somewhere a list of all the options that can be set in a

Moreon, does somebody know how to increase the number of columns/lines on my
Cirrus console? (I'm using the standard settings).

Ok, thank you very much & bye!


UseNet: loce%tilink.ch@localhost            FidoNet: Michele Lucini@2:301/231
LoceBBS: v34: +41-91-6900 482     ISDN x.75: +41-91-6900 487

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 00:55:22 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id AAA10153 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 
00:42:00 -0500 (EST)
Received: from Grimm (grimm%ip-pdx21-04.teleport.com@localhost []) 
by desiree.teleport.com (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id VAA28871 for 
<port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 2 Apr 1996 21:41:56 -0800 (PST)
Received: by Grimm.UUCP (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 1994)
        id AA01; Tue, 2 Apr 96 21:56:53 
Message-Id: <225563a2.u8t20e.bb2dc-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Subject: Fast Serial?
In-Reply-To: <199604022334.AAA03513%vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk@localhost>
             (from Neil Brendan Clark <nbc%vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk@localhost>)
             (at Wed, 03 Apr 1996 00:34:28 +0100)
From: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nickolas Ray Ellson)
To: nbc%vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 96 21:56:53 

Hi Neil,

(in reference to slow serial/ppp speeds under X Windows)

> I guess that if you are using the Cybervision graohics card that would rule
> out any custom chipset DMA conflicts. If the worse comes to the worse you
> could always get the "standard" amiga X server, Xdaniver, and try using that
> to rule out the Cybervision card.
> >But what about
> >the shell? Am I supposed to get errors there? I will try that idea
> >though..
> I wouldn't have thought so... I've been stressing the serial drivers recently
> by driving them at 115200 baud, just to see what happens, and things seem 

115200????? What Amiga system are you running? I would be happy with just 38400
or 57600. And I am talking just shell access here for ftp and nfs :))) Any


 From billc  Wed Apr  3 01:15:38 1996
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Message-Id: <2255673b.u8t20e.186a3-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Subject: Which NetScape?
From: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nickolas Ray Ellson)
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 96 22:12:12 


Which Netscape (or any program for that matter) is netbsd the most compatible
with? I have seen versions for BSDI and Sun Os 4.1.2. My UNIX book says that
NetBSD is based more on a BSD system, but also mentions Sun Os in the same
paragraph. Which would I choose?

Thanks again for your help :)


x                        | "I have a question."                               x
x      Nick Ellson       | "What is it?"                                      x
x                        | "It's an interogative statement designed to test   x
x   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |  knowledge, but that's not important right 
now."   x
x                        |                A I R P L A N E !                   x
x   PGP Key Available    | Home Page         http://www.teleport.com/~grimm/  x

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 05:26:15 1996
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Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 11:06:11 -0100 (CET)
From: Ruben van Staveren <staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost>
Subject: ppp with bootp ?
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I finally have ppp up and running, but I still have to set the hostname
by hand. Is there a bootp for NetBSD which could do that for me ?

/___________________________ //_____________________________/| PGP Public
|  _             _        |\X/ Amiga is it, the rest is ... ||_  @ / Key on
| /_)     | /   /_'       |Email: staveren%ronix.ptf.hro.nl@localhost || \/##\ 
|/  \uben |/an __/taveren |(A1230-882@50/14/500) tO tHE eND!||   ##/
|-----------------------------------------------------------||   ||`
|      "Quantum Physics:The Dreams Stuff Are Made Of.."     ||  _|\
| URL: http://www.ptf.hro.nl/~staveren  BrintaBBS: The Guru |'    /

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 05:26:34 1996
Return-Path: staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost
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FAA23806 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 05:09:01 -0500 
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 Wed, 03 Apr 1996 12:08:43 +0100 (MET)
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Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 11:04:14 -0100 (CET)
From: Ruben van Staveren <staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost>
Subject: Re: Which NetScape?
In-reply-to: <2255673b.u8t20e.186a3-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
To: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nickolas Ray Ellson)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-id: <199604031204.MAA20773%krakatau.ronix@localhost>
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-type: text
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> Hi,
> Which Netscape (or any program for that matter) is netbsd the most compatible
> with? I have seen versions for BSDI and Sun Os 4.1.2. My UNIX book says that

Too bad, the community is totally ignoring us, and therefor Netscape is only
compiled for i386, sparc, all but no m68k unices which NetBSD could emulate

> NetBSD is based more on a BSD system, but also mentions Sun Os in the same
> paragraph. Which would I choose?

SunOS is derived from BSD 4.x code :)

> Thanks again for your help :)
You're welcome 8^)
> Nick
/___________________________ //_____________________________/| PGP Public
|  _             _        |\X/ Amiga is it, the rest is ... ||_  @ / Key on
| /_)     | /   /_'       |Email: staveren%ronix.ptf.hro.nl@localhost || \/##\ 
|/  \uben |/an __/taveren |(A1230-882@50/14/500) tO tHE eND!||   ##/
|-----------------------------------------------------------||   ||`
|      "Quantum Physics:The Dreams Stuff Are Made Of.."     ||  _|\
| URL: http://www.ptf.hro.nl/~staveren  BrintaBBS: The Guru |'    /

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 06:25:16 1996
Return-Path: tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost
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06:11:44 -0500 (EST)
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MAA03548 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 12:11:33 +0100 
From: Tim Preston <tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604031111.MAA03548%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Subject: Re: Cross-Platform Compatability
To: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 12:09:02 +0100 (BST)
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Sender: tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost

> Hi Geof,
> > I have been messing around with  NetBSD on my Amiga 4000, at home for a few
> > months, now my boss wants me to set up a web server using spare parts.  It
> > seems the best option is a Mac IIx (030) 8meg we have here running NetBSD.
> > The biggest problem is an available compiled httpd server.  Ive found CERN
> > httpd for the amiga port but that is about it.  I seem to rember reading
> > something about all 68k based versions are binary compatible (with the
> > exception of direct hardware calls) is this true?  If so are any other httpd
> > servers available anywhere, like Apache or NCSA??
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Geof
> I am running NCSA httpd under NetBSD 1.1 on my Amiga 3000 (to let me carry out
> some experiments for a project at work), the standard distribution sources 
> compiled with no problems. I am using a PC running Netscape 2.0, connected
> over a serial PPP link to the Amiga, to test some CGI programs and it all
> works very well.
> I have no experience of the MAC port of NetBSD but I would expect NCSA httpd
> to compile and run just as well on the MAC as on the Amiga.

Apache compiles 'out of the box' on NetBSD Amiga 1.1. I have no reason to
think that compiling it on a Mac will be any more difficult.

Tim Preston                                    

              Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf...

http://www.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk/                 Home of the Wolfe Pack

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 09:05:33 1996
Return-Path: hoffmann%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost
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XAA10151; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 23:24:41 +0930 (CST)
From: Arthur Hoffmann <hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604031354.XAA10151%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Subject: make depend errors and segmentation fault.
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 23:24:40 +0930 (CST)
Cc: amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, port-m68k%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
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I have a problem getting a new system built.
When I do a make depend it gets to libc and comes up with the

In file included from /src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/sys/Ovfork.S:40:
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:48: `#' operator should be followed by 
a macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:48: `#' operator is not followed by a 
macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:50: `#' operator should be followed by 
a macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:50: `#' operator is not followed by a 
macro argument name
In file included from /src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/sys/brk.S:40:
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:48: `#' operator should be followed by 
a macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:48: `#' operator is not followed by a 
macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:50: `#' operator should be followed by 
a macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:50: `#' operator is not followed by a 
macro argument name
In file included from /src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/sys/cerror.S:40:
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:48: `#' operator should be followed by 
a macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:48: `#' operator is not followed by a 
macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:50: `#' operator should be followed by 
a macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:50: `#' operator is not followed by a 
macro argument name

This keeps going on for a while.

make depend eventually completes (doesn't abort)

Then when I run make it gets to the libc directory again and segmentation 

ctags /src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/db/btree/bt_close.c 
keeps going for a few screens
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/yp/xdryp.c /src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/yp/yplib.c
*** Signal 11


Now is the segmentation fault related to the make depend? Well I tried to 
do the make without the depend and got exactly the same error.

What can I do to get my system built?

I'm running NetBSD1.1 with sup current till a few hours ago, I just finished 
building gcc, as, make, and config with the latest sources. Currently I'm 
building a new kernel with the new sources and tools.

Actually I tried to build about a week ago and got the same results.

Thanks for any info.


Arthur Hoffmann                                 hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost
========I need a Quantum LPS240 SCSI Hard disk: Dead or Alive=======
++++++++I need a SCSI Scanner - TWAIN compliant              +++++++

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 11:06:25 1996
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1996 18:55:01 +0300
From: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>
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Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:54:49 +0300
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Subject: Re: make depend errors and segmentation fault.
To: hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost (Arthur Hoffmann)
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:54:49 +0300 (EET DST)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost, amiga%netbsd.org@localhost, 
In-Reply-To: <199604031354.XAA10151%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost> from 
"Arthur Hoffmann" at Apr 3, 96 11:24:40 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-Type: text

> What can I do to get my system built?
Try again and again, that's the way I have got things going some times. ;-)
To be honest, I think that my problem is either bad SCSI cable or loose
connection in some chips (might be memory).  The SCSI part will change
because I just ordered a new drive and cable, then I will see if problems
go away...

It's a bit strange that AmigaOS works nicely, at least most of the time.
Sometimes a get read errors from HD's (but pressing retry will help)...
hmm, now that I think this might be the reason: if an error happens when
NetBSD reads data from swap partition it may well behave strangely.
And why not with 'normal' reads (i.e. when loading an executable or
data file), too.

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 11:45:58 1996
Return-Path: niklas%appli.se@localhost
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LAA25484; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 11:39:23 -0500 (EST)
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Wed, 3 Apr 1996 17:24:58 +0200
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 17:24:58 +0200
From: Niklas Hallqvist <niklas%appli.se@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604031524.RAA02716%linda.appli.se@localhost>
To: hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost
CC: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, 
In-reply-to: <199604031354.XAA10151%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost> (message 
from Arthur Hoffmann on Wed, 3 Apr 1996 23:24:40 +0930 (CST))
Subject: Re: make depend errors and segmentation fault.

Seems like your cpp doesn't get fed -traditional on .S files.  I
wonder if your /usr/share/mk files is standard?


Niklas Hallqvist       Phone: +46-(0)31-40 75 00  Home: +46-(0)31-41 93 95
Applitron Datasystem   Fax:   +46-(0)31-83 39 50  Home: +46-(0)31-41 93 96
Molndalsvagen 95       Email: niklas%appli.se@localhost     GSM:  +46-(0)70-714 
10 35
S-412 63  GOTEBORG     WWW:   <A HREF="http://www.cd.chalmers.se/~nh/";>Here</A>
Sweden                 IRC:   niklas (#NetBSD)

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 13:28:17 1996
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for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 13:23:10 -0500 (EST)
From: Ezra Story <ezy%panix.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604031823.NAA10831%panix.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: msods
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 13:23:09 -0500 (EST)
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> "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost> wrote:
> >  *me jumps up and down*
> >  NetBSD-Amiga does not recognize MS-DOS floppies *at all*, not yet.
> >  Phew :-)
> I have said so multiple times before, that anyone who wants to
> do the necessary work (mostly consisting of writing MFM encode/decode
> functions) is free to look at my current MSH: sources.
> Heck, if nobody asks for them soon I would just go ahead and post
> them on this list so nobody can ignore them any longer.

And, as was said before, this has been done.. please look on
ftp.uni-regensburg.de or its mirrors in the experimental directory.


 From billc  Wed Apr  3 13:45:13 1996
Return-Path: fiction!lyssa.owl.de!tron%pax.gt.owl.de@localhost
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NAA26162 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 13:29:50 -0500 
Received: from fiction.UUCP (root@localhost) by pax.gt.owl.de (8.6.12/8.6.12) 
with UUCP id UAA13831 for NetBSD.org!port-amiga; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:24:39 +0200
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         id m0u4X3I-00001nC; Wed, 3 Apr 96 20:13 MET DST
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<port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:11:24 +0200 (MET DST)
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        Wed, 03 Apr 1996 23:11:29 +0200
To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <2255673b.u8t20e.186a3-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 22:44:34 +0200
Subject: Re: Which NetScape?
Message-ID: <42037%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Nickolas,

you wrote in <2255673b.u8t20e.186a3-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>:
> Which Netscape (or any program for that matter) is netbsd the most
> compatible with?

Any kind of BSD based OS e.g. Sun-OS 4.1.1.

> I have seen versions for BSDI and Sun Os 4.1.2.

The problem is not the OS but the CPU. BSDI is a commercial i386 unix,
and Netscape for Sun-OS 4.1.x is only available for SPARC RISC CPUs.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 15:50:48 1996
Return-Path: kpneal%eos.ncsu.edu@localhost
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15:40:07 -0500 (EST)
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        id PAA10444; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 15:40:03 -0500
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Subject: Re: msods
To: ezy%panix.com@localhost (Ezra Story)
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 15:40:02 -0500 (EST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199604031823.NAA10831%panix.com@localhost> from "Ezra Story" at 
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> > 
> > "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost> wrote:
> > >  *me jumps up and down*
> > >  NetBSD-Amiga does not recognize MS-DOS floppies *at all*, not yet.
> > >  Phew :-)
> > 
> > I have said so multiple times before, that anyone who wants to
> > do the necessary work (mostly consisting of writing MFM encode/decode
> > functions) is free to look at my current MSH: sources.
> > 
> > Heck, if nobody asks for them soon I would just go ahead and post
> > them on this list so nobody can ignore them any longer.
> And, as was said before, this has been done.. please look on
> ftp.uni-regensburg.de or its mirrors in the experimental directory.

Is anybody still working on this? I'd like to see this integrated into
the tree when finished.

XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore CSC/CPE     kpneal%eos.ncsu.edu@localhost 
XCOMM North Carolina State University      kevinneal%bix.com@localhost
XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 18:51:20 1996
Return-Path: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost
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ESMTP id SAA28147; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:30:41 -0500 (EST)
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16:57:03 -0600 (CST)
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16:57:02 -0600 (CST)
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        id RAA19525; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 17:29:04 -0600
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 17:29:04 -0600
From: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost (Bruce Albrecht)
Message-Id: <199604032329.RAA19525%g0084.fingerhut.com.@localhost>
To: Niklas Hallqvist <niklas%appli.se@localhost>
Cc: hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, 
Subject: Re: make depend errors and segmentation fault.
In-Reply-To: <199604031524.RAA02716%linda.appli.se@localhost>
References: <199604031354.XAA10151%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost>

Niklas Hallqvist writes:
 > Seems like your cpp doesn't get fed -traditional on .S files.  I
 > wonder if your /usr/share/mk files is standard?

About 2-3 weeks ago, there was a discussion in netbsd-current about
the order directories that need to do a "make && make install" prior
to attempting a full build from from stock NetBSD-1.1.  I believe
/usr/share/mk and /bin/sh were two things that needed to be built

 From billc  Wed Apr  3 20:45:24 1996
Return-Path: ezy%panix.com@localhost
Received: from mail1.panix.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
UAA29204 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:41:04 -0500 
Received: from inca (panix.com []) by mail1.panix.com 
(8.7.5/8.7.1/PanixM1.0) with SMTP id UAA06718 for 
<port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:40:58 -0500 (EST)
Received: (from ezy@localhost) by inca (8.6.12/8.6.9) id UAA00559 for 
port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:32:54 -0500
From: Ezra Story <ezy%panix.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604040132.UAA00559@inca>
Subject: Re: msods
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:32:51 -0500 (EST)
In-Reply-To: <199604032040.PAA10444%c00890-239rd.eos.ncsu.edu@localhost> from 
"kpneal%eos.ncsu.edu@localhost" at Apr 3, 96 03:40:02 pm
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MIME-Version: 1.0
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> > 
> > > I have said so multiple times before, that anyone who wants to
> > > do the necessary work (mostly consisting of writing MFM encode/decode
> > > functions) is free to look at my current MSH: sources.
> >
> > And, as was said before, this has been done.. please look on
> > ftp.uni-regensburg.de or its mirrors in the experimental directory.
> > 
> Is anybody still working on this? I'd like to see this integrated into
> the tree when finished.

Yes, I am.  :-) 


 From billc  Wed Apr  3 23:07:50 1996
Return-Path: dgilbert%repeat.pci.on.ca@localhost
Received: from pci.on.ca by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
XAA00218 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Wed, 3 Apr 1996 23:02:28 -0500 
Received: by pci.on.ca (/\==/\ Smail3.1.28.1 #28.1) 
 id <m0u4gEk-000o5aC%pci.on.ca@localhost>; Wed, 3 Apr 96 23:01 EST
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Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:44:38 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <199604040144.UAA02120%repeat.pci.on.ca@localhost>
From: David Gilbert <dgilbert%jaywon.pci.on.ca@localhost>
To: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nickolas Ray Ellson)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Which NetScape?
In-Reply-To: <2255673b.u8t20e.186a3-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
References: <2255673b.u8t20e.186a3-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>

>>>>> "Nickolas" == Nickolas Ray Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost> writes:

Nickolas> Hi, Which Netscape (or any program for that matter) is
Nickolas> netbsd the most compatible with? I have seen versions for
Nickolas> BSDI and Sun Os 4.1.2. My UNIX book says that NetBSD is
Nickolas> based more on a BSD system, but also mentions Sun Os in the
Nickolas> same paragraph. Which would I choose?

        For the Amiga, you should be looking for Sun3 executables on
the net (or even better, NetBSD Sun3, or NetBSD Amiga).  You can't run
BSDI executables or Sun-sparc executables since they are for different
processors --- even if someone made it so that you could run them, it
would be gosh awful slow (Remember Pc-Task?).

        Anyways, I don't think that you'll find a version of Netscape
that you can run on NetBSD Amiga.  However, I have heard that there is
a Mosaic compiled for the Sun3 (Mosaic requires Motif, which is not
available for the NetBSD Amiga system, is available for SunOS-Sun3).
I hear that there's a binary out there somewhere.

        Eventually, there should be a 'lesstif' version of Mosaic
working --- but don't go holding your breath.


|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario.  | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:      dgilbert%jaywon.pci.on.ca@localhost         |  equal if and only if 
they |
|http://www.pci.on.ca/~dgilbert               |   are precisely opposite.  |

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 03:05:49 1996
Return-Path: hoffmann%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost
Received: from morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id DAA04657 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 
03:03:36 -0500 (EST)
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RAA08697; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:33:27 +0930 (CST)
From: Arthur Hoffmann <hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604040803.RAA08697%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Subject: Re: make depend errors and segmentation fault.
To: niklas%appli.se@localhost (Niklas Hallqvist)
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:33:27 +0930 (CST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199604031524.RAA02716%linda.appli.se@localhost> from "Niklas 
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> Seems like your cpp doesn't get fed -traditional on .S files.  I
> wonder if your /usr/share/mk files is standard?
> Niklas
First thing I did was cd /usr/src/share/mk; make install :)
then I made make, as, gcc, tsort, netbsd.

So that's not it :(


Arthur Hoffmann                                 hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost
========I need a Quantum LPS240 SCSI Hard disk: Dead or Alive=======
++++++++I need a SCSI Scanner - TWAIN compliant              +++++++

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 03:25:53 1996
Return-Path: k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost
Received: from cs.tut.fi by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
DAA04744 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 03:20:52 -0500 
Received: from korppi.cs.tut.fi (k125374%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost 
[]) by cs.tut.fi (8.6.12/8.6.4) with ESMTP id LAA09964; Thu, 4 Apr 
1996 11:20:46 +0300
From: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>
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Thu, 4 Apr 1996 11:20:29 +0300
Message-Id: <199604040820.LAA13854%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost>
Subject: Re: Which NetScape?
To: dgilbert%jaywon.pci.on.ca@localhost (David Gilbert)
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 11:20:28 +0300 (EET DST)
Cc: grimm%teleport.com@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199604040144.UAA02120%repeat.pci.on.ca@localhost> from "David 
Gilbert" at Apr 3, 96 08:44:38 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-Type: text

> that you can run on NetBSD Amiga.  However, I have heard that there is
> a Mosaic compiled for the Sun3 (Mosaic requires Motif, which is not

Yup, and also Arena and Chimera.  Look at ftp.uni-regensburg.de and
there in NetBSD-Amiga/contrib/X11.
Mosaic eats quite awful amounts of memory (about 15-20 megs) so do not
be afraid if some swapping occurs ;-)

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 03:28:08 1996
Return-Path: hoffmann%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost
Received: from morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id DAA04711 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 
03:11:08 -0500 (EST)
Received: (from hoffmann@localhost) by morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au (8.7.1/8.7.1) id 
RAA09700; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:40:56 +0930 (CST)
From: Arthur Hoffmann <hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604040810.RAA09700%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Subject: Re: make depend errors and segmentation fault.
To: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost (Bruce Albrecht)
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:40:56 +0930 (CST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199604032329.RAA19525%g0084.fingerhut.com.@localhost> from "Bruce 
Albrecht" at Apr 3, 96 05:29:04 pm
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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> Niklas Hallqvist writes:
>  > Seems like your cpp doesn't get fed -traditional on .S files.  I
>  > wonder if your /usr/share/mk files is standard?
> About 2-3 weeks ago, there was a discussion in netbsd-current about
> the order directories that need to do a "make && make install" prior
> to attempting a full build from from stock NetBSD-1.1.  I believe
> /usr/share/mk and /bin/sh were two things that needed to be built
> early.

I did do the /usr/share/mk, so that wasn't it. the last time I built
sh was on March 6. So I built it again today adn tried, but there was
no change :(


 From billc  Thu Apr  4 09:46:12 1996
Return-Path: mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost
Received: from sojourn1.sojourn.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
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09:27:09 -0500 (EST)
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        id m0u4q04-000br4C; Thu, 4 Apr 96 09:27 EST
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 09:27:00 -0500 (EST)
From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
To: David Gilbert <dgilbert%jaywon.pci.on.ca@localhost>
cc: Nickolas Ray Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>, 
Subject: Re: Which NetScape?
In-Reply-To: <199604040144.UAA02120%repeat.pci.on.ca@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, David Gilbert wrote:

>       For the Amiga, you should be looking for Sun3 executables on
> the net (or even better, NetBSD Sun3, or NetBSD Amiga).  You can't run
> BSDI executables or Sun-sparc executables since they are for different
> processors --- even if someone made it so that you could run them, it
> would be gosh awful slow (Remember Pc-Task?).
>       Anyways, I don't think that you'll find a version of Netscape
> that you can run on NetBSD Amiga.  However, I have heard that there is
> a Mosaic compiled for the Sun3 (Mosaic requires Motif, which is not
> available for the NetBSD Amiga system, is available for SunOS-Sun3).
> I hear that there's a binary out there somewhere.
>       Eventually, there should be a 'lesstif' version of Mosaic
> working --- but don't go holding your breath.
> Dave.

You're kidding.  You mean to tell me (us) that there is NO graphical web 
browser that I will be able to run on NetBSD on my Amiga?  There isn't 
one that can be compiled?  That will put a serious damper on my 
intentions to install NetBSD on my system.

 Matt Harrell                   Amiga 1200 running AmigaOS3.0
 Lansing, MI U.S.A.             CSA 12 Gauge 030/882RC@50MHz/SCSI
 mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost         2MB chip/18MB fast RAM
                                240MB IDE hard disk

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 10:57:36 1996
Return-Path: geert%euler.cs.kuleuven.ac.be@localhost
Received: from idefix.cs.kuleuven.ac.be by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id KAA06290 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 
10:27:17 -0500 (EST)
Received: from euler.cs.kuleuven.ac.be (geert%euler.cs.kuleuven.ac.be@localhost 
[]) by idefix.cs.kuleuven.ac.be (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id 
RAA05801 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:26:59 +0200 
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RAA02448 for port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:26:54 +0200
From: Geert Uytterhoeven <Geert.Uytterhoeven%cs.kuleuven.ac.be@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604041526.RAA02448%euler.cs.kuleuven.ac.be@localhost>
Subject: Re: Which NetScape?
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost (NetBSD-Amiga)
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:26:53 +0200 (MET DST)
<Pine.LNX.3.91.960404092425.6245B-100000%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost> from 
"Matt Harrell" at Apr 4, 96 09:27:00 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL22]
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Matt Harrell wrote:
> >     Anyways, I don't think that you'll find a version of Netscape
> > that you can run on NetBSD Amiga.  However, I have heard that there is
> > a Mosaic compiled for the Sun3 (Mosaic requires Motif, which is not
> > available for the NetBSD Amiga system, is available for SunOS-Sun3).

You can compile Motif on NetBSD-Amiga. All you need is the source (and have
some patience). The source is available with some rather expensive licenses.

> You're kidding.  You mean to tell me (us) that there is NO graphical web 
> browser that I will be able to run on NetBSD on my Amiga?  There isn't 
> one that can be compiled?  That will put a serious damper on my 
> intentions to install NetBSD on my system.

Chimera? Arena? Mosaic?



Geert Uytterhoeven                     
Wavelets, Linux/m68k on Amiga          http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~geert/
Department of Computer Science -- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven -- Belgium

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 10:59:03 1996
Return-Path: joern%TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE@localhost
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Thu, 4 Apr 1996 10:27:40 -0500 (EST)
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Subject: Re: Which NetScape?
To: mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost (Matt Harrell)
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:27:26 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Joern Clausen <joern%TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE@localhost>
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Reply-To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
<Pine.LNX.3.91.960404092425.6245B-100000%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost> from 
"Matt Harrell" at Apr 4, 96 09:27:00 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25 PGP6]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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> On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, David Gilbert wrote:
> You're kidding.  You mean to tell me (us) that there is NO graphical web 
> browser that I will be able to run on NetBSD on my Amiga?  There isn't 
> one that can be compiled?  That will put a serious damper on my 
> intentions to install NetBSD on my system.

Who says this? You can compile Mosaic, if you have Motif (or get a
compiled version from ftp.uni-regensburg.de), or you can compile Chimera,
which uses no third-party software, only the Athena widgets that come
with your standard X11R6 distribution.

There are several other browsers, based mainly on Tcl/Tk, which you can
use, but I'm not sure about their respective states. Some time ago there
was one called Phoenix, and another one called tkWWW, but I don't know if
they are still alive. Probably some new browsers have appeared in the

     Joern Clausen                  email: 

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 11:01:00 1996
Return-Path: oster%skorpio3.usask.ca@localhost
Received: from skorpio3.usask.ca by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id KAA06345 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 10:42:31 
-0500 (EST)
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To: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: Which NetScape? 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Thu, 04 Apr 1996 09:27:00 EST."
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 09:41:59 -0600
From: Greg Oster <oster%cs.usask.ca@localhost>

Matt Harrell writes:
> You're kidding.  You mean to tell me (us) that there is NO graphical web 
> browser that I will be able to run on NetBSD on my Amiga?  There isn't 
> one that can be compiled? 

I've got Arena, Chimera, Mosaic, and TkWWW on my NetBSD-Amiga box...  Not what 
I'd call a "shortage" of graphical browsers... 

Have a look on ftp.uni-regensburg.de, there are a number of browsers (Mosaic 
and Chimera, if I remember correctly) already compiled for you.  Chimera 1.65 
compiles reasonably well (I don't recall if I needed to make any source 
changes), and Arena compiles out of the box.. (it's still in beta, and 
unfortunately crashes a lot :-( )  If you don't want a pre-compiled binary, 
pull down the source and compile it yourself... (that's what I do..)

> That will put a serious damper on my 
> intentions to install NetBSD on my system.

Have fun with NetBSD :-)


Greg Oster

Department of Computer Science
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 11:29:26 1996
Return-Path: david%mono.org@localhost
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Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:11:26 +0100 (BST)
From: David Brownlee <david%mono.org@localhost>
X-Sender: david%ns.southern.net@localhost
To: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
cc: David Gilbert <dgilbert%jaywon.pci.on.ca@localhost>,
        Nickolas Ray Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>, 
Subject: Re: Which NetScape?
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, Matt Harrell wrote:

> On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, David Gilbert wrote:
> >     For the Amiga, you should be looking for Sun3 executables on
> > the net (or even better, NetBSD Sun3, or NetBSD Amiga).  You can't run
> > BSDI executables or Sun-sparc executables since they are for different
> > processors --- even if someone made it so that you could run them, it
> > would be gosh awful slow (Remember Pc-Task?).
> >
> >     Anyways, I don't think that you'll find a version of Netscape
> > that you can run on NetBSD Amiga.  However, I have heard that there is
> > a Mosaic compiled for the Sun3 (Mosaic requires Motif, which is not
> > available for the NetBSD Amiga system, is available for SunOS-Sun3).
> > I hear that there's a binary out there somewhere.
> >
> >     Eventually, there should be a 'lesstif' version of Mosaic
> > working --- but don't go holding your breath.
> >
> > Dave.
> You're kidding.  You mean to tell me (us) that there is NO graphical web
> browser that I will be able to run on NetBSD on my Amiga?  There isn't
> one that can be compiled?  That will put a serious damper on my
> intentions to install NetBSD on my system.
        There are versions of mosaic (& chimera?) compiled up for
        NetBSD/amiga on the german ftp sites (I'm sure someone more
        knowledgeable than me could say where, but I'm place
        wipux2.wifo.uni-mannheim.de as a good bet :)

                   David/abs             (david%mono.org@localhost)

+44 181 888 8949 System Manager, Southern Studios Ltd, Box 59, London N22 1AR
 >=- OpenBSD http://www.openbsd.org. Free un*x for {sparc,i386,m68k,...} -=<
       <<< Monochrome - Largest UK Internet BBS - telnet mono.org >>>

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 14:25:55 1996
Return-Path: staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost
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OAA07049 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 14:06:47 -0500 
Received: from k2.ptf.hro.nl (k2.ptf.hro.nl)
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Date: Sat, 11 Nov 1995 12:30:53 +0000 (+0100)
From: Ruben van Staveren <staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost>
Subject: zoneinfo is buggin' me!
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
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Can anyone give me a solution or a pointer how to configure NetBSD's kernel
for the European (The Netherlands) timezone ?

> options        TIMEZONE=300, DST=4
Doesn't work for me because linking /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam
to /etc/localtime sets my clock 2 hours in the future.
Setting the TZ variable doesn't seem the solution to me :(

Thanks :)
/___________________________ //_____________________________/| PGP Public
|  _             _        |\X/ Amiga is it, the rest is ... ||_  @ / Key on
| /_)     | /   /_'       |Email: staveren%ronix.ptf.hro.nl@localhost || \/##\ 
|/  \uben |/an __/taveren |(A1230-882@50/14/500) tO tHE eND!||   ##/
|-----------------------------------------------------------||   ||`
|      "Quantum Physics:The Dreams Stuff Are Made Of.."     ||  _|\
| URL: http://www.ptf.hro.nl/~staveren  BrintaBBS: The Guru |'    /

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 18:12:25 1996
Return-Path: hclsmith%three-elms.isisnet.com@localhost
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        id SAA02102; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 18:56:51 -0400
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Thu, 4 Apr 1996 13:13:05 -0400
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 13:13:05 -0400
subject: Re: Which NetScape?
sender: hcls <hclsmith%ra.isisnet.com@localhost>
to: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
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from: Hume Smith <hclsmith%ra.isisnet.com@localhost>
organization: North End TTA Fans and Reed Organ Repairers
cc: David Gilbert <dgilbert%jaywon.pci.on.ca@localhost>,
        Nickolas Ray Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>, 
precedence: normal

> On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, David Gilbert wrote:

> You're kidding.  You mean to tell me (us) that there is NO graphical web 
> browser that I will be able to run on NetBSD on my Amiga?  There isn't 
> one that can be compiled?

Hubert mailed us this was mailed out not too long ago:

> ftp.uni-regensburg.de:/pub/NetBSD-Amiga/contrib/X11/Mosaic-2.7b2-bin11.*
> and mirrors.

i haven't tried it myself, so i can't say much about it.

myself, i've been using w3-2.3.30 on xemacs-19.13.  it's pretty slow,
chews up a lot of colours, and still has some bugs in the newer stuff.
my copy isn't inlining images, but i only very rarely want images
and i -have- seen w3 do them surprisingly well on xemacs (with a much
faster machine).  i think all i need is netpbm.

i've been on pins and needles for tk-4.1 to stabilise so surfit! can
stabilise... with sockets included in tcl7.5, you no longer need a pile
of extensions to use it.  i'd use it now, but there's still some bugs
in critical places.  (ie last time i tried it - v 0.5 - i couldn't fetch

>  That will put a serious damper on my 
> intentions to install NetBSD on my system.

it's a bummer, isn't it?  sometimes it's a real pain putting up with
the stuff you can't get for the amiga.  Escom's got a hard row to hoe
selling Amigas in a Netrape world...  i just had to buy an IBM to do
something to try to make a little money, and i'm dissed that there's
a better browser bundled in Windows '95 than i can download or buy
for NetBSD/Amiga... despite what can be had for SunOS, Linux, or CrapinTrash.

f*ck f*ck f*ck

Hume Smith   <hclsmith%isisnet.com@localhost>  Alumnus Against Advantage Acadia

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 21:25:17 1996
Return-Path: hubert.feyrer%rrzc1.rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost
Received: from comsun.rz.uni-regensburg.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) 
with SMTP id VAA15226; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 21:05:34 -0500 (EST)
Received: from rrzc1.rz.uni-regensburg.de (rrzc4.rz.uni-regensburg.de) by 
comsun.rz.uni-regensburg.de with SMTP id AA06539
  (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4); Fri, 5 Apr 1996 04:05:29 +0200
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 04:06:38 +0200
From: Hubert Feyrer <Hubert.Feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <9604050406.ZM19084@rrzc1a>
X-Face: iT2VNvH@a.&tC|E|:zwsgA^NC@o4gqqj3M3b-R4~1zpZ4y%@B@ZfP,7=U"{2^xd%"5iGa-* 
X-Mailer: Z-Mail (3.2.1 15feb95)
To: hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost, 
Subject: NetBSD-Amiga FAQ updated
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I've placed an updated version of the NetBSD-Amiga FAQ on
http://rfhs1012.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~feyrer/NetBSD/AFAQ/FAQ_toc.html and
the current version is 4.2.

Revision 4.2 incorporates a discussion of the various CDs which carry
NetBSD/amiga written by Markus Illenseer, a pointer to a XView binary for
NetBSD/amiga V1.1, some additions to the list of hardware NOT supported
(Squirrel & DKB Rapidfire SCSI controllers) and some fixed typos.



=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
      Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/943-2905
      Weekends: Bachstr. 40,   D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
      Internet: hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost, IRC: hubertf

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 21:27:07 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id VAA15600 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 
21:25:00 -0500 (EST)
Received: from julie.teleport.com (grimm%julie.teleport.com@localhost 
[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id SAA01900; 
Thu, 4 Apr 1996 18:24:47 -0800 (PST)
Received: (from grimm@localhost) by julie.teleport.com (8.7.5/8.7.3) id 
SAA07387; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 18:24:46 -0800 (PST)
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 18:24:46 -0800 (PST)
From: Nick Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
To: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
cc: David Gilbert <dgilbert%jaywon.pci.on.ca@localhost>, 
Subject: Re: Which NetScape?
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Matt,

> You're kidding.  You mean to tell me (us) that there is NO graphical web
> browser that I will be able to run on NetBSD on my Amiga?  There isn't
> one that can be compiled?  That will put a serious damper on my
> intentions to install NetBSD on my system.

Thak you all for the advice on Graphical browsers by the way. I will watch
for 68K compiled stuff next time ;)

And Matt, I DO use Mosaic and Arena just fine, so yes there are
pre-compiled binaries out there that are graphical and quite pretty, I
just wanted netscape too for fun..

x                        | "I have a question."                               x
x      Nick Ellson       | "What is it?"                                      x
x                        | "It's an interogative statement designed to test   x
x   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |  knowledge, but that's not important right 
now."   x
x                        |                A I R P L A N E !                   x
                         x Home Page         http://www.teleport.com/~grimm/  x

 From billc  Thu Apr  4 21:29:04 1996
Return-Path: bard%tiamat.chaldea.com@localhost
Received: from gw.quake.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
VAA15222 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 21:05:18 -0500 
Received: from tiamat.chaldea.com (tiamat.chaldea.com []) by 
gw.quake.net (8.7.1/8.7.4) with ESMTP id SAA25397; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 18:04:40 
-0800 (PST)
Received: (from bard@localhost) by tiamat.chaldea.com (8.6.12/8.6.11) id 
RAA25454; Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:59:22 -0800
From: David Hopper <bard%tiamat.chaldea.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604050159.RAA25454%tiamat.chaldea.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: Which NetScape?
To: hclsmith%ra.isisnet.com@localhost
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:59:20 -0800 (PST)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <131301960404.AA101%three-elms.isisnet.com@localhost> from "Hume 
Smith" at Apr 4, 96 01:13:05 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hey there, Hume, you wrote:

> > On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, David Gilbert wrote:
> > You're kidding.  You mean to tell me (us) that there is NO graphical web 
> > browser that I will be able to run on NetBSD on my Amiga?  There isn't 
> > one that can be compiled?
> Hubert mailed us this was mailed out not too long ago:
> > ftp.uni-regensburg.de:/pub/NetBSD-Amiga/contrib/X11/Mosaic-2.7b2-bin11.*
> > and mirrors.
> i haven't tried it myself, so i can't say much about it.

Try Mosaic 2.7b3.  You'll be pleasantly surprised.

> >  That will put a serious damper on my 
> > intentions to install NetBSD on my system.
> it's a bummer, isn't it?  sometimes it's a real pain putting up with
> the stuff you can't get for the amiga.  Escom's got a hard row to hoe
> selling Amigas in a Netrape world...  i just had to buy an IBM to do
> something to try to make a little money, and i'm dissed that there's
> a better browser bundled in Windows '95 than i can download or buy
> for NetBSD/Amiga... despite what can be had for SunOS, Linux, or CrapinTrash.

I think that you're all underestimating the recent push from the Mosaic
developers to catch up to Netscape.  If you haven't seen 2.7b3, well, it's
night and day from 2.7b2.  Some Netscape extensions, a floating toolbar, 
right-button context-sensitive menus, and on-the-fly news uudecoding.  
The X Mosaic group has outlined an aggressive release schedule, and are 
working furiously on it.

>From Scott Power's own words ( http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/
XMosaic/help-on-version-2.7b3.html ):

"All is said and done, we feel very good about this release and we feel
we have made strides towards our goals.  Now that the team is coming
together in a more stable fashion (Brian, Paul, Tommy, and I will be working
on X Mosaic at least through Fall of next year) the releases will come
faster and they will be better.
Slowly, but surely, the prototype that was X Mosaic is turning into the
program it should have been.  We realize X Mosaic is behind, but we _are_
catching up.  We will shine again." 

And if Netscape extensions aren't your cup of tea, use Arena.  Learn style
sheets.  Use them.  Soon, everyone will have to.

> Hume Smith   <hclsmith%isisnet.com@localhost>  Alumnus Against Advantage 
> Acadia

David Hopper (bard%tiamat.chaldea.com@localhost) : http://tiamat.chaldea.com 
Anthropology Department, Stanford University
NetBSD 1.1 (tiamat.chaldea.com) : NEXTSTEP 3.3 (marduk.chaldea.com)
"Two pale drops of fire guttering in the vast consuming darkness" -V. Price

 From billc  Sun Apr  7 13:46:14 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id NAA12640 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 7 Apr 1996 
13:36:02 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from Grimm (grimm%ip-pdx11-51.teleport.com@localhost 
[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id KAA06781 
for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 7 Apr 1996 10:35:59 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by Grimm.UUCP (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 1994)
        id AA01; Sun, 7 Apr 96 09:51:07 
Message-Id: <225b5106.u8t20e.28b11-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: Baud Rate changes?
             (from David Brownlee <david%mono.org@localhost>)
             (at Wed, 3 Apr 1996 11:28:31 +0100 (BST))
From: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nickolas Ray Ellson)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
To: david%mono.org@localhost, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 96 09:51:07 

Hi David,

> > >       Try dropping your serial speed down from 38400 to 9600 and =
see if
> > >       that affects packet loss under X...

> > Ok, one question, what baud rate should I expect to be
> > able to use with a A3000 with an 040 at 25 Mhz using a Cybervision =
graphics card
> > for display??? Maybe the CyberVision Console Kernel was not set up =
to run faster
> > baud rates on the serial line??? Oh, and one other question. How wo=
uld I check
> > how that kernel is compiled and how would I recompile it myself?

>       The problem is interrupt latency - if the machine cant get to
>       service the incoming data fast enough some gets lost. I think
>       there are workarounds with deferring the level 6 interrupt (or
>       similar), which you should be able to enable in your config fil=
>       then build a new kernel.
>       Then again someone on the list with an amiga may have a kernel
>       of which they can give you a copy :)

Thanks for the information David. Does anyone on this list use the Cybe=
64 Kernel and a 28.8 modem at a baud rate of 57600? Or know of a way to=
=20get the
source to the cybervision 64 console kernel so I can try recompiling it=
=20to allow
me to run at a baud rate that can keep up with my modem?

Nick :)

|                        | Degree Absolute:                            =
=20      |
|      Nick Ellson       |            A.  Find Missing Link            =
=20      |
|                        |            B.  Put It Together              =
=20      |
|   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |            C.  Bang!                       
=20      |
|                        |                - Number Two in "Once Upon a =
Time"  |
|   PGP Key Available    |  Home Page        http://www.teleport.com/~g=
rimm/  |

 From billc  Sun Apr  7 21:49:52 1996
Return-Path: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost
Received: from mail.desy.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
VAA14293 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Sun, 7 Apr 1996 21:27:52 -0400 
Received: from y4me.desy.de (y4me.desy.de []) by mail.desy.de 
(8.7.4/8.7.3) with ESMTP id DAA23055; Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:27:42 +0200 (MET DST)
Received: (from teske@localhost) by y4me.desy.de (8.7.4/8.7.3) id DAA07611; 
Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:27:40 +0200 (MST)
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:27:40 +0200 (MST)
From: Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>
To: Nickolas Ray Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
cc: david%mono.org@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Baud Rate changes?
In-Reply-To: <225b5106.u8t20e.28b11-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Message-ID: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960408032420.7605A-100000@y4me>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Sun, 7 Apr 1996, Nickolas Ray Ellson wrote:

> Thanks for the information David. Does anyone on this list use the CyberVision
> 64 Kernel and a 28.8 modem at a baud rate of 57600? 

Im using 38400...

> Or know of a way to get the
> source to the cybervision 64 console kernel so I can try recompiling it 
> to allow me to run at a baud rate that can keep up with my modem?

Yep. It's on ftp.uni-regensburg.de in /pub/NetBSD-Amiga/incoming (If 
Hubert hasn't removed it:-). These are the diffs from 1.1.
Don't forget to read the readme:-)

Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

 From billc  Mon Apr  8 00:45:26 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id AAA18303 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 8 Apr 1996 
00:28:12 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from Grimm (grimm%ip-pdx03-29.teleport.com@localhost 
[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id VAA24122 
for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 7 Apr 1996 21:28:10 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by Grimm.UUCP (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 1994)
        id AA01; Sun, 7 Apr 96 20:43:11 
Message-Id: <225be9dc.u8t20e.14587-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Subject: Newbie to Compile Kernel, film at 11.
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960408032420.7605A-100000@y4me>
             (from Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>)
             (at Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:27:40 +0200 (MST))
From: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nickolas Ray Ellson)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
To: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 96 20:43:11 

Hi Michael,

> > Thanks for the information David. Does anyone on this list use the =
> > 64 Kernel and a 28.8 modem at a baud rate of 57600?=20
> Im using 38400...

And how does it work for you? No errors? Do you use X11?

> > Or know of a way to get the
> > source to the cybervision 64 console kernel so I can try recompilin=
g it=20
> > to allow me to run at a baud rate that can keep up with my modem?
> Yep. It's on ftp.uni-regensburg.de in /pub/NetBSD-Amiga/incoming (If=20
> Hubert hasn't removed it:-). These are the diffs from 1.1.
> Don't forget to read the readme:-)

Ok, I got the CV64-Consle diffs and am right now downloading the main s=
files. This is going to be scarey :) Any hints other than the read.me's=
? Like
how do I install the SRC11???? I used the Extract program from the inst=
aller to
get the rest put on, will it do the src11?

Oh, one other thing. What types of things can compiling a new kernel tu=
What specifics about my system and set-up are good to look into first s=
o I get a
really complete and trim system? (yes I will be reading the FAQ as soon=
=20as this
download finishes) I would just like input from the experienced experts=

Thanks agian for all your help :)


 From billc  Mon Apr  8 00:46:56 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id AAA18360 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 8 Apr 1996 
00:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from Grimm (grimm%ip-pdx03-29.teleport.com@localhost 
[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id VAA25287 
for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 7 Apr 1996 21:30:35 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by Grimm.UUCP (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 1994)
        id AA01; Sun, 7 Apr 96 20:45:50 
Message-Id: <225bea7c.u8t20e.3d096-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Subject: Printer POrt on the Ariadne?
From: grimm%teleport.com@localhost (Nickolas Ray Ellson)
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 96 20:45:50 

Does anyone know the trick on how to use the printer port on the Ariadne network
card??? Instead of the standard printer-port?  Just curious..

Nick :)

x                        | "I have a question."                               x
x      Nick Ellson       | "What is it?"                                      x
x                        | "It's an interogative statement designed to test   x
x   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |  knowledge, but that's not important right 
now."   x
x                        |                A I R P L A N E !                   x
x   PGP Key Available    | Home Page         http://www.teleport.com/~grimm/  x

 From billc  Mon Apr  8 07:06:15 1996
Return-Path: drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost
Received: from mail.eskimo.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
GAA03805 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Mon, 8 Apr 1996 06:58:49 -0400 
Received: from eskimo.com (drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost []) by 
mail.eskimo.com (8.7.3/8.6.12) with SMTP id DAA08301; Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:20:02 
-0700 (PDT)
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:20:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: "G. Baldwin" <drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost>
To: Nickolas Ray Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
cc: david%mono.org@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Baud Rate changes?
In-Reply-To: <225b5106.u8t20e.28b11-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.92.960408031135.11002B-100000%eskimo.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Sun, 7 Apr 1996, Nickolas Ray Ellson wrote:

> Thanks for the information David. Does anyone on this list use the CyberVision
> 64 Kernel and a 28.8 modem at a baud rate of 57600? Or know of a way to get
> the source to the cybervision 64 console kernel so I can try recompiling
> it to allow me to run at a baud rate that can keep up with my modem?

It would be advisable NOT to run your built in serial port at 57600 baud,
period.  The Amiga serial port really isn't that good, and unless you use
a BIG buffer and a lv 6 interrupt, expect dropout, CV64 or not.  Since the
CV64 kernal probably does not have these settings turned on, expect the

I found that a setting at about 38400 baud works fairly well, even with
smaller buffers.  It really doesn't limit you much unless you are using a
new 33.6KB modem, always get 33.6 connects, and transfer uncompressed data
a lot.  8)

If you have the spare do$h, I suggest that you look into the Multiface
serial cards.  I had one in my A4000 w/ a CV64 and a 4091 and never had
any problems.  Now I have it in my A3000 and it runs great at 57600.

> Nick :)
> +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
> |                        | Degree Absolute:                                   
> |
> |      Nick Ellson       |            A.  Find Missing Link                   
> |
> |                        |            B.  Put It Together                     
> |
> |   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |            C.  Bang!                     
>           |
> |                        |                - Number Two in "Once Upon a Time"  
> |
> +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
> |   PGP Key Available    |  Home Page        http://www.teleport.com/~grimm/  
> |
> +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+

                       Greg Baldwin (drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost)
     Amiga junkie and user since 1987    Computer Science & DTV Student
     Commodore64 fan since about 1983    http://www.eskimo.com/~drizzit
               Tyranical EFNet #Amiga Channel Operator "Drizzit"

 From billc  Mon Apr  8 07:45:48 1996
Return-Path: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost
Received: from mail.desy.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
HAA04413 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 8 Apr 1996 07:36:17 -0400 
Received: from y4me.desy.de (y4me.desy.de []) by mail.desy.de 
(8.7.4/8.7.3) with ESMTP id NAA13645; Mon, 8 Apr 1996 13:36:12 +0200 (MET DST)
Received: (from teske@localhost) by y4me.desy.de (8.7.4/8.7.3) id NAA08184; 
Mon, 8 Apr 1996 13:36:10 +0200 (MST)
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 13:36:09 +0200 (MST)
From: Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>
To: Nickolas Ray Ellson <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Newbie to Compile Kernel, film at 11.
In-Reply-To: <225be9dc.u8t20e.14587-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Message-ID: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960408133213.8176A-100000@y4me>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Sun, 7 Apr 1996, Nickolas Ray Ellson wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> > > Thanks for the information David. Does anyone on this list use the 
> > > CyberVision
> > > 64 Kernel and a 28.8 modem at a baud rate of 57600? 
> > 
> > Im using 38400...
> And how does it work for you? No errors? Do you use X11?

Yes I use X11. But I should add that I also use the MFCIII serial port:-)

> Ok, I got the CV64-Consle diffs and am right now downloading the main src11
> files. This is going to be scarey :) Any hints other than the read.me's? Like
> how do I install the SRC11???? I used the Extract program from the installer 
> to
> get the rest put on, will it do the src11?

Should work. I it doesn't use 
cat ksrc.?? | gunzip | tar xvf - 
> Oh, one other thing. What types of things can compiling a new kernel tune?
> What specifics about my system and set-up are good to look into first so I 
> get a
> really complete and trim system? (yes I will be reading the FAQ as soon as 
> this
> download finishes) I would just like input from the experienced experts :)

Remove all devices you don't need in the config file. Or let them in if you 
have enough RAM:-)

Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

 From billc  Mon Apr  8 11:05:49 1996
Return-Path: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost
Received: from linteuto.teuto.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id KAA05224 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 8 Apr 1996 10:58:00 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: from tiger.teuto.de by linteuto.teuto.de with cbsmtp
        (Smail3.1.29.1 #5) id m0u6IOC-000k3vC; Mon, 8 Apr 96 16:57 MET DST
Received: by tiger.teuto.de (UMSRFC 0.7);
        Mon, 08 Apr 1996 16:51:50 +0100
To: "Nickolas Ray Ellson" <grimm%teleport.com@localhost>,
         "port-amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <225bea7c.u8t20e.3d096-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
From: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 16:32:16 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: Printer POrt on the Ariadne?
Message-ID: <68247374%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Nickolas Ray Ellson wrote:
> Does anyone know the trick on how to use the printer port on the Ariadne
> network card??? Instead of the standard printer-port?  Just curious..

 mv trick program-kernel-device

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Mon Apr  8 17:24:27 1996
Return-Path: tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost
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To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <225bea7c.u8t20e.3d096-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 21:32:40 +0200
Subject: Re: Printer POrt on the Ariadne?
Message-ID: <42601%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Nickolas,

you wrote in <225bea7c.u8t20e.3d096-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>:
> Does anyone know the trick on how to use the printer port on the Ariadne
> network card???

Yes, write a driver for it.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Mon Apr  8 18:28:54 1996
Return-Path: k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost
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[]) by cs.tut.fi (8.6.12/8.6.4) with ESMTP id AAA08566; Tue, 9 Apr 
1996 00:03:37 +0300
From: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>
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Tue, 9 Apr 1996 00:02:41 +0300
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Subject: Re: zoneinfo is buggin' me!
To: staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 00:02:41 +0300 (EET DST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <19951111.E13DF30.BAAC%cs-or1-a7.hro.nl@localhost> from "Ruben van 
Staveren" at Nov 11, 95 12:30:53 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-Type: text

> > options        TIMEZONE=300, DST=4
> Doesn't work for me because linking /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam
> to /etc/localtime sets my clock 2 hours in the future.

I think this 2-hour difference is caused by Amiga, it's clock is (most
probably) set to local time and it perhaps is 'wrong'... so you might
set it to GMT or then suffer from this problem (or to make a script
that changes it when you start NetBSD and changes it back when you
use ADOS the next time--there might even be a ready script on some
ftp place for this purpose).

By the way, this message was dated somewhere in November, perhaps your
Amiga's clock is now very upset? ;-)
Or has this really been traveling around for these months?

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Tue Apr  9 01:25:38 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
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01:23:47 -0400 (EDT)
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[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id WAA05534 
for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 8 Apr 1996 22:23:44 -0700 (PDT)
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        id AA01; Mon, 8 Apr 96 21:38:01 
Message-Id: <225d4837.u8t20e.8647c-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Subject: Serial port speeds.
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.92.960408031135.11002B-100000%eskimo.com@localhost>
             (from "G. Baldwin" <drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost>)
             (at Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:20:01 -0700 (PDT))
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To: drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 96 21:38:01 

Hi Greg,

> It would be advisable NOT to run your built in serial port at 57600 b=
> period.  The Amiga serial port really isn't that good, and unless you=
> a BIG buffer and a lv 6 interrupt, expect dropout, CV64 or not.  Sinc=
e the
> CV64 kernal probably does not have these settings turned on, expect t=
> worst.

:I I was afraid of something like that. (I only have one slot left and =
hoping to get ISDN someday...) <sigh> Does AmiTCP or maybe the Amiga OS=
general do something different to get that speed to work?? Oh well, tha=
nks again
for the information.

Nick :)

 From billc  Tue Apr  9 01:47:03 1996
Return-Path: grimm%teleport.com@localhost
Received: from desiree.teleport.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id BAA15840 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 9 Apr 1996 
01:29:47 -0400 (EDT)
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[]) by desiree.teleport.com (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id WAA08264 
for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 8 Apr 1996 22:29:44 -0700 (PDT)
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        id AA01; Mon, 8 Apr 96 21:45:07 
Message-Id: <225d49de.u8t20e.8e6b3-grimm%marvin.teleport.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: Newbie to Compile Kernel, film at 11.
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960408133213.8176A-100000@y4me>
             (from Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>)
             (at Mon, 8 Apr 1996 13:36:09 +0200 (MST))
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To: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 96 21:45:07 

Hi Michael,

> Should work. I it doesn't use=20
> cat ksrc.?? | gunzip | tar xvf -=20
> instead.

Um.. kscr??? I just got the src11.?? Did I get the wrong files for the =
Source? :I

Nick :)

x                        | "I have a question."                        =
=20      x
x      Nick Ellson       | "What is it?"                               =
=20      x
x                        | "It's an interogative statement designed to =
test   x
x   grimm%teleport.com@localhost   |  knowledge, but that's not important right 
ow."   x
x                        |                A I R P L A N E !            =
=20      x
x   PGP Key Available    | Home Page         http://www.teleport.com/~g=
rimm/  x

 From billc  Tue Apr  9 06:07:23 1996
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Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 11:57:55 +0200
From: Grzegorz Wojtowicz <grzesiek%ajax.umcs.lublin.pl@localhost>
Subject: netbsd-aga
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Is there a loadbsd version that boots kernel in a mode > 31 khz???
(like multiscan ?)
I got standard svga monitor and after 
:loadbsd -A 
it cant handle DblPal mode < 30 khz.


 From billc  Tue Apr  9 07:48:52 1996
Return-Path: grzesiek%ajax.umcs.lublin.pl@localhost
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id HAA19998 for <port-amiga%NETBSD.ORG@localhost>; Tue, 9 Apr 1996 07:37:35 
-0400 (EDT)
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NAA08592; Tue, 9 Apr 1996 13:29:41 +0200
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 13:29:41 +0200
From: Grzegorz Wojtowicz <grzesiek%ajax.umcs.lublin.pl@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
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Recently ive ftped some xpm icon files but got really suprised when
all window managers say that:

> Warning: Couldnt convert string "filename.xpm" to type Pixmap

I got Xpmlib ( old and newer version ) but it seems that none of window 
managers can recognize xpm files !??!
whats wrong ?


 From billc  Tue Apr  9 13:40:11 1996
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Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 19:07:50 +0200
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
From: Christophe Prevotaux <nighty%ebc.net@localhost>
Subject: problem with X under NetBSD Amiga 1.1


I am using NetBSD Amiga 1.1 and Xamiga24BIG from the X11R6/bin11/ and a
retina Z2 on a A4000 .

I would like to know how to install the X so it does not come up
with 'Segmentation Fault' and a core dump everytime I start it 

If Xamiga24 does not support Retina z2 then maybe the XAmiga Faq
should be changed ? :)

I also have another problem 
but with the ethernet card I use an Hydra Board
and when I boot I get the following message:

ed0: length does not match next packet pointer
ed0: len e262 nlen fe62 start 0c first 00 curr 71 next ff stop 40
ed0: NIC memory corrupt -- invalid packet length 65122
ed0: reset

What does this means ?
and how can i fix this if there is anything to fix ?
Christophe Prevotaux     |        EBCnet, Reims, France    
IRC: nighty              |     Internet Services Provider 
Email: nighty%ebc.net@localhost    |      Champagne-Ardenne Region
www:http://www.ebc.net   |       tel: + 33 26 49 99 00
 Sysadmin EBCnet/Internet Systems Engineer |  Unix ? What is it ?
       == My opinions do not reflect those of my employer ==

 From billc  Wed Apr 10 06:25:45 1996
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 23:14:31 +0200
Subject: Re: problem with X under NetBSD Amiga 1.1
Message-ID: <42767%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Christophe,

you wrote in <>:
> If Xamiga24 does not support Retina z2 ...

It doesn't.

> then maybe the XAmiga Faq should be changed ? :)

You are sure that the FAQ is not talking about the Retina Z3?

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Fri Apr 12 17:52:45 1996
Return-Path: bn%okcforum.osrhe.edu@localhost
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From: bn%okcforum.osrhe.edu@localhost (Bo Najdrovsky)
Subject: faster Xcl?
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 16:31:44 -0500 (DST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
Content-Type: text

Anyone know who the maintainer of the Xcl server is?  I would like to get
some information on recompiling my own version of it optimized for the '040.
As it sits, I think the server seems like it's a lot slower thant it could be,
and I noticed on some of the stuff I've compiled in the past, turning on
'040 optimizations make a world of difference.  

I got the Xcl 8bit source package off uni-regensburg, but it has no docs
at all,  and the code itself looks  like a few hacks to some other server.
I also have the complete X11R6 source tree(along with all the patches)
and from looking around in there it seems like the the Xcl stuff should be
put within that tree.  Anyway, if someone here has experience with this,
could you please emiail me some suggestions?  Thanks.

Bo Najdrovsky       // AmigaOS 3.1/Mac Sys7.1/BSD 4.4 - Courtesy of my A3000
bn%gnu.ai.mit.edu@localhost \X/  => join the EGS list: 
listproc%okcforum.osrhe.edu@localhost <=
bn%okcforum.osrhe.edu@localhost  "Who are you, who's so wise in the ways of 

 From billc  Sun Apr 14 06:44:41 1996
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06:35:16 -0400 (EDT)
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LAA02892 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:34:57 +0100 
From: Tim Preston <tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604141034.LAA02892%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Subject: Any know problems with old CCs in A3000?
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:34:55 +0100 (BST)
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Like the subject says, any know problems with the older DMAC, RAMSEY, etc
in the A3000? I already have a Rev-11 Buster.

This just that I have random HD lockups under NetBSD 1.1 Amiga stuff and
NetBSd 1.0 worked quite fine. There is no common factor in these lockups,
nor are they load realated.

Tim Preston                                    

              Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf...

http://www.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk/                 Home of the Wolfe Pack

 From billc  Sun Apr 14 08:04:45 1996
Return-Path: thomasc%tiberius.knipp.de@localhost
Received: from tiberius by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
HAA16782 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Sun, 14 Apr 1996 07:56:41 -0400 
Received: by tiberius.knipp.de (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 1994)
        id AA01; Sun, 14 Apr 96 13:56:20 
From: thomasc%tiberius.knipp.de@localhost (Thomas Corte)
Message-Id: <2264c501.u8t20e.186a0-thomasc%tiberius.knipp.de@localhost>
Subject: libXaw3d-bin11
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 96 13:56:20 
Organization: Private InterNet Node


I just wonder if anyone on this list has
compiled libXaw3d (3D-Athena-Widgets)
for NetBSD-Amiga 1.1 and X11R6.

I tried to compile it myself, but
it seems I would have to install a complete
X11 source tree to do that.

So, if anyone got that library for 1.1,
I would appreciate if he/she could upload
it to, say, Regensburg.

Thanx in advance,

Thomas Corte                  //
thomasc%tiberius.knipp.de@localhost \\ //
teecee on IRC (#amigager)  \\/

 From billc  Tue Apr 16 04:06:08 1996
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<port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Tue, 16 Apr 1996 00:51:03 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 00:51:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: "G. Baldwin" <drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: Any know problems with old CCs in A3000?
In-Reply-To: <199604141034.LAA02892%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Tim Preston wrote:

> Like the subject says, any know problems with the older DMAC, RAMSEY, etc
> in the A3000? I already have a Rev-11 Buster.
> This just that I have random HD lockups under NetBSD 1.1 Amiga stuff and
> NetBSd 1.0 worked quite fine. There is no common factor in these lockups,
> nor are they load realated.

I get the same problem with my old A3000/030-16.  I have a feeling that it
has something to do with having the older WD SCSI chip (the Proto version,
as the NetBSD FAQ calls it).

According to the FAQ, if you use the option "-I ff" with LoadBSD, it will
disable syncronous transfers and stop the lockups, but alas, it doesn't
work for me.  (I use an old Trumpcard 2000 for NetBSD on my system
instead).  However, it might for you.

BTW, new WD SCSI chips run about $40 or less and can be purchased at just
about any Amiga mail order house.

> -- 
> Tim Preston                                    
> tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost
>               Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf...
> http://www.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk/                 Home of the Wolfe Pack

                       Greg Baldwin (drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost)
     Amiga junkie and user since 1987    Computer Science & DTV Student
     Commodore64 fan since about 1983    http://www.eskimo.com/~drizzit
               Tyranical EFNet #Amiga Channel Operator "Drizzit"

 From billc  Wed Apr 17 18:29:32 1996
Return-Path: <@am061.du.pipex.com:fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost>
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id SAA11831 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 17 Apr 1996 18:02:08 
-0400 (EDT)
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          Tue, 16 Apr 96 23:40:57 GMT
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Subject: Re: Any know problems with old CCs in A3000?
In-Reply-To: <199604141034.LAA02892%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost> 
(from Tim Preston <tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>) (at Sun, 14 Apr 1996 
11:34:55 +0100 (BST))
Reply-To: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost
From: fr30 (George Harvey) <fr30%dial.pipex.com%am061.du.pipex.com@localhost>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 96 23:40:57 GMT
Organization: Not an Organization
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost

Hi Tim,

> Like the subject says, any know problems with the older DMAC, RAMSEY, etc
> in the A3000? I already have a Rev-11 Buster.
> This just that I have random HD lockups under NetBSD 1.1 Amiga stuff and
> NetBSd 1.0 worked quite fine. There is no common factor in these lockups,
> nor are they load realated.
> -- 
> Tim Preston                                    
> tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost

I have a 3000T with:
  -04 Ramsey
  -02 DMAC
  -07 Buster
  -04 SCSI (WD33C93A)

I have been running NetBSD 1.1 for a couple of months and have not had any disk 
problems (2 x Seagate, 1 x Rodime). I do get SCSI bus lockups with my Tandberg 
TDC3600 tape drive but from what I have heard, that is almost certainly a 
problem with the Tandberg rather than the Amiga (it doesn't work reliably under 
AmigaDOS either).

If you are going to change anything, try upgrading the SCSI chip to a revision
08 if it is currently an 04. I haven't tried this, but I have seen reports that
it resolves problems with some drive combinations.

    George Harvey                   | Amiga A3000T, Picasso-II,
    email: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost      | MFC-III, AmiTCP, NetBSD

 From billc  Thu Apr 18 07:04:50 1996
Return-Path: tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost
Received: from amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) 
with ESMTP id GAA22614 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 18 Apr 1996 
06:53:56 -0400 (EDT)
Received: (from tim@localhost) by amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk (8.7.1/8.6.12) id 
LAA02950; Thu, 18 Apr 1996 11:53:21 +0100 (BST)
From: Tim Preston <tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604181053.LAA02950%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Subject: Re: Any know problems with old CCs in A3000?
To: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 11:53:17 +0100 (BST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <2267f104.u7t150e.186a1-fr30%aj135.du.pipex.com@localhost> from 
"fr30" at Apr 16, 96 11:40:57 pm
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> Hi Tim,
> > 
> > Like the subject says, any know problems with the older DMAC, RAMSEY, etc
> > in the A3000? I already have a Rev-11 Buster.
> > 
> > This just that I have random HD lockups under NetBSD 1.1 Amiga stuff and
> > NetBSd 1.0 worked quite fine. There is no common factor in these lockups,
> > nor are they load realated.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Tim Preston                                    
> > tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost
> I have a 3000T with:
>   -04 Ramsey
>   -02 DMAC
>   -07 Buster
>   -04 SCSI (WD33C93A)
> I have been running NetBSD 1.1 for a couple of months and have not had any 
> disk 
> problems (2 x Seagate, 1 x Rodime). I do get SCSI bus lockups with my 
> Tandberg 
> TDC3600 tape drive but from what I have heard, that is almost certainly a 
> problem with the Tandberg rather than the Amiga (it doesn't work reliably 
> under 
> AmigaDOS either).
> If you are going to change anything, try upgrading the SCSI chip to a revision
> 08 if it is currently an 04. I haven't tried this, but I have seen reports 
> that
> it resolves problems with some drive combinations.

Cheers, looks like I'll be doing that, as well as swapping out a suspect
Quantumn drive and playing with termination. the annoying thing is that it
all works fine under Intuition or NetBSD 1.0 =(

Tim Preston                                    

              Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf...

http://www.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk/                 Home of the Wolfe Pack

 From billc  Thu Apr 18 13:25:43 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
Received: from gemini.oscs.montana.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
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        id AA05575; Thu, 18 Apr 1996 11:12:49 -0600
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From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 11:12:49 -0600
In-Reply-To: Tim Preston's message of Apr 18, 11:53am
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: Tim Preston <tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Subject: Re: Any know problems with old CCs in A3000?
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost

On Apr 18, 11:53am, Tim Preston wrote:
> > > Like the subject says, any know problems with the older DMAC, RAMSEY, etc
> > > in the A3000? I already have a Rev-11 Buster.
> > > 
> > > This just that I have random HD lockups under NetBSD 1.1 Amiga stuff and
> > > NetBSd 1.0 worked quite fine. There is no common factor in these lockups,
> > > nor are they load realated.
> Cheers, looks like I'll be doing that, as well as swapping out a suspect
> Quantumn drive and playing with termination. the annoying thing is that it
> all works fine under Intuition or NetBSD 1.0 =(

  The NetBSD 1.1 SCSI drivers included support for disconnect/reselect.  If
I remember correctly, synchronous transfers were enabled by default in 1.1,
which was a change from 1.0.  Either one of these changes could possibly
be causing problems.

  The synchronous transfers can be disabled by specifying "-I ff" on the
loadbsd command.  Disabling disconnection support has to be done by changing
the driver, either by modifying the source or using binpatch to change the
controlling variable (_sbic_enable_reselect).


Michael L. Hitch                        INTERNET:  osymh%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

 From billc  Thu Apr 18 15:24:48 1996
Return-Path: tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost
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with ESMTP id PAA28677 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 18 Apr 1996 
15:22:35 -0400 (EDT)
Received: (from tim@localhost) by amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk (8.7.1/8.6.12) id 
UAA00188; Thu, 18 Apr 1996 20:17:47 +0100 (BST)
From: Tim Preston <tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604181917.UAA00188%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Subject: Re: Any know problems with old CCs in A3000?
To: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 20:17:44 +0100 (BST)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Reply-To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <9604181712.AA05575%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost> from 
"Michael L. Hitch" at Apr 18, 96 11:12:49 am
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> On Apr 18, 11:53am, Tim Preston wrote:
> > > > Like the subject says, any know problems with the older DMAC, RAMSEY, 
> > > > etc
> > > > in the A3000? I already have a Rev-11 Buster.
> > > > 
> > > > This just that I have random HD lockups under NetBSD 1.1 Amiga stuff and
> > > > NetBSd 1.0 worked quite fine. There is no common factor in these 
> > > > lockups,
> > > > nor are they load realated.
> ...
> > Cheers, looks like I'll be doing that, as well as swapping out a suspect
> > Quantumn drive and playing with termination. the annoying thing is that it
> > all works fine under Intuition or NetBSD 1.0 =(
>   The NetBSD 1.1 SCSI drivers included support for disconnect/reselect.  If
> I remember correctly, synchronous transfers were enabled by default in 1.1,
> which was a change from 1.0.  Either one of these changes could possibly
> be causing problems.
>   The synchronous transfers can be disabled by specifying "-I ff" on the
> loadbsd command.  Disabling disconnection support has to be done by changing
> the driver, either by modifying the source or using binpatch to change the
> controlling variable (_sbic_enable_reselect).
> Michael

Now this sounds useful I have to disable reselect under Intuition to get
syncronous to work, ansync has no problems. Strangely using the 
loadbsd -I ff switch makes no difference to this. I'll try patching this,
but the question here is what should the value be, this is what it is now:

root@amy:~/root2/src/binpatch# ./binpatch.bsdexe -l -s _sbic_enable_reselect 
_sbic_enable_reselect(0x76c9c): 268214 (0x417b6)

Pity it ain't boolean =(

Tim Preston                                    

              Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf...

http://www.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk/                 Home of the Wolfe Pack

 From billc  Thu Apr 18 16:12:09 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
Received: from gemini.oscs.montana.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id PAA28760 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 18 Apr 1996 
15:49:22 -0400 (EDT)
Received: by gemini.oscs.montana.edu (5.65/DEC-Ultrix/4.3)
        id AA12772; Thu, 18 Apr 1996 13:49:12 -0600
Message-Id: <9604181949.AA12772%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost>
From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 13:49:12 -0600
In-Reply-To: Tim Preston's message of Apr 18,  8:17pm
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Any know problems with old CCs in A3000?

On Apr 18,  8:17pm, Tim Preston wrote:
> Now this sounds useful I have to disable reselect under Intuition to get
> syncronous to work, ansync has no problems. Strangely using the 
> loadbsd -I ff switch makes no difference to this. I'll try patching this,
> but the question here is what should the value be, this is what it is now:
> root@amy:~/root2/src/binpatch# ./binpatch.bsdexe -l -s _sbic_enable_reselect 
> /netbsd
> _sbic_enable_reselect(0x76c9c): 268214 (0x417b6)
> Pity it ain't boolean =(

  It is boolean, and the value should be 1 to enable reselection and would be
patched to 0 to disable it.  Where did your NetBSD version of binpatch come
from?  It looks like it isn't getting the correct location in the file.  Are
you using the distributed installation kernel?  The address you show is
different than what I see in the install kernel.  [Also, the install kernel
shows that the value is 0.  Hmmm - I just checked my current kernel using
the binpatch.bsdexe file from regensburg and it doesn't look right.  I'll
enclose my current NetBSD version of binpatch.]


begin 644 binpatch.gz
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#I   c

 From billc  Fri Apr 19 04:45:25 1996
Return-Path: dreed%palantir.soc.staffs.ac.uk@localhost
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Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:42:00 +0000 (GMT)
From: Duncan Reed <dreed%palantir.soc.staffs.ac.uk@localhost>
To: Amiga NetBSD Mail List <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Subject: groups
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According to the man pages by setting a users gid to 0 they should then
be able to do an 'su'. But this just gives the message not in the 
correct group. Adding the user to the wheel group in /etc/group does
then allow the user to 'su' but according to the man pages this
should not be nessesary if the user gid is 0.

Whats going on?


 From billc  Fri Apr 19 04:46:40 1996
Return-Path: dreed%palantir.soc.staffs.ac.uk@localhost
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04:41:07 -0400 (EDT)
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Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:39:49 +0000 (GMT)
From: Duncan Reed <dreed%palantir.soc.staffs.ac.uk@localhost>
To: Amiga NetBSD Mail List <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Subject: Colour-ls
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Where can I get a working version of GNU's colour ls for NetBSD?


 From billc  Fri Apr 19 05:24:50 1996
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05:13:35 -0400 (EDT)
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KAA02786; Fri, 19 Apr 1996 10:13:13 +0100 (BST)
From: Tim Preston <tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604190913.KAA02786%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Subject: Re: Any know problems with old CCs in A3000?
To: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 10:13:10 +0100 (BST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <9604181949.AA12772%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost> from 
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> On Apr 18,  8:17pm, Tim Preston wrote:
> > Now this sounds useful I have to disable reselect under Intuition to get
> > syncronous to work, ansync has no problems. Strangely using the 
> > loadbsd -I ff switch makes no difference to this. I'll try patching this,
> > but the question here is what should the value be, this is what it is now:
> > 
> > root@amy:~/root2/src/binpatch# ./binpatch.bsdexe -l -s 
> > _sbic_enable_reselect /netbsd
> > _sbic_enable_reselect(0x76c9c): 268214 (0x417b6)
> > 
> > Pity it ain't boolean =(
>   It is boolean, and the value should be 1 to enable reselection and would be
> patched to 0 to disable it.  Where did your NetBSD version of binpatch come
> from?  It looks like it isn't getting the correct location in the file.  Are
> you using the distributed installation kernel?  The address you show is
> different than what I see in the install kernel.  [Also, the install kernel
> shows that the value is 0.  Hmmm - I just checked my current kernel using
> the binpatch.bsdexe file from regensburg and it doesn't look right.  I'll
> enclose my current NetBSD version of binpatch.]
> Michael

I got it from the ftp.netbsd.org:/pub/NetBSD-Amiga/ tree.

I later tried the reality check and it was, interesting... The version you
gave me works fine I've now patched my latest kernel which was due to come
in later today as I started running out of ptys anyway. I'll see how that 


Tim Preston                                    

              Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf...

http://www.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk/                 Home of the Wolfe Pack

 From billc  Fri Apr 19 11:45:03 1996
Return-Path: tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost
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with ESMTP id LAA10017 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Fri, 19 Apr 1996 
11:35:02 -0400 (EDT)
Received: (from tim@localhost) by amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk (8.7.1/8.6.12) id 
QAA00158; Fri, 19 Apr 1996 16:33:58 +0100 (BST)
From: Tim Preston <tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604191533.QAA00158%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Subject: Re: Any know problems with old CCs in A3000?
To: tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost (Tim Preston)
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 16:33:54 +0100 (BST)
Cc: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199604190913.KAA02786%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost> from 
"Tim Preston" at Apr 19, 96 10:13:10 am
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> > 
> > On Apr 18,  8:17pm, Tim Preston wrote:
> > > Now this sounds useful I have to disable reselect under Intuition to get
> > > syncronous to work, ansync has no problems. Strangely using the 
> > > loadbsd -I ff switch makes no difference to this. I'll try patching this,
> > > but the question here is what should the value be, this is what it is now:
> > > 
> > > root@amy:~/root2/src/binpatch# ./binpatch.bsdexe -l -s 
> > > _sbic_enable_reselect /netbsd
> > > _sbic_enable_reselect(0x76c9c): 268214 (0x417b6)
> > > 
> > > Pity it ain't boolean =(
> > 
> >   It is boolean, and the value should be 1 to enable reselection and would 
> > be
> > patched to 0 to disable it.  Where did your NetBSD version of binpatch come
> > from?  It looks like it isn't getting the correct location in the file.  Are
> > you using the distributed installation kernel?  The address you show is
> > different than what I see in the install kernel.  [Also, the install kernel
> > shows that the value is 0.  Hmmm - I just checked my current kernel using
> > the binpatch.bsdexe file from regensburg and it doesn't look right.  I'll
> > enclose my current NetBSD version of binpatch.]
> > 
> > Michael
> I got it from the ftp.netbsd.org:/pub/NetBSD-Amiga/ tree.
> I later tried the reality check and it was, interesting... The version you
> gave me works fine I've now patched my latest kernel which was due to come
> in later today as I started running out of ptys anyway. I'll see how that 
> goes.


Tried all that. It didn't go too well, the problem is still there. Looks 
like I going to have to keep swapping hardware out until I fix this =(

Tim Preston                                    

              Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf...

http://www.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk/                 Home of the Wolfe Pack

 From billc  Fri Apr 19 23:33:30 1996
Return-Path: zuhause!bruce%kksys.com@localhost
Received: from kksys.skypoint.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id XAA24888 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Fri, 19 Apr 1996 23:13:45 
-0400 (EDT)
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        (Smail3.1.29.1 #2) id m0uAT23-0001onC; Fri, 19 Apr 96 22:08 CDT
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Date: Fri, 19 Apr 96 22:12:32 CST
Message-Id: <9604200412.2cjz%zuhause.MN.ORG@localhost>
From: bruce%zuhause.MN.ORG@localhost (Bruce Albrecht)
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Booting from alternate boot partitions

I have a boot partition for NetBSD-1.1 on my A3000 on SCSI device 3.
I'd like to have a boot partition for NetBSD-current on SCSI device 5,
but whenever I try to boot from the NetBSD-current boot partition, it
still starts up with / as being the partition from SCSI device 3.  Is
there an option for either loadbsd or gobsd which will allow me to
select my alternate boot partition?

Also, gobsd always gives me the error:
        FATAL: Couldn't load kernel from root disk.
whenever I try to specify volume, unit or driver.  Does the volume
need to be formatted as OFS?  I also tried to recompile gobsd from the
sources, but they're lacking a header file that defines quad_t,
daddr_t, and something else (ino_t, I think).



 From billc  Fri Apr 19 23:36:10 1996
Return-Path: hoffmann%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost
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MAA04937; Sat, 20 Apr 1996 12:44:21 +0930 (CST)
From: Arthur Hoffmann <hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604200314.MAA04937%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Subject: make build fails: gcc alias, libc SYS.h 
To: current-users%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 12:44:20 +0930 (CST)
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I'm trying to build the world, but get the following:

===> libgcc
cc -O -I/src/netbsd/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc/libgcc/../common 
libgcc/../arch/m68k -Werror  -c -DL_op_new -o _op_new.o 
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
/src/netbsd/src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc/libgcc/libgcc2.c:1652: warning: alias 
definitions not supported in this configuration
*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1


- Sources are current as of today,
- Gcc was built last with sources from last week
- I'm building the world, so the libraries are all new
- I'm updating from NetBSD1.1 to NetBSD 1.1B
- The tools that I built before I atemtpted to build the world were:

        gcc, as, make, tsort, config, kernel, sh, yacc

Problems I had to get up to here:

I needed to copy /usr/src/usr/bin/lex/initscan.c to 
because the build crashed when the system tried to generate scan.c.

Oh, and make depend in libc spat a bunch of warnings:
Probably a m68k problem?

mkdep -a -DNLS -DYP -DLIBC_SCCS -DSYSLIBC_SCCS -I/src/netbsd/.....
--- of the commandline deleted ----
In file included from /src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/sys/Ovfork.S:40:
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:48: `#' operator should be followed by 
a macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:48: `#' operator is not followed by a 
macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:50: `#' operator should be followed by 
a macro argument name
/src/netbsd/src/lib/libc/arch/m68k/SYS.h:50: `#' operator is not followed by a 
macro argument name
--- more of these errors deleted ---

it does this for the following files:
Ovfork.S:40: brk.S:40: cerror.S:40: exect.S:40: fork.S:40: pipe.S:40: 
ptrace.S:40: reboot.S:40:
sbrk.S:40: setlogin.S:36: sigpending.S:40: sigprocmask.S:40: sigreturn.S:40: 
sigsuspend.S:40: syscall.S:40:

Any hinds are appreciated, especially to the gcc problem. The
libraries still build, I just don't know if they build properly or


Arthur Hoffmann                                 hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost
========I need a Quantum LPS240 SCSI Hard disk: Dead or Alive=======
++++++++I need a SCSI Scanner - TWAIN compliant              +++++++

 From billc  Sat Apr 20 13:45:35 1996
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To: "Bruce Albrecht" <bruce%zuhause.mn.org@localhost>,
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Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 12:22:54 +0100
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Subject: Re: Booting from alternate boot partitions
Message-ID: <68247442%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Bruce Albrecht wrote:
> I have a boot partition for NetBSD-1.1 on my A3000 on SCSI device 3. I'd
> like to have a boot partition for NetBSD-current on SCSI device 5, but
> whenever I try to boot from the NetBSD-current boot partition, it still
> starts up with / as being the partition from SCSI device 3.  Is there an
> option for either loadbsd or gobsd which will allow me to select my
> alternate boot partition?

 You could use the bootblock-loader from Michael Hitch and choose the
root-partition by mouse-click.  The problem with NetBSD-Amiga:  It will
attempt to use the last-found root-partition as root.  You therefore need
to use "askroot" to determine the root-partition by hand.  This works great
for me.  I can boot from CD-ROM, floppy, sd0 and sd1.

> Also, gobsd always gives me the error: FATAL: Couldn't load kernel from
> root disk. whenever I try to specify volume, unit or driver.  Does the
> volume need to be formatted as OFS?  I also tried to recompile gobsd
> from the sources, but they're lacking a header file that defines quad_t,
> daddr_t, and something else (ino_t, I think).

 Michael v. Elst certainly has used the newest SAS/C compiler for gobsd.

 gobsd requires the volume to load the kernel from to be mounted.  The
partition must be standard NetBSD-filesystem.  The kernel must be named
"netbsd" and not be a softlink.

 gobsd VOLUME bsd_root:


 gobsd driver scsi.device unit 5

should do the job.

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Sat Apr 20 14:28:20 1996
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Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 20:13:30 +0000 (+0100)
From: Ruben van Staveren <staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost>
Subject: Re: groups
To: dreed%palantir.soc.staffs.ac.uk@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
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On Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:42:00 +0000 (GMT),
Duncan Reed <dreed%palantir.soc.staffs.ac.uk@localhost> wrote about groups:
> According to the man pages by setting a users gid to 0 they should then
> be able to do an 'su'. But this just gives the message not in the 
> correct group. Adding the user to the wheel group in /etc/group does
> then allow the user to 'su' but according to the man pages this
> should not be nessesary if the user gid is 0.
Better have them in the group 'wheel', though, no 'normal' user should
have gid '0', those trips with 'su' are meant for system configuration
installing new software/kernel etc.

> Duncan

/___________________________ //_____________________________/| PGP Public
|  _             _        |\X/ Amiga is it, the rest is ... ||_  @ / Key on
| /_)     | /   /_'       |Email: staveren%ronix.ptf.hro.nl@localhost || \/##\ 
|/  \uben |/an __/taveren |(A1230-882@50/14/500) tO tHE eND!||   ##/
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|      "Quantum Physics:The Dreams Stuff Are Made Of.."     ||  _|\ NetBSD
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 From billc  Sun Apr 21 03:27:21 1996
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From: rhealey%helios.mn.org@localhost (Rob Healey)
Message-Id: <199604210701.CAA00867%altair.helios.mn.org@localhost>
Subject: Catch 22 for MSDOS FS not on Intel box
To: current-users%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 02:01:34 -0500 (CDT)
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        I have an interesting problem and I was wondering how other non-Intel
        ports have delt with it.

        I have a Zip drive on NetBSD/Amiga. Durning boot the Amiga assigns the
        device a single partition going from 0 to the end of the Zip disk.

        So far no problem. The catch 22 is that I can't convince the msdos
        code to skip over the fdisk area and start looking at the first
        partition 32 sectors in, i.e. it's trying to read the fdisk area
        as though it's the start of a partition rather than the start of the

        I can't alter the disk geometry without writing an Amiga RDB record
        to the start of the Zip disk, which would work for the Amiga but
        then MSDOG machines wouldn't be able to grok it. Is there some way
        to convince the msdos routines to start counting from N sectors in
        or am I simply SOL? B^(.

        The msdos code assumes the start of the device given to the mount
        is the start of partition rather than the start of the disk. Obviously
        the x86 port devices do this but how do the non-Intel ports simulate
        this without scribbling a disk label on the Zip that would destroy
        the MSDOS fdisk information?


 From billc  Sun Apr 21 17:29:08 1996
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From: Bernd Ernesti <netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604212121.XAA00725%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Subject: cleanup for the amiga kernel part
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Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 23:21:33 +0200 (MET DST)
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I commited some 'small' changes into -current:

- CyberVision64:
        - has now a real console mode
        - another bugfix for boards with the new S3 chip
- Ariadne:
        - fixed crashes with aeput (mbuf failure)
- Floppy:
        - the kernel now finds all your drives and not only df0:
- Other:
        - Added some missing $NetBSD id's
        - cleanup to build a kernel with -Wall and -Wstrict-prototypes

Please report all problems with this patches directly to me 


 From billc  Tue Apr 23 00:52:48 1996
Return-Path: zuhause!bruce%kksys.com@localhost
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id AAA01300 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Tue, 23 Apr 1996 00:39:19 
-0400 (EDT)
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        (Smail3.1.29.1 #2) id m0uBZl0-0001fLC; Mon, 22 Apr 96 23:31 CDT
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          id <2cv8%zuhause.MN.ORG@localhost>; Mon, 22 Apr 96 23:20:51 CST
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 96 23:20:51 CST
Message-Id: <9604230520.2cv8%zuhause.MN.ORG@localhost>
In-reply-to: "Markus Illenseer"'s message of Sat, 20 Apr 1996 12:22:54 +0100 
From: bruce%zuhause.MN.ORG@localhost (Bruce Albrecht)
To: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Booting from alternate boot partitions

Markus Illenseer <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost> wrote:
    You could use the bootblock-loader from Michael Hitch and choose the
   root-partition by mouse-click.  The problem with NetBSD-Amiga:  It will
   attempt to use the last-found root-partition as root.  You therefore need
   to use "askroot" to determine the root-partition by hand.  This works great
   for me.  I can boot from CD-ROM, floppy, sd0 and sd1.

I haven't been able to get askroot to work.  Is this because my kernel
is compiled with:
        config  netbsd root on sd1 swap on sd0 and sd1
Can I just drop the "root on sd1"?

   > Also, gobsd always gives me the error: FATAL: Couldn't load kernel from
   > root disk. whenever I try to specify volume, unit or driver.  Does the
   > volume need to be formatted as OFS?  I also tried to recompile gobsd
   > from the sources, but they're lacking a header file that defines quad_t,
   > daddr_t, and something else (ino_t, I think).

    Michael v. Elst certainly has used the newest SAS/C compiler for gobsd.

I'm sure he did, but I tried to compile it myself, so that I could run
it with CPR.  Either his header files are non-standard or mine are,
and I'm pretty sure mine are exactly what SAS provided.  His SCOPTIONS
contained a GST which I don't have, so I expect that the header files
in the GST have a little "extra."

    gobsd requires the volume to load the kernel from to be mounted.  The
   partition must be standard NetBSD-filesystem.  The kernel must be named
   "netbsd" and not be a softlink.

I've done that.  I can load it if the file is specified as a full
path, like kernel=bffsg:netbsd, but not with just volume=bffsg:


 From billc  Tue Apr 23 11:36:30 1996
Return-Path: adams%earthbound.com@localhost
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Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 09:16:28 -0600
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
From: adams%earthbound.com@localhost (Adam Silverstein)
Subject: ppp/slip dialin

This is a repost from amiga%netbsd.org@localhost

I'm trying to set up ym BSD box as a gateway to the internet and need to
find an aoutomatic dialer, preferably something like iijppp.  Anybody out
there have a good setup?

Any help appreciated

PS- I understand that a new pppd with dail-on-demand functionality is part
of the -current release.  I'll try to upgrade to that.  Anybody else
experienced with any other dial-on-demand tools?

adams%earthbound.com@localhost          PGP key available upon request- or 
finger me


 From billc  Wed Apr 24 13:52:15 1996
Return-Path: ignatios%theory.cs.uni-bonn.de@localhost
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To: current-users%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Amiga mice are real devices now
From: is%beverly.rhein.de@localhost
Sender: ignatios%cs.uni-bonn.de@localhost
X-mailer: GNU Emacs 18.59.9
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X-planation: X-Face can be viewed with "faces". Contact 
        for details or ftp iuvax.cs.indiana.edu, directory pub/faces

NetBSD-current/Amiga users:

I committed a few patches today to autoconf.c, ms.c, files.amiga and
std.amiga, which make the Amiga mainboard mouse interface a real
(instead of pseudo-) device.

You need to change your config file thus:

- remove        "pseudo-device mouse 2"
- add           "ms* at mainbus0"

(but this will have been taken care of by the std.amiga patch,
 although cgd doesn't seem to like the idea of mice in the std.amiga file.)

and to re-run config on it, then rebuild the kernel.

Other than the changed auto-configure output at boot time, no changes
should be user visible.

        Ignatios Souvatzis

 From billc  Thu Apr 25 00:13:25 1996
Return-Path: Chris_G_Demetriou%UX2.SP.CS.CMU.EDU@localhost
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id AAA29681; Thu, 25 Apr 1996 00:01:48 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by UX2.SP.CS.CMU.EDU id aa01972; 25 Apr 96 0:01 EDT
To: is%beverly.rhein.de@localhost
cc: current-users%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Amiga mice are real devices now 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Wed, 24 Apr 1996 19:34:48 +0200."
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 00:00:54 -0400
Message-ID: <1970.830404854%UX2.SP.CS.CMU.EDU@localhost>
From: Chris G Demetriou <Chris_G_Demetriou%UX2.SP.CS.CMU.EDU@localhost>

> (but this will have been taken care of by the std.amiga patch,
>  although cgd doesn't seem to like the idea of mice in the std.amiga file.)

That's a bit unfair...  You say that I don't like them, but don't
bother including any of the _reasons_...  namely:

        (1) if you put devices which aren't present on all machines
            in std.foo, then machines which don't have them will end
            up including the drivers anyway --> bloated kernels.

        (2) if you put things in std.foo that are not _necessary_ for
            the port to work, then you're 'strongly encouraging'
            (almost, but not quite, forcing) people to use them.

(1) will bite _you_ in the future, when you get support for your DraCo
boards in...  after all, why did you make it a seperate device to
begin with?  (because DraCo's dont have them, right?)

(2) means that, if, say, users will always have parallel and serial
ports, but know that they will never use them, they won't be able to
easily remove them from their kernels...  In other words, you're
forcing their kernels to be larger than necessary.


 From billc  Thu Apr 25 10:53:10 1996
Return-Path: ignatios%theory.cs.uni-bonn.de@localhost
Received: from theory.cs.uni-bonn.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id KAA04592; Thu, 25 Apr 1996 10:40:04 -0400 (EDT)
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QAA01409; Thu, 25 Apr 1996 16:38:54 +0200 (MET DST)
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 16:38:54 +0200 (MET DST)
Message-Id: <199604251438.QAA01409%theory.cs.uni-bonn.de@localhost>
To: Chris G Demetriou <Chris_G_Demetriou%UX2.SP.CS.CMU.EDU@localhost>
cc: current-users%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Amiga mice are real devices now 
From: is%beverly.rhein.de@localhost
Sender: ignatios%cs.uni-bonn.de@localhost
X-mailer: GNU Emacs 18.59.9
X-face: %p,8?Wc#eJ?Mf`-U.`%:}Nqnx1,!1X8DT:^_!9^Xs8a8X-bPWbzPD}Q}[QDh1a<zYep+xKF
X-planation: X-Face can be viewed with "faces". Contact 
        for details or ftp iuvax.cs.indiana.edu, directory pub/faces

> > (but this will have been taken care of by the std.amiga patch,
> >  although cgd doesn't seem to like the idea of mice in the std.amiga file.)

> That's a bit unfair...  You say that I don't like them, but don't
> bother including any of the _reasons_...  namely:

Sorry if my text sounded like it was a personal queer hobby of yours
not to like mice in the std.amiga file. This was not intended. I just
didn't want to spend the time to write down the whole story 5 minutes
before a friend was leaving university with his car and wanting to
drop me at home.

I agree with your reasons for removing some stuff from std.amiga, and
might do so myself in the near future. 

        Ignatios Souvatzis

 From billc  Thu Apr 25 17:14:15 1996
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To: "port-amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
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Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 22:54:26 +0100
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Subject: CyberSCSI and A4000?
Message-ID: <68248152%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

 I got a mail (sun of my former math prof at university, don't upset him!
:-) containg a log file of the boot procedure of an A4000 with Cyber040 and

 It looks like the kernel crashes immediatly upon finding Flsc.  I thought
this is the fastlane? 

 Can anybody confirm that the CyberSCSI is working?

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Thu Apr 25 20:37:53 1996
Return-Path: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost
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Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 13:13:54 +0930
From: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost (Phil Kernick)
Message-Id: <199604260031.KAA22824%scurvy.dhn.csiro.au@localhost>
Subject: NetBSD/Amiga - MMU fault?
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Lines: 28
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I'm trying to install NetBSD/Amiga on my A2500/A2630/A2091 machine.
Unfortunately, it never gets there!

I can start the install, but sometime during Extracting the distribution
sets it crashes.  It fault does not occur at a consistent place, nor is it a
consistent error.  I have had the following:

Illegal Instruction - core dumped
Segmentation Fault - core dumpted
MMU Panic
Memory Changed

I've tried doing the install on two different disks, just in case it was
disk related, but the same sort of errors occur.

Is there some way to test the MMU to make sure that it really is working


   _-_|\   Phil Kernick                         E-Mail: 
  /     \  Information Technology Manager       Phone:  (08) 303 8812
  \_.-*_/  CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition    Fax:    (08) 303 8896
       v   PO Box 10041  Gouger Street          Mobile:  041 981 0849
           Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia      "Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!"

 From billc  Fri Apr 26 15:02:03 1996
Return-Path: helios.mn.org!rhealey%kksys.skypoint.net@localhost
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-0500 (CDT)
From: rhealey%helios.mn.org@localhost (Rob Healey)
Message-Id: <199604261509.KAA06217%altair.helios.mn.org@localhost>
Subject: mouse.h and emplatn scsi defined twice.
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 10:09:01 -0500 (CDT)
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        As of the April 24th sup, files.amiga has a double entry for
        the emplant scsi files which causes config to get really unhappy.

        There is also the lack of a mouse.h file for conf.c. Does the
        ms* syntax work in the std.amiga file or do we have to use
        ms0 there to get an ms.h file to replace mouse.h?


 From billc  Fri Apr 26 15:03:10 1996
Return-Path: thp%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost
Received: from gold.compulink.co.uk by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id OAA18950 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Fri, 26 Apr 1996 
14:37:34 -0400 (EDT)
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        id AA06976; Fri, 26 Apr 96 13:24:51 BST
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Date: Fri, 26 Apr 96 13:24 BST-1
From: thp%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost (T H Pineapple)
Subject: Uh-0....
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Cc: thp%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost
Reply-To: thp%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost
Message-Id: <memo.826279%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost>


2 questions this time:

[1] is it possible to use disks with netbsd-1.0 filesystems safely on
a machine with a 1.1 kernel for read/write activity?

[we may have to swap machines out due to the second problem, and
it'll be a good chance to take the 1.0 box to 1.1 at last whilst
still keeping the project drives serveavble]

[2] our main server drive [4 gig] for the lan is reporting more and
more bad blocks - it used to be just one block constantly being
reported on a single filesystem until i mapped it out with hdtoolbox
from the Amiga side, backed up the partition, rebuild the filesystem
and restored], but over the last 2 nights another 10 have come along.
and they're on the photogenics 2 filesystem, which is
mission-critical to say the least.

the drive's on an a3k with netbsd 1.0, btw, all disks are SCSI
running on the in-built controller.  it looks like either cabling
problems [the big disk is external with a DAT on 50-way, the cd-build
drive and root/user/swap are internal on ribbon] or the drive itself
is on the way out [it's cased, within warranty and has been reliable
for a couple of years]- neither is good news, but workable after the

last time i backed up, mapped and rebuilt the entire fs - is is safe
simply to delete the affected file, map the contained block out, fsck
to sanity-check and then just keep using the filesystem?  [this could
save a lot of time in the long run]

any pointers *really* appreciated on this one.  deadline time
approaches, and we can't afford to lose any data and have drives
explode at the 11th hour...


thp / c!truS'96:   htthp://stupid.cdrom.work!.hit.hit.hit
almathera UK's web/bbs/LANop. ie the only one mug enough to do it...

 From billc  Fri Apr 26 18:54:47 1996
Return-Path: blaz.zupan%uni-mb.si@localhost
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Subject: crashdump
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 00:33:28 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Blaz Zupan <blaz.zupan%uni-mb.si@localhost>
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MIME-Version: 1.0
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Today I got a MMU fault while trying to access my CD-ROM and
after the reboot I got a crashdump in /var/crash. I tried
looking at the core file with "gdb /var/crash/netbsd.0 /var/crash/netbsd.0.core"
but gdb says "file format not recognized". I remember there
was some problems with gdb recognizing crashdump but I don't
remember exactly what was wrong and how/if it was solved.
If anybody could refresh my memory I would be very grateful.

NetBSD 1.1/Amiga 2000


Blaz Zupan, Ljubljanska 19/b, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
blaz.zupan%uni-mb.si@localhost, http://www.feri.uni-mb.si/~blaz/

 From billc  Sat Apr 27 14:52:19 1996
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Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 11:43:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Henric Jungheim <henric%zoom.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Millions of "sc_nexus == NULL"s
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I just sup'ed my kernel and recompiled it today (4/27) and now I see this 
sort of stuff in my /var/log/messages:

Apr 27 11:21:55 henric-ppp /netbsd: wesc0: reselect interrupted, sc_nexus == 
Apr 27 11:22:14 henric-ppp last message repeated 137 times
Apr 27 11:22:42 henric-ppp last message repeated 25 times
Apr 27 11:22:53 henric-ppp su: henric to root on /dev/ttyp0
Apr 27 11:22:54 henric-ppp /netbsd: wesc0: reselect interrupted, sc_nexus == 
Apr 27 11:23:20 henric-ppp last message repeated 42 times
Apr 27 11:25:13 henric-ppp last message repeated 63 times
Apr 27 11:31:11 henric-ppp last message repeated 49 times 

I've seen this message before, but only once every few hours during heavy
disk activity.  My previous kernel was built on the 18th (sup'ed on the
17th or 18th) and did not have this problem (i.e., this message would 
appear only once in a while).

I have an a4000 with a warp engine and two (identical) HP SCSI-II drives. 
I have filesystems and swap partitions on both drives. 

Anyway, has anybody else seen this problem?  Any ideas as to how to fix
it?  My understanding was that this was only an informational message, but
I don't know how useful it is to get one of these "informational messages"
every four seconds (depending on disk activity). 

-------- Henric Jungheim  -------------------  henric%zoom.com@localhost 

 From billc  Sat Apr 27 15:17:27 1996
Return-Path: henric%henric-ppp.zoom.com@localhost
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-0400 (EDT)
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Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 11:58:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Henric Jungheim <henric%zoom.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Followup.to "nexus==NULL"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I performed a simple experiment... I copied several megs to my /tmp (which
is mfs based), ran two "find / -name blah", and ran Mosaic.  I only have
16MB, so the SCSI driver was rather busy.  The following appeared in my
/var/log/messages (the start overlaps what I had in my previous post): 

Apr 27 11:22:54 henric-ppp /netbsd: wesc0: reselect interrupted, sc_nexus == 
Apr 27 11:23:20 henric-ppp last message repeated 42 times
Apr 27 11:25:13 henric-ppp last message repeated 63 times
Apr 27 11:31:11 henric-ppp last message repeated 49 times
Apr 27 11:45:36 henric-ppp last message repeated 475 times
Apr 27 11:50:22 henric-ppp last message repeated 1011 times
Apr 27 11:50:22 henric-ppp /netbsd: d, sc_nexus == NULL
Apr 27 11:50:25 henric-ppp /netbsd: wesc0: reselect interrupted, sc_nexus == 
Apr 27 11:50:59 henric-ppp last message repeated 106 times
Apr 27 11:52:11 henric-ppp last message repeated 27 times

There were quite a few messages.  Notice also the second 11:50:22 entry;
it really is corrupt (i.e., it's not a bad cut'n'paste on my part). 

-------- Henric Jungheim  -------------------  henric%zoom.com@localhost 

 From billc  Sat Apr 27 17:35:56 1996
Return-Path: netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost
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RAA06896 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Sat, 27 Apr 1996 17:28:27 -0400 
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Sat, 27 Apr 1996 23:28:48 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Bernd Ernesti <netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604272128.XAA00661%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Subject: Re: mouse.h and emplatn scsi defined twice.
To: rhealey%helios.mn.org@localhost (Rob Healey)
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 23:28:48 +0200 (MET DST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199604261509.KAA06217%altair.helios.mn.org@localhost> from "Rob 
Healey" at Apr 26, 1996 10:09:01 AM
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

On Fri Apr 26 17:09:01 1996, Rob Healey wrote:
>As of the April 24th sup, files.amiga has a double entry for
>the emplant scsi files which causes config to get really unhappy.
>There is also the lack of a mouse.h file for conf.c. Does the
>ms* syntax work in the std.amiga file or do we have to use
>ms0 there to get an ms.h file to replace mouse.h?



 From billc  Sat Apr 27 21:13:01 1996
Return-Path: adams%earthbound.com@localhost
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UAA07440 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Sat, 27 Apr 1996 20:58:47 -0400 
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Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 19:00:32 -0600
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
From: adams%earthbound.com@localhost (Adam Silverstein)
Subject: upgrading to current

Could someone point me in the direction of documentation or info re:
upgrading to -current.  I'm running 1.1 and want to get the PPP
dial-on-demand functionality I understand is built into -current.

Are there distribution sets like the release versions?

If not, whwre is the best location to get the sources?, and

how do I build a new system from the sources?

Thanks in advance.

adams%earthbound.com@localhost          PGP key available upon request- or 
finger me


 From billc  Sun Apr 28 01:12:31 1996
Return-Path: cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost
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From: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: upload
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Mime-Version: 1.0
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I compiled ispell and GNU make and xfm with libXpm.4.6 (which is used in 
X11R6 NetBSD-1.1 Amiga port, the current xfm on NetBSD.org uses libXpm.4.3)
However, this is first time I try to contribute something and I don't 
know how I am gonna upload to NetBSD ftp site. Can somebody tell me?



 From billc  Sun Apr 28 03:32:20 1996
Return-Path: netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost
Received: from arresum.inka.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
DAA11723 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Sun, 28 Apr 1996 03:22:40 -0400 
Received: (from netbsd@localhost) by arresum.inka.de (8.7.5/8.7.5) id JAA00453; 
Sun, 28 Apr 1996 09:22:29 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Bernd Ernesti <netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604280722.JAA00453%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Subject: Re: upload
To: cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost (YU SONG)
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 09:22:28 +0200 (MET DST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <Pine.ULT.3.91.960428000516.21413A-100000%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost> 
from "YU SONG" at Apr 28, 1996 12:12:01 AM
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.5 PL0a9]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

On Sun Apr 28 07:12:01 1996, YU SONG wrote:
> I compiled ispell and GNU make and xfm with libXpm.4.6 (which is used in 
> X11R6 NetBSD-1.1 Amiga port, the current xfm on NetBSD.org uses libXpm.4.3)
> However, this is first time I try to contribute something and I don't 
> know how I am gonna upload to NetBSD ftp site. Can somebody tell me?

Put them on ftp.uni-regensburg.de in /pub/NetBSD-Amiga/incoming
but read the README_BEFORE_UPLOADING before you do that.


P.S: The next X11 release will use libXpm.4.8 :)

 From billc  Sun Apr 28 11:59:07 1996
Return-Path: hubert.feyrer%rrzc1.rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost
Received: from comsun.rz.uni-regensburg.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) 
with SMTP id LAA13535 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 28 Apr 1996 
11:39:18 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from rrzc1.rz.uni-regensburg.de (rrzc4.rz.uni-regensburg.de) by 
comsun.rz.uni-regensburg.de with SMTP id AA04917
  (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>); Sun, 28 Apr 1996 
17:39:13 +0200
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 17:41:02 +0200
From: Hubert Feyrer <Hubert.Feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <9604281741.ZM23382@rrzc1a>
In-Reply-To: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
        "upload" (Apr 28, 12:12am)
References: <Pine.ULT.3.91.960428000516.21413A-100000%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
X-Face: iT2VNvH@a.&tC|E|:zwsgA^NC@o4gqqj3M3b-R4~1zpZ4y%@B@ZfP,7=U"{2^xd%"5iGa-* 
X-Mailer: Z-Mail (3.2.1 15feb95)
To: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: upload
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> I compiled ispell and GNU make and xfm with libXpm.4.6 (which is used in
> X11R6 NetBSD-1.1 Amiga port, the current xfm on NetBSD.org uses libXpm.4.3)
> However, this is first time I try to contribute something and I don't
> know how I am gonna upload to NetBSD ftp site. Can somebody tell me?

Read ftp.uni-regensburg.de:/pub/NetBSD-Amiga/incomingREADME_BEFORE_UPLOADING
and stick to it!


=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
      Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/943-2905
      Weekends: Bachstr. 40,   D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
      Internet: hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost, IRC: hubertf

 From billc  Mon Apr 29 06:18:09 1996
Return-Path: fiction!lyssa.owl.de!tron%golden-gate.owl.de@localhost
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-0400 (EDT)
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        Mon, 29 Apr 1996 11:51:40 +0200
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In-Reply-To: <68248152%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 01:46:59 +0200
Subject: Re: CyberSCSI and A4000?
Message-ID: <44952%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Markus,

you wrote in <68248152%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>:
> It looks like the kernel crashes immediatly upon finding Flsc.

Probably Phase 5 reused a product id once again.

> I thought this is the fastlane?

It is.

> Can anybody confirm that the CyberSCSI is working?

I can confirm that it will *not* work. Z3 Fastlane and the CyberSCSI
module are similar but not identical.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Mon Apr 29 15:53:04 1996
Return-Path: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost
Received: from linteuto.teuto.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id PAA26056 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 29 Apr 1996 15:37:40 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: from tiger.teuto.de by linteuto.teuto.de with cbsmtp
        (Smail3.1.29.1 #5) id m0uDyjS-000k4QC; Mon, 29 Apr 96 21:35 MET DST
Received: by tiger.teuto.de (UMSRFC 0.7);
        Mon, 29 Apr 1996 21:27:54 +0100
To: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>,
         "port-amiga" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <44952%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
From: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 21:14:54 +0100
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: CyberSCSI and A4000?
Message-ID: <68248196%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Matthias Scheler wrote:
> I can confirm that it will *not* work. Z3 Fastlane and the CyberSCSI
> module are similar but not identical.

 For clarification:  CyberSCSI is hence not yet supported and the guy is
stucked and cannot use NetBSD-Amiga 1.1 ?

 I was not able to find a reference in the kernel (Sometimes I hate
undocumented sources) for the CyberSCSI...

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Mon Apr 29 15:53:41 1996
Return-Path: root@rhiannon
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Apr 1996 15:25:07 -0400
From: "Donald J. Maddox"  <root@rhiannon>
Message-Id: <199604281925.PAA00695@rhiannon>
Subject: Re: audio on NetBSD
To: llucius%millcomm.com@localhost (llucius)
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 15:25:06 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
<Pine.SUN.3.93.960429085833.11390B-100000%mill2.MillComm.COM@localhost> from 
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> On Sun, 28 Apr 1996, Kevin D. Brierly wrote:
> > Hi Thomas (Thomas Corte), in 
> > <22768e9a.u8t20e.493e0-thomasc%tiberius.knipp.de@localhost> on Apr 28 you 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > >Hi YU, in <9604211720.AA26044%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost> on Apr 21 you wrote:
> > >
> > >> Can someone tell me whether audio device is supported on NetBSD-Amiga or 
> > >> not.
> > >
> > >I compiled a kernel with the 1.1-adapted audio stuff in
> > >experimental/audio-src11.tar.gz from Regensburg, and it works.
> > I have compiled the audio source into my kernel as well. the only problem
> > is the modload fails.
> > 
> The way I got around this problem was to compile my kernel with the
> INSECURE option.  From looking at "kern_lkm.c" it appears that you could
> boot into single user mode, do the modload, and proceed to multiuser mode.
    Or just do it from /etc/rc.local, while still at runlevel 0...

 From billc  Mon Apr 29 15:54:56 1996
Return-Path: s_grau%ira.uka.de@localhost
Received: from iraun1.ira.uka.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id PAA26109 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 29 Apr 1996 15:45:16 
-0400 (EDT)
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          with SMTP (PP); Mon, 29 Apr 1996 21:42:58 +0200
To: Michel Beausejour <mbeausej%qc.bell.ca@localhost>
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: hp-ux
In-reply-to: Your message of "Mon, 29 Apr 1996 09:02:26 EDT." 
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 21:42:55 +0200
From: Guenther Grau <s_grau%ira.uka.de@localhost>
Message-ID: <"iraun1.ira.573:"@ira.uka.de>

Hi Michael,

please subscribe to and send your mails to port-amiga%netbsd.org.@localhost
The old list is obsolete.

> X-Loop: amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost

> Do we have hp-ux compat on the Amiga port of NetBSD caus i want to use 
> the "xform" libraries and i have the libraries for an hp m68k running
> hp-ux

As far as I am aware, hp-ux uses 4 kb pagesize whereas NetBSD/amiga uses
8 kb. This will cause problems. If you change the pagesize to
4 kb and use compat hp-ux it should work.

What do the others say?


 From billc  Mon Apr 29 15:55:41 1996
Return-Path: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost
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id PAA26054 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 29 Apr 1996 15:37:12 
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        Mon, 29 Apr 1996 21:27:54 +0100
To: "Kevin D. Brierly" <kbrierly%ottime.chi.il.us@localhost>,
         "port-amiga" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <2277138a.u8t20e.b287f-kbrierly%kbrierly.xnet.com@localhost>
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Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 21:11:52 +0100
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Subject: Re: audio on NetBSD
Message-ID: <68248195%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Kevin D. Brierly wrote:
> I have compiled the audio source into my kernel as well. the only
> problem is the modload fails.

 Looks like you need to be in single user mode, afterwards the kernel is
locked. Put the modload in rc.local.

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Tue Apr 30 00:19:47 1996
Return-Path: fiction!lyssa.owl.de!tron%golden-gate.owl.de@localhost
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 00:44:20 +0200
Subject: Re: CyberSCSI and A4000?
Message-ID: <45056%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Markus,

you wrote in <68248196%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>:
> For clarification:  CyberSCSI is hence not yet supported and the guy is
> stucked and cannot use NetBSD-Amiga 1.1 ?

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Tue Apr 30 00:26:36 1996
Return-Path: dmaddox%rhiannon.scsn.net@localhost
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Subject: Re: Problem installing /usr/src/include
In-Reply-To: <45024%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
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From: dmaddox%rhiannon.scsn.net@localhost (Donald J. Maddox)
To: tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 96 22:46:27 
Organization: Not an organization

Hi Matthias,

>       Hi,
> I have problem installing "src/include" from 960428 sup sources.
> If I call "make install" nothing happens. I installed "/usr/src/shake=
> and recompiled "make" but that didn't help.
> Any ideas?
> --
> Matthias Scheler
> tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost

=20   You should try 'make includes'...

=20                                         Donald J. Maddox,
=20                                         Reply-To: dmaddox%scsn.net@localhost

 From billc  Tue Apr 30 03:32:35 1996
Return-Path: hoffmann%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost
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03:25:12 -0400 (EDT)
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QAA07443 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Tue, 30 Apr 1996 16:55:09 +0930 
From: Arthur Hoffmann <hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604300725.QAA07443%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Subject: Audio on NetBSD under X11R6?
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 16:55:09 +0930 (CST)
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I have compiled and installed the Audio patches for NetBSD-Amiga under
1.1B. I'm also running X11R6 and the Xdaniver Server, but for some
reason I can't get a beep out of it, no marigin bell, keyclick,
nothing. I'm starting Xdaniver from xdm.
Also I noticed that auconfig doesn't work for all modes. 

root@atze(12)$ auconfig -e 0 /dev/aud3
ioctl: Invalid argument
root@atze(13)$ auconfig -e 1 /dev/aud3
root@atze(14)$ auconfig -e 2 /dev/aud3
ioctl: Invalid argument
root@atze(15)$ auconfig -e 3 /dev/aud3
root@atze(16)$ auconfig -e 4 /dev/aud3
root@atze(17)$ auconfig -e 5 /dev/aud3
ioctl: Invalid argument

According to auconfig.c the following should work. I don't know why 0
and 2 don't work and how 4 fits in there. Any hints?


 From billc  Tue Apr 30 03:33:35 1996
Return-Path: hoffmann%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost
Received: from morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id DAA04997 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 30 Apr 1996 
03:32:14 -0400 (EDT)
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RAA08767 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Tue, 30 Apr 1996 17:02:09 +0930 
From: Arthur Hoffmann <hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Message-Id: <199604300732.RAA08767%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
Subject: How to get Del to Del?
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 17:02:08 +0930 (CST)
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I've been running NetBSD ever since Markus Wild announced it's
existence on eunet.ch. I think it is an excellent operating system and
I'm sure, if it wasn't for NetBSD I would have sold my Amiga a long
time ago. 
Anyway to get to the point. In all these years :) ... I haven't found
out how I can get the Del key to do what it does under Amiga-Dos. I
found that I can get the same behaviour as the backspace key, but I
don't really want that. I want the behaviour of CRTL-D  How do I do
it? (if it is at all possible?) Can it be done under X, as well as the

Thank you very much for any enlightenment :)

Arthur Hoffmann         

 From billc  Wed May  1 01:36:44 1996
Return-Path: mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost
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Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 21:46:48 -0400 (EDT)
From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
To: Amiga NetBSD <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Please forgive me if this is in a FAQ or recently asked.  I checked all of
the FAQ's I could find, and didn't see it.  In the next few days I will be
adding a SyquestEZ135, expansion bay, and a 1.28GB hard disk and
installing NetBSD.  I want to use the Syquest for both AmigaOS and BSD.  I
would like to make a partition on my new drive specifically for copying
Syquest disks that I use for work disks (i.e., non-backup disks).  How can
I make one partition that I can copy both AmigaOS and BSD disks to and
from?  Can I make an MS-DOS partition that I can read and write on both 
systems?  Thanks.

 Matt Harrell                   Amiga 1200 running AmigaOS3.0
 Lansing, MI U.S.A.             CSA 12 Gauge 030/882RC@50MHz/SCSI
 mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost         2MB chip/18MB fast RAM
                                240MB IDE hard disk

 From billc  Wed May  1 15:13:44 1996
Return-Path: simon%smcgill.powernet.co.uk@localhost
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ESMTP id OAA08419 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 1 May 1996 
14:59:20 -0400 (EDT)
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UAA16651; Wed, 1 May 1996 20:00:02 +0100 (BST)
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From: simon%smcgill.powernet.co.uk@localhost (Simon McGill) (Simon McGill)
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: First Time Install

I've managed to get the "inst-11.fs" onto my swap drive and
get the install message etc to come up by mounting BH3: which
is my swap drive and typing;

loadbsd -b -A bh3:netbsd

But when I'm asked for the root> and I type SD1 it scrolls this 

2 mice confiured
10 views configured
panic: cannot mount root
syncing disks... done
cannot set battery backed clock

dumping to dev 411, offset 39936
dump 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 succeeded

and then a couple of seconds later the machine just resets :(

I have a 500Mb HD which is used solely for NetBSD, the install 
screen calls it SD1. The drive is partitioned thus;

Partition - Size   - Dostype

root      - 25Mb   - 0x4e425207
usr       - 125Mb  - 0x4e425507
local     - 320Mb  - 0x4e425507
swap      - 30Mb   - 0x4e425301  

Can anyone tell me why this is happening ? 


|  Simon McGill - simon%smcgill.powernet.co.uk@localhost - +44 (0) 1908 365724  
|           http://www.powernet.co.uk/user-bin/run?smcgill            |   
| A4000/040 40Mhz 18Mb 2.1Gb CDROM 24Bit - One Machine, All Solutions |
             Many Electrons Died To Bring You This Post.                    

 From billc  Wed May  1 16:09:41 1996
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        Wed, 01 May 1996 21:49:26 +0100
To: "Matt Harrell" <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>,
         "port-amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
From: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Date: Wed, 01 May 1996 21:13:30 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
Message-ID: <68248215%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Matt Harrell wrote:
> Can I make an MS-DOS partition that I can read
> and write on both systems?  Thanks.

 This might be the best idea, even though untested and has disadvantages:
8.3 file scheme among others.

 Another idea is to use BFFS for read access of UFS under Amiga.

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Wed May  1 16:11:25 1996
Return-Path: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost
Received: from linteuto.teuto.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
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        Wed, 01 May 1996 21:49:26 +0100
To: "Arthur Hoffmann" <hoffmann%it.ntu.edu.au@localhost>,
         "port-amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <199604300725.QAA07443%morinda.cs.ntu.edu.au@localhost>
From: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Date: Wed, 01 May 1996 21:11:36 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: Audio on NetBSD under X11R6?
Message-ID: <68248214%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Arthur Hoffmann wrote:
> G'day
> I have compiled and installed the Audio patches for NetBSD-Amiga under
> 1.1B. I'm also running X11R6 and the Xdaniver Server, but for some
> reason I can't get a beep out of it, no marigin bell, keyclick,
> nothing. I'm starting Xdaniver from xdm.

 Are you sure that Xdaniver - and the other X server - do support audio at
all? I mean, they need to be compiled/ have support for audio, do they?

> Also I noticed that auconfig doesn't work for all modes.

 Sorry, no idea.

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Wed May  1 18:35:34 1996
Return-Path: root@rhiannon
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SAA09921 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 1 May 1996 18:26:39 -0400 
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(8.7.1/8.6.9) with ESMTP id SAA16941; Wed, 1 May 1996 18:28:26 -0400
Received: (from root@localhost) by rhiannon (8.6.12/8.6.9) id SAA00145; Wed, 1 
May 1996 18:29:52 -0400
From: "Donald J. Maddox"  <root@rhiannon>
Message-Id: <199605012229.SAA00145@rhiannon>
Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
To: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost (Markus Illenseer)
Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 18:29:50 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <68248215%tiger.teuto.de@localhost> from "Markus Illenseer" at May 
1, 96 09:13:30 pm
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X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
MIME-Version: 1.0
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> Matt Harrell wrote:
> > Can I make an MS-DOS partition that I can read
> > and write on both systems?  Thanks.
>  This might be the best idea, even though untested and has disadvantages:
> 8.3 file scheme among others.

Doesn't MSDOSFS support Windows95-style long filenames now?  I don't use 
it, but I seem to recall reading about this on one of the NetBSD lists...

 From billc  Wed May  1 18:49:03 1996
Return-Path: root@rhiannon
Received: from ns2.scsn.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
SAA09936 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 1 May 1996 18:29:48 -0400 
Received: from rhiannon (cola83.scsn.net []) by ns2.scsn.net 
(8.7.1/8.6.9) with ESMTP id SAA17064; Wed, 1 May 1996 18:31:38 -0400
Received: (from root@localhost) by rhiannon (8.6.12/8.6.9) id SAA00208; Wed, 1 
May 1996 18:33:40 -0400
From: "Donald J. Maddox"  <root@rhiannon>
Message-Id: <199605012233.SAA00208@rhiannon>
Subject: Re: Audio on NetBSD under X11R6?
To: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost (Markus Illenseer)
Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 18:33:39 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <68248214%tiger.teuto.de@localhost> from "Markus Illenseer" at May 
1, 96 09:11:36 pm
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X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
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> > I have compiled and installed the Audio patches for NetBSD-Amiga under
> > 1.1B. I'm also running X11R6 and the Xdaniver Server, but for some
> > reason I can't get a beep out of it, no marigin bell, keyclick,
> > nothing. I'm starting Xdaniver from xdm.
>  Are you sure that Xdaniver - and the other X server - do support audio at
> all? I mean, they need to be compiled/ have support for audio, do they?
> > Also I noticed that auconfig doesn't work for all modes.
> [...]
>  Sorry, no idea.
    A quick look at the source reveals that not all of the modes are 
actually supported by the device (e.g. alaw).

 From billc  Wed May  1 19:29:11 1996
Return-Path: blaz.zupan%uni-mb.si@localhost
Received: from soncek.uni-mb.si by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
TAA10492 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 1 May 1996 19:14:50 -0400 
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          id <13992-0%soncek.uni-mb.si@localhost>; Thu, 2 May 1996 01:14:52 
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          id BAA00171; Thu, 2 May 1996 01:14:16 +0200 (MET DST)
Message-Id: <199605012314.BAA00171%amiga.uni-mb.si@localhost>
Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
To: dmaddox%scsn.net@localhost
Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 01:14:14 +0200 (MET DST)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199605012229.SAA00145@rhiannon> from "Donald J. Maddox" at May 1, 
96 06:29:50 pm
From: Blaz Zupan <blaz.zupan%uni-mb.si@localhost>
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24 ME8b]
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> Doesn't MSDOSFS support Windows95-style long filenames now?  I don't use 
> it, but I seem to recall reading about this on one of the NetBSD lists...

Yeah it does, but I don't think the AmigaOS filesystem does, so
the whole idea is useless...

Blaz Zupan, Ljubljanska 19/b, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
blaz.zupan%uni-mb.si@localhost, http://www.feri.uni-mb.si/~blaz/

 From billc  Wed May  1 21:37:45 1996
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Date: Wed, 01 May 1996 21:26:57 -0400
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Subject: Console Screen Manager - does one exist?
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One of the nice features in the CBM unix package was the console screen manager.

It let you switch between 10 completely seperate login environments each with 
it's own font and 
color scheme with a simple ALT or CTLR Fkey combination.

Is there any similar package for netbsd on an A3000?

later mode,

larry glamb (lg%theeddy.com@localhost)

 From billc  Wed May  1 21:39:50 1996
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Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
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Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Wed, 1 May 96 21:25:27 
Organization: Not an organization

Hi Blaz,

> > Doesn't MSDOSFS support Windows95-style long filenames now?  I don'=
t use
> > it, but I seem to recall reading about this on one of the NetBSD li=
> Yeah it does, but I don't think the AmigaOS filesystem does, so
> the whole idea is useless...

Hmmm...  That's true.  CrossDOSFileSystem would still insist on 8.3
filenames...  Oh, well...

=20                                         Donald J. Maddox,
=20                                         Reply-To: dmaddox%scsn.net@localhost

 From billc  Wed May  1 21:52:22 1996
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Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
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Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 01:03:07 GMT

In article <199605012229.SAA00145@rhiannon>,
Donald J. Maddox <dmaddox%scsn.net@localhost> wrote:
> > 
> > Matt Harrell wrote:
> > > Can I make an MS-DOS partition that I can read
> > > and write on both systems?  Thanks.
> > 
> >  This might be the best idea, even though untested and has disadvantages:
> > 8.3 file scheme among others.
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Doesn't MSDOSFS support Windows95-style long filenames now?  I don't use 
> it, but I seem to recall reading about this on one of the NetBSD lists...

Yes it does, but CrossDOS doesn't, which makes the point moot.
I think you'd also need to get the partition formatted as W95 with long
filenames, which would be a problem (NetBSD can't do it (no
newfs_msdos), CrossDOS can't do it (again no long filename support), and
W95 can't (woulnd't see the partition on a RDB partitioned disk).

 From billc  Thu May  2 09:33:23 1996
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From: simon%smcgill.powernet.co.uk@localhost (Simon McGill) (Simon McGill)
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: First Time Install

> > But when I'm asked for the root> and I type SD1 it scrolls this 

> The root partition is garbage at this point.  You  did not follow the 
> install instructions correctly:  you should have entered "SD1*" for 
> the root device.  The "*" indicates to the kernel to use the swap 
> partition as the root.
> Michael

Thankyou, all these late nights make you miss important little things
like that. Only thing is now I've overcome this obstical I've hit
another wall :(

I get to the # prompt where I am ready to do the installation and it
won't let me access the files on my Amiga's HD.

I am procceeding as follows;

#mkdir /mnt/ados
#mount_ados -o ro /dev/sd2h /mnt/ados
adosfs: aget: cksum of blk 28137 failed
mount_ados: mount: invalid argument

Is this just another typo on my behalf ? Or is it more drastic ? :(


|  Simon McGill - simon%smcgill.powernet.co.uk@localhost - +44 (0) 1908 365724  
|           http://www.powernet.co.uk/user-bin/run?smcgill            |   
| A4000/040 40Mhz 18Mb 2.1Gb CDROM 24Bit - One Machine, All Solutions |
             Many Electrons Died To Bring You This Post.                    

 From billc  Thu May  2 09:49:13 1996
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Subject: Buster, Rev.09 Problem?
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I'm running NetBSD 1.1 on a stock 25MHz A4000, Fastlane controller, with a
Rev.09 Buster chip. I experience frequent "Bus Error Panic" crashes. Can I
blame the Buster chip? And would I expect to fix the problem with a Buster
upgrade? I've used every combination of arguments for loadbsd with the same

Ola Olsson

 From billc  Thu May  2 12:29:40 1996
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From: Tim Preston <tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605021621.RAA02305%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Subject: Re: First Time Install
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Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 17:21:27 +0100 (BST)
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> I've managed to get the "inst-11.fs" onto my swap drive and
> get the install message etc to come up by mounting BH3: which
> is my swap drive and typing;
> loadbsd -b -A bh3:netbsd
> But when I'm asked for the root> and I type SD1 it scrolls this 
> message;

If you have just dumped the installation fs to the swap partition then you 
should specify sd1* as the root. This will tell your kernel to use this temp
filesystem in the swap partition as the root rather that the partition you 
have actually set as root.

This is what you want.

Tim Preston                                    
              Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf...
http://www.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk/                 Home of the Wolfe Pack

 From billc  Thu May  2 12:51:29 1996
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RAA02410 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Thu, 2 May 1996 17:31:43 +0100 
From: Tim Preston <tim%graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605021631.RAA02410%amy.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk@localhost>
Subject: Re: Buster, Rev.09 Problem?
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 17:31:40 +0100 (BST)
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> I'm running NetBSD 1.1 on a stock 25MHz A4000, Fastlane controller, with a
> Rev.09 Buster chip. I experience frequent "Bus Error Panic" crashes. Can I
> blame the Buster chip? And would I expect to fix the problem with a Buster
> upgrade? I've used every combination of arguments for loadbsd with the same
> results.
> Ola Olsson

Speaking as someone that originally had a rev-09 buster in his A3000 I'd
ditch it as soon as possible. 

I'm not sure that it is what is causing you problems but the rev-09 is
definately broke.

Without sorting out such a known problem it's tricky to blame anyhting else.

Tim Preston                                    
              Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf...
http://www.graywolfe.redcat.org.uk/                 Home of the Wolfe Pack

 From billc  Thu May  2 13:42:23 1996
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Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 19:13:02 +0200
From: Hubert Feyrer <Hubert.Feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>
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Subject: EasyInstall V1.5b1 released
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I've put EasyInstall V1.5b1 on ftp.uni-regensburg.de in
/pub/NetBSD-Amiga/contrib, the file's called EasyInstall-1.5b1.tar.gz.
The main new things are that the scripts *should* work for NetBSD, SunOS and
Solaris now, and there's also a script (installedWS.pl.cgi) that will produce a
WWWable list of the software installed. Check out
http://rfhs1012.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~feyrer/bin/installedSW.pl.cgi for a demo
(sorry for german language ;-).


=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
      Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/943-2905
      Weekends: Bachstr. 40,   D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
      Internet: hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost, IRC: hubertf

 From billc  Thu May  2 14:12:48 1996
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Subject: Re: First Time Install
Message-ID: <68248226%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Simon McGill wrote:
> But when I'm asked for the root> and I type SD1 it scrolls this
> message;

 sd1* and not SD1 is the answer, as described in the manual.

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Thu May  2 18:52:22 1996
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Date: Thu, 02 May 1996 15:16:02 -0700
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Subject: Re: Buster, Rev.09 Problem?
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Ola Olsson wrote:
> I'm running NetBSD 1.1 on a stock 25MHz A4000, Fastlane controller, with a
> Rev.09 Buster chip. I experience frequent "Bus Error Panic" crashes. Can I
> blame the Buster chip? And would I expect to fix the problem with a Buster
> upgrade? I've used every combination of arguments for loadbsd with the same
> results.
> Ola Olsson

If I remember correctly, the Fastlane WILL work with older SuperBusters, but
you must first change a jumper on the Fastlane (you can read all about it in 
the manuals).  When used in this mode, it is 100% compatable with the older 
chip, but your 32-bit DMA will be turned off.  In short, it will work, but 
just a little slower.

 From billc  Fri May  3 01:29:04 1996
Return-Path: csjaa%css3s0.engr.ccny.cuny.edu@localhost
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01:19:44 -0400 (EDT)
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Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 01:21:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jose Alburquerque <csjaa%css3s0.engr.ccny.cuny.edu@localhost>
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To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: TeX user interface(?)
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Mime-Version: 1.0
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Does TeX for NetBSD-Amiga (1.1) come with a GUI or do I have to learn the 
language to use it?  If so, any suggestions of where I can start?  Thanks.


  * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+
 *        *   |                   Jose A. Alburquerque                   |
*  O    O  *  |                joselito%becky.smartec.com@localhost             
*    ()    *  |             csjaa%csfaculty.engr.ccny.cuny.edu@localhost        
*  \----/  *  |                                                          |
 *        *   |         "In God we trust" - From face of US penny        |
  * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+

 From billc  Fri May  3 02:51:25 1996
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Subject: Re: TeX user interface(?)
To: csjaa%css3s0.engr.ccny.cuny.edu@localhost (Jose Alburquerque)
Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 08:37:40 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Joern Clausen <joern%TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE@localhost>
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
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> Does TeX for NetBSD-Amiga (1.1) come with a GUI or do I have to learn the 
> language to use it?  If so, any suggestions of where I can start?  Thanks.

You can find documentation for (La)TeX on the Gateway Vol. II CD, under
/usr/local/tex/share/doc/. /usr/local/tex/ is at least the place, where the
TeX-tree should go in a proper installation. Have a look at
"latex/lshort2e.dvi", by saying

    xdvi /usr/local/tex/share/doc/latex/lshort2e.dvi

This should produce a bunch of fonts (there was no space to install
prebuilt fonts, sorry), and some time later you should see a nice
introduction to LaTeX. If you want to create a printable version of
it, say

   dvips /usr/local/tex/share/doc/latex/lshort2e.dvi -o

and this will produce a file "lshort2e.ps" in the current directory,
which you can print on your next PostScript printer. You can try
"dvilj", if you have an HP LaserJet, but this program is untested.
And have a look at the man-pages for all these tools.

There is no useful GUI for (La)TeX. A real WYSIWYG-interface is next to
impossible, due to the character of TeX, and solutions like Lyx are IMHO
not very practical, because they introduce another level of language
(as far as I understood Lyx). But with a graphical interface like X11,
where you can have an editor, xdvi and a shell with command line history,
each in its own window, you can work quite fast and efficiently.

     Joern Clausen                  email: 

 From billc  Fri May  3 06:29:03 1996
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 08:29:57 +0200
Subject: Re: Buster, Rev.09 Problem?
Message-ID: <45562%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Greg,

you wrote in <31893422.267D%eskimo.com@localhost>:
> If I remember correctly, the Fastlane WILL work with older SuperBusters,


> but you must first change a jumper on the Fastlane (you can read all
> about it in the manuals).

Wrong. It runs per default in buster 09 mode. Buster 11 mode can be
activated by using "z3dmacontrol buster11" under AmigaOS.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Fri May  3 08:50:14 1996
Return-Path: david%mono.org@localhost
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Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 13:33:13 +0100 (BST)
From: David Brownlee <david%mono.org@localhost>
To: T H Pineapple <thp%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, thp%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost
Subject: Re: Uh-0....
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On Fri, 26 Apr 1996, T H Pineapple wrote:

> [1] is it possible to use disks with netbsd-1.0 filesystems safely on
> a machine with a 1.1 kernel for read/write activity?
        yup. tho if memory serves 1.1 has a clean flag for filesystems,
        so if you're swapping back to 1.0 and then to 1.1 again you might
        want to 'force' fsck to check if you're feeling paranoid.
        (swapping back and forrth shouldnt introduce any corruption, but
        if you boot 1.1 & shutdown cleanly, then boot 1.0 and crash the
        system the clean flag might be left set so next time you boot 1.1
        it wont check the filesystem, if you see what I mean :)
        Just 'fsck -f' form single user mode, or add -f to the fsck in
        /etc/rc until you've decided you dont need to boot 1.0 anymore.

        dont mix 1.0 system binaries (ie mountd, nfsd etc) with a 1.1 
        kernel or vica versa. Anything you've compiled yourself should be
        ok. (the interface to various kernel stuff changed 1.0 -> 1.1)

> [we may have to swap machines out due to the second problem, and
> it'll be a good chance to take the 1.0 box to 1.1 at last whilst
> still keeping the project drives serveavble]
        Project drives should be fine 1.0 <-> 1.1

> [2] our main server drive [4 gig] for the lan is reporting more and
> more bad blocks - it used to be just one block constantly being
> reported on a single filesystem until i mapped it out with hdtoolbox
> from the Amiga side, backed up the partition, rebuild the filesystem
> and restored], but over the last 2 nights another 10 have come along.
> and they're on the photogenics 2 filesystem, which is
> mission-critical to say the least.
> the drive's on an a3k with netbsd 1.0, btw, all disks are SCSI
> running on the in-built controller.  it looks like either cabling
> problems [the big disk is external with a DAT on 50-way, the cd-build
> drive and root/user/swap are internal on ribbon] or the drive itself
> is on the way out [it's cased, within warranty and has been reliable
> for a couple of years]- neither is good news, but workable after the
> deadline.
> last time i backed up, mapped and rebuilt the entire fs - is is safe
> simply to delete the affected file, map the contained block out, fsck
> to sanity-check and then just keep using the filesystem?  [this could
> save a lot of time in the long run]
        the former should be fine, but if you have a drive with creeping
        bad blocks get it swapped out as soon as you can...

> any pointers *really* appreciated on this one.  deadline time
> approaches, and we can't afford to lose any data and have drives
> explode at the 11th hour...
> cheers.
> thp / c!truS'96:   htthp://stupid.cdrom.work!.hit.hit.hit
> almathera UK's web/bbs/LANop. ie the only one mug enough to do it...

                  David/abs             (david%mono.org@localhost)

+44 181 888 8949 System Manager, Southern Studios Ltd, Box 59, London N22 1AR
 >=- OpenBSD http://www.openbsd.org. Free un*x for {sparc,i386,m68k,...} -=<
       <<< Monochrome - Largest UK Internet BBS - telnet://mono.org >>>

 From billc  Fri May  3 09:09:03 1996
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-0400 (EDT)
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NAA06448 for port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost; Fri, 3 May 1996 13:54:37 +0100
Date: Fri, 3 May 96 13:54 BST-1
From: thp%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost (T H Pineapple)
Subject: "It prints!" "Yes, but it prints garbage..."
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Cc: thp%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost
Reply-To: thp%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost
Message-Id: <memo.32750%cix.compulink.co.uk@localhost>


[btw, cheers to Markus Illenseer for input on our drive problem, it
looks like the drive's on the way out as more and more bad blocks
were coming up on different machines/controllers with
known-to-be-good termination and cabling.  all vital gear was
salvaged and up - i have to admit, there was no way it could be
airflow problems with the lid-off-pared-down-for-action machines i
run ;-]

Anyway.  this time, a quick question for folks using printers with
BSD1.1 - what's the story behind the 'lp' device not being in the
distribution but being referred to by 'most all of the lpd/printcap
manpages?  [i'm now trying to get a star "starscript" laserprinter
connected - catenating generic raw PS files thru par0 seems to work,
but using lpd via par0 puts manky PS headers on the top which chokes
the printer - perhaps catenating to the correct 'lp' device would
interpret the headers correctly and strip them?  [lp didn't seem to
be in MAKEDEV either].  so:

[1] should '/dev/lp' be around under BSD-Ami 1.1, or is par0 now the
correct method to use with printers and PS output, and i've just not
set up the printcap and lpd correctly?  [wouldn't surprise me...]

[2] anybody using a similar printer, and wants to trade printcaps?

[i don't think it's the printer itself, as although it seems to think
it's got 208k of internal RAM as opposed to 2M, another laserprinter
does exaxtly the same thing and works fine on other OSs...]

par0?  lp?  anybody the wiser?  [non-missioncritical shrugs here ;-]

thp / c!truS'96:   htthp://oi!steev!get!the!network!printer!working!!!
almathera UK's mashochist. alligators and 3d geometry wrestled on request.

 From billc  Fri May  3 15:09:05 1996
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From: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 20:39:29 +0100
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Subject: Re: TeX user interface(?)
Message-ID: <68248246%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Joern Clausen wrote:
> You can find documentation for (La)TeX on the Gateway Vol. II CD, under
> /usr/local/tex/share/doc/. /usr/local/tex/ is at least the place, where
> the TeX-tree should go in a proper installation. Have a look at
> "latex/lshort2e.dvi", by saying

 Thanks Joern for this exciting statement and his contribution to my
CD-ROM.  But he forgot to tell where to obtain the CD :-)

 Please see "http://www.teuto.de/~markus/gateway.html"; for more about the
Gateway!  Vol.  2 CD-ROM containing NetBSD-1.1 (not only Amiga) and -
obviously - TeX.

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Fri May  3 20:32:23 1996
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From: Hubert Feyrer <Hubert.Feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>
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In-Reply-To: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
        "Re: TeX user interface(?)" (May  3,  8:39pm)
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Subject: Re: TeX user interface(?)
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>  Thanks Joern for this exciting statement and his contribution to my
> CD-ROM.  But he forgot to tell where to obtain the CD :-)
> ...

And please don't forget to mention that (almost) all of the amiga-specific
contrib-stuff can be found online on ftp.uni-regensburg.de in
/pub/NetBSD-Amiga. Thanks Markus!


=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
      Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/943-2905
      Weekends: Bachstr. 40,   D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
      Internet: hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost, IRC: hubertf

 From billc  Sat May  4 23:49:24 1996
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-0400 (EDT)
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        id AA01; Sat, 4 May 96 20:08:04 
From: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
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X-Mailer: Serious Voodoo 1.230 (Registered to Robert Scurlock 
Subject: Reconfiguring BSD Drive ID
Date: Sat, 4 May 1996 20:08:04 (-0800)
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To: port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost
Message-ID: <19960504.768BC58.11C17%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>

I hope this question isn't too dumb. I've been having problems with bus errors
with my NetBSD setup. I narrowed it down to an old Quantum drive. I removed
the drive. The NetBSD drive subsequently changed fron 'sd3' to 'sd2'. Now when
I try to boot NetBSD it chokes when it finds 'rsd3 not configured'. How do I
reconfigure the system to accept the changes in address?


 From billc  Sun May  5 07:32:17 1996
Return-Path: fiction!lyssa.owl.de!tron%golden-gate.owl.de@localhost
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Sun, 05 May 1996 11:15:11 +0200
Subject: Re: Reconfiguring BSD Drive ID
Message-ID: <45796%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Ola,

you wrote in <19960504.768BC58.11C17%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>:
> How do I reconfigure the system to accept the changes in address?

1.) Boot into single user mode (no "-a" option when calling "LoadBSD").

2.) Mount your root partition with "mount /dev/sd2a /".

3.) Look into "/etc/fstab". You will find something like this in there:

/dev/sd3e       /usr            ffs     rw      0       2

    This letter is important. Now type "mount /dev/sd2? /usr" (replace
    "?" with the letter!).

4.) Use "vi /etc/fstab" to replace all occurences of "sd3" with "sd2".

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Sun May  5 17:17:17 1996
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-0400 (EDT)
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        id AA01; Sun, 5 May 96 13:22:13 
From: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Serious Voodoo 1.240 (Registered to Robert Scurlock 
In-Reply-To: <31893422.267D%eskimo.com@localhost>
References: <19960502.7A99B80.5007%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>, 
Subject: Re: Buster, Rev.09 Problem?
Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 13:22:12 (-0800)
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To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <19960505.76B0BD8.BE93%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>

On Thu, 02 May 1996 15:16:02 -0700,
Greg Baldwin <drizzit%eskimo.com@localhost> wrote about Re: Buster, Rev.09 
> Ola Olsson wrote:
> > 
> > I'm running NetBSD 1.1 on a stock 25MHz A4000, Fastlane controller, with a
> > Rev.09 Buster chip. I experience frequent "Bus Error Panic" crashes. Can I
> > blame the Buster chip? And would I expect to fix the problem with a Buster
> > upgrade? I've used every combination of arguments for loadbsd with the same
> > results.
> > 
> > Ola Olsson
> If I remember correctly, the Fastlane WILL work with older SuperBusters, but
> you must first change a jumper on the Fastlane (you can read all about it in 
> the manuals).  When used in this mode, it is 100% compatable with the older 
> chip, but your 32-bit DMA will be turned off.  In short, it will work, but 
> just a little slower.


I'm now trying it on an A4000 with a rev 11 Buster. The FastLane is set to
'slow' mode. I've improved the cabling, removed a suspect drive and still
cannot boot into multiuser mode without getting a 'buss-error' panic crash at
the end of the boot process. I can get on temporarily if I use just 'loadbsd
netbsd' and manually mount the system. I will eventually crash again however
with a bus-error!

What causes bus-errors, what should I look for? Does it make any sense to
completely reinstall NetBSD or is it pretty certain that the cause is due to
some hardware problem? Bad RAM? Bad cabling? I have no problems on the Amiga
side; I've noticed nothing flaky about the SCSI transfers at all.

Please Help, I'm going crazy!

 From billc  Sun May  5 20:15:08 1996
Return-Path: mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost
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Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 19:54:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
To: Amiga NetBSD <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: NetBSD console locks up during install
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

        I am in the process of installing NetBSD on my A1200 (for
hardware, see below--2MB of the RAM is PCMCIA which is unplugged when I
load NetBSD).  I am at the point in the installatino instructinos
immediately after installing the mini-root filesystem with xstreamtodev,
and I issue the "loadbsd -bA netbsd" command.  NetBSD begins to come up
fine, but after recognizing my SyQuest and Quantum SCSI devices, it locks
up and does no more.  It seems to have identified everything by this time. 
        If necessary, I can show all of the output from the startup until
it dies.  I have double-checked that all of my BSD partitions are set up
properly in HDToolBox.  On my Quantum SCSI disk, I have five partitions. 
One is an AmigaOS/FFS filesystem, and the others are all BSD partitions,
with the appropriate DOStype numbers (one for swap, root, and the others
are "other", as described in the install guide).  Does anyone have any
ideas what my problem might be?  Thanks. 

 Matt Harrell                   Amiga 1200 running AmigaOS3.0
 Lansing, MI U.S.A.             CSA 12 Gauge 030/882RC@50MHz/SCSI
 mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost         2MB chip/18MB fast RAM
                                1.28GB SCSI disk, SyquestEZ135S

 From billc  Sun May  5 20:16:28 1996
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        id AA15410; Sun, 5 May 1996 19:12:25 -0500
Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 19:12:24 -0500 (CDT)
From: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: parse error
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Mime-Version: 1.0
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Hi, everyone.

I recently experienced a lot of frustration in building some applications 
for NetBSD Amiga port. Lot of them are : parse error, XXX undefined, 
first use in the program". Even the GCC compiler output:"NULL undefined, 
first use in XXX function." 
So I thought it might be make program, and I replaced the default make 
with gmake and the problems persist. Then I replaced default yacc, sed 
with bison and newer sed. Well, the problems are still there. I am using 
the default GCC and as, cpp come with 1.1 binary, which is GCC 2.4.5.

Can anybody give me some hints where the problem is?



 From billc  Sun May  5 21:29:43 1996
Return-Path: thieleke%lust.isca.uiowa.edu@localhost
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21:24:22 -0400 (EDT)
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id UAA19775; Sun, 5 May 1996 20:24:11 -0500 (CDT)
From: Jeff Thieleke <thieleke%lust.isca.uiowa.edu@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605060124.UAA19775%schnauzer.isca.uiowa.edu@localhost>
Subject: Re: NetBSD console locks up during install
To: mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost (Matt Harrell)
Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 20:24:08 -0500 (CDT)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
<Pine.LNX.3.91.960505193712.18003A-100000%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost> from 
Matt Harrell at "May 5, 96 07:54:38 pm"
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>       I am in the process of installing NetBSD on my A1200 (for
> hardware, see below--2MB of the RAM is PCMCIA which is unplugged when I
> load NetBSD).  I am at the point in the installatino instructinos
> immediately after installing the mini-root filesystem with xstreamtodev,
> and I issue the "loadbsd -bA netbsd" command.  NetBSD begins to come up
> fine, but after recognizing my SyQuest and Quantum SCSI devices, it locks
> up and does no more.  It seems to have identified everything by this time. 

Have you tried disabling synchronous SCSI mode?  loadbsd -I ff

Jeff Thieleke

 From billc  Mon May  6 07:33:18 1996
Return-Path: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost
Received: from mail.desy.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
HAA04108 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Mon, 6 May 1996 07:14:41 -0400 
Received: from y4me.desy.de (y4me.desy.de []) by mail.desy.de 
(8.7.4/8.7.3) with ESMTP id NAA20483; Mon, 6 May 1996 13:14:28 +0200 (MET DST)
Received: (from teske@localhost) by y4me.desy.de (8.7.4/8.7.3) id NAA04360; 
Mon, 6 May 1996 13:14:27 +0200 (MST)
Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 13:14:27 +0200 (MST)
From: Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>
To: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: parse error
In-Reply-To: <Pine.ULT.3.91.960505190332.15382A-100000%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Sun, 5 May 1996, YU SONG wrote:

> Hi, everyone.
> I recently experienced a lot of frustration in building some applications 
> for NetBSD Amiga port. Lot of them are : parse error, XXX undefined, 
> first use in the program". Even the GCC compiler output:"NULL undefined, 
> first use in XXX function." 
> So I thought it might be make program, and I replaced the default make 
> with gmake and the problems persist. Then I replaced default yacc, sed 
> with bison and newer sed. Well, the problems are still there. I am using 
> the default GCC and as, cpp come with 1.1 binary, which is GCC 2.4.5.
> Can anybody give me some hints where the problem is?

Seems like an include file is missing or wrong.
Do a "grep NULL /usr/include/*" and #include the appropriate file.

Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

 From billc  Mon May  6 22:30:33 1996
Return-Path: mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost
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22:24:09 -0400 (EDT)
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        id m0uGcRa-000bwHC; Mon, 6 May 96 22:24 EDT
Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 22:24:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
To: Amiga NetBSD <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: still can't get NetBSD-Amiga up
MIME-Version: 1.0
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        I tried using loadbsd with the synchronous SCSI mode off, and I
still cannot get the NetBSD kernal to get past recognizing my hardware.  I
also tried starting over from scratch with the 1.28GB SCSI disk removed
from the system, and I used a SyQuestEZ135 disk for the BSD partitions,
with the same results.  I've tried everything that I can think of to get
1.1 to load.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Is there anything else I need
to know about preparing my hard disk for NetBSD other than what it says in
the install doc?
        I think I am next going to try to install version 1.0 and see what

 Matt Harrell                   Amiga 1200 running AmigaOS3.0
 Lansing, MI U.S.A.             CSA 12 Gauge 030/882RC@50MHz/SCSI
 mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost         2MB chip/18MB fast RAM
                                240MB IDE hard disk
                                1.28GB SCSI disk, SyquestEZ135S

 From billc  Tue May  7 00:30:04 1996
Return-Path: mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost
Received: from sojourn1.sojourn.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id AAA25773 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Tue, 7 May 1996 
00:18:06 -0400 (EDT)
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        id m0uGeDs-000bwBC; Tue, 7 May 96 00:18 EDT
Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 00:18:03 -0400 (EDT)
From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
To: Amiga NetBSD <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Subject: Re: still can't get NetBSD-Amiga up
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

        I just tried to install NetBSD/Amiga v1.0, and I got farther. 
Now, it makes it past the hardware checks.  It prompts me fot the root
device, and I respond "fd0".  It then continues fine, but when it tries to
find a root rdb on my hard disks, it fails to find one.  I know that I set
all of the partition parameters as detailed in the installation
instructions.  I used a DOStype of 0x4e425207 for root, 0x4e425301 for
swap, and 0x4e425507 for others.  My hard disk is divided up thusly:  the
first partition (qdh0) is an AmigaOS partition; the second (qdh2) is my
swap; the third (qdh3) is root; the fourth (qdh4) is /home; the fifth
(qdh1) is /usr.  Is there something wrong with this settup?  Do I need to 
have root in a special place (e.g., the first partition)?  Thanks.

                                Amiga 1200 running AmigaOS3.0
Matt Harrell                    CSA 12 Gauge 030/882RC@50MHz/SCSI
Lansing, MI, U.S.A.             2MB chip/18MB fast RAM
mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost          240MB IDE hard disk, 4X CD-ROM
                                1.28GB SCSI disk, SyquestEZ135S

 From billc  Tue May  7 12:53:39 1996
Return-Path: grzesiek%ajax.umcs.lublin.pl@localhost
Received: from ajax.umcs.lublin.pl by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id MAA04762 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Tue, 7 May 1996 12:39:09 
-0400 (EDT)
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SAA17696; Tue, 7 May 1996 18:38:21 +0200
Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 18:38:20 +0200
From: Grzegorz Wojtowicz <grzesiek%ajax.umcs.lublin.pl@localhost>
Subject: Re: still can't get NetBSD-Amiga up
To: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
cc: Amiga NetBSD <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
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On Mon, 6 May 1996, Matt Harrell wrote:

>       I tried using loadbsd with the synchronous SCSI mode off, and I
> still cannot get the NetBSD kernal to get past recognizing my hardware.  I
> also tried starting over from scratch with the 1.28GB SCSI disk removed
> from the system, and I used a SyQuestEZ135 disk for the BSD partitions,
> with the same results.  I've tried everything that I can think of to get
> 1.1 to load.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Is there anything else I need
> to know about preparing my hard disk for NetBSD other than what it says in
> the install doc?
>       I think I am next going to try to install version 1.0 and see what
> happens. 
> -----========++++++++++********************++++++++++========-----
>  Matt Harrell                 Amiga 1200 running AmigaOS3.0
>  Lansing, MI U.S.A.           CSA 12 Gauge 030/882RC@50MHz/SCSI
>  mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost               2MB chip/18MB fast RAM
>                               240MB IDE hard disk
>                               1.28GB SCSI disk, SyquestEZ135S
> -----========++++++++++********************++++++++++========-----

U must have done sth. wrong during installation...
Ive got similar hardware and everything works fine 
Just ftp the archive with NetBSD from ftp.luth.se
I got it run on my machine


Hardware: a1200 , 68030, 68881 , 6mb fast, hdd 850 mb
Software: os3.0 

 From billc  Wed May  8 10:09:38 1996
Return-Path: rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost
Received: from polder.ubc.kun.nl by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP 
id JAA17704 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Wed, 8 May 1996 09:58:58 
-0400 (EDT)
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PAA27574; Wed, 8 May 1996 15:59:54 +0200 (MET DST)
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 15:59:54 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Olaf Seibert <rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605081359.PAA27574%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, tsarna%endicor.com@localhost
Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS

> > Doesn't MSDOSFS support Windows95-style long filenames now?  I don't use 
> > it, but I seem to recall reading about this on one of the NetBSD lists...
> Yes it does, but CrossDOS doesn't, which makes the point moot.

Hm... if anybody can send me a clear specification of how long filenames
work, I might try to hack it into MSH: when I have my Amiga back up and
running (I have just moved yesterday). Do they work on floppies so I can
take some to a location where there is a W95 installation and test them?  

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert      D787B44DFC896063 4CBB95A5BD1DAA96 
\X/ Ceci n'est pas un Magritte          rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost

 From billc  Wed May  8 18:30:38 1996
Return-Path: frueauf%ira.uka.de@localhost
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From: Thorsten Frueauf <frueauf%ira.uka.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605090011.AAA14420%di_frueauf.ira.uka.de@localhost>
Subject: current status of mounting msdos disks?
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 00:11:04 +0000 (GMT)
Cc: frueauf%ira.uka.de@localhost
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.5 PL0a5]
Content-Type: text


This weekend I saw changes from Michael Hitch integrating the msdos
support done by Ezra Story. Is this change already finished?

How is one supposed to mount msdos disks on NetBSD/amiga?
Will it be possible to mount HD msdos disks with a HD disk drive too?

I tryed it with `mount -t msdos -o ro /dev/fd0a` without success.

I also had the following effect when booting NetBSD via loadbsd
with an HD msdos disk in fd0:

The machine hangs after scanning the scsi controller (attached drives
are printed) with the following message:

fd0: corrupt track(0) data.

I have to insert a HD disk (ados) to make NetBSD notice my HD disk drive,
otherwise it is only detected as DD. So is the above behaviour a bug that
should be send-pr'ed? Or am I just too inpatient?

I would love to read HD msdos disks on my Amiga - will save me a lot 
reboots :-)

Thanx for any help in advance!


 From billc  Wed May  8 20:13:43 1996
Return-Path: hubert.feyrer%rrzc1.rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost
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with SMTP id TAA23616 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 8 May 1996 
19:49:05 -0400 (EDT)
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01:48:59 +0200
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 01:51:04 +0200
From: Hubert Feyrer <Hubert.Feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <9605090151.ZM16828@rrzc1a>
In-Reply-To: Thorsten Frueauf <frueauf%ira.uka.de@localhost>
        "current status of mounting msdos disks?" (May  9, 12:11am)
References: <199605090011.AAA14420%di_frueauf.ira.uka.de@localhost>
X-Face: iT2VNvH@a.&tC|E|:zwsgA^NC@o4gqqj3M3b-R4~1zpZ4y%@B@ZfP,7=U"{2^xd%"5iGa-* 
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To: Thorsten Frueauf <frueauf%ira.uka.de@localhost>, 
Subject: Re: current status of mounting msdos disks?
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> I tryed it with `mount -t msdos -o ro /dev/fd0a` without success.
Try fd0b, as that one's supposed to do MS-DOS-720k-disklayout, fd0a is 880k by
what I understand. Besides that, i don't know if msdosfs is ready for


=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
      Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/943-2905
      Weekends: Bachstr. 40,   D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
      Internet: hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost, IRC: hubertf

 From billc  Wed May  8 20:30:24 1996
Return-Path: tsarna%endicor.com@localhost
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UAA24125 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 8 May 1996 20:28:34 -0400 
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  (5.65c/IDA-1.502); Wed, 8 May 1996 17:13:42 -0700
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From: Ty Sarna <tsarna%endicor.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605081959.OAA24523%fezzik.endicor.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
To: rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost (Olaf Seibert)
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 14:59:36 -0500 (CDT)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, tsarna%endicor.com@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199605081359.PAA27574%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost> from "Olaf 
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Organization: Endicor Technologies, Inc., San Antonio, Texas
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Olaf Seibert wrote:
> Hm... if anybody can send me a clear specification of how long filenames
> work, I might try to hack it into MSH: when I have my Amiga back up and
> running (I have just moved yesterday). Do they work on floppies so I can
> take some to a location where there is a W95 installation and test them?  

I think William Solfrank (ws%netbsd.org@localhost) did the W95 support in
msdosfs... he'd be the one to talk to. Yes, I'm pretty sure it works on

PS, if you want another good project, how about writing a newfs_msdos?
You must already have formatting support in MSH, so all you'd need is to
reorganize it and add optional W95 support to it too. newfs_ados would
also be nice (and if you're really ambitious, fsck_msdos and fsck_ados :->)

 From billc  Wed May  8 22:50:21 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
Received: from gemini.oscs.montana.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id WAA25420 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 8 May 1996 
22:37:14 -0400 (EDT)
Received: by gemini.oscs.montana.edu (5.65/DEC-Ultrix/4.3)
        id AA17043; Wed, 8 May 1996 20:37:07 -0600
Message-Id: <9605090237.AA17043%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost>
From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 20:37:07 -0600
In-Reply-To: Thorsten Frueauf's message of May  9, 12:11am
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: Thorsten Frueauf <frueauf%ira.uka.de@localhost>, 
Subject: Re: current status of mounting msdos disks?

On May  9, 12:11am, Thorsten Frueauf wrote:
> This weekend I saw changes from Michael Hitch integrating the msdos
> support done by Ezra Story. Is this change already finished?

  Well, it's as finished as much as I could do.  It seems to work
for everything I've tried.

> I tryed it with `mount -t msdos -o ro /dev/fd0a` without success.

  /dev/fd0a is minor device 0, which is AmigaDOS track format.
  /dev/fd0b is minor device 1, which is MSDOS track format.

> I also had the following effect when booting NetBSD via loadbsd
> with an HD msdos disk in fd0:
> The machine hangs after scanning the scsi controller (attached drives
> are printed) with the following message:
> fd0: corrupt track(0) data.

  If you are using the generic root device, and don't specify -b on
the boot, NetBSD is going to look for a root device.  It searches
/dev/fd?a, /dev/sd?a/, and /dev/cd?a (doing the unit numbers in
reverse order) until it finds a valid filesystem.

  Since the floppy is searched first, the driver is going to try to
read the 'a' partition of the floppy.  If the floppy has an MSDOS
disk in it, the driver will get "corrupt track" errors trying to read
using the AmigaDOS track format.

  I haven't seen the system hang when booting at that point, but I
normally boot with -b.

  If you configure your kernel to explicitly specify the root and
swap devices, it shouldn't search the floppy drives for a root

> I have to insert a HD disk (ados) to make NetBSD notice my HD disk drive,
> otherwise it is only detected as DD. So is the above behaviour a bug that
> should be send-pr'ed? Or am I just too inpatient?

  The floppy density is reported by the device ID sent by the drive.
If the drive sends the DD identification, NetBSD will report the drive
as DD.  The floppy drive in my A4000 only reports the HD identification
if an HD floppy is in the drive.  I do not know of any other way to
identify the drive as HD.


Michael L. Hitch                        INTERNET:  osymh%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

 From billc  Wed May  8 22:51:16 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
Received: from gemini.oscs.montana.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id WAA25449 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 8 May 1996 
22:43:20 -0400 (EDT)
Received: by gemini.oscs.montana.edu (5.65/DEC-Ultrix/4.3)
        id AA17172; Wed, 8 May 1996 20:43:08 -0600
Message-Id: <9605090243.AA17172%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost>
From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 20:43:08 -0600
In-Reply-To: Hubert Feyrer's message of May  9,  1:51am
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: Hubert Feyrer <Hubert.Feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>, 
Subject: Re: current status of mounting msdos disks?

On May  9,  1:51am, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> > I tryed it with `mount -t msdos -o ro /dev/fd0a` without success.
>                                                 ^
> Try fd0b, as that one's supposed to do MS-DOS-720k-disklayout, fd0a is 880k by
> what I understand. Besides that, i don't know if msdosfs is ready for
> big-endian...

  If you have a HD drive, fd0b will also do MS-DOS-1440k and fd0b will
also do 1760k.

  The msdosfs works quite nicely - I've mounted a hard disk partition
which I created on a Windows 95 system with no trouble.  I also took
a floppy which had files created on NetBSD-Amiga and was able to access
it on a Windows 95 system, and created a file on the Windows 95 system
which I was able to read back on NetBSD-Amiga.  The only problem I
had was that the NetBSD files were standard Unix ascii files with
newlines, and MSDOS/Windows doesn't deal with those very well.


Michael L. Hitch                        INTERNET:  osymh%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

 From billc  Thu May  9 06:29:32 1996
Return-Path: rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost
Received: from polder.ubc.kun.nl by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP 
id GAA29474 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 9 May 1996 06:14:14 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: (from rhialto@localhost) by polder.ubc.kun.nl (8.7.3/8.7.3) id 
MAA04821; Thu, 9 May 1996 12:14:47 +0200 (MET DST)
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 12:14:47 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Olaf Seibert <rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605091014.MAA04821%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost>
To: rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost, tsarna%endicor.com@localhost
Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost

Ty Sarna <tsarna%endicor.com@localhost> wrote:
> Olaf Seibert wrote:
> > 
> > Hm... if anybody can send me a clear specification of how long filenames
> > work, I might try to hack it into MSH: when I have my Amiga back up and
> > running (I have just moved yesterday). Do they work on floppies so I can
> > take some to a location where there is a W95 installation and test them?  
> I think William Solfrank (ws%netbsd.org@localhost) did the W95 support in
> msdosfs... he'd be the one to talk to. Yes, I'm pretty sure it works on
> floppies.

I'll ask him then. I looked at the code briefly and the methoud devised
by M$ seemed quite horrible. I would need to know a bit more to
determine if (and how) it would fit in the existing scheme of things in

> PS, if you want another good project, how about writing a newfs_msdos?
> You must already have formatting support in MSH, so all you'd need is to
> reorganize it and add optional W95 support to it too. newfs_ados would

Well, I haven't had a working NetBSD/Amiga system since before 1.0.
If somebody would swap my A4000/040 with one in which my Z3 Fastlane
actually *works*, I would be most grateful, and I could work on such

> also be nice (and if you're really ambitious, fsck_msdos and fsck_ados :->)

For fsck_ados I would recommend an AmigaOS emulator + DiskSalv :)
I have toyed with the idea of a chkdsk-like program for MSH:, but
I never got around to it.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert      D787B44DFC896063 4CBB95A5BD1DAA96 
\X/ Ceci n'est pas un Magritte          rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost

 From billc  Thu May  9 06:30:00 1996
Return-Path: k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost
Received: from cs.tut.fi by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
GAA29488 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 9 May 1996 06:22:50 -0400 
Received: from korppi.cs.tut.fi (k125374%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost 
[]) by cs.tut.fi (8.6.12/8.6.4) with ESMTP id NAA20977 for 
<port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 9 May 1996 13:22:45 +0300
From: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>
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for port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost; Thu, 9 May 1996 13:22:44 +0300
Message-Id: <199605091022.NAA28187%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost>
Subject: Multiple memory blocks
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 13:22:44 +0300 (EET DST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-Type: text


has anyone got problems with multiple memory blocks on Amiga (e.g.
turbo's and motherboard's memory)?  In particular, Warp Engine and
A3000 (both have 16MB).

I have recently seen my system to crash randomly, leading usually to
kernel panics.  But yesterday I booted NetBSD to use just one memory
block (Warp Engine's) and I was able to build the system from scratch
(actually I got tired and interrupted it before it did kernel).
I mainly did this because I have thought I might have some bad file or
library somewhere (but now that it works with one memory block I think
that's not likely the reason).

I'll test it again with two memory blocks, but meanwhile I'd like to
hear if that's supposed to work reliably or not... of course, it
may be so that some chip (or chip's connection) on motherboard is bad,
and NetBSD dies because of that (and ADOS probably won't notice anything
special because it doesn't protect memory with MMU).  Actually, I think
I could test it allocating 16MB's of RAM during boot so that ADOS
starts to use motherboards memory.

Or could I tell NetBSD to use motherboard memory instead of Warp's?

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Thu May  9 08:09:16 1996
Return-Path: dej%achilles.net@localhost
Received: from dragon.achilles.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id IAA29922 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 9 May 1996 08:06:51 
-0400 (EDT)
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        id m0uHUO7-0005zwC; Thu, 9 May 96 08:00 EDT
Message-Id: <m0uHUO7-0005zwC%dragon.achilles.net@localhost>
From: dej%achilles.net@localhost (David Jones)
Subject: Problems with tape
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 08:00:07 -0400 (EDT)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL22]
Content-Type: text

I just got a Caliper 150MB tape drive.  The kernel sees it, but the boot
messages say "drive empty" even if a tape is inserted, and I get ENXIO
when I try to access it.  OK, time to sup again (after a few months) to
see if more recent sources fix the problem.

if_ed.c breaks, possibly due to new interface changes
pmap.c dies with a warning about doing (p > 0) for p a pointer

Not to mention that I have to upgrade GCC to compile nfs_vnops.c

Does anyone else have this problem with their tape drive?  Is it fixed?
Should I try to get current now, or wait until the rest of my network
is put together (at which point I can resume full SUPs since I have the
full source tree mounted on another machine).

 From billc  Thu May  9 08:50:06 1996
Return-Path: ezy%panix.com@localhost
Received: from panix.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
IAA29995 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Thu, 9 May 1996 08:37:13 -0400 
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for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Thu, 9 May 1996 08:37:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ezra Story <ezy%panix.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605091237.IAA16816%panix.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 08:37:12 -0400 (EDT)
In-Reply-To: <199605091014.MAA04821%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost> from "Olaf 
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> > PS, if you want another good project, how about writing a newfs_msdos?
> > You must already have formatting support in MSH, so all you'd need is to
> > reorganize it and add optional W95 support to it too. newfs_ados would
> Well, I haven't had a working NetBSD/Amiga system since before 1.0.
> If somebody would swap my A4000/040 with one in which my Z3 Fastlane
> actually *works*, I would be most grateful, and I could work on such
> projects...

Actually, since the driver will write whole tracks without checking the
previous contents of the disk, its possible to format msdos floppies
already.  You simply dd to the disk with the proper block size and use the
mformat utility from the mtools package. :-)  (rather round about, I know,
but it does work :-))

One thing that annoys me is that I can't seem to access raw msdos
partitions because of the fdisk info in front of the actual partition.
Anyone know of a way to skip that stuff?  It would .really. be helpful for
a certain ZIP disk I have...


 From billc  Thu May  9 11:49:15 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
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11:45:24 -0400 (EDT)
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From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 09:45:13 -0600
In-Reply-To: Olaf Seibert's message of May  9, 12:14pm
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: Olaf Seibert <rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost>
Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost

On May  9, 12:14pm, Olaf Seibert wrote:
> Ty Sarna <tsarna%endicor.com@localhost> wrote:
> > PS, if you want another good project, how about writing a newfs_msdos?
> > You must already have formatting support in MSH, so all you'd need is to
> > reorganize it and add optional W95 support to it too. newfs_ados would
> Well, I haven't had a working NetBSD/Amiga system since before 1.0.
> If somebody would swap my A4000/040 with one in which my Z3 Fastlane
> actually *works*, I would be most grateful, and I could work on such
> projects...

  I've been using the Fastlane on my A4000/040 with current kernels.  It
seems to work quite well if I disable reselect.  Someday I may get
ambitious and try to figure out the driver and see if I can determine
what it's doing.

> > also be nice (and if you're really ambitious, fsck_msdos and fsck_ados :->)
> For fsck_ados I would recommend an AmigaOS emulator + DiskSalv :)

  I've written an fsck_ados-like program.  It only verifies the integrity
of the filesystem and reports things it finds wrong.  [After an early
experience with DiskDoctor, I do my disk repairs manually with a sector
editor :-).]


Michael L. Hitch                        INTERNET:  osymh%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

 From billc  Thu May  9 12:52:33 1996
Return-Path: rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost
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-0400 (EDT)
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Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 18:39:08 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Olaf Seibert <rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605091639.SAA05726%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost>
To: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost, rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost
Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost

osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch) wrote:
> On May  9, 12:14pm, Olaf Seibert wrote:
> > Well, I haven't had a working NetBSD/Amiga system since before 1.0.
> > If somebody would swap my A4000/040 with one in which my Z3 Fastlane
> > actually *works*, I would be most grateful, and I could work on such
> > projects...
>   I've been using the Fastlane on my A4000/040 with current kernels.  It

The problem is with my hardware. The Fastlane does not even work with
AmigaOS.  The previous A4000 that I had tended to hang very hard when
attempting DMA - the one I have now simply does not transfer bytes
reliably (most of the time it doesn't transfer them)...

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert      D787B44DFC896063 4CBB95A5BD1DAA96 
\X/ Ceci n'est pas un Magritte          rhialto%polder.ubc.kun.nl@localhost

 From billc  Thu May  9 15:29:54 1996
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Message-Id: <199605091919.WAA23929%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost>
Subject: Multiple memory blocks (solved)
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 22:19:48 +0300 (EET DST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
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Actually not proved, but I copied a large file to RAM: to eat Warp's
memory (I checked with ARTM that it really ate Warp's memory) and
then I copied a few times NetBSD's kernel to RAM: under different
names. And finally using diff I noticed differences between some of
those copies, so it seems to be so that I have to open computer's
case and check if some of those motherboard ram chips is badly
connected (or just broken).

Has anyone got any good ideas on how to check if a memory chip is bad?
As I have whole 16MB of Fast RAM on motherboard, there are quite many
combinations to try ;-(

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Thu May  9 18:33:48 1996
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Thu, 09 May 1996 20:27:43 +0200
Subject: Re: Problems with tape
Message-ID: <46365%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi David,

you wrote in <m0uHUO7-0005zwC%dragon.achilles.net@localhost>:
> I just got a Caliper 150MB tape drive.  The kernel sees it, but the boot
> messages say "drive empty" even if a tape is inserted, ...

That is nothing to worry about. I can't remember that NetBSD ever recognized
a tape in any tape drive (QIC-150, DAT, Exabyte) at boot time.

> and I get ENXIO when I try to access it.

No kernel messages? In this case you managed to get -current sources in the
three days where SCSI tape support was completely broken. :-)

> Not to mention that I have to upgrade GCC to compile nfs_vnops.c

There are many things in NetBSD-current which require 2.7.2. The first thing
one should to do update from 1.1 to -current is to compile and install the
> Does anyone else have this problem with their tape drive?

I had something like this about two month ago.

> Is it fixed?

Yes, it got fixed three days later.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Thu May  9 19:10:10 1996
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From: tsarna%endicor.com@localhost (Ty Sarna)
Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
Message-Id: <Dr5qqp.B8n%endicor.com@localhost>
Organization: Endicor Technologies, Inc., San Antonio, Texas
References: <9605091545.AA04263%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost>
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 21:37:37 GMT

In article <9605091545.AA04263%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost>,
Michael L. Hitch <osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost> wrote:
>   I've written an fsck_ados-like program.  It only verifies the integrity
> of the filesystem and reports things it finds wrong.  [After an early
> experience with DiskDoctor, I do my disk repairs manually with a sector
> editor :-).]

Well, since our adosfs is read-only, I guess a read-only fsck_ados is
appropriate in a way :-)

 From billc  Fri May 10 02:10:46 1996
Return-Path: henric%henric-ppp.zoom.com@localhost
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Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 23:03:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Henric Jungheim <henric%zoom.com@localhost>
To: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Multiple memory blocks (solved)
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On Thu, 9 May 1996, Kortelainen Mika wrote:

> Has anyone got any good ideas on how to check if a memory chip is bad?
> As I have whole 16MB of Fast RAM on motherboard, there are quite many
> combinations to try ;-(

Try aminet's hard/misc directory.  There are several memory checkers 
there: CheckMem.lha, MemCheck12.lha, MemDiag.lha...
(Although, I can't say that I know anything about them.)  

Then you just need to translate from bit position/memory address to 
DRAM chip(s).   As I recall, the 3000 shipped with schematics...?

-------- Henric Jungheim  -------------------  henric%zoom.com@localhost 

 From billc  Fri May 10 21:50:19 1996
Return-Path: darkness.gun.de!zodiac%darkness.gun.de@localhost
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X-ZC-VIA: 19960511022254W+1%darkness.gun.de@localhost
From: zodiac%darkness.gun.de@localhost (Ralph Seichter)
Subject: Re: current status of mounting msdos disks?
Date: Fri, 10 May 96 17:08:22 CET
Message-ID: <zp325daDmDfAZ1%da23.darkness.gun.de@localhost>
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References: <9605090243.AA17172%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost>

On 08.05.96, osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch) wrote

> The msdosfs works quite nicely - I've mounted a hard disk partition which
> I created on a Windows 95 system with no trouble. I also took a floppy
> which had files created on NetBSD-Amiga and was able to access it on a
> Windows 95 system, and created a file on the Windows 95 system which I was
> able to read back on NetBSD-Amiga.

I'm running NetBSD 1.1 on my A3000 w/ HD floppy disk drive. Which files do
I need to install to read and write 1,44 MB MS-DOS disks, and is there a
FAQ on how to install? Can I also use 'mtools'?
     _ //
     \X/ Ralph
"Returning from vacation, Roy and Barbara find their house, their neighbor-
 hood, their friends -- in fact, all of Atlantis -- just plain gone."  (GL)

 From billc  Sat May 11 02:32:00 1996
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From: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
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Subject: parse error
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I have some problems here. When I compile some programs, sometimes it 
appears parse error message in some definitely correct codes and when I 
try again, it compiles fine and appears somewhere else. What is the problem?
cpp, bison? Please help me.


 From billc  Sat May 11 10:09:39 1996
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Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 15:50:21 +0000 (+0100)
From: Ruben van Staveren <staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost>
Subject: gcc 2.7.2 can compile kernels ?
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As the subject says: can GCC 2.7.2 compile your kernels ?
(and if so, will that version of gcc be included in e.g. NetBSD1.2
2.4.5 is getting pretty old I think)

Oh, btw I have a ZIP drive hooked up at id 6 at my Blizzard 1230-II.
I've got also an Apple PowerCD at id 3. when using on of the drives I must
unmount the other, or else whole netbsd will lock up and is not able anymore
to sync at shutdown ? I've tried switching ID's, loadbsd -I ff but no succes

Anyone a suggestion ?


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 From billc  Sat May 11 10:52:51 1996
Return-Path: oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost
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-0400 (EDT)
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        id AA01; Sat, 11 May 96 07:00:58 
From: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Serious Voodoo 1.240 (Registered to Robert Scurlock 
Subject: xstreamtodev question
Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 07:00:57 (-0800)
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To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <19960511.7AD8DF8.6DD5%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>

I'm trying to setup a scsi drive for NetBSD that is connected to a FastLane
controller. The NetBSD software and utilities, particularly xstreamtodev are
located on an internal IDE drive on my A4000. The target BSD drive has been
triple checked for proper partitioning setup yet xstreamtodev refuses to see
it. Watching the disk activity lights it appears that Xstreamtodev refuses to
look past the scsi device that it itself is on. I've tried the
'--device=z3scsi.device' and '--unit=3' options to no avail. Is this a known
problem? Do I have to move all the NetBSD stuff onto a drive that is on the
FastLane side of the system?


 From billc  Sat May 11 12:10:06 1996
Return-Path: oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost
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-0400 (EDT)
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        id AA01; Sat, 11 May 96 08:23:29 
From: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Serious Voodoo 1.240 (Registered to Robert Scurlock 
Subject: Fastlane/A4000 Problems
Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 08:23:28 (-0800)
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To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <19960511.76B6C98.7B9D%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>

Well I give up! I've tried every combination of termination/hard-drive option
with this FastLane on my A4000 (Rev.11 Buster) and nothing gives a stable
NetBSD environment. I even tried setting up NetBSD on an internal IDE drive
with worse results. I get nothing but 'bus error' after 'bus error'. I never
had this problem with the GVP on my A2000/'030. Is there anyone out there that
is successfully using a FastLane controller on an A4000? Please tell me your


 From billc  Sat May 11 12:12:18 1996
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Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 12:06:34 -0400
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Subject: Cyberstorm Accelerator
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Does NetBSD work on a '060 Cyberstorm equipped A3000? Any special files 
and or kernel needed? Any compatibility problems?


 From billc  Sat May 11 13:31:27 1996
Return-Path: Matthias.Bethke%sowi.uni-giessen.de@localhost
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From: Matthias Bethke <Matthias.Bethke%sowi.uni-giessen.de@localhost>
X-Sender: s1089%smail.hrz.uni-giessen.de@localhost
To: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
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Subject: Re: Fastlane/A4000 Problems
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On Sat, 11 May 1996, Ola Olsson wrote:

> Well I give up! I've tried every combination of termination/hard-drive option
> with this FastLane on my A4000 (Rev.11 Buster) and nothing gives a stable
> NetBSD environment. I even tried setting up NetBSD on an internal IDE drive
> with worse results. I get nothing but 'bus error' after 'bus error'. I never
> had this problem with the GVP on my A2000/'030. Is there anyone out there that
> is successfully using a FastLane controller on an A4000? Please tell me your
> secret!

As I started with NetBSD V1.0, my BSD partitions are still on a 540MB IDE 
drive which works perfectly. Out of curiosity I once mounted my AmigaDOS 
VMEM-partition on the Fastlane SCSI-drive as an extra NetBSD partition, 
and it worked without any special magic. I simply used the generic 1.1 
kernel with FL support and changed the partition label with HDToolBox 
first. Maybe it's a buster problem on your machine? I have a Rev.11 
Buster and a 3.0 CPU-Board with that 74FCT244 fix that's required for the 


Matthias Bethke   | Phone   : +49-6406-76572
Giessener Str. 31 | Fax/Data: +49-6406-76571
35457 Lollar      | Usenet  : postmaster%sweetdreams.lahn.de@localhost
Germany           | WWW     : http://wwwstud.uni-giessen.de/~s1089

 From billc  Sat May 11 21:30:15 1996
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Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 03:11:10 +0200 (MST)
From: Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>
To: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Fastlane/A4000 Problems
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On Sat, 11 May 1996, Ola Olsson wrote:

> Well I give up! I've tried every combination of termination/hard-drive option
> with this FastLane on my A4000 (Rev.11 Buster) and nothing gives a stable
> NetBSD environment. I even tried setting up NetBSD on an internal IDE drive
> with worse results. I get nothing but 'bus error' after 'bus error'. I never
> had this problem with the GVP on my A2000/'030. Is there anyone out there that
> is successfully using a FastLane controller on an A4000? Please tell me your
> secret!

Do you have any other ZIII-Hardware? Just an idea, maybe it's not the 

Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

 From billc  Sun May 12 13:34:14 1996
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From: rhealey%helios.mn.org@localhost (Rob Healey)
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Subject: How do you define le interface now?
To: mhitch%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, 
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        Anybody have an idea on how to define an le interface after the
        recent LANCE changes? It's commented out of the conf/files.amiga
        file but I can't see to define a generic version either.

        Any pointers appreciated!


 From billc  Sun May 12 14:49:52 1996
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To: rhealey%helios.mn.org@localhost (Rob Healey)
Cc: mhitch%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost, 
Subject: Re: How do you define le interface now? 
Reply-To: Jason Thorpe <thorpej%nas.nasa.gov@localhost>
From: Jason Thorpe <thorpej%nas.nasa.gov@localhost>
Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 11:29:18 -0700
Sender: thorpej%nas.nasa.gov@localhost

On Sun, 12 May 1996 12:11:02 -0500 (CDT) 
 rhealey%helios.mn.org@localhost (Rob Healey) wrote:

 >      Anybody have an idea on how to define an le interface after the
 >      recent LANCE changes? It's commented out of the conf/files.amiga
 >      file but I can't see to define a generic version either.
 >      Any pointers appreciated!

That was a mistake, I think on my part.  Just uncomment the "attach" and 
"file" directives.  I've checked the fix into the master sources.

Sorry 'bout that :-)

----save the ancient forests - http://www.bayarea.net/~thorpej/forest/----
Jason R. Thorpe                                       
NASA Ames Research Center                               Home: 408.866.1912
NAS: M/S 258-6                                          Work: 415.604.0935
Moffett Field, CA 94035                                Pager: 415.428.6939

 From billc  Sun May 12 18:50:06 1996
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 00:26:29 +0200
Subject: Re: Fastlane/A4000 Problems
Message-ID: <46722%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Ola,

you wrote in <19960511.76B6C98.7B9D%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>:
> Is there anyone out there that is successfully using a FastLane controller
> on an A4000?

Successfully? At least it works.

> Please tell me your secret!

Use a Quantum LPS 730S. Any other SCSI harddisk, any kind of streamer and
any kind of CD-ROM drives (at least after read errors) will cause a
SCSI bus lockup sooner or later.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Sun May 12 18:59:59 1996
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 00:26:43 +0200
Subject: Re: Cyberstorm Accelerator
Message-ID: <46723%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Joseph,

you wrote in <3194BB0A.4402%pilot.msu.edu@localhost>:
> Does NetBSD work on a '060 Cyberstorm equipped A3000?

Not yet.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Sun May 12 19:02:24 1996
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Subject: Re: parse error
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from "YU SONG" at May 11, 96 01:18:17 am
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> I have some problems here. When I compile some programs, sometimes it 
> appears parse error message in some definitely correct codes and when I 
> try again, it compiles fine and appears somewhere else. What is the problem?
> cpp, bison? Please help me.
I'd guess a memory problem.  I have seen a lot of this on my machine
(A3000 with Warp Engine, memory on motherboard and turbo)... at the
moment I'm almost ready to dump those zips on motherboard because
they seem to be the problem (or perhaps it's the old ramsey or another
chip).  I said in my last post to have solved the problem but it seems
to be still there: I started NetBSD and got panic and kernel dump before
I was able to log in.  A new try, and I was able to compile something
but after several 'internal bug in gcc', 'cc got fatal signal 11' etc
(which all disappeard after a retry) I decided to stop and come back
to ADOS.

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Sun May 12 19:02:42 1996
Return-Path: tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost
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-0400 (EDT)
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        Mon, 13 May 1996 00:29:44 +0200
To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <zp325daDmDfAZ1%da23.darkness.gun.de@localhost>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 00:27:55 +0200
Subject: Re: current status of mounting msdos disks?
Message-ID: <46724%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Ralph,

you wrote in <zp325daDmDfAZ1%da23.darkness.gun.de@localhost>:
> Which files do I need to install to read and write 1,44 MB MS-DOS disks,

Wait for NetBSD 1.2.

> Can I also use 'mtools'?

"msdosfs" is much more powerful.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Sun May 12 20:37:14 1996
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Subject: Memory problems
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 03:25:55 +0300 (EET DST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
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Although this doesn't belong to NetBSD that much anymore, here I am
once again... I got MemCheck12.lha from Aminet and it reports errors
from various addresses (on motherboard memory), but sometimes it
does _not_ report errors at all.

Any good guesses which might be the cause?  Now that it doesn't report
errors every time and on same place, it cannot be a totally blown chip
(or perhaps memory chips work in a strange way).  Could it be just
overheating, Warp Engine (esp. 040) runs quite hot?

And how is the memory organized on the motherboard (A3000)?  Is the
memory on bank 0 in 0x07000000-0x073fffff and inside a bank, does
it go linearly?

Quite often the faulty address is 0x0704???? which might be the chip
under Warp Engine (if I guessed the memory organization right) and that
is one hot place to be... sometimes the address is 0x078?????, 0x07a?????
and 0x07e????? (so, again if I guessed right, the bank 1 from 0x07400000
to 0x077fffff is the only one without problems).  But I tested this only
about 15-20 times, so perhaps there are problems in every bank.

Anyway, I'd be glad to hear suggestions on what to do... Buy a new Ramsey?
Try again to pull&push every zip in its socket?  Something else?

But I must say that I'm starting to get enough with this problem
(it's been here for months, first I blamed SCSI cable because I thought
NetBSD reads data badly and that's the reason for every crash), so if there
is no simple solution I'll go and buy second 16MB SIMM (it would of course
be much faster than motherboard ram).

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Mon May 13 00:29:22 1996
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Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 00:10:11 -0400
To: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>
From: "Kevin P. Neal" <kpneal%interpath.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: Memory problems
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost

At 03:25 AM 5/13/96 +0300, Kortelainen Mika wrote:
>Although this doesn't belong to NetBSD that much anymore, here I am
>once again... I got MemCheck12.lha from Aminet and it reports errors
>from various addresses (on motherboard memory), but sometimes it
>does _not_ report errors at all.
>Any good guesses which might be the cause?  Now that it doesn't report
>errors every time and on same place, it cannot be a totally blown chip
>(or perhaps memory chips work in a strange way).  Could it be just
>overheating, Warp Engine (esp. 040) runs quite hot?

I thought I heard that the Warp Engine doesn't like onboard A3000 zips?

I think I remember hearing something like that, then I decided to not
get a WE for my A3000 (12mb of zips, don't feel like taking a loss).

XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore, Comp. Sci. \    kpneal%interpath.com@localhost
XCOMM    The Mirrorball Wizard of Smerp     \   kpneal%eos.ncsu.edu@localhost
XCOMM Visit the House of RetroComputing at  /      Perm. Email:
XCOMM  http://www4.ncsu.edu/~kpneal/www/   /    kevinneal%bix.com@localhost

 From billc  Mon May 13 02:49:22 1996
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From: David Hopper <bard%tiamat.chaldea.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605130641.XAA13579%tiamat.chaldea.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: Memory problems
To: kpneal%interpath.com@localhost (Kevin P. Neal)
Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 23:41:17 -0700 (PDT)
Cc: k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost, port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
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> I thought I heard that the Warp Engine doesn't like onboard A3000 zips?

Whoever told you this was almost certainly smoking model glue.

> I think I remember hearing something like that, then I decided to not
> get a WE for my A3000 (12mb of zips, don't feel like taking a loss).

Hm.  Haven't had a problem with 16 megs of zips + Warp 40/040 for, well,
let's see, 17,472 hours (approximately :^).  No onboard Warp memory; you 
just have to add one wait state for latency.  It's in the manual.

> XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore, Comp. Sci. \    kpneal%interpath.com@localhost

David Hopper (bard%tiamat.chaldea.com@localhost) : http://tiamat.chaldea.com 
Anthropology Department, Stanford University
NetBSD 1.1 Amiga (tiamat.chaldea.com) : NetBSD 1.1 x86 (marduk.chaldea.com)
"Two pale drops of fire guttering in the vast consuming darkness" -V. Price

 From billc  Tue May 14 03:09:32 1996
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DAA06891 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 14 May 1996 03:09:08 -0400 
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Date:  Tue, 14 May 1996   10:01:19  +0100
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: NetBSD/X11 Problem
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the last week I installed NetBSD1.1 from the CD-ROM distribution
(GATEWAY! vol2). This installation was successful, but after I
installed the X11R6 system, I was not able to start the X11 correctly.
After the "startx" execution I got no output and no error message
(only blinking cursor), but I think, X is running.

My Hardware:
 - Amiga 4000/40 33Mhz
 - Picasso II (with CyberGFX driver)
 - 130 MB / 1.3 GB HD
 - 18 MB RAM

NetBSD installation:
 - all required NetBSD and X11R6 packages installed
 - I use the standard kernel
 - local network is running
 - "ping localhost" or "ping aws" is Ok (aws is my hostname)
 - $DISPLAY has correct value (:0.0 or aws:0.0)
 - /dev/grf3 is present
 - NetBSD console is running on PicassoII
 - I tried two window manager (fvwm,twm)
 - Xcl is called with standard options (-mono ...)
 - NetBSD boots without any error messages

I don=B4t kmow, where I can search the problem and I hope someone can
help me to find the error.

(I attached a ktrace output from "ktrace startx")


Best regards
Michael Lennartz

ktrace startx :

   132 ktrace   RET   ktrace 0
   132 ktrace   CALL  __sysctl(0xdfffa1c,0x2,0xb116,0xdfffa24,0,0)
   132 ktrace   RET   __sysctl 4
   132 ktrace   CALL  break(0xb150)
   132 ktrace   RET   break 0
   132 ktrace   CALL  break(0xbffc)
   132 ktrace   RET   break 0
   132 ktrace   CALL  break(0xdffc)
   132 ktrace   RET   break 0
   132 ktrace   CALL  execve(0xdfffa94,0xdfffef8,0xdffff00)
   132 ktrace   NAMI  "./startx"
   132 ktrace   RET   execve -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 ktrace   CALL  execve(0xdfffa94,0xdfffef8,0xdffff00)
   132 ktrace   NAMI  "/sbin/startx"
   132 ktrace   RET   execve -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 ktrace   CALL  execve(0xdfffa94,0xdfffef8,0xdffff00)
   132 ktrace   NAMI  "/usr/sbin/startx"
   132 ktrace   RET   execve -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 ktrace   CALL  execve(0xdfffa94,0xdfffef8,0xdffff00)
   132 ktrace   NAMI  "/bin/startx"
   132 ktrace   RET   execve -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 ktrace   CALL  execve(0xdfffa94,0xdfffef8,0xdffff00)
   132 ktrace   NAMI  "/usr/bin/startx"
   132 ktrace   RET   execve -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 ktrace   CALL  execve(0xdfffa94,0xdfffef8,0xdffff00)
   132 ktrace   NAMI  "/usr/local/X11R6/bin/startx"
   132 ktrace   NAMI  "/bin/sh"
   132 sh       EMUL  "netbsd"
   132 sh       RET   execve 0
   132 sh       CALL  getpid
   132 sh       RET   getpid 132/0x84
   132 sh       CALL  geteuid
   132 sh       RET   geteuid 0
   132 sh       CALL  __sysctl(0xdfffde8,0x2,0x4741a,0xdfffdf0,0,0)
   132 sh       RET   __sysctl 4
   132 sh       CALL  break(0x48aec)
   132 sh       RET   break 0
   132 sh       CALL  break(0x49ffc)
   132 sh       RET   break 0
   132 sh       CALL  break(0x4bffc)
   132 sh       RET   break 0
   132 sh       CALL  open(0xdffff18,0,0xdffff10)
   132 sh       NAMI  "/usr/local/X11R6/bin/startx"
   132 sh       RET   open 3
   132 sh       CALL  fcntl(0x3,0,0xa)
   132 sh       RET   fcntl 10/0xa
   132 sh       CALL  close(0x3)
   132 sh       RET   close 0
   132 sh       CALL  getuid
   132 sh       RET   getuid 0
   132 sh       CALL  geteuid
   132 sh       RET   geteuid 0
   132 sh       CALL  getgid
   132 sh       RET   getgid 0
   132 sh       CALL  getegid
   132 sh       RET   getegid 0
   132 sh       CALL  read(0xa,0x47904,0x3ff)
   132 sh       GIO   fd 10 read 1023 bytes
     # $XConsortium: startx.cpp,v 1.4 91/08/22 11:41:29 rws Exp $
     # This is just a sample implementation of a slightly less primitive
     # interface than xinit.  It looks for user .xinitrc and .xserverrc
     # files, then system xinitrc and xserverrc files, else lets xinit choo=
     # its default.  The system xinitrc should probably do things like chec=
     # for .Xresources files and merge them in, startup up a window manager=
     # and pop a clock and serveral xterms.
     # Site administrators are STRONGLY urged to write nicer versions.
     if [ -f $userclientrc ]; then
     else if [ -f $sysclientrc ]; then
     if [ -f $userserverrc ]; then
     else if [ -f $sysserverrc ]; then
     while [ "x$1" !=3D ""
   132 sh       RET   read 1023/0x3ff
   132 sh       CALL  break(0x4dffc)
   132 sh       RET   break 0
   132 sh       CALL  break(0x4fffc)
   132 sh       RET   break 0
   132 sh       CALL  break(0x51ffc)
   132 sh       RET   break 0
   132 sh       CALL  stat(0x47618,0xdfffcc0)
   132 sh       NAMI  "./["
   132 sh       RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 sh       CALL  break(0x53ffc)
   132 sh       RET   break 0
   132 sh       CALL  stat(0x52004,0xdfffcc0)
   132 sh       NAMI  "/sbin/["
   132 sh       RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 sh       CALL  stat(0x52004,0xdfffcc0)
   132 sh       NAMI  "/usr/sbin/["
   132 sh       RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 sh       CALL  stat(0x52004,0xdfffcc0)
   132 sh       NAMI  "/bin/["
   132 sh       RET   stat 0
   132 sh       CALL  break(0x55ffc)
   132 sh       RET   break 0
   132 sh       CALL  fork
   132 sh       RET   fork 133/0x85
   132 sh       CALL  getpgrp
   132 sh       RET   getpgrp 132/0x84
   132 sh       CALL  wait4(0xffffffff,0xdfffd00,0x2,0)
   132 sh       RET   wait4 133/0x85
   132 sh       CALL  fork
   132 sh       RET   fork 134/0x86
   132 sh       CALL  getpgrp
   132 sh       RET   getpgrp 132/0x84
   132 sh       CALL  wait4(0xffffffff,0xdfffce8,0x2,0)
   132 sh       RET   wait4 134/0x86
   132 sh       CALL  fork
   132 sh       RET   fork 135/0x87
   132 sh       CALL  getpgrp
   132 sh       RET   getpgrp 132/0x84
   132 sh       CALL  wait4(0xffffffff,0xdfffd00,0x2,0)
   132 sh       RET   wait4 135/0x87
   132 sh       CALL  fork
   132 sh       RET   fork 136/0x88
   132 sh       CALL  getpgrp
   132 sh       RET   getpgrp 132/0x84
   132 sh       CALL  wait4(0xffffffff,0xdfffce8,0x2,0)
   132 sh       RET   wait4 136/0x88
   132 sh       CALL  read(0xa,0x47904,0x3ff)
   132 sh       GIO   fd 10 read 354 bytes
       "x" ]; do
         case "$1" in
          /''*|\\.*)     if [ "$whoseargs" =3D "client" ]; then
               fi ;;
          --)  whoseargs=3D"server" ;;
          *)   if [ "$whoseargs" =3D "client" ]; then
                   clientargs=3D"$clientargs $1"
                   serverargs=3D"$serverargs $1"
               fi ;;
     xinit $clientargs -- $serverargs
   132 sh       RET   read 354/0x162
   132 sh       CALL  fork
   132 sh       RET   fork 137/0x89
   132 sh       CALL  getpgrp
   132 sh       RET   getpgrp 132/0x84
   132 sh       CALL  wait4(0xffffffff,0xdfffcec,0x2,0)
   132 sh       RET   wait4 137/0x89
   132 sh       CALL  stat(0x47534,0xdfffcd8)
   132 sh       NAMI  "./xinit"
   132 sh       RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 sh       CALL  stat(0x47534,0xdfffcd8)
   132 sh       NAMI  "/sbin/xinit"
   132 sh       RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 sh       CALL  stat(0x47534,0xdfffcd8)
   132 sh       NAMI  "/usr/sbin/xinit"
   132 sh       RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 sh       CALL  stat(0x47534,0xdfffcd8)
   132 sh       NAMI  "/bin/xinit"
   132 sh       RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 sh       CALL  stat(0x47534,0xdfffcd8)
   132 sh       NAMI  "/usr/bin/xinit"
   132 sh       RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
   132 sh       CALL  stat(0x47534,0xdfffcd8)
   132 sh       NAMI  "/usr/local/X11R6/bin/xinit"
   132 sh       RET   stat 0
   132 sh       CALL  fork
   132 sh       RET   fork 138/0x8a
   132 sh       CALL  getpgrp
   132 sh       RET   getpgrp 132/0x84
   132 sh       CALL  wait4(0xffffffff,0xdfffd18,0x2,0)
   132 sh       RET   wait4 138/0x8a
   132 sh       CALL  read(0xa,0x47904,0x3ff)
   132 sh       GIO   fd 10 read 0 bytes
   132 sh       RET   read 0
   132 sh       CALL  getpid
   132 sh       RET   getpid 132/0x84
   132 sh       CALL  exit(0)

 From billc  Tue May 14 03:29:26 1996
Return-Path: oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost
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-0400 (EDT)
Received: by oeolsson.UUCP (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 1994)
        id AA01; Mon, 13 May 96 23:40:11 
From: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Serious Voodoo 1.240 (Registered to Robert Scurlock 
In-Reply-To: ??
Subject: Re: Fastlane/A4000 Problems
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 23:40:11 (-0800)
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To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
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On Sun, 12 May 1996 11:27:17 -0600,
osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch) wrote about Re:
Fastlane/A4000 Problems:

>   I've been running on an A4000 with a FastLane with little trouble. 
> The only problem I have had is that the FastLane NetBSD driver doesn't
> work very well with reselect enabled.  If I disable it (binpatching the
> _sfas_disable_disc array), the drives work fine.
>   My system has 16MB on the A4000 motherboard, and none on the FastLane.
> I think I have the Rev 11 Buster, and the 3.1 CPU card.
>   Are you running with any memory other than what's on the motherboard?
> I've had nothing but trouble trying to get NetBSD to use Zorro II memory
> for pageable memory (it seemed to work fine for use as the DMA bounce
> buffer memory for a GVP Hardcard).
>   I'm not certain how to track down bus error problems.  I'd have to
> look at the trap handling code again to see what information is
> available (and as to what might be causing the bus error).  Hmm - I just
> looked at trap.c a little, and it looks like there may be two types of
> "bus errors":  a hardware bus error which should cause a panic() and a
> bus error signal from the MMU fault handling.  Are you getting a kernel
> panic, or are you getting the bus errors from processes?  (The kernel
> panic should identify itself as a panic and cause the system to reboot,
> which the bus error signals would be seen from processes getting
> aborted, but wouldn't reboot the system).
Success!! I pulled out the FastLane and installed a WarpDrive. I connected
just the NetBSD drive to the on-board SCSI connector and Voila! Its works
beautifully. To celebrate, I compiled and installed Perl 5.002 and Perl/Tk
(Tk-b11.02). They ran right out of the box. They are the first 'generic'
packages I've installed. They are exactly what we have installed at work on
the SGI's. Now I can take my stuff home. I'm so excited! 

Now, on to more questions. When running X11R6 at 800x600, it opens up with a
virtual scrollable window four times the size of the screen. Text based
Perl/Tk demos open windows that stretch past the border of the main screen
with very large clunky fonts. Anybody know how to set the screen to be exactly
800x600 only. And are there font packages available to install for X11R6?

Thanks for everyone's input. I don't know what the deal is with the FastLane,
but I'd better quit while I'm ahead. Now I can actually use NetBSD for a
change, maybe get good at it, and help somebody else.


 From billc  Tue May 14 03:49:57 1996
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03:43:09 -0400 (EDT)
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Hiya all..

        I just need some infos.
        I made a kernel update which allows aga users to display
        up to 256 colors on PAL/NTSC monitors (no more Dbl mode).
        This update also
        allows new screen modes like Superhires-laced(pal/ntsc)x256 cols.
        Where do I have to send my contribution? lemme know..

        Does any1 made support for IDE-CDroms?

        seeya all
                        -Coccy [ser1751%cdcsun.cdc.polimi.it@localhost]

- Runnin' NetBSD1.1 on A1200 030/882 50Mhz,16+2 Mb Ram, 1.2Gb HD -

 From billc  Tue May 14 06:09:53 1996
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Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 12:08:42 +0200 (MST)
From: Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>
To: lennartz%mse.mee.com@localhost
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: NetBSD/X11 Problem
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On Tue, 14 May 1996 lennartz%mse.mee.com@localhost wrote:

> After the "startx" execution I got no output and no error message
> (only blinking cursor), but I think, X is running.
> My Hardware:
>  - Amiga 4000/40 33Mhz
>  - Picasso II (with CyberGFX driver)

>  - Xcl is called with standard options (-mono ...)

Don't use -mono on the Xserver, this will open the display on the Amiga=20
Custom chips. Since the console is probably on the Picasso and the CC=20
driver doesn't know this, the screen is not switched. To prove this, plug=
your Monitor on the amiga port.

To get it working correctly configure the videomodes with grfconfig
and use the -mode n switch.

> I don=B4t kmow, where I can search the problem and I hope someone can
> help me to find the error.

Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

 From billc  Tue May 14 17:52:23 1996
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Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 23:30:37 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Bart.Uyttenhove%ping.be@localhost (Bart Uyttenhove)
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Subject: Re: NetBSD/X11 Problem
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>the last week I installed NetBSD1.1 from the CD-ROM distribution
>(GATEWAY! vol2). This installation was successful, but after I
>installed the X11R6 system, I was not able to start the X11 correctly.
>After the "startx" execution I got no output and no error message
>(only blinking cursor), but I think, X is running.

X could be running on AGA display, and the the internal switch disbled, so try
connecting your monitor directo the amiga video connector.



 From billc  Tue May 14 18:09:27 1996
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Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 21:25:46 +0100
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Subject: Re: NetBSD/X11 Problem
Message-ID: <68248316%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

lennartz wrote:
> My Hardware:
>  - Amiga 4000/40 33Mhz
>  - Picasso II (with CyberGFX driver)

 Don't worry about the CyberGFX - we don't use it under NetBSD :-)

> NetBSD installation:
>  - all required NetBSD and X11R6 packages installed

>  - Xcl is called with standard options (-mono ...)

 Nag nag.  Xcl with the option -mono doesn't make sense.  Xcl is a
multithreaded X server and with the option -mono you tell it to open on ECS
only.  You'd rather install a nice graphic mode using grfconfig and at
least 8Bit depth and then use the option "-mode x" whereas x is a grfmode.
If you want a b/w-screne on the Picasso, define a 1 bit depth screenmode,

 If you limit Xcl using -dev /dev/grf3 you can save some memory by not
using X on ECS simultanously.  If you do, try using my tool "toggle" which
you can find on the Gateway!  Vol.  2 CD-ROM in
"archive/contrib/amiga/graphic/cirrus1.1.tar.gz" to toggle between Picasso
and ECS.  This is fun :-)

 Oh, and if you like, you can use "loadppm" to show a picture on the
Picasso - but quit X first...

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Tue May 14 21:31:08 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
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From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 19:25:18 -0600
In-Reply-To: Bernd Ernesti's message of Feb 26, 11:34pm
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: Bernd Ernesti <netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost>,
         k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost (Kortelainen Mika)
Subject: Re: Problem with gcc2.7.2
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost

On Feb 26, 11:34pm, Bernd Ernesti wrote:
> On Mon Feb 26 21:50:16 1996, Michael L. Hitch wrote:
> > 
> > On Feb 26,  8:20pm, Kortelainen Mika wrote:
> > > it would work nicely... but for some reason it dies when I compile
> > > usr.bin/xinstall/xinstall.c (I hope the path is correct, I'm not
> > > under NetBSD right now).  The message I get is "internal compiler error"
> > > and then it tells it has received signal 6 and dumps core (although
> > > this core file is not recognized by gdb).
> > 
> >   Ah, I am not alone!
> Strage, I don't have that problem here:

  I just found out something interesting about this problem.  Every time
I have attempted to compile xinstall, I've gotten this same error.  A few
weeks ago, I was building the entire distribution.  I had been using
MAXBSIZE set to MAXPHYS in sys/param.h, but this time I left it at
the original value of 16384.  Lo and behold, xinstall compiled with
no problem.  I just finished another compile with MAXBSIZE set to MAXPHYS,
and cc1 aborted.  I looked at xinstall.c, and saw that the function which
the compiler was attempting to compile was using MAXBSIZE.  I changed
the array size to MAXBSIZE/2, which also caused cc1 to abort.  I then
changed it to MAXBSIZE/4, and it compiled sucessfully.


Michael L. Hitch                        INTERNET:  osymh%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University        Bozeman, MT     USA

 From billc  Thu May 16 03:29:30 1996
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 From billc  Thu May 16 18:30:12 1996
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From: Calvin <diavolo%azure.engin.umich.edu@localhost>
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Subject: ISA Ethernet w/GG versus Amiga Ethernet
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What sort of performance, advantages disadvantages for Zorro II bus 
cards and ISA cards with a golden gate on NetBSD are expected?

Anybody have experience with these?

 ?>\  / \ /  /  \o  \o> The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
/|  --o  |  o--  |\  |  Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
// /  \ /o\ / |\ \\ / | Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
""""""""""""""""""""""" Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;

 From billc  Fri May 17 03:52:24 1996
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From: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
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Subject: Screen Resolution
Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 00:08:31 (-0800)
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Message-ID: <19960517.82A01B0.839%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>

I've posted this before, but buried it in another file so, I'll post my
question again. Is there any way to get NetBSD's resolution to be a true
800x600 when using X11R6. I have an A4000 with Spectrum running CyberGraphX
2.16. I'm using XclBIG with fvwm window manager. What I get is a scrollable
oversized window on an 800x600 display. The actual screen resolution seems to
be about 1/4 the display resolution -- it's fat and clunky. Perl/Tk windows
and widgets appear as though they were on a lo-res non-interlaced Amiga
screen. Should I change window manager? How about the CyberGraphX 64 Xserver I
saw posted?


 From billc  Fri May 17 11:12:55 1996
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Date: Fri, 17 May 96 14:58 GMT
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Subject: BSDdip

woher bekomme ich das bsddip fuer NetBSD-
Benoetigt wird es zum Internetzugang     
ueber CompuServe und T-Online via Modem  
und Seyon.

Anton Eckerle
Alte Hauptstr. 14
D-85110 Kipfenberg
DxJ-Nr: 084653292-   1
Telefon-Nr: 084653292
17.05.96 16:56:56

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 From billc  Fri May 17 11:32:14 1996
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Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 08:19:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Henric Jungheim <henric%zoom.com@localhost>
To: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: Screen Resolution
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On Fri, 17 May 1996, Ola Olsson wrote:

> 2.16. I'm using XclBIG with fvwm window manager. What I get is a scrollable
> oversized window on an 800x600 display. The actual screen resolution seems to
> be about 1/4 the display resolution -- it's fat and clunky. Perl/Tk windows

Have you tried changing your system.fvwmrc file (or ~/.fvwmrc, if you have
one)?  There is probably a line in there that says "DeskTopSize 2x2"... 

-------- Henric Jungheim  -------------------  henric%zoom.com@localhost 

 From billc  Fri May 17 15:11:46 1996
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From: Garth Corral <garthc%compass-da.com@localhost>
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Hello all,

    I have a few questions WRT X11R6 and NetBSD-1.1:

    Which sources were used to build the binary X11R6 distribution on 
regensburg?  Was it built from a pl12 (13?) X consortium tree?  Were 
there any NetBSD/Amiga specific changes made?

    I ask this because I noticed that the XFree86-3.1.2 docs mention that
it (XFree86) will build on NetBSD/Sparc.  Aside from the servers, is 
this also true for NetBSD/Amiga?  I know that most of the XFree patches 
to X11R6 are specific to the servers but there are a few patches to
libraries, utils, or various other parts of the distribution.  Do any of 
these break things under NetBSD/Amiga. 

    I would like to build X from sources for my setup because I do not 
want to install the distribution in /usr/local  (nor do I want a link).  
I know there are a few things in the distribution with compiled-in 
pathnames though I can't remember which ones offhand.  If there were 
patches to the tree for NetBSD/Amiga are they available somewhere?   If 
not, should I use the X consortium sources or are the XFree86 bugfixes 
worth trying to build from these sources (except for the servers, of course).

    Finally, what is the status of the sources for Xamiga24?  I know this 
subject has been raised here before but what was the outcome?  Are the 
sources available?   I would very much be interested in putting together 
a patch against the X11R6 tree ala XFree86 (or better yet, get these 
integrated into the XFree distribution as the port-sparc guys have done.)

Thanks in advance,
  Garth Corral.

 From billc  Fri May 17 19:10:07 1996
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Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 19:01:55 -0400
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
From: "Kevin P. Neal" <kpneal%interpath.com@localhost>
Subject: I need advice on a SCSI card...

Ok, my A3000 is *still* down due to a drive failure. 

I have four drives:
(internal) 730mb Quantum L.
(external) 1040mb Quantum Fireball
           141mb Conner
           105mb Syquest.

The system works fine except for the fireball. The drive was working fine in
my PC, so I am pretty sure the problem is termination related. Other problems
I had went away when I futzed with the termination and stuff. 

It dies when I try to copy my suptree onto /usr/src for my recompile. It never
makes it even halfway into the copy because the drive gives tons of errors
until NetBSD crashes. 

Now, the A3000 has the McSCSI connector on the back. I don't like that
connector (Joanne Dow says that it's evil, and I believe her). What I want
to do is buy another SCSI card for my 3000, to take over the big drives.

Can somebody recommend a SCSI card that NetBSD supports, that has the 50-pin
connector (of some sort) on the back of the card?

Anybody wanna sell me one of these? (Hope you can take a credit card, I'm
broke as hell right now. Don't get paid for another month, then I get
paid for the next two weeks along with the past two days. New job, sigh.).

Until I get this problem licked, I'm hosed. This Amiga is my only NetBSD
machine, it's been down for about 60 days and I'm pretty tired of this mess.

Thanks guys.
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore, Comp. Sci. \    kpneal%interpath.com@localhost
XCOMM    The Mirrorball Wizard of Smerp     \   kpneal%eos.ncsu.edu@localhost
XCOMM Visit the House of RetroComputing at  /      Perm. Email:
XCOMM  http://www4.ncsu.edu/~kpneal/www/   /    kevinneal%bix.com@localhost

 From billc  Sun May 19 05:09:56 1996
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From: rhealey%helios.mn.org@localhost (Rob Healey)
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Subject: kernel_text symbol needed in locore.s
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Date: Sat, 18 May 1996 11:07:18 -0500 (CDT)
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        From looking at other ports it appears we need to add the
        _kernel_text symbol to locore.s to get kvm_mkdb to work
        right yes?


 From billc  Sun May 19 10:33:09 1996
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Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 16:14:56 +0200
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Subject: snapshots for pre-1.2? :)
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a new NetBSD-release's coming up, and i was wondering who's gonna produce some
snapshot for debugging before releases. You've done a great job in doing so for
1.0 and 1.1, can you do this again for 1.2? :)


=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
      Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/943-2905
      Weekends: Bachstr. 40,   D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
      Internet: hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost, IRC: hubertf

 From billc  Sun May 19 14:53:18 1996
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From: Rob Healey <rhealey%MR.Net@localhost>
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Subject: Careful with the 060 stuff
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        machdep.c still references '060 specific variables without
        bracketing them in M68060. Before checking in anymore 060
        stuff PLEASE recompile the whole smash WITHOUT '060 defines
        to make sure the rest of us get a usable kernel!


 From billc  Sun May 19 16:35:05 1996
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Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 13:16:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brian Moats <bmoats%efn.org@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: sbicnextstate on A3000
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I swapped physical positions of swap and nbr and changed their sizes. This
eliminated the:

Warning: inode blocks /cyl group (29) >= data blocks (28) in last
    cylinder group. This implies 448 sector(s) cannot be allocated.

but I still get:

sbicnextstate:xfec count 0 asr80 csr18
sbicnextstate: aborting csr 18 asr 80
absc0: csr == 0x18
absc0: abortnext, csr = 0x18 asr = 0x00
absc0: sbicabort - sending ABORT command
absc0: sbicabort - sending DISC command

sbicwait TIMEO @ 814 with asr=x0 csr x18

I've tried different inst-11.fs and kernel files to no avail. -I ff doesn't
help either.

Any idea what's going on?



>Attempting to install NetBSD on a generic A3000 with internal Quantum (unit 6)
>and 316M HP external (unit 1). The HP is divided into:
>dh1:  125.3M
>nbr:   10.7M
>swap:  27.7M
>nbu:  157.3M
>Counting blocks, xstreamtodev is correctly placing inst-11.fs onto swap.
>rdbinfo displays all info correctly.
>I had 1.0 installed with the same disk configuration, but now after:
> loadbsd -b netbsd
>Everything goes fine. (Yes, typing sd0*) UNTIL -
>Are you SURE you want NetBSD installed on your hard drive? (yes/no)
>Initializing / (root) filesystem and mounting...
>Warning: inode blocks /cyl group (29) >= data blocks (28) in last
>    cylinder group. This implies 448 sector(s) cannot be allocated.
>/dev/rsd0a: 21504 sectors in 48 cylinders of 8 tracks, 56 sectors.
>10.5MB in 3 cyl groups (16 c/g, 3.5MB/g 832 i/g)
>sbicnextstate:xfec count 0 asr80 csr18
>sbicnextstate: aborting csr 18 asr 80
>absc0: csr == 0x18
>absc0: abortnext, csr = 0x18 asr = 0x00
>absc0: sbicabort - sending ABORT command
>absc0: sbicabort - sending DISC command
>sbicwait TIMEO @ 814 with asr=x0 csr x18
>      .
>      .
>      .
>Drive light stays on, I have to reboot.
>Initial display reports:
>sd0 at scsibus0: 316MB, 1457 cyl, 8 head, 55 sec, 512 bytes/sec
>That's 55 sec, not 56?
>Any ideas anyone?

 From billc  Sun May 19 20:30:25 1996
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1996 03:26:05 +0300
From: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>
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Subject: Re: Problem with gcc2.7.2
To: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 03:26:02 +0300 (EET DST)
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"Michael L. Hitch" at May 14, 96 07:25:18 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-Type: text

>   I just found out something interesting about this problem.  Every time
> I have attempted to compile xinstall, I've gotten this same error.  A few
> weeks ago, I was building the entire distribution.  I had been using
> MAXBSIZE set to MAXPHYS in sys/param.h, but this time I left it at
> the original value of 16384.  Lo and behold, xinstall compiled with

I can confirm that this is true.  Some days ago I got a -current
and installed includes, then I started to compile binaries etc. and
it went cleanly over xinstall.  But I thought it was because of some
change in xinstall ;-)  Oh, I did _not_ change MAXBSIZE this time,
because I mostly wanted to see if everything builds nicely.  I got
a new drive and so I have to move partitions around and therefore it's
very nice to have sources that compile...

To be honest I haven't tried to see if xinstall fails when I change
MAXBSIZE to MAXPHYS, but most probably it will (anyway, that's the biggest
difference between my system and a clean -current...)

Now someone with enough knowledge might start to study gcc to see if
it has a bug (or if the code in xinstall relies on MAXBSIZE being of
certain size, it shouldn't use MAXBSIZE... anyway, if I remember correctly,
it is said in that header file that changing MAXBSIZE doesn't hurt).

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Sun May 19 23:00:18 1996
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Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 19:48:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Henric Jungheim <henric%zoom.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: SCSI soft errors & vm_fault?
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I've recently been getting some "soft error (corrected)" stuff in my
/var/log/messages.  Unfortunately, the system hasn't been stable enough
for me to be able to copy the entire disk to my spiffy new DAT drive
(which I bought just for this purpose).  After an hour or so, I get a
blank screen, follow by a reboot.  When the system comes back up, I get
this in my /var/log/messages: "panic: pmap_enter: vm_fault failed ".  I
made several attempts at making this backup before it occured to me that
perhaps vm_fault isn't as graceful when getting soft errors from the
drive...?  I am now trying to make this backup again without using the
swap partition that I have on the flaky drive.  I am running a -current
kernel, but I had the same problem with a much earlier -current that I've
used without problems before. 

I've gotten this particular panic before talking to the DAT drive, so I
don't think it's a SCSI related thing.  After one of my panics, I ran a
memory test program (many, many, times) while copying large files (under
AmigaOS).  There were no errors detected, so I tend to think the flaky
drive is the culprit rather than bad ram or other such fun things. 

Anyway, how does "vm_fault" respond to a SCSI "soft error"?

-------- Henric Jungheim  -------------------  henric%zoom.com@localhost 

 From billc  Mon May 20 05:16:08 1996
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Date: Mon, 20 May 96 10:46:51 +0200
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From: Per Bojsen <pb%delta.dk@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <19960511.E286780.E339%cs-or1-a5.hro.nl@localhost>
Subject: Re: gcc 2.7.2 can compile kernels ?
X-Attribution: Per
Reply-To: pb%delta.dk@localhost

*** Regarding gcc 2.7.2 can compile kernels ?;
*** Ruben van Staveren <staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost> adds:

Ruben> Hi As the subject says: can GCC 2.7.2 compile your kernels ?
Ruben> (and if so, will that version of gcc be included in
Ruben> e.g. NetBSD1.2 2.4.5 is getting pretty old I think)

I successfully compiled the 1.1 release kernel using gcc 2.7.2
compiled and installed straight from the FSF archives (no NetBSD
modifications).  So the answer is yes :-) Furthermore, the -current
versions of NetBSD have been using gcc 2.7.2 for months now.

Per Bojsen                                   Email: pb%delta.dk@localhost
DELTA IC Design                                     
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark

 From billc  Mon May 20 05:18:36 1996
Return-Path: pb%delta.dk@localhost
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FAA10237 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 20 May 1996 05:04:10 -0400 
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LAA24319 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Mon, 20 May 1996 11:03:48 +0200 
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Date: Mon, 20 May 96 10:42:47 +0200
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From: Per Bojsen <pb%delta.dk@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <19960517.82A01B0.839%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>
Subject: Re: Screen Resolution
X-Attribution: Per
Reply-To: pb%delta.dk@localhost

*** Regarding Screen Resolution; Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost> 

Ola> I've posted this before, but buried it in another file so, I'll
Ola> post my question again. Is there any way to get NetBSD's
Ola> resolution to be a true 800x600 when using X11R6. I have an A4000
Ola> with Spectrum running CyberGraphX 2.16. I'm using XclBIG with
Ola> fvwm window manager. What I get is a scrollable oversized window
Ola> on an 800x600 display. The actual screen resolution seems to be
Ola> about 1/4 the display resolution -- it's fat and clunky. Perl/Tk
Ola> windows and widgets appear as though they were on a lo-res
Ola> non-interlaced Amiga screen. Should I change window manager? How
Ola> about the CyberGraphX 64 Xserver I saw posted?

I suggest you read the fvwm man page and the system.fvwmrc file in
/usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm.  Fvwm has a lot of configurable options
that you may want to mess around with.  You should copy syste.fvwmrc
to ~/.fvwmrc and modify ~/.fvwmrc to your needs.  Personally, I like
the virtual desktop as it lessens window clutter.

Reading your question again, I'm not sure what you mean when you say
``what I get is a scrollable oversized window on an 800x600
display''.  If what you're talking about is indeed a low-resolution ~
400x300 screen, then your problem is a different one than I assumed
above.  If that is the case you need to read the man page of grfconfig
and create new modes in the resolutions you want.  Unfortunately, this
is rather tricky and you have to be very careful as you may easily
destroy your monitor if you select wrong parameters.  The modes you
setup with grfconfig can be passed to the X server in its mode

Per Bojsen                                   Email: pb%delta.dk@localhost
DELTA IC Design                                     
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark

 From billc  Mon May 20 10:13:37 1996
Return-Path: oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost
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-0400 (EDT)
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        id AA01; Mon, 20 May 96 06:25:00 
From: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Serious Voodoo 1.240 (Registered to Robert Scurlock 
Subject: Fastlane Problems
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 06:24:59 (-0800)
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To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <19960520.82C41C0.5A3E%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>

Just a 'postscript' note about my Fastlane problems. After installing a Warp
Engine and using it's SCSI conttroller NetBSD runs fine, but only after
completely removing the FastLane. I was planning on using the FastLane as an
expensive RAM card, but just having it installed in the system introduced bus
errors that prevented NetBSD from running. The FastLane seems to be very

 From billc  Mon May 20 10:33:01 1996
Return-Path: isthesin%TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE@localhost
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Mon, 20 May 1996 10:15:36 -0400 (EDT)
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Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 16:15:11 +0200
X-Mailer: Z-Mail (2.1.5 09aug93)
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Strange filesystem faults after installing -current

Hi !
After installing -current sources (04/05/96, I think) and compiling 
src/sbin/config and configuring the new kernel, compiling and installing
it, according to th FAQ, I get a bunch of errors when rebooting into the new 
kernel (single/multi user mode..)

Errors are filesystem errors: 'bad fd...'
When I cd to the source dir (in /usr/local/src, /usr/local is 800MB partition
on 1.2GB Seagate..), some entries in /usr/local are screwed up, showing bad 
ref , group, owner, size entries (something like 287727277, etc.pp)
An fsck tells there are bad iref counts, etc.pp.

So my question:
 Why? Am i doing something wrong?

Configuration: A4000/030/82 12+2MB 200+1200MB Seagate drives....
Kernel was compiled with gcc 2.7.2 


=             Stephan Thesing                 =
=        AG Praktische Informatik             =
=          Technische Fakult"at               =
=         Universit"at Bielefeld              =

 From billc  Mon May 20 11:11:47 1996
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KAA18419 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Mon, 20 May 1996 10:57:43 -0400 
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[]) by cs.tut.fi (8.6.12/8.6.4) with ESMTP id RAA21014; Mon, 20 May 
1996 17:57:37 +0300
From: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>
Received: (k125374@localhost) by korppi.cs.tut.fi (8.6.12/8.6.4) id RAA12800; 
Mon, 20 May 1996 17:57:35 +0300
Message-Id: <199605201457.RAA12800%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost>
Subject: Re: Screen Resolution
To: pb%delta.dk@localhost
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 17:57:34 +0300 (EET DST)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <9605200842.AA20325%sparc2.delta.dk@localhost> from "Per Bojsen" 
at May 20, 96 10:42:47 am
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-Type: text

> above.  If that is the case you need to read the man page of grfconfig
> and create new modes in the resolutions you want.  Unfortunately, this
> is rather tricky and you have to be very careful as you may easily
> destroy your monitor if you select wrong parameters.  The modes you

Perhaps you could use that program from Regensburg to convert
CyberGFX modefile to the format understood by grfconfig (hmm,
I just don't remember what is the name of that program but I
can find it out if needed)...  makes life much easier because
you probably have set up nice modes under ADOS already and can
now use them with NetBSD and X, too.

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Mon May 20 13:18:23 1996
Return-Path: oddvark%cris.com@localhost
Received: from franklin.cris.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP 
id MAA20281 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Mon, 20 May 1996 12:56:25 
-0400 (EDT)
From: oddvark%cris.com@localhost
Received: from darius.cris.com (darius.cris.com [])
        by franklin.cris.com (8.7.5/(%D% %I%))
        id MAA21837; Mon, 20 May 1996 12:56:15 -0400 (EDT)
        [1-800-745-2747 The Concentric Network]
Errors-To: oddvark%cris.com@localhost
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        id MAA17696; Mon, 20 May 1996 12:55:17 -0400 (EDT)
Message-Id: <960520115820.ZM2431@bcompono>
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 11:56:46 -0600
In-Reply-To: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
        "Fastlane Problems" (May 20,  6:24am)
References: <19960520.82C41C0.5A3E%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>
X-Mailer: Z-Mail 4.0 (4.0.0 Aug 21 1995)
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: PPP
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I've looked through the manual pages & haven't been able to find any 
references to using PPP.  Where should I be looking for this info, or is 
PPP just not available through NetBSD?



 From billc  Mon May 20 16:50:41 1996
Return-Path: teske%mail.desy.de@localhost
Received: from mail.desy.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
QAA23600 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Mon, 20 May 1996 16:46:31 -0400 
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(8.7.4/8.7.3) with ESMTP id VAA28778 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; 
Mon, 20 May 1996 21:55:27 +0200 (MET DST)
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Mon, 20 May 1996 21:55:25 +0200 (MST)
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 21:55:24 +0200 (MST)
From: Michael Teske <teske%mail.desy.de@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: Screen Resolution
In-Reply-To: <199605201457.RAA12800%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost>
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Mon, 20 May 1996, Kortelainen Mika wrote:

> > above.  If that is the case you need to read the man page of grfconfig
> > and create new modes in the resolutions you want.  Unfortunately, this
> > is rather tricky and you have to be very careful as you may easily
> > destroy your monitor if you select wrong parameters.  The modes you
> Perhaps you could use that program from Regensburg to convert
> CyberGFX modefile to the format understood by grfconfig (hmm,
> I just don't remember what is the name of that program but I
> can find it out if needed)...  makes life much easier because
> you probably have set up nice modes under ADOS already and can
> now use them with NetBSD and X, too.

* Advertising on *
You mean ReadCVMonitor1.0 ? Can be found on ftp.uni-regensburg.de and its 
mirrors in the tools dircectoy.
* Advertising off *

Michael Teske (teske%wotan.desy.de@localhost)

 From billc  Mon May 20 17:17:41 1996
Return-Path: lg%theeddy.com@localhost
Received: from tiki.theeddy.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
RAA23983 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Mon, 20 May 1996 17:01:39 -0400 
Received: from eric.theeddy.com (eric []) by tiki.theeddy.com 
(8.6.12/8.6.9) with SMTP id OAA00430; Mon, 20 May 1996 14:52:44 -0400
Message-ID: <31A0C24A.31B5%theeddy.com@localhost>
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 15:04:42 -0400
From: Larry Glamb <lg%tiki.theeddy.com@localhost>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: oddvark%cris.com@localhost
CC: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: PPP
References: <19960520.82C41C0.5A3E%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

oddvark%cris.com@localhost wrote:
> I've looked through the manual pages & haven't been able to find any
> references to using PPP.  Where should I be looking for this info, or is
> PPP just not available through NetBSD?

Check man pages for pppd.

PPP works quite well and is quite easy to configure.

later mode,

larry glamb (lg%theeddy.com@localhost)

 From billc  Mon May 20 17:31:53 1996
Return-Path: fiction!lyssa.owl.de!tron%golden-gate.owl.de@localhost
Received: from golden-gate.owl.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id RAA24055 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Mon, 20 May 1996 17:15:28 
-0400 (EDT)
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          from fiction with uucp
          id <m0uLaKS-000JO6C>; Mon, 20 May 96 21:09 MET DST
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         id m0uLaGM-00001DC; Mon, 20 May 96 21:05 MET DST
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colwyn.owl.de (8.7.4/8.7.3) with ESMTP id VAA27466 for 
<port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Mon, 20 May 1996 21:05:35 +0200 (MET DST)
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        Mon, 20 May 1996 21:04:48 +0200
To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <960520115820.ZM2431@bcompono>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 21:04:39 +0200
Subject: Re: PPP
Message-ID: <47615%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi oddvark,

you wrote in <960520115820.ZM2431@bcompono>:
> I've looked through the manual pages & haven't been able to find any
> references to using PPP.

I can't believe that. Try e.g. "man pppd".

> ... or is PPP just not available through NetBSD?

Your message came in via a PPP link between two NetBSD system and this
message will go out via the same link.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Tue May 21 11:12:51 1996
Return-Path: rob-healey%norstar.com@localhost
Received: from riverside.mr.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP 
id LAA19379 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 21 May 1996 11:00:33 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: from altair.helios.mn.org by riverside.mr.net (8.7.5/SMI-4.1.R931202)
        id KAA27250; Tue, 21 May 1996 10:00:27 -0500 (CDT)
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 10:00:05 -0500 (CDT)
From: Rob Healey <rob-healey%norstar.com@localhost>
Sender: rhealey%altair.helios.mn.org@localhost
Reply-To: Rob Healey <rob-healey%norstar.com@localhost>
Subject: Empty src/sys/arch/m68k/060sp
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <ML-2.3.832690805.6838.rhealey%altair.helios.mn.org@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0

        Am I the only one with an empty src/sys/arch/m68k/060sp after over
        a week of sup's since this directory was supposed to have been filled
        with goodies?


 From billc  Tue May 21 12:37:47 1996
Return-Path: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost
Received: from gemini.oscs.montana.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id MAA20386 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 21 May 1996 
12:28:58 -0400 (EDT)
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        id AA06795; Tue, 21 May 1996 10:28:53 -0600
Message-Id: <9605211628.AA06795%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost>
From: osymh%gemini.oscs.montana.edu@localhost (Michael L. Hitch)
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 10:28:53 -0600
In-Reply-To: Rob Healey's message of May 21, 10:00am
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: Rob Healey <rob-healey%norstar.com@localhost>
Subject: Re: Empty src/sys/arch/m68k/060sp
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost

On May 21, 10:00am, Rob Healey wrote:
>       Am I the only one with an empty src/sys/arch/m68k/060sp after over
>       a week of sup's since this directory was supposed to have been filled
>       with goodies?

  My 060sp directory was empty until today, when the Makefile showed up (since
it had been changed).  I also did a sup with the -o option, which seemed to
pick up all the files in the 060sp directory.


 From billc  Tue May 21 13:50:46 1996
Return-Path: thorpej%lestat.nas.nasa.gov@localhost
Received: from lestat.nas.nasa.gov by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id NAA22816 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 21 May 1996 
13:46:48 -0400 (EDT)
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(8.7.5/8.6.12) with SMTP id KAA16862; Tue, 21 May 1996 10:38:26 -0700 (PDT)
Message-Id: <199605211738.KAA16862%lestat.nas.nasa.gov@localhost>
X-Authentication-Warning: lestat.nas.nasa.gov: Host localhost [] 
didn't use HELO protocol
To: Rob Healey <rob-healey%norstar.com@localhost>
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: Empty src/sys/arch/m68k/060sp 
Reply-To: Jason Thorpe <thorpej%nas.nasa.gov@localhost>
From: Jason Thorpe <thorpej%nas.nasa.gov@localhost>
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 10:38:26 -0700
Sender: thorpej%nas.nasa.gov@localhost

On Tue, 21 May 1996 10:00:05 -0500 (CDT) 
 Rob Healey <rob-healey%norstar.com@localhost> wrote:

 >      Am I the only one with an empty src/sys/arch/m68k/060sp after over
 >      a week of sup's since this directory was supposed to have been filled
 >      with goodies?

I just checked ... the SUP server indicate that the 060sp files have been 
scanned... Your local timestamps might be fubar'd.

----save the ancient forests - http://www.bayarea.net/~thorpej/forest/----
Jason R. Thorpe                                       
NASA Ames Research Center                               Home: 408.866.1912
NAS: M/S 258-6                                          Work: 415.604.0935
Moffett Field, CA 94035                                Pager: 415.428.6939

 From billc  Tue May 21 15:31:43 1996
Return-Path: netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost
Received: from arresum.inka.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id 
PAA26012 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Tue, 21 May 1996 15:11:41 -0400 
Received: (from netbsd@localhost) by arresum.inka.de (8.7.5/8.7.5) id VAA01071; 
Tue, 21 May 1996 21:10:59 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Bernd Ernesti <netbsd%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605211910.VAA01071%arresum.inka.de@localhost>
Subject: Re: Empty src/sys/arch/m68k/060sp
To: thorpej%nas.nasa.gov@localhost
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 21:10:58 +0200 (MET DST)
Cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199605211738.KAA16862%lestat.nas.nasa.gov@localhost> from "Jason 
Thorpe" at May 21, 1996 10:38:26 AM
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MIME-Version: 1.0
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On Tue May 21 19:38:26 1996, Jason Thorpe wrote:
> On Tue, 21 May 1996 10:00:05 -0500 (CDT) 
>  Rob Healey <rob-healey%norstar.com@localhost> wrote:
>  >    Am I the only one with an empty src/sys/arch/m68k/060sp after over
>  >    a week of sup's since this directory was supposed to have been filled
>  >    with goodies?
> I just checked ... the SUP server indicate that the 060sp files have been 
> scanned... Your local timestamps might be fubar'd.

That could be one problem, but there was another problem till Saturday:
the 060sp-directory on ftp.netbsd.org had a chmod 700 :(
mrg fixed that on sunday, after I gave him a hint.


 From billc  Tue May 21 16:35:47 1996
Return-Path: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost
Received: from linteuto.teuto.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id QAA26727 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 21 May 1996 16:19:02 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: from tiger.teuto.de by linteuto.teuto.de with cbsmtp
        (Smail3.1.29.1 #5) id m0uLxps-000k5uC; Tue, 21 May 96 22:15 MET DST
Received: by tiger.teuto.de (UMSRFC 0.7);
        Tue, 21 May 1996 21:30:29 +0100
To: "port-amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <9605191614.ZM10263@rrzc1a>
From: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 20:35:47 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: snapshots for pre-1.2? :)
Message-ID: <68248343%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> a new NetBSD-release's coming up, and i was wondering who's gonna
> produce some snapshot for debugging before releases. You've done a great
> job in doing so for 1.0 and 1.1, can you do this again for 1.2? :)

 Yes!  And it might be a _very_ good idea to have those snapshots ready
this weekend (05/24 - 05/27), because there is a "large" Amiga-Meting
happening, where quite a few german NetBSD-Freaks will join as well. 

 Would be the best opportunity..

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Tue May 21 16:36:10 1996
Return-Path: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost
Received: from linteuto.teuto.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id QAA26714 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 21 May 1996 16:18:22 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: from tiger.teuto.de by linteuto.teuto.de with cbsmtp
        (Smail3.1.29.1 #5) id m0uLxpq-000k5eC; Tue, 21 May 96 22:15 MET DST
Received: by tiger.teuto.de (UMSRFC 0.7);
        Tue, 21 May 1996 21:30:28 +0100
To: "Kevin P. Neal" <kpneal%interpath.com@localhost>,
         "port-amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <>
From: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 19:25:04 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: I need advice on a SCSI card...
Message-ID: <68248336%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Kevin P. Neal wrote:
> I have four drives: (internal) 730mb Quantum L. (external) 1040mb
> Quantum Fireball 141mb Conner 105mb Syquest.

 There is no such thing as a "Quantum Fireball 1040mb".  There is a 540MB,
640MB, 1080MB and 1280MB Fireball.  Just to clear up things - you sure
about the drive?

> The system works fine except for the fireball. The drive was working
> fine in my PC, so I am pretty sure the problem is termination related.

 Yeah, Ibet so, too.  How about the SyQuest?  That one the last in the line
and correctly setup?  I would prefer to terminate the Quantum drive and
having it to be the last one in the line.

> Can somebody recommend a SCSI card that NetBSD supports, that has the
> 50-pin connector (of some sort) on the back of the card?

 No such thing.  And hell, I am using this connector for 6 years now -
never ever had problems.

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Tue May 21 20:14:41 1996
Return-Path: hubert.feyrer%rrzc1.rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost
Received: from comsun.rz.uni-regensburg.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) 
with SMTP id TAA11197 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 21 May 1996 
19:59:45 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from rrzc1.rz.uni-regensburg.de (rrzc4.rz.uni-regensburg.de) by 
comsun.rz.uni-regensburg.de with SMTP id AA05059
  (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>); Wed, 22 May 1996 
01:59:29 +0200
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 02:01:56 +0200
From: Hubert Feyrer <Hubert.Feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <9605220201.ZM17276@rrzc1a>
In-Reply-To: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
        "Re: snapshots for pre-1.2? :)" (May 21,  8:35pm)
References: <68248343%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
X-Face: iT2VNvH@a.&tC|E|:zwsgA^NC@o4gqqj3M3b-R4~1zpZ4y%@B@ZfP,7=U"{2^xd%"5iGa-* 
X-Mailer: Z-Mail (3.2.1 15feb95)
To: "port-amiga" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Subject: Re: snapshots for pre-1.2? :)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

>  Yes!  And it might be a _very_ good idea to have those snapshots ready
> this weekend (05/24 - 05/27), because there is a "large" Amiga-Meting
> happening, where quite a few german NetBSD-Freaks will join as well.
>  Would be the best opportunity..

As the mail to Rob bounced and there will be quite some -current trackers at
the meeting anyway (i guess :-), it's be fine to see a -current snapshot around
somewhere after the meeting.


P.S.: I won't be there.

=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
      Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/943-2905
      Weekends: Bachstr. 40,   D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
      Internet: hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost, IRC: hubertf

 From billc  Tue May 21 23:53:00 1996
Return-Path: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost
Received: from scurvy.dhn.csiro.au by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id XAA29205 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Tue, 21 May 1996 23:39:31 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: by scurvy.dhn.csiro.au (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4)
        id NAA26282; Wed, 22 May 1996 13:10:32 +0930
From: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost (Phil Kernick)
Message-Id: <199605220340.NAA26282%scurvy.dhn.csiro.au@localhost>
Subject: Configuring NetBSD 1.1
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 13:10:32 +0930 (CST)
Organization: CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

I've managed to get NetBSD 1.1 up and running on my A2500, but I still have
a few questions.

1.  When I boot, I get "Device not configured" errors for /dev/fd1 .. fd3
    and for /dev/ttyb .. ttye.  How do I configure these devices?

2.  I am not using a graphics card, so I'm just using ECS.  When I boot, it
    tells me "10 views configured".  What's a "view"?  Looking at the
    kernel source it seems that only one "view" is used with ECS.

3.  How can I change the console font to be anything other than the 8x8 or
    11x8 font?


   _-_|\   Phil Kernick                      E-Mail: 
  /     \  IT Manager                        Phone:  (08) 303 8812
  \_.-*_/  CSIRO Div. Human Nutrition        Fax:    (08) 303 8896
       v   PO Box 10041  Gouger Street       Mobile:  041 981 0849
           Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia   "Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!"

 From billc  Thu May 23 03:50:08 1996
Return-Path: breitzke%t-online.de@localhost
Received: from mailout01.btx.dtag.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
SMTP id DAA21131 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 23 May 1996 
03:32:40 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from mailto00.btx.dtag.de ([]) by mailout01.btx.dtag.de with
         smtp (S3.1.29.1) id <m0uMJZZ-0008teC>; Wed, 22 May 96 21:27 MET DST
Received: from bla (054036219-0001(btxid)@[]) 
        by mailto00.btx.dtag.de with  smtp (S3.1.29.1) 
        id <m0uMJY4-0008VGC>; Wed, 22 May 96 21:26 MET DST
Message-ID: <31A36AC8.4825%t-online.de@localhost>
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 21:29:32 +0200
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Fastlane Problems
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Sender: 054036219-0001%t-online.de@localhost (Michael Breitzke)
From: Breitzke%t-online.de@localhost (Michael Breitzke)

I have some problems with my Fastlane-SCSI Adapter. With the internal 
in my A4000 NetBSD works fine. After removing all IDE Devices and installing 
SCSI-Drives on a Fastlane I can't install NetBSD 1.1. I have made 4 partitions 
on a 
IBM DFRS 2GB-Drive for NetBSD. They work as aspected. But if I make some 
from one Drive to another (I have also a CD-ROM and a 100MB Quantum Drive 
on the Fastlane) the SCSI-Bus stops and nothing happens anymore. I have to 
the machine.
Have somebody a solution ?


 From billc  Thu May 23 05:30:33 1996
Return-Path: fiction!lyssa.owl.de!tron%golden-gate.owl.de@localhost
Received: from golden-gate.owl.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id FAA21526 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Thu, 23 May 1996 05:19:07 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: by golden-gate.owl.de (Smail3.1.28.1)
          from fiction with uucp
          id <m0uMWYo-000JOoC>; Thu, 23 May 96 11:19 MET DST
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         id m0uMWXZ-00000mC; Thu, 23 May 96 11:18 MET DST
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with BSMTP id LAA20471 for port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost; Thu, 23 May 1996 
11:18:36 +0200 (MET DST)
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        Thu, 23 May 1996 11:15:43 +0200
To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <31A36AC8.4825%t-online.de@localhost>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 11:11:28 +0200
Subject: Re: Fastlane Problems
Message-ID: <48061%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Michael,

you wrote in <31A36AC8.4825%t-online.de@localhost>:
> But if I make some transfers from one Drive to another the SCSI-Bus stops
> and nothing happens anymore.

Well know problem.

> Have somebody a solution ?

Yes, write a better driver for the FAS 216 SCSI chip.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Sat May 25 13:46:18 1996
Return-Path: seebs%solon.com@localhost
Received: from solutions.solon.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id NAA28912 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sat, 25 May 1996 13:26:42 
-0400 (EDT)
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MAA13901 for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Sat, 25 May 1996 12:29:45 -0500
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 12:29:45 -0500
From: Peter Seebach <seebs%solon.com@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605251729.MAA13901%solutions.solon.com@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: sbic.c dma timeout... Still happens...

I just saw this hang today on a machine which has been running
various -currents, and is *at least* up to May or so.


 From billc  Sun May 26 00:26:47 1996
Return-Path: oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost
Received: from tommie.tmisnet.com by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id AAA03720 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Sun, 26 May 1996 00:06:18 
-0400 (EDT)
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        id AA01; Sat, 25 May 96 20:30:38 
From: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Serious Voodoo 1.240 (Registered to Robert Scurlock 
Subject: Window Manager Problem
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 20:30:38 (-0800)
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To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <19960525.8278020.127D6%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>

While attempting to compile and install ImageMagick and related libraries my
Xserver (Xamiga24) froze. It's never come up since. The server starts but dies
when the window manager (fvwm) starts to kick in. I've completely reinstalled
all the X11 binaries and related files including fonts. It still behaves the
same way. I have a smaller hard-drive also set up with NetBSD that runs fine.
I tar'd it to tape ("tar cvM /") and then restored this backup to my
troublesome drive ("tar --unlink -xvM"). It still doesn't work. First of all,
am I doing my "tar" backup correctly? I'm trying to install a duplicate of the
good system onto the broken one. I should add that "tvm" works but not ctwm or
fvwm; not on this system. Any suggestions?

My system is an A4000 with Spectrum running XAmiga24 at 800x600.


 From billc  Sun May 26 10:05:39 1996
Return-Path: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost
Received: from scurvy.dhn.csiro.au by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id JAA09525 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 26 May 1996 09:58:53 
-0400 (EDT)
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        id XAA06360; Sun, 26 May 1996 23:28:49 +0930
From: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost (Phil Kernick)
Message-Id: <199605261358.XAA06360%scurvy.dhn.csiro.au@localhost>
Subject: Time zones
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 23:28:49 +0930 (CST)
Organization: CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

I've installed NetBSD 1.1 and it works well, but I'm having a problem with
the TIMEZONE configuration.

Specifically, the Amiga has the clock set to localtime, whereas Unix boxes
assume that the clock is set to GMT (or UTC if you want to be politically
correct :-) - which means that my NetBSD setup thinks that it's 9.5 hours
ahead of localtime.

There is a TIMEZONE option in the kernel configuration, which doesn't seem
to do anything - I set it to -570 (which the number of minutes in 9.5
hours) and then rebuild, but nothing changes.

Is there a specific object file I should trash and then rebuild?


   _-_|\   Phil Kernick                      E-Mail: 
  /     \  IT Manager                        Phone:  (08) 303 8812
  \_.-*_/  CSIRO Div. Human Nutrition        Fax:    (08) 303 8896
       v   PO Box 10041  Gouger Street       Mobile:  041 981 0849
           Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia   "Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!"

 From billc  Sun May 26 12:05:17 1996
Return-Path: owinebar%nickel.ucs.indiana.edu@localhost
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ESMTP id LAA09891 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 26 May 1996 
11:48:36 -0400 (EDT)
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belize.ucs.indiana.edu (8.7.3/8.7.3/1.10IUPO) with ESMTP id KAA08062 for 
<port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 26 May 1996 10:48:33 -0500 (EST)
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From: Lynn Winebarger <owinebar%nickel.ucs.indiana.edu@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605261548.KAA21259%nickel.ucs.indiana.edu@localhost>
Subject: Fix for A4000T and cybervision64
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 10:48:34 -0500 (EST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Has anyone integrated the fixes for the A4000T scsi and the Cybervision
into one install kernel?

Also, how far away is a version that works on the 060?  (since the 060 cards
are getting close to the market now).


 From billc  Mon May 27 09:45:54 1996
Return-Path: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost
Received: from scurvy.dhn.csiro.au by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id JAA20169 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 27 May 1996 09:42:23 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: by scurvy.dhn.csiro.au (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4)
        id XAA19026; Mon, 27 May 1996 23:12:21 +0930
From: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost (Phil Kernick)
Message-Id: <199605271342.XAA19026%scurvy.dhn.csiro.au@localhost>
Subject: Demand Dialed PPP - NetBSD 1.1
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 23:12:20 +0930 (CST)
Organization: CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

Is it possible to do demand dialed PPP under NetBSD 1.1?


   _-_|\   Phil Kernick                      E-Mail: 
  /     \  IT Manager                        Phone:  (08) 303 8812
  \_.-*_/  CSIRO Div. Human Nutrition        Fax:    (08) 303 8896
       v   PO Box 10041  Gouger Street       Mobile:  041 981 0849
           Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia   "Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!"

 From billc  Mon May 27 16:46:18 1996
Return-Path: tim%flibble.org@localhost
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QAA27700 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 27 May 1996 16:35:21 -0400 
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for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Mon, 27 May 1996 21:34:39 +0100 (BST)
From: Tim Preston <tim%flibble.org@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605272034.VAA08568%amy.flibble.org@localhost>
Subject: Re: sbic.c dma timeout... Still happens...
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 21:34:37 +0100 (BST)
In-Reply-To: <199605251729.MAA13901%solutions.solon.com@localhost> from "Peter 
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> I just saw this hang today on a machine which has been running
> various -currents, and is *at least* up to May or so.
> -s

What exactly are the symptoms of this? I've been experiencing random SCSI
lockups since I upgraded to 1.1 and think they may be related to the fact I
have most of my memory on the ZIII bus (A3000) which is a tad slow...

Could this be related to whatever it is you're seeing and if so what is the
patch for it?

Tim Preston                                                
http://www.flibble.org/                             Home of the Wolfe Pack
              Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf...
                               NetBSD Amiga

 From billc  Mon May 27 20:05:44 1996
Return-Path: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost
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id UAA04178 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 27 May 1996 20:01:30 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: by scurvy.dhn.csiro.au (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4)
        id JAA21502; Tue, 28 May 1996 09:31:23 +0930
From: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost (Phil Kernick)
Message-Id: <199605280001.JAA21502%scurvy.dhn.csiro.au@localhost>
Subject: Re: Demand Dialed PPP - NetBSD 1.1
To: diavolo%azure.engin.umich.edu@localhost (Calvin)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 09:31:23 +0930 (CST)
Cc: port-amiga%NETBSD.ORG@localhost
from "Calvin" at May 27, 96 06:08:08 pm
Organization: CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

Hi Calvin,

> > Is it possible to do demand dialed PPP under NetBSD 1.1?
> Depends, what is demand dialed PPP?  

The PPP connection is only initiated when an attempt is made to access a
non-local IP address - and it's done automatically.

That means you don't have to run pppd by hand, and you don't need to put
pppd in the /etc/ttys file - which would initiate a connection on startup.


   _-_|\   Phil Kernick                      E-Mail: 
  /     \  IT Manager                        Phone:  (08) 303 8812
  \_.-*_/  CSIRO Div. Human Nutrition        Fax:    (08) 303 8896
       v   PO Box 10041  Gouger Street       Mobile:  041 981 0849
           Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia   "Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!"

 From billc  Tue May 28 05:06:03 1996
Return-Path: staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost
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Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 10:09:49 +0000 (CET DST)
From: Ruben van Staveren <staveren%guyot.ptf.hro.nl@localhost>
Subject: Re: Time zones
In-reply-to: <199605261358.XAA06360%scurvy.dhn.csiro.au@localhost>
To: philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost (Phil Kernick)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-id: <199605281009.KAA00638%etna.ronix@localhost>
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-type: text
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

> I've installed NetBSD 1.1 and it works well, but I'm having a problem with
> the TIMEZONE configuration.
> Specifically, the Amiga has the clock set to localtime, whereas Unix boxes
> assume that the clock is set to GMT (or UTC if you want to be politically
> correct :-) - which means that my NetBSD setup thinks that it's 9.5 hours
> ahead of localtime.

There's a util on aminet, called Clockdeamon, which ables you 
to patch the battery resource on the amiga to translate the UTC
to your localtime. In otherwords, set your clock to UTC and install
Clockdeamon on the AmigaOS side.

You could then use the right link in /usr/share/zoneinfo to /etc/localtime
> There is a TIMEZONE option in the kernel configuration, which doesn't seem
> to do anything - I set it to -570 (which the number of minutes in 9.5
> hours) and then rebuild, but nothing changes.
> Is there a specific object file I should trash and then rebuild?
No need for now ?
> Thanks,
> Phil.
> -- 
>    _-_|\   Phil Kernick                      E-Mail: 
> philk%dhn.csiro.au@localhost
>   /     \  IT Manager                        Phone:  (08) 303 8812
>   \_.-*_/  CSIRO Div. Human Nutrition        Fax:    (08) 303 8896
>        v   PO Box 10041  Gouger Street       Mobile:  041 981 0849
>            Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia   "Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!"
Your welcome :^)

/___________________________ //_____________________________/| PGP Public
|  _             _        |\X/ Amiga is it, the rest is ... ||_  @ / Key on
| /_)     | /   /_'       |Email: staveren%ronix.ptf.hro.nl@localhost || \/##\ 
|/  \uben |/an __/taveren |(A1230-882@50/14/500) tO tHE eND!||   ##/
|-----------------------------------------------------------||   ||`
|      "Quantum Physics:The Dreams Stuff Are Made Of.."     ||  _|\ NetBSD
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 From billc  Tue May 28 05:25:23 1996
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To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 11:02:24 +0200
Subject: Re: Fix for A4000T and cybervision64
Message-ID: <48258%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Lynn,

you wrote in <199605261548.KAA21259%nickel.ucs.indiana.edu@localhost>:
> Also, how far away is a version that works on the 060?

NetBSD-current already works on 060 systems, and the 1.2 release
date is near.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Tue May 28 05:25:30 1996
Return-Path: fiction!lyssa.owl.de!tron%golden-gate.owl.de@localhost
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<port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost>; Tue, 28 May 1996 11:09:39 +0200 (MET DST)
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        Tue, 28 May 1996 11:05:46 +0200
To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <199605261358.XAA06360%scurvy.dhn.csiro.au@localhost>
From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 11:04:46 +0200
Subject: Re: Time zones
Message-ID: <48259%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Phil,

you wrote in <199605261358.XAA06360%scurvy.dhn.csiro.au@localhost>:
> There is a TIMEZONE option in the kernel configuration, which doesn't
> seem to do anything.


You can set the timezone by soft linking "/etc/timezone" to one of the
file in "/usr/share/zoneinfo" e.g. "/usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney".

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Tue May 28 17:06:33 1996
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Message-Id: <199605282104.QAA16764%g0084.fingerhut.com.@localhost>
To: current-users%netbsd.org@localhost, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: More PPP questions

I've upgraded(?) from NetBSD-1.1 to NetBSD-1.2 alpha, running on an
Amiga A3000 with 12 MB fast RAM, A2024 monitor, using the built-in
serial port and a USR sportster 33K modem.  When I switched from
NetBSD-1.1 to NetBSD1.2, my PPP performance was seriously degraded.
I'm now losing packets (ping shows 5%-25% losses), rlogin sessions
lock up for minutes at a time, I get VJERRS every couple of seconds
and silo overflows every couple minutes.

My NetBSD-1.1 kernel had the lev6-defer and increased buffer (16K).
My NetBSD-1.2 kernel has these and the two PPP options for VJ compression
and deflate (I'd give the exact info, but I'm not at that machine).

Was my 1.1 kernel really supporting VJ compression?  Does VJ
compression require more bandwidth than my 25 MHz 68030 can provide?
What sorts of things should I do to troubleshoot this?  My PPP
performance on NetBSD-1.2 is so bad, it's unusable.

 From billc  Tue May 28 19:06:26 1996
Return-Path: garthc%compass-da.com@localhost
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(8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP id SAA00719 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; 
Tue, 28 May 1996 18:50:43 -0400 (EDT)
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(8.7.1/8.7.1) id PAA28091; Tue, 28 May 1996 15:48:32 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 15:48:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Garth Corral <garthc%compass-da.com@localhost>
X-Sender: garthc@gazelle
To: Port Amiga <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Subject: X sources (again)
Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.91.960528152902.28048A-100000@gazelle>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi all,

    I've posted about this recently but still need some questions 
answered.  If I were to build X for NetBSD/Amiga (from whatever sources) 
and wanted to root the tree in /usr/X11R6 instead of /usr/local/X11R6, 
will I still be screwed because of compiled-in paths in the Xamiga24 
server for which there are, as far as I can tell, no sources available?

    Also, which sources would be preferred for the rest of the X 
distribution?  Has anyone successfully built XFree86 on NetBSD/Amiga?  
Do the non-server related patches (bug-fixes?) make it worth the effort?  
Any feedback on this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


 From billc  Tue May 28 22:25:22 1996
Return-Path: jfw%jfwhome.funhouse.com@localhost
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ESMTP id WAA03949; Tue, 28 May 1996 22:21:35 -0400 (EDT)
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didn't use HELO protocol
To: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost (Bruce Albrecht)
cc: current-users%netbsd.org@localhost, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: More PPP questions 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Tue, 28 May 1996 16:04:02 CDT."
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:21:28 -0400
From: "John F. Woods" <jfw%funhouse.com@localhost>

> I've upgraded(?) from NetBSD-1.1 to NetBSD-1.2 alpha, running on an
> Amiga A3000 with 12 MB fast RAM, A2024 monitor, using the built-in
> serial port and a USR sportster 33K modem.  When I switched from
> NetBSD-1.1 to NetBSD1.2, my PPP performance was seriously degraded.
> I'm now losing packets (ping shows 5%-25% losses), rlogin sessions
> lock up for minutes at a time, I get VJERRS every couple of seconds
> and silo overflows every couple minutes.

Well, now this makes me suspect even more strongly that the lossage seen in
the 386 com.c driver has nothing to do with the com driver itself (hence the
calls for making it machine dependent seem more and more misguided).  However:

> My NetBSD-1.1 kernel had the lev6-defer and increased buffer (16K).
> My NetBSD-1.2 kernel has these and the two PPP options for VJ compression
> and deflate (I'd give the exact info, but I'm not at that machine).
> Was my 1.1 kernel really supporting VJ compression?

1.1 certainly had VJ header compression.  If you didn't explicitly disable it,
it should have been present.

> Does VJ compression require more bandwidth than my 25 MHz 68030 can provide?

Nah, VJ compression is real cheap.  However (speaking as the guy whose fault
PPP Deflate compression is), if you're actually *using* it on a 25MHz 68030,
you're likely sucking up fabulous amounts of CPU with it.  (My own tests showed
that at 56Kb and up it was pretty disappointing unless you had serious
processor power, unfortunately; on the other hand, that's more than twice the
line speed, and a 68030 wasn't one of the CPUs I tried.)  Tell syslog to
record local2.debug messages somewhere, and check to see whether pppd is
really negotiating the use of deflate compression; if it is, turn it off,
and see if that helps.

 From billc  Wed May 29 03:46:50 1996
Return-Path: jmarin%pyy.jmp.fi@localhost
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DAA13109; Wed, 29 May 1996 03:39:29 -0400 (EDT)
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Wed, 29 May 1996 10:38:14 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Jukka Marin <jmarin%pyy.jmp.fi@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605290738.KAA08542%pyy.jmp.fi@localhost>
Subject: Re: More PPP questions
To: jfw%funhouse.com@localhost (John F. Woods)
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 10:38:14 +0300 (EET DST)
Cc: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost, 
In-Reply-To: <199605290221.WAA13673%jfwhome.funhouse.com@localhost> from "John 
F. Woods" at May 28, 96 10:21:28 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

> Well, now this makes me suspect even more strongly that the lossage seen in
> the 386 com.c driver has nothing to do with the com driver itself (hence the
> calls for making it machine dependent seem more and more misguided).

Well, the com.c isn't as good as it could be, if there's an alternative one
that works better ;)  But it sure sounds like there was a general interrupt
problem in NetBSD, causing problems with everything that needs fast
interrupt response (like the 3com ethernet card on this 486 I have here).


 From billc  Wed May 29 04:45:26 1996
Return-Path: lcs%lysator.liu.se@localhost
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04:29:23 -0400 (EDT)
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Received: by lcsgate.rydnet.lysator.liu.se (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 
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From: Martin Blom <lcs%lysator.liu.se@localhost>
Organization: Divine Software
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Subject: Network card
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 10:29:04 (+0100)
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To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <19960529.738CA50.9478%lcsgate.rydnet.lysator.liu.se@localhost>

I currently own a Golden Gate II with a ISA ethernet card, which I use
with AmigaOS. I also have NetBSD 1.1 installed, but since GG isn't
supported it's quite useless.

However, I'm considering buying a new network card (not only because
of NetBSD, I need an extra Zorro slot too).

Anyway, I can probably get one of those Commodore cards, A2065 or
whatever the name is quite cheap . Does this card work well in an
Is it any good otherwise? My current ISA card only transfers about
200-250 KB/s, even though the network is 10 Mb.

I can also get a Ariadne, but that'll be more expensive.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance!

---- Martin 'Leviticus' Blom  ----------- lcs%lysator.liu.se@localhost ----

 From billc  Wed May 29 06:26:07 1996
Return-Path: fiction!lyssa.owl.de!tron%golden-gate.owl.de@localhost
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From: "Matthias Scheler" <tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 11:42:50 +0200
Subject: Re: Network card
Message-ID: <48477%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
Organization: Private Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe

    Hi Martin,

you wrote in <19960529.738CA50.9478%lcsgate.rydnet.lysator.liu.se@localhost>:
> Anyway, I can probably get one of those Commodore cards, A2065 or
> whatever the name is quite cheap . Does this card work well in an
> A4000/040?


> Is it any good otherwise?

It works.

> My current ISA card only transfers about
> 200-250 KB/s, even though the network is 10 Mb.

That's more likely a problem of the CPU speed not of the Ethernet card.
One can double network speed by replacing the A3640 with e.g. a Warp-Engine.

Matthias Scheler

 From billc  Wed May 29 17:45:58 1996
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Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 16:30:23 -0600
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        "Re: Network card" (May 29, 11:42am)
References: <48477%lyssa.owl.de@localhost>
X-Mailer: Z-Mail 4.0 (4.0.0 Aug 21 1995)
To: "NetBSD Amiga" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Subject: XWindows
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Before anyone yells at me to read the FAQ I'll tell you I already have & 
it didn't tell me what I wanted to know.

I'm running v1.1 on my A3000/16 with a Warp Engine 4040 & a Retina Z2 
video card.  What, if any, XWindowing package supports the Retina Z2.  
The FAQ states, in one place, that XAmiga24 supports the Retina Z2 & 
then goes on to only talk about the Retina Z3.  So, what's the deal 
here, does anything support the Z2?



 From billc  Wed May 29 18:28:12 1996
Return-Path: frank%phoenix.owl.de@localhost
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-0400 (EDT)
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        Wed, 29 May 1996 21:00:16 +0200
To: "port-amiga" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
From: "Frank Wille" <frank%phoenix.owl.de@localhost>
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 10:50:43 +0200
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 3 (5.11.95)
Subject: Where to get libXpm.so.4.7 ?
Message-ID: <42117033%phoenix.owl.de@localhost>


Yesterday, I installed Fvwm 2.0.40 from Regenburg. Unfortunately
it didn't work, because it requires libXpm.so.4.7 and I only have

I thought Fvwm 2.0.40 is for X11R6? Why does it require another
libXpm.so? And, most important of all, *where* can I get it? ;)

Thanks in advance.


-- _
_ // Frank      EMail: frank%phoenix.owl.de@localhost
\X/             IRC:   Phx @ #amiga(ger)

 From billc  Wed May 29 18:54:14 1996
Return-Path: hubert.feyrer%rrzc1.rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost
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with SMTP id SAA29932 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Wed, 29 May 1996 
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00:36:57 +0200
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 00:33:16 +0200
From: Hubert Feyrer <Hubert.Feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>
Message-Id: <9605300033.ZM1349@rrzc1a>
In-Reply-To: oddvark%cris.com@localhost
        "XWindows" (May 29,  4:30pm)
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X-Face: iT2VNvH@a.&tC|E|:zwsgA^NC@o4gqqj3M3b-R4~1zpZ4y%@B@ZfP,7=U"{2^xd%"5iGa-* 
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Subject: Re: XWindows
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> I'm running v1.1 on my A3000/16 with a Warp Engine 4040 & a Retina Z2
> video card.  What, if any, XWindowing package supports the Retina Z2.
> The FAQ states, in one place, that XAmiga24 supports the Retina Z2 &
> then goes on to only talk about the Retina Z3.  So, what's the deal
> here, does anything support the Z2?

AFAIK not, sorry. :(


=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
      Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/943-1333
      Weekends: Bachstr. 40,   D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
      Internet: hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost, IRC: hubertf

 From billc  Wed May 29 22:12:39 1996
Return-Path: steve%geyser.uchicago.edu@localhost
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21:53:09 -0400 (EDT)
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UAA23302; Wed, 29 May 1996 20:12:06 -0500 (CDT)
From: Stephen Champion <steve%geyser.uchicago.edu@localhost>
Message-Id: <199605300112.UAA23302%geyser.uchicago.edu@localhost>
Subject: Re: XWindows
To: oddvark%cris.com@localhost
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 20:12:06 -0500 (CDT)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <960529163134.ZM2871@bcompono> from "oddvark%cris.com@localhost" 
at May 29, 96 04:30:23 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

oddvark%cris.com@localhost wrote:
> Before anyone yells at me to read the FAQ I'll tell you I already have & 
> it didn't tell me what I wanted to know.
> I'm running v1.1 on my A3000/16 with a Warp Engine 4040 & a Retina Z2 
> video card.  What, if any, XWindowing package supports the Retina Z2.  
> The FAQ states, in one place, that XAmiga24 supports the Retina Z2 & 
> then goes on to only talk about the Retina Z3.  So, what's the deal 
> here, does anything support the Z2?

        There is XamigaRetina - should be buried in the 1.0 stuff on uni-r
and mirrors.  It's a 1.0 compile, but it works for me under 1.1.

Stephen Champion                  System Administrator
steve%geosci.uchicago.edu@localhost       Dept. of Geophysical Science
steve%geyser.uchicago.edu@localhost       University of Chicago

 From billc  Wed May 29 22:46:08 1996
Return-Path: cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost
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        id AA21806; Wed, 29 May 1996 21:42:37 -0500
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 21:42:37 -0500 (CDT)
From: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: PIC option using gcc
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Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi, everybody.

What I understand is that NetBSD architecture supports dynamic linking 
objects. And since NetBSD is built up by gcc, I assume gcc with option of 
either -fpic or -fPIC works. However when I build program using -fpic 
option, the ld warns me of undefined symbol "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_". Also 
I read gcc info in which it states that gas does not fully support PIC 
option and when -fpic option fails, one can use -fPIC on supported 
platform. It does not indicate which platform is supported. I want to 
know whether m68k is on that list or not.
Besides ld has such error message:"client.o: gotslot at 0x4 multiple valued"
What does it mean? I checked client.c in which there is no such gotslot 
symbol or function or variables. Where does this come from?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


 From billc  Thu May 30 08:26:18 1996
Return-Path: nbc%vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk@localhost
Received: from vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) 
with ESMTP id IAA09042 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 30 May 1996 
08:20:12 -0400 (EDT)
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didn't use HELO protocol
To: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: PIC option using gcc 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Wed, 29 May 1996 21:42:37 CDT."
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 13:19:24 +0100
From: Neil Brendan Clark <nbc%vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk@localhost>

YU SONG writes:
>What I understand is that NetBSD architecture supports dynamic linking 
>objects. And since NetBSD is built up by gcc, I assume gcc with option of 
>either -fpic or -fPIC works. 

Sure does.

>However when I build program using -fpic 
>option, the ld warns me of undefined symbol "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_". 

Can't remember this happening to me. The way I do it is like this;

 gcc -c -fpic library.c
 ld -Bshareable -o library.so library.o


 From billc  Thu May 30 09:46:29 1996
Return-Path: oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost
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-0400 (EDT)
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        id AA01; Thu, 30 May 96 06:07:02 
From: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Serious Voodoo 1.246 (Registered to Robert Scurlock 
Subject: FVWM Problem
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 06:07:01 (-0800)
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <19960530.8384CC8.567D%oeolsson.UUCP@localhost>

I still can't get FVWM to work. It fails just after the Xserver starts up.
Something got stepped on while attempting to install another package. I
thought I could fix it by restoring the entire "/*" archive from another
working BSD system, but it didn't. Something always slips through to prevent
FVWM from working. Can someone please tell me if it's possible to duplicate an
existing system on top of another system with a tar'd archive? I tar'd the
'good' system using => 'tar cvM /dev/rst0 /*' while cd'd to '/'. I then
restored to the 'broken' system using 'tar --unlink -xvM' while cd'd to '/'.
Is there something I'm not capturing from the good system using this syntax?
I've even done a complete reinstallation of all the X11 files plus FVWM to no
avail. I should add that TWM works fine.

Help please,

 From billc  Thu May 30 16:49:34 1996
Return-Path: k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost
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QAA13866 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 30 May 1996 16:40:14 -0400 
Received: from korppi.cs.tut.fi (k125374%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost 
[]) by cs.tut.fi (8.6.12/8.6.4) with ESMTP id XAA26869 for 
<port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 30 May 1996 23:40:02 +0300
From: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>
Received: (k125374@localhost) by korppi.cs.tut.fi (8.6.12/8.6.4) id XAA12630 
for port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost; Thu, 30 May 1996 23:40:00 +0300
Message-Id: <199605302040.XAA12630%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost>
Subject: Hardware problems?
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 23:40:00 +0300 (EET DST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-Type: text


I've seen sometimes message "data modified in free list... xxx != 0xdeadbeef",
and I'd like to know whether it means real memory or if swap space also
counts.  I have most probably some SCSI problems and if this could be
caused by that, I don't need to suspect my two SIMMs.

Secondly, does any Warp Engine owner know if it provides termination
power to SCSI bus if the appropriate jumper is set?  And especially,
if I remove resistors from WE, is it still supposed to provide term power?
I just measured it (pin 26) and there is no voltage if there are no
resistors (I have WE in the middle and so I had to remove resistors
from it).  I haven't yet checked what it shows if I add those resistors

I just noticed this after I removed one drive (also set to provide
term power) and suddenly the A3000 didn't boot at all (but when I
set another drive to provide term power, boots succeeded again).
So, if this is not how other WE's work, I have to check mine more

I just quickly measured that there is connection between pin 26 and that
jumper so either it doesn't provide term power without resistors (if at all)
or then the power source is cut (and if anyone knows where the power
to term line is supposed to come, I'd like to know, too).

Hmm, also relating to this WE, if I remove those resistors, do I get
really a non-terminated bus (to be terminated by an external device)
or does this chip (NCR something) terminate the line automaticly?
Hopefully not, but I just have so strange failures that I don't know
what to do ;-(
System panics, programs just die, ... At least two times those panics
have been caused by filesystem problems (if I can trust to the output
of kernel debugger), but most often it just says MMU fault.  I just
don't know if I should believe that MMU is bad, it's been working
nicely for about six months (and has had CPU fan, and is as it was
when I bought it, no over-clocking or such).  And this could perhaps
to caused by SCSI problems if swapping goes mad (although I don't
know if it could show up as an MMU fault).

One big change is that I changed from A3000's desktop case to a
tower, but it has two fans (in addition to CPU fan) and I don't
think it's hotter than that desktop case.  Of course, the motherboard
is now in vertical position, but I don't know if that could change
anything (perhaps the CPU-fan isn't able to cool CPU enough because
now all the heat doesn't go up thru the fan but some emits from the
side of CPU).  I used parts of that original case so daughterboard
is still well attached.  And these problems didn't start immediately
after I changed the cover (also ADOS works nicely...).

At first I thought that all this is caused by some bad library or
executable somewhere, because re-compiling binaries and libraries
seems to help (but takes much time because of crashes).  But then
something brokes again... now I have about everything re-installed
and still crashes (I will soon try a fresh install from tar balls
but somehow I think it will not help).

However, ADOS sees no problems (except those motherboard memory problems
mentioned several days ago, but I threw those zips away so they don't
affect anymore).

Just in case anyone has had similar problems, I have an A3000 (25MHz
model) with Warp Engine (40MHz), CV64 (2MB) and QuickNet Ethernet
card.  Three HDs (Quantum Saturn, IBM Spitfire and some Seagate which
isn't used by NetBSD) and one CD-ROM (but most of the time switched off
so it won't count).  Normally the SCSI chain is terminated by CD-ROM's
external case (active terminator) and by one of those HD's (also active
termination).  I have checked that the external end is terminated even
if the CD-ROM is off (it gets about 4.7V between pin 26 and ground).
Yesterday I put resistors back to Warp Engine (and also removed that
CD-ROM), but still problems.  All those SCSI devices are connected
to Warp's controller because motherboard's seemed to cause problems
after installing Warp Engine.

I have used the latest sources from sup.netbsd.org to make the kernel
(and most of the other software, too).  I'll try to write down what debugger
says next time I get a panic just in case it could help solving this

Thanks for reading, and hopefully someone has good ideas on what to do next
(I cannot easily remove Warp Engine because then I wouldn't have any
fast mem to use NetBSD ;-)

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Thu May 30 17:06:04 1996
Return-Path: diavolo%engin.umich.edu@localhost
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From: Calvin <diavolo%azure.engin.umich.edu@localhost>
X-Sender: diavolo%chinese.engin.umich.edu@localhost
To: Ola Olsson <oeolsson%tmisnet.com@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: FVWM Problem
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 30 May 1996, Ola Olsson wrote:

> I still can't get FVWM to work. It fails just after the Xserver starts up.

I couldn't get FVWM to work.  This is the fvwm from 
ftp.uni-regensburg.de.. the fvwm95 in the same directory also doesn't 
work because it doesn't have the proper *.so files.  I suspect 
recompiling the whole thing should get it working.  

 ?>\  / \ /  /  \o  \o> The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
/|  --o  |  o--  |\  |  Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
// /  \ /o\ / |\ \\ / | Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
""""""""""""""""""""""" Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;

 From billc  Thu May 30 19:06:30 1996
Return-Path: nbc%vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk@localhost
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with ESMTP id TAA16699 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Thu, 30 May 1996 
19:03:34 -0400 (EDT)
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didn't use HELO protocol
To: Calvin <diavolo%azure.engin.umich.edu@localhost>
cc: port-amiga%NETBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Re: FVWM Problem 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Thu, 30 May 1996 16:51:53 EDT."
Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 00:02:47 +0100
From: Neil Brendan Clark <nbc%vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk@localhost>

Calvin writes:
>the fvwm95 in the same directory also doesn't 
>work because it doesn't have the proper *.so files.  

I was the porter of version "c" of the fvwm95 on Regensburg, and have
already heard of someone having problems with a missing libXpm.so.4.6.
However, I have tracked down the problem - it would appear that I obtained
this library from one of the files in the contrib directory of regensburg;


I guess I must have assumed that everybody had libXpm.so.4.6 as some sort
of default on their X systems. Still, the apps archive has some nice stuff
in it anyway, so if anyone is having problems with a missing libXpm.so.4.6
they might as well get it.

I also believe that libXpm has moved onto version 4.7 (or later) now; perhaps
there is a port of this available?

>I suspect recompiling the whole thing should get it working.  

In theory yes, but in practice it is a bit of a pain to port ;-)


 From billc  Fri May 31 01:06:22 1996
Return-Path: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost
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ESMTP id AAA22319 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Fri, 31 May 1996 
00:52:09 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from dn800e0.fingerhut.com (daemon@localhost) by 
dn800e0.fingerhut.com (8.7.2/8.7.2) with ESMTP id XAA09312; Thu, 30 May 1996 
23:50:58 -0500 (CDT)
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23:50:58 -0500 (CDT)
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        id XAA05481; Thu, 30 May 1996 23:51:37 -0500
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        id XAA18561; Thu, 30 May 1996 23:51:30 -0500
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 23:51:30 -0500
From: Bruce.Albrecht%seag.fingerhut.com@localhost (Bruce Albrecht)
Message-Id: <199605310451.XAA18561%g0084.fingerhut.com.@localhost>
To: current-users%netsd.org@localhost, port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: More PPP questions
In-Reply-To: <199605282104.QAA16764%g0084.fingerhut.com.@localhost>
References: <199605282104.QAA16764%g0084.fingerhut.com.@localhost>

Bruce Albrecht writes:
 > I've upgraded(?) from NetBSD-1.1 to NetBSD-1.2 alpha, running on an
 > Amiga A3000 with 12 MB fast RAM, A2024 monitor, using the built-in
 > serial port and a USR sportster 33K modem.  When I switched from
 > NetBSD-1.1 to NetBSD1.2, my PPP performance was seriously degraded.
 > I'm now losing packets (ping shows 5%-25% losses), rlogin sessions
 > lock up for minutes at a time, I get VJERRS every couple of seconds
 > and silo overflows every couple minutes.

I've even tried downgrading my serial port from 57600 to 38400, drop
the MTU/MRU from 1500 to 296, and I still get dropped packets, silo
overflows, and VJ packet errors.  Unfortunately, I have not been
running netbsd-current until the last week, so I don't know when
serial I/O performance degraded.  Any ideas on where to go from here?
Should I try building a new kernel with the PPP_BSDCOMP and
PPP_DEFLATE options removed, and/or removing some of the new
pseudo-devices, as these are the major changes to my configuration?

Here's my netbsd-1.1 conf file:

include "std.amiga"
maxusers        16
options         TIMEZONE=-360, DST=0
options         FPSP            # MC68040 floating point support
options         "M68030"        # support for 030
options         FPCOPROC        # Support for MC6888[12] (Required)
options         SWAPPAGER       # Pager for processes (Required)
options         VNODEPAGER      # Pager for vnodes (Required)
options         DEVPAGER        # Pager for devices (Required)
options         INET            # IP networking support (Required)
options         QUOTA           # Disk quotas for local disks
options         NFSSERVER       # Network File System server side code
options         NFSCLIENT       # Network File System client side code
options         FFS             # Berkeley fast file system
options         MFS             # Memory based filesystem
options         PROCFS          # Process filesystem
options         KERNFS          # Kernel parameter filesystem (Recommended)
options         FDESC           # /dev/fd filesystem
options         NULLFS          # Loopback filesystem
options         FIFO            # FIFO operations on vnodes (Recommended)
options         ADOSFS          # AmigaDOS file system
options         "CD9660"        # ISO 9660 file system, with Rock Ridge
options MSDOSFS         # MS-DOS filesystem
options         "COMPAT_10"     # compatability with older NetBSD release
options         "COMPAT_09"     # compatability with older NetBSD release
options         "COMPAT_43"     # 4.3 BSD compatible system calls
options         COMPAT_SUNOS    # Support to run Sun (m68k) executables
options         "TCP_COMPAT_42" # Use 4.2 BSD style TCP
options         "COMPAT_NOMID"  # allow nonvalid machine id executables
options         SYSVSHM         # System V-like shared memory
options         SYSVMSG         # System V-like messages
options         SYSVSEM         # System V-like semaphores
options         LKM             # Loadable kernel modules
options         KTRACE          # Add kernel tracing system call
options         DIAGNOSTIC      # Add additional error checking code
options         "NKMEMCLUSTERS=256"     # Size of kernel malloc area
options         PANICWAIT       # Require keystroke to dump/reboot
options         DDB             # Kernel debugger
options         MACHINE_NONCONTIG # Non-contiguous memory support
options         GRF_ECS         # Enhanced Chip Set
options         GRF_NTSC        # NTSC
options         GRF_PAL         # PAL
options         "GRF_A2024"     # Support for the A2024
grfcc0          at mainbus0             # custom chips
grf0            at grfcc0
ite0            at grf0                 # terminal emulators for grf's
msc0            at zbus0                # A2232 MSC multiport serial.
ahsc0           at mainbus0             # A3000 scsi
scsibus*        at ahsc0
sd*     at scsibus? target ? lun ?      # scsi disks
st*     at scsibus? target ? lun ?      # scsi tapes
cd*     at scsibus? target ? lun ?      # scsi cd's
pseudo-device   sl                      # slip
pseudo-device   ppp                     # ppp
pseudo-device   view 10                 # views
pseudo-device   pty 16                  # pseudo terminals
pseudo-device   loop                    # network loopback
config  netbsd root on sd2 swap on sd0 and sd1
options         "SERIBUF_SIZE=16738"    # use a much larger serial input buffer
options         LEV6_DEFER              # use level6 interrupt remapper

Here's my netbsd-1.1 PPP options file:

connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/fh.chat -r /etc/ppp/chat.log"

Here's my netbsd-current kernel config file:

include "std.amiga"
maxusers        16
options         TIMEZONE=360, DST=1
options         "M68030"        # support for 030
options         "M68020"        # support for 020/851
options         FPCOPROC        # Support for MC6888[12] (Required)
options         SWAPPAGER       # Pager for processes (Required)
options         VNODEPAGER      # Pager for vnodes (Required)
options         DEVPAGER        # Pager for devices (Required)
options         INET            # IP networking support (Required)
options         PPP_BSDCOMP,PPP_DEFLATE # BSD compression for PPP
options         FFS             # Berkeley fast file system
options         QUOTA           # UFS quotas
options         MFS             # Memory based filesystem
options         NFSSERVER       # Network File System server side code
options         NFSCLIENT       # Network File System client side code
options         ADOSFS          # AmigaDOS file system
options         CD9660          # ISO 9660 + Rock Ridge file system
options         MSDOSFS         # MS-DOS file system
options         FDESC           # /dev/fd
options         FIFO            # FIFOs; RECOMMENDED
options         KERNFS          # /kern
options         NULLFS          # loopback file system
options         PROCFS          # /proc
options         UMAPFS          # NULLFS + uid and gid remapping
options         UNION           # union file system
options         "COMPAT_10"     # compatability with older NetBSD release
options         "COMPAT_09"     # compatability with older NetBSD release
options         "COMPAT_43"     # 4.3 BSD compatible system calls
options         COMPAT_SUNOS    # Support to run Sun (m68k) executables
options         "TCP_COMPAT_42" # Use 4.2 BSD style TCP
options         "COMPAT_NOMID"  # allow nonvalid machine id executables
options         SYSVSHM         # System V-like shared memory
options         SYSVMSG         # System V-like messages
options         SYSVSEM         # System V-like semaphores
options         UCONSOLE        # anyone can redirect a virtual console
options         LKM             # Loadable kernel modules
options         "NKMEMCLUSTERS=256"     # Size of kernel malloc area
options         DDB             # Kernel debugger
options         DIAGNOSTIC      # Add additional error checking code
options         KTRACE          # Add kernel tracing system call
options         MACHINE_NONCONTIG # Non-contiguous memory support
options         KBDRESET        # sync on Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga
options         "SERIBUF_SIZE=16380"
options         "SEROBUF_SIZE=32"
options         LEV6_DEFER      # defers l6 to l4 (below serial l5)
options         GRF_ECS         # Enhanced Chip Set
options         GRF_NTSC        # NTSC
options         GRF_PAL         # PAL
options         "GRF_A2024"     # Support for the A2024
grfcc0          at mainbus0             # custom chips
grf0            at grfcc0
ite0            at grf0                 # terminal emulators for grf's
msc0            at zbus0                # A2232 MSC multiport serial.
ahsc0           at mainbus0             # A3000 scsi
scsibus*        at ahsc0
sd*     at scsibus? target ? lun ?      # scsi disks
st*     at scsibus? target ? lun ?      # scsi tapes
cd*     at scsibus? target ? lun ?      # scsi cd's
pseudo-device   loop    1               # network loopback
pseudo-device   sl      1               # slip
pseudo-device   ppp     1               # ppp
pseudo-device   tun     1               # network tunnel line discipline
pseudo-device   bpfilter        4       # berkeley packet filters
pseudo-device   view    10              # views
pseudo-device   pty     16              # pseudo terminals
pseudo-device   vnd     4               # paging to files
config  netbsd root on sd2 swap on sd0 and sd1

My PPP options for netbsd-current:

mru 296
mtu 296
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/fh.chat -r /etc/ppp/chat.log"

 From billc  Fri May 31 17:08:30 1996
Return-Path: markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost
Received: from linteuto.teuto.de by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP 
id RAA03729 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Fri, 31 May 1996 17:05:37 
-0400 (EDT)
Received: from tiger.teuto.de by linteuto.teuto.de with cbsmtp
        (Smail3.1.29.1 #5) id m0uPbJk-000k3wC; Fri, 31 May 96 23:01 MET DST
Received: by tiger.teuto.de (UMSRFC 0.7);
        Fri, 31 May 1996 22:54:24 +0100
To: "Neil Brendan Clark" <nbc%vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk@localhost>,
         "port-amiga" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
In-Reply-To: <199605302302.AAA13692%vulture.dmem.strath.ac.uk@localhost>
From: "Markus Illenseer" <markus%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 22:24:04 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: FVWM Problem 
Message-ID: <68248428%tiger.teuto.de@localhost>
Organization: The plains of passage

Neil Brendan Clark wrote:
> I was the porter of version "c" of the fvwm95 on Regensburg, and have
> already heard of someone having problems with a missing libXpm.so.4.6.
> However, I have tracked down the problem - it would appear that I
> obtained this library from one of the files in the contrib directory of
> regensburg;

 I suggest to update the whole thing.  libXpm 4.7 is up to date.  Compile
fvwm with this lib, and upload both, using EasyInstall :-)

Markus Illenseer

 From billc  Sat Jun  1 14:45:43 1996
Return-Path: cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost
Received: from cs4.lamar.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
OAA10055 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sat, 1 Jun 1996 14:42:00 -0400 
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        id AA04385; Sat, 1 Jun 1996 13:46:35 -0500
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 13:46:35 -0500 (CDT)
From: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: grfconfig
Message-Id: <Pine.ULT.3.91.960601134224.4354B-100000%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Yesterday, I installed my new Cybervision on A4000. I recompiled the 
kernel with CVconsole support, and everything worked very fine. However, 
the kernel does not read the grf mode in /etc/grfmodes that every time 
before I startup X session, I have to mannually type in grfconfig 
/dev/grf5 /etc/grfmodes to inform the available modes. Is there any way I 
can fix that?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


 From billc  Sat Jun  1 20:05:52 1996
Return-Path: di4ped%cse.hks.se@localhost
Received: from f_utbserv.cse.hks.se by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with 
ESMTP id TAA11990 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sat, 1 Jun 1996 
19:57:18 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from worf.cse (worf.cse.hks.se []) by 
f_utbserv.cse.hks.se (8.7.3/8.7.3) with SMTP id CAA22025 for 
<port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 02:01:03 +0200
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        id BAA13611; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 01:58:48 +0200
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 01:58:48 +0200
From: di4ped%cse.hks.se@localhost (Stefan Pedersen)
Message-Id: <199606012358.BAA13611%worf.cse@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Re: FVWM Problem

You really should get a recent version of the xpmlib as there is *lots*
of really nice programs that use it. As I remember (haven't been using my
amiga for a while) it's a really clean compile.
Fvwm is a bit harder but what is causing the most trouble is that the
install part of the make file isn't correct as far as netbsd is concerned.
I ended up installing it by hand.
(btw don't forget to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env.var. if you are upgrading
your libs)


 From billc  Sun Jun  2 11:27:16 1996
Return-Path: rob-healey%norstar.com@localhost
Received: from riverside.mr.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP 
id LAA19354 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 11:22:47 
-0400 (EDT)
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        id KAA22115; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 10:22:45 -0500 (CDT)
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 10:22:42 -0500 (CDT)
From: Rob Healey <rob-healey%norstar.com@localhost>
Sender: rhealey%altair.helios.mn.org@localhost
Reply-To: Rob Healey <rob-healey%norstar.com@localhost>
Subject: Adding tty_attach() to Amiga tty drivers
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Message-ID: <ML-2.3.833728962.6838.rhealey%altair.helios.mn.org@localhost>
MIME-Version: 1.0

Looks like someone FINALLY solved the pstat -t problem! Part of the solution
appears to be to add tty_attach() calls in the serial drivers. Is anybody
doing this for the Amiga drivers yet?


 From billc  Sun Jun  2 14:07:27 1996
Return-Path: cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost
Received: from cs4.lamar.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
OAA21113 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 14:06:32 -0400 
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        id AA09818; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 13:11:09 -0500
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 13:11:08 -0500 (CDT)
From: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: gnu binutils and etc
Message-Id: <Pine.ULT.3.91.960602125846.9754A-100000%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi, everyone.

I am trying to compile xview on NetBSD Amiga port (binary olwm on ftp 
does not fit my suit). Since the Porting document coming with xview souce 
distribution states PIC flag, I use gnu C 2.7.2 with -fpic -Wa,-k to 
build the packages. The compiling stage is fine until it comes to link 
stage to make an executable file. The ld complains: no reference to 
__DYNAMIC. I don't know where the symbol comes from and the default ld 
does not permiy me to track down the error. Thus I try to build newer gnu 
binutils-2.6 distribution. The gnu binutils-2.6 builds fine until it 
tries to use new ranlib to make lib. It says: libiberty.a is not an 
archive. I tried the old ranlib which came with NetBSD1.1 and it worked 
fine. What is wrong in gnu binutils-2.6? Is this a bug or simply this 
distribution does not support NetBSD-Amiga? Has anyone try to build this 

Any help is greatly appreciated.


 From billc  Sun Jun  2 18:47:22 1996
Return-Path: rhealey%MR.Net@localhost
Received: from riverside.mr.net by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with ESMTP 
id SAA22722 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 18:27:18 
-0400 (EDT)
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        id RAA00449; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 17:27:17 -0500 (CDT)
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for port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 17:27:14 -0500 (CDT)
From: Rob Healey <rhealey%MR.Net@localhost>
Message-Id: <199606022227.RAA01842%defiant.mr.net@localhost>
Subject: Added tty_attach() call to Amiga serial; seems to work
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 17:27:14 -0500 (CDT)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24 ME7a]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

        I was able to add tty_attach(tp) on the line after ttymalloc()
        in all the Amiga serial drivers and it seemed to make pstat -t
        work OK. Exception was the MSC driver where only the active ports
        were seen but msc needs to be updated to Jukka's last tweeks and
        then restructured like all the other multiport drivers; on my
        infinite list of things to do...

        Anyways, if any of the port Gods wish to add the tty_attach() stuff
        so pstat -t will work it appears to be OK to do so with a 2 June sup
        or later.

        Now that the floppy does MSDOG format how long before screenblank
        gets added to the ite's other than Retina and is anybody got the
        audio driver up to 1.2 rev?

 From billc  Sun Jun  2 19:27:45 1996
Return-Path: cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost
Received: from cs4.lamar.edu by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
TAA24599 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 19:23:50 -0400 
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        id AA12655; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 18:28:26 -0500
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 18:28:25 -0500 (CDT)
From: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: gnu binutils-2.6
Message-Id: <Pine.ULT.3.91.960602182220.12567A-100000%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi, everybody

Has anybody tried out gnu binutils-2.6 packages? The package seems to 
ecognize m68k-cbm-netbsd1.1 combination and compiles successfully. 
However, the new as, which relies on BFD library, can't output the 
correct object file. Under m68k, BFD can output ELF, COFF, binary, and 
etc and NetBSD-Amiga use binary format to be its object format. How can I 
configure as to output this format?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


 From billc  Sun Jun  2 20:27:46 1996
Return-Path: k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost
Received: from cs.tut.fi by pain.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.4/8.6.12) with SMTP id 
UAA28342 for <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>; Sun, 2 Jun 1996 20:08:10 -0400 
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[]) by cs.tut.fi (8.6.12/8.6.4) with ESMTP id DAA13930; Mon, 3 Jun 
1996 03:08:05 +0300
From: Kortelainen Mika <k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost>
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Mon, 3 Jun 1996 03:08:04 +0300
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Subject: Re: Hardware problems?
To: k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost (Kortelainen Mika)
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 03:08:04 +0300 (EET DST)
Cc: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
In-Reply-To: <199605302040.XAA12630%korppi.cs.tut.fi@localhost> from 
"Kortelainen Mika" at May 30, 96 11:40:00 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Content-Type: text

Still those problems exist, I installed new binaries and libraries
etc from regensburg (1.2_ALPHA) but no change (one little chance
is that my kernel has some faults, because I wasn't able to get
the supplied kernel work... but I'll try to make a new kernel with
these new binaries).

Also I wrote down what kernel debugger recently told me, just in case
it could help someone make a guess (or why not to say the exact reason ;-)

<----------------- clip-clip -------------------------->
vm_fault(0x130000, 9f96000, 1, 0) -> 1
  type 8, code=505, v=9f96c40

db> trace
_trapmmufault(8,505,9f96c40,1fe1db4,5d9500) + 26c
_trap(8,505,9f96c40) + 2c2
_trapmmufault(88,5e2,8058d18,1fe1f80,5d9500) + 12a
_trap(8,5e2,8058d18) + 2c2
_addrerr() + f4
<----------------- clip-clip ---------------------->

Oh, most of those lines had some numbers after them but I was lazy and
wrote down only some of them... I have 32MB of memory on my Warp Engine
and it's in 0x08000000-0x09ffffff, so those addresses above seem to
be in real memory.  But how come ADOS has no problems using this
memory (I have run several memory check programs and they don't see
any problems)?  I know ADOS doesn't use MMU, but as I also use Enforcer
all the time, I think it should be working, too (but perhaps Enforcer
doesn't use 68040's MMU as much as NetBSD does?).

And to be sure it's not some strange bad connection, I removed Warp
Engine and also those two SIMM's from it and then put them together
and back to my A3000.  Although this all seems to be rather pointless:
if there were real hardware problems I don't believe ADOS could magically
survive it...

Currently I have commented out swapon-line from /etc/rc to make the
number of SCSI devices (and SCSI bus activity) down to minimum, but
it don't seem to change anything (and if the problem is connected to MMU or
such this is quite obvious)... I hope this isn't a problem, i.e. if
NetBSD runs out of memory, it will survive and not panic?  And I guess
32MB is enough for building kernel and libraries (on console).
Anyway, earlier I had swap device configured, so this isn't the original
problem source.

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Sun Jun  2 23:07:41 1996
Return-Path: rdhami%uvaix3e1.comp.UVic.CA@localhost
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2 Jun 1996 19:54:21 -0700
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 19:54:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: R T DHAMI <rdhami%UVic.CA@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Change console modes...
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Can someone please tell me how to change graphics modes for the console?
I'm sick of looking at the grey interlaced screen.  I have an ECS A2000.


/  Rick Dhami
   Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science
   University of Victoria
   Victoria, BC, Canada

                     Web Page:  http://gulf.uvic.ca/~rdhami               /

 From billc  Mon Jun  3 04:08:40 1996
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IAA07545 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 3 Jun 1996 08:52:50 +0100
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 08:52:48 +0100 (BST)
From: LA GUEST <L.A.Guest%comp.brad.ac.uk@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: Gnat.
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Is it possible to get a precompiled Gnat (Ada) compiler or at least 
recompile it myself over summer?

If I need to recompile it - could you give me some pointers on making a 
cross compiler on the Ade/GCC port to produce code for the NetBSD-Amiga/GCC?
Or something similar...

If I can get precompiled binaries, can someone point me in the right 


"Rub yourself up with deep-heat      |      The Intel-Outside page
 and stand next to a radiator!"      |  http://www.brad.ac.uk/~laguest
                             Ah! The asian child...

 From billc  Mon Jun  3 12:10:00 1996
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12:00:24 -0400 (EDT)
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RAA14740 for <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>; Mon, 3 Jun 1996 17:00:08 +0100
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 17:00:03 +0100 (BST)
From: LA GUEST <L.A.Guest%comp.brad.ac.uk@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Cross compiling for netbsd-Amiga
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Has anyone here compiled the Gnat Ada compiler for NetBSD-Amiga?

If someone here does not have the Gnat Ada compiler, would it be possible 
to get the source and cross-compile it under GCC-Amiga for NetBSD-Amiga?
If so, what would need to be done?

All Thanks.

"Rub yourself up with deep-heat      |      The Intel-Outside page
 and stand next to a radiator!"      |  http://www.brad.ac.uk/~laguest
                             Ah! The asian child...

 From billc  Mon Jun  3 15:10:04 1996
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Subject: Re: Hardware problems?
To: k125374%cs.tut.fi@localhost (Kortelainen Mika)
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 22:02:28 +0300 (EET DST)
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Content-Type: text

One final question regarding compiler options: is -m68040 -m68881
supposed to work when making kernels?  The default makefile uses
-m68020 -msoft-float (or something like that) and I changed them
to get faster code...  could it be so that compiler optimizes
code and makes something fail in the initialization of Warp Engine
(eg. schedules instructions in to bad order)?  I don't remember
right now if optimization is used when making kernel so perhaps
this doesn't matter (I'm rather sure I haven't put -O flags in
kernel makefile).

As the next test I'll try to move everything on to one harddrive
and remove all the other SCSI devices (and also a shorter cable
with just two connectors)... the previous crash was apparently
caused by some disk problem because trace showed functions starting
with _ufs and _ffs.

        Mika Kortelainen

 From billc  Mon Jun  3 16:48:33 1996
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Mon, 3 Jun 1996 16:40:04 -0400 (EDT)
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From: Garth Corral <garthc%compass-da.com@localhost>
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To: Port Amiga <port-amiga%NETBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: Mouse pointer probs W/Xamiga24 & Retina ZIII
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    I've recently installed X on my A3000/A3640 and am having a problem 
with Xamiga24 and my Retina ZIII.  I know I've seen this go by on one of 
the lists but I cant remember which one.

    The install went fine and I can bring X up using xdm in a beautifull 
1152x910 mode.  The problem is that while the mouse pointer moves fine 
horizontally, it move in huge increments vertically (about 512 pixels ??).
Is there anything I need to do WRT kernel configuration to fix this?
I seem to vaugely remember a problem with '040s and the Retina ZIII.

    Also, on a semi-related note.  Is there a way to specify the virtual 
screen size with grfconfig or do I have to do this by editing grf_rh.c?

Thanks in advance,

 From billc  Mon Jun  3 18:32:46 1996
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From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
To: Amiga NetBSD <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: Where to find "How To"'s?
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I'm currently fighting with a couple of things while trying to install
NetBSD, and I would like to look at some of the "How To" files, but I
can't seem to find them.  Could someone tell me where to grab them?

                             Amiga 1200 running AmigaOS3.0, NetBSD1.0
Matt Harrell                 CSA 12 Gauge 030/882RC@50MHz/SCSI
Lansing, MI, U.S.A.          2MB chip/18MB fast RAM
mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost       240MB IDE hard disk, 4X CD-ROM
                             1.28GB SCSI disk, SyquestEZ135S

 From billc  Mon Jun  3 23:27:30 1996
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Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 22:29:14 -0500 (CDT)
From: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: UNIX lib
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Hi, everybody

In /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, there are numerous libraries there. I 
understand that lib*.as are for interfaces not supporting shared objects, 
lib*.so.*.*s are for shared objects. Can anybody point me which library 
is for which functions. Libraries with very obvious names can be easily 
unstood, while some are not so easy. For netework interface, which is the 
proper library? libtelnet? 

Thanks in advance.


 From billc  Tue Jun  4 05:29:05 1996
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Message-Id: <22a7db51.u9t23e.a1222-is%beverly.rhein.de@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: GRFIOCBLANK polarity.
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 96 11:13:26 
Organization: private site

Dear Xserver/screenblanker writers...

on the GRFIOCBLANK ioctl, please only use:

to switch the video signal on:          GRFIOCBLANK_LIVE (= 1)
to switch the video signal off:         GRFIOCBLANK_DARK (= 0)

No, I couldn't leave it the other way as some of you would prefer from a
name giving viewpoint, because it turned out that not only the
screenblank program (which used just FBIOCSVIDEO, so that I could just
change its translation to GRFIOCBLANK in grf.c) but also Xcv use it
already the other way.

        Ignatios Souvatzis
        Ignatios Souvatzis

 From billc  Tue Jun  4 09:30:49 1996
Return-Path: L.A.Guest%comp.brad.ac.uk@localhost
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OAA26428 for <port-amiga%NETBSD.ORG@localhost>; Tue, 4 Jun 1996 14:09:25 +0100
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 14:09:20 +0100 (BST)
From: LA GUEST <L.A.Guest%comp.brad.ac.uk@localhost>
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Could someone help me out here?
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Hello everyone,

I have just downloaded what I think is all I need to set up NetBSD-Amiga.
I have attached a directory of all of the archives I have. Could someon 
please look through and tell me if I have any files missing or whether I 
have any that I do not need?

All Thanks

"Rub yourself up with deep-heat      |      The Intel-Outside page
 and stand next to a radiator!"      |  http://www.brad.ac.uk/~laguest
                             Ah! The asian child...

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 From billc  Tue Jun  4 14:51:38 1996
Return-Path: thorpej%lestat.nas.nasa.gov@localhost
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To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: ed0 problems?
Reply-To: Jason Thorpe <thorpej%nas.nasa.gov@localhost>
From: Jason Thorpe <thorpej%nas.nasa.gov@localhost>
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 1996 11:27:25 -0700
Sender: thorpej%nas.nasa.gov@localhost

I remember someone posting about a problem they were having with ed0 
(was it David Jones?)...

The problem was something along the lines of "it calls itself `0' not, 
not `ed0'"...

Anyhow, on a friend's Amiga 3000 with an ASDG LanRover, I'm not able to 
reproduce the problem:

NetBSD 1.2_ALPHA (COREDUMP) #0: Mon Jun  3 20:21:47 PDT 1996
Amiga 3000 (m68030 CPU/MMU m68882 FPU)
real  mem = 8388608 (1024 pages)
avail mem = 6643712 (811 pages)
using 64 buffers containing 524288 bytes of memory
memory segment 0 at 7800000 size 800000
memory segment 1 at 0 size 200000
mainbus0 (root)
clock0 at mainbus0: CIA B system hz 100 hardware hz 715909
ser0 at mainbus0: input fifo 4096 output fifo 32
par0 at mainbus0
kbd0 at mainbus0: CIA A type Amiga
ms0 at mainbus0
ms1 at mainbus0
grfcc0 at mainbus0
grf0 at grfcc0: width 640 height 400 colors 4
ite0 at grf0: rows 50 cols 79 repeat at (30/100)s next at (10/100)s has 
fdc0 at mainbus0: dmabuf pa 0x1e30c0: dmabuf ka 0x2ddf0c0
fd0 at fdc0 unit 0: 3.5dd 80 cyl, 2 head, 11 sec [9 sec], 512 bytes/sec
zbus0 at mainbus0
ed0 at zbus0 rom 0xe90000 man/pro 1023/254: address 00:c0:fc:00:03:f1
ahsc0 at mainbus0
scsibus0 at ahsc0
ahsc0: target 0 now synchronous, period=208ns, offset=12.
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: <MAXTOR, MXT-540SL, J1.5> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd0: 521MB, 2234 cyl, 7 head, 68 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ahsc0: target 1 now synchronous, period=208ns, offset=12.
sd1 at scsibus0 targ 1 lun 0: <MAXTOR, MXT-540SL, J1.5> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd1: 521MB, 2234 cyl, 7 head, 68 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ahsc0: target 4 now synchronous, period=224ns, offset=12.
sd2 at scsibus0 targ 4 lun 0: <FUJITSU, M2909S-512, 0134> SCSI2 0/direct 
sd2: 2956MB, 3138 cyl, 19 head, 101 sec, 512 bytes/sec
ed0: NIC memory corrupt - invalid packet length 65442
ed0: reset
10 views configured

coredump (thorpej) /u1/thorpej 12% netstat -i
Name  Mtu   Network     Address              Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs  Coll
ed0   1500  <Link>      0.c0.fc.0.3.f1        2562     1      452     0     1
ed0   1500  129.99.50   coredump              2562     1      452     0     1
lo0   32768 <Link>                              24     0       24     0     0
lo0   32768 127         localhost               24     0       24     0     0
ppp0* 1500  <Link>                               0     0        0     0     0

Note, the only botch I see with ed0 is the initial "NIC memory corrupt", 
which is something I've observed ever since adding support for the ASDG 
cards in 1.0A... (I guess the "NIC memory corrupt" problem comes from not 
resetting the card properly in edattach(), thus causing a suprious 
recieve interrupt to happen as soon as interrupts are enabled ... with 
garbage sitting in the card's memory...it seems harmless, just annoying.)

If someone can verify that the `0' problem is still there, please get in 
touch with me ASAP so we can get it fixed.

----save the ancient forests - http://www.bayarea.net/~thorpej/forest/----
Jason R. Thorpe                                       
NASA Ames Research Center                               Home: 408.866.1912
NAS: M/S 258-6                                          Work: 415.604.0935
Moffett Field, CA 94035                                Pager: 415.428.6939

 From billc  Tue Jun  4 23:29:28 1996
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23:15:38 -0400 (EDT)
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Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 23:15:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: Matt Harrell <mharrell%sojourn1.sojourn.com@localhost>
To: Amiga NetBSD <port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost>
Subject: SCSI disklabel problems
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        I'm about to start ripping my hair out now.  I have installed
NetBSD/Amiga 1.0 on my internal hard disk in my A1200.  I tried to install
v1.1, but it would always hang during the installation right after
properly recognizing all of my hardware (including the external SCSI
stuff)--see my .signature below.  So, I have NetBSD/Amiga 1.0 up and
running, but I want to move BSD onto my external hard disk (along with two
ADOS partitions, for now). I have created what I believe to be the proper
/etc/disktab file entries for my SyQuest EZ135 and the Quantum Fireball
hard disk.  However, when I issue the "disklabel -w -r sd1 quant1" 
command, it comes back with "sd1: no rdb found", and then hangs forever. I
can get my prompt back by turning the sd1 disk off, but of course, no
label was written to the disk.  However, the kernel's copy of the
disklabel is then correct (it wasn't complete before).  This matters not,
though; if I try a newfs command, the system again locks up. 
        I have switched all cables, the terminator, and have made certain
that the Quantum disk and the CD-ROM (both are internal devices mounted in
an expansion bay) have their terminating resisters/jumpers off.  Also, I
have singled out each SCSI device, disconnecting the others, with the same
results.  So, it doesn't seem likely that it's a hardware problem, unless
it's in the SCSI controller itself (or the cable that goes from the
controller to the back of the A1200).  
        I've tried everything that I can think of, and am at a dead end. 
Anyone have any suggestions?  Maybe a look at someone's /etc/disktab file
would be useful, especially if there is a disk with both 4.2BSD and ADOS
filesystems on it.  HELP!!!

                             Amiga 1200 running AmigaOS3.0, NetBSD1.0
Matt Harrell                 CSA 12 Gauge 030/882RC@50MHz/SCSI
Lansing, MI, U.S.A.          2MB chip/18MB fast RAM
mharrell%sojourn.com@localhost       240MB IDE hard disk, 4X CD-ROM
                             1.28GB SCSI disk, SyquestEZ135S

 From billc  Wed Jun  5 10:47:04 1996
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-0400 (EDT)
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Date: Wed, 5 Jun 96 14:44 GMT
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
From: 084653292-0001%btxgate.de@localhost (Anton Eckerle)
Subject: XCept,XBtx,CdWrite

koenntet ihr mir mitteilen,ob und wo es  
folgende Programme XCept,XBtx und       
CdWrite die es fuer Linux gibt auch fuer  
NetBSD-Amiga gibt

Anton Eckerle
Alte Hauptstr. 14
D-85110 Kipfenberg
DxJ-Nr: 084653292-   1
Telefon-Nr: 084653292
05.06.96 16:42:57

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 From billc  Wed Jun  5 18:00:25 1996
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 From billc  Wed Jun  5 18:08:18 1996
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 From billc  Thu Jun  6 08:08:54 1996
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Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 12:56:34 +0100 (BST)
From: "Oldin' McGroin" <L.A.Guest%comp.brad.ac.uk@localhost>
To: port-amiga%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
Subject: compilers...
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Could anyone tell me which version of the GNU compilers are included with 
the NetBSD-Amiga distribution? Also, so I need any other files, i.e. 
libg++, etc.


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                             Ah! The asian child...
          Whats your nightmare? Being inbetween Steph and Begbie!!!

 From billc  Thu Jun  6 17:40:41 1996
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Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 16:41:39 -0500 (CDT)
From: YU SONG <cs_yus%cs4.lamar.edu@localhost>
To: "Oldin' McGroin" <L.A.Guest%comp.brad.ac.uk@localhost>
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Subject: Re: compilers...
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On Thu, 6 Jun 1996, Oldin' McGroin wrote:

> Could anyone tell me which version of the GNU compilers are included with 
> the NetBSD-Amiga distribution? Also, so I need any other files, i.e. 
> libg++, etc.
The NetBSD 1.1 comes default with gcc 2.4.5, as 1.9.3 ( I am not very 
sure of as) the libg++ and libobjc are included as well. You can build 
gcc 2.7.2 and libg++ 2.6 by yourself or dowload binary gcc 2.7.2 and 
libg++ 2.6 from ftp site. gnu binutils 2.5 which includes various 
development tools, like as, ar, ranlib and etc source does not compile 
correctly under current BSD system which us a.out as binary format ( I 
might be wrong about that, I tried compiling binutils 2.5, it recognizes 
COFF and ELF, not a.out format. Did I set something wrong?).


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